From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 03:37:21 +0000 (+0200)
Subject: More documentation and re-styling of code.
X-Git-Tag: tce~1135

More documentation and re-styling of code.

diff --git a/src/map_object_actions.c b/src/map_object_actions.c
index c9bdea3..f766715 100644
--- a/src/map_object_actions.c
+++ b/src/map_object_actions.c
@@ -1,89 +1,150 @@
+/* map_object_actions.c */
 #include "map_object_actions.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "yx_uint16.h"
-#include "misc.h"
-#include "map.h"
-#include "main.h"
-#include "map_objects.h"
+#include <stdlib.h> /* for malloc(), calloc(), free() */
+#include "yx_uint16.h" /* for yx_uint16 struct, mv_yx_in_dir(), yx_uint16_cmp */
+#include "misc.h" /* for rrand(), update_log(), turn_over()*/
+#include "map.h" /* for Map struct */
+#include "main.h" /* for World struct */
+#include "map_objects.h" /* for map object (definition) structs */
+extern void move_monster(struct World * world, struct Monster * monster)
+    char d = rrand(0, 0) % 5;
+    struct yx_uint16 t = mv_yx_in_dir(d, monster->map_obj.pos);
+    char * msg = malloc(100);
+    struct MapObjDef * mod = get_map_obj_def(world, monster->map_obj.type);
+    char * desc = mod->desc;
+    char * desc_other;
+    if (yx_uint16_cmp(t, world->player->pos))
+    {
+        sprintf(msg, "\nThe %s hits you.", desc);
+        update_log(world, msg);
+        world->player->hitpoints--;
+        if (0 == world->player->hitpoints)
+        {
+            update_log(world, "\nYou are dead.");
+        }
+        return;
+    }
+    struct Monster * other_monster;
+    for (other_monster = world->monster;
+         other_monster != 0;
+         other_monster = other_monster->
+    {
+        if (other_monster == monster)
+        {
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (yx_uint16_cmp(t, other_monster->map_obj.pos))
+        {
+            mod = get_map_obj_def(world, monster->map_obj.type);
+            desc_other = mod->desc;
+            sprintf(msg, "\n%s bumps into %s.", desc, desc_other);
+            update_log(world, msg);
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    free(msg);
+    if (is_passable(world->map, t))
+    {
+        monster->map_obj.pos = t;
+    }
+extern void move_player (struct World * world, enum dir d)
+    struct yx_uint16 t = mv_yx_in_dir(d, world->player->pos);
+    struct Monster * monster;
+    struct MapObjDef * mod;
+    char * msg = calloc(100, sizeof(char));
+    char * desc;
+    for (monster = world->monster;
+         monster != 0;
+         monster = monster->
+    {
+        if (yx_uint16_cmp(t, monster->map_obj.pos))
+        {
+            mod = get_map_obj_def(world, monster->map_obj.type);
+            desc = mod->desc;
+            sprintf(msg, "\nYou hit the %s.", desc);
+            update_log(world, msg);
+            monster->hitpoints--;
+            if (0 == monster->hitpoints)
+            {
+                sprintf(msg, "\nYou kill the %s.", desc);
+                update_log(world, msg);
+                if (world->monster == monster)
+                {
+                    world->monster = world->monster->;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    struct Monster * m_prev;
+                    for (m_prev = world->monster;
+                         m_prev-> != monster;
+                         m_prev = m_prev->;
+                    m_prev-> = monster->;
+                }
+                free(monster);
+            }
+            turn_over(world, d);
+            return;
+          }
+      }
+      char * msg_content = "You fail to move";
+      char * dir;
+      if      (NORTH == d)
+      {
+          dir = "north";
+      }
+      else if (EAST  == d)
+      {
+          dir = "east" ;
+      }
+      else if (SOUTH == d)
+      {
+          dir = "south";
+      }
+      else if (WEST  == d)
+      {
+          dir = "west" ;
+      }
+      if (is_passable(world->map, t))
+      {
+          msg_content = "You move";
+          world->player->pos = t;
+      }
+      sprintf(msg, "\n%s %s.", msg_content, dir);
+      update_log(world, msg);
+      free(msg);
+      turn_over(world, d);
+extern void player_wait (struct World * world)
+    update_log(world, "\nYou wait.");
+    turn_over(world, 0);
-extern char is_passable (struct Map * map, struct yx_uint16 pos) {
-// Check if coordinate on (or beyond) map is accessible to actor movement.
-  char passable = 0;
-  if (0 <= pos.x && pos.x < map->size.x && 0 <= pos.y && pos.y < map->size.y)
-    if ('.' == map->cells[pos.y * map->size.x + pos.x])
-      passable = 1;
-  return passable; }
-extern void move_monster (struct World * world, struct Monster * monster) {
-// Move monster in random direction, trigger fighting when hindered by player/monster.
