+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-import curses
-import socket
-import threading
-from plomrogue.parser import ArgError, Parser
-from plomrogue.commands import cmd_MAP, cmd_THING_TYPE, cmd_THING_POS
-from plomrogue.game import Game, WorldBase, ThingBase
-from plomrogue.mapping import MapBase
-from plomrogue.io import PlomSocket
-import types
-class Map(MapBase):
- def y_cut(self, map_lines, center_y, view_height):
- map_height = len(map_lines)
- if map_height > view_height and center_y > view_height / 2:
- if center_y > map_height - view_height / 2:
- map_lines[:] = map_lines[map_height - view_height:]
- else:
- start = center_y - int(view_height / 2) - 1
- map_lines[:] = map_lines[start:start + view_height]
- def x_cut(self, map_lines, center_x, view_width, map_width):
- if map_width > view_width and center_x > view_width / 2:
- if center_x > map_width - view_width / 2:
- cut_start = map_width - view_width
- cut_end = None
- else:
- cut_start = center_x - int(view_width / 2)
- cut_end = cut_start + view_width
- map_lines[:] = [line[cut_start:cut_end] for line in map_lines]
- def format_to_view(self, map_string, center, size):
- def map_string_to_lines(map_string):
- map_view_chars = ['0']
- x = 0
- y = 0
- for c in map_string:
- map_view_chars += [c, ' ']
- x += 1
- if x == self.size[1]:
- map_view_chars += ['\n']
- x = 0
- y += 1
- if y % 2 == 0:
- map_view_chars += ['0']
- if y % 2 == 0:
- map_view_chars = map_view_chars[:-1]
- map_view_chars = map_view_chars[:-1]
- return ''.join(map_view_chars).split('\n')
- map_lines = map_string_to_lines(map_string)
- self.y_cut(map_lines, center[0], size[0])
- map_width = self.size[1] * 2 + 1
- self.x_cut(map_lines, center[1] * 2, size[1], map_width)
- return map_lines
-class World(WorldBase):
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """Extend original with local classes and empty default map.
- We need the empty default map because we draw the map widget
- on any update, even before we actually receive map data.
- """
- super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.map_ = Map()
- self.player_position = (0, 0)
- def new_map(self, yx):
- self.map_ = Map(yx)
-def cmd_LAST_PLAYER_TASK_RESULT(self, msg):
- if msg != "success":
- self.log(msg)
-cmd_LAST_PLAYER_TASK_RESULT.argtypes = 'string'
-def cmd_TURN_FINISHED(self, n):
- """Do nothing. (This may be extended later.)"""
- pass
-cmd_TURN_FINISHED.argtypes = 'int:nonneg'
-def cmd_TURN(self, n):
- """Set self.turn to n, empty self.things."""
- self.world.turn = n
- self