-  char d = rrand(0, 0) % 5;
-  struct yx_uint16 t = mv_yx_in_dir (d, monster->map_obj.pos);
-  char * msg = malloc(100);
-  struct MapObjDef * mod = get_map_obj_def (world, monster->map_obj.type);
-  char * desc = mod->desc;
-  char * desc_other;
-  if (yx_uint16_cmp (t, world->player->pos)) {
-    sprintf(msg, "\nThe %s hits you.", desc);
-    update_log (world, msg);
-    world->player->hitpoints--;
-    if (0 == world->player->hitpoints)
-      update_log (world, "\nYou are dead.");
-    return; }
-  struct Monster * other_monster;
-  for (other_monster = world->monster; other_monster != 0; other_monster = other_monster-> {
-    if (other_monster == monster)
-      continue;
-    if (yx_uint16_cmp (t, other_monster->map_obj.pos)) {
-      mod = get_map_obj_def (world, monster->map_obj.type);
-      desc_other = mod->desc;
-      sprintf(msg, "\n%s bumps into %s.", desc, desc_other);
-      update_log (world, msg);
-      return; } }
-  free (msg);
-  if (is_passable(world->map, t))
-    monster->map_obj.pos = t; }
-extern void move_player (struct World * world, enum dir d) {
-// Move player in direction d, update log and turn over to the enemy.
-  struct yx_uint16 t = mv_yx_in_dir (d, world->player->pos);
-  struct Monster * monster;
-  struct MapObjDef * mod;
-  char * msg = calloc(100, sizeof(char));
-  char * desc;
-  for (monster = world->monster; monster != 0; monster = monster->
-    if (yx_uint16_cmp (t, monster->map_obj.pos)) {
-      mod = get_map_obj_def (world, monster->map_obj.type);
-      desc = mod->desc;
-      sprintf (msg, "\nYou hit the %s.", desc);
-      update_log (world, msg);
-      monster->hitpoints--;
-      if (0 == monster->hitpoints) {
-        sprintf (msg, "\nYou kill the %s.", desc);
-        update_log (world, msg);
-        if (world->monster == monster)
-          world->monster = world->monster->;
-        else {
-          struct Monster * m_prev;
-          for (m_prev = world->monster; m_prev-> != monster; m_prev = m_prev->;
-          m_prev-> = monster->; }
-        free(monster); }
-      turn_over (world, d);
-      return; }
-  char * msg_content = "You fail to move";
-  char * dir;
-  if      (NORTH == d) dir = "north";
-  else if (EAST  == d) dir = "east" ;
-  else if (SOUTH == d) dir = "south";
-  else if (WEST  == d) dir = "west" ;
-  if (is_passable(world->map, t)) {
-    msg_content = "You move";
-    world->player->pos = t; }
-  sprintf(msg, "\n%s %s.", msg_content, dir);
-  update_log (world, msg);
-  free(msg);
-  turn_over (world, d); }
+extern char is_passable (struct Map * map, struct yx_uint16 pos)
+    char passable = 0;
+    if (0 <= pos.x && pos.x < map->size.x && 0 <= pos.y && pos.y < map->size.y)
+    {
+        if ('.' == map->cells[pos.y * map->size.x + pos.x])
+        {
+            passable = 1;
+        }
+    }
+    return passable;
-extern void player_wait (struct World * world) {
-// Make player wait one turn.
-  update_log (world, "\nYou wait.");
-  turn_over (world, 0); }
diff --git a/src/map_object_actions.h b/src/map_object_actions.h
index 2202b27..2edc172 100644
--- a/src/map_object_actions.h
+++ b/src/map_object_actions.h
@@ -1,15 +1,49 @@
+/* map_object_actions.h
+ *
+ * Routines for the actions available to map objects.
+ */
-#include "yx_uint16.h"
+#include "yx_uint16.h" /* for yx_uint16 coordinates */
 struct World;
 struct Map;
 struct Monster;
-extern char is_passable (struct Map *, struct yx_uint16);
-extern void move_monster (struct World *, struct Monster *);
-extern void move_player (struct World *, enum dir);
-extern void player_wait(struct World *);
+/* Try to move "monster" in random direction. On contact with other monster,
+ * only bump. On contact with player, fight / reduce player's hitpoints,
+ * and thereby potentially trigger the player's death. Update the log for any
+ * contact action.
+ */
+extern void move_monster(struct World * world, struct Monster * monster);
+/* Try to move player in direction "d". On contact with monster, fight / reduce
+ * monster's hitpoints, and thereby potentially trigger the monster's death.
+ * Update the log on whatever the player did and turn control over to the enemy.
+ */
+extern void move_player (struct World * world, enum dir d);
+/* Make player wait one turn, i.e. only update_log with a "you wait" message
+ * and turn control over to the enemy.
+ */
+extern void player_wait(struct World * world);
+/* Check if coordinate pos on (or beyond) map is accessible to map object
+ * movement.
+ */
+extern char is_passable (struct Map * map, struct yx_uint16 pos);
diff --git a/src/map_objects.h b/src/map_objects.h
index ebda314..d598514 100644
--- a/src/map_objects.h
+++ b/src/map_objects.h
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ struct World;
 /* Player is non-standard: single and of a hard-coded type. */
 struct Player
     struct yx_uint16 pos;
@@ -119,4 +118,6 @@ extern void read_map_objects_monsterdata( void * start, FILE * file);
 /* Get pointer to the map object definition of identifier "def_id". */
 extern struct MapObjDef * get_map_obj_def(struct World * world, char def_id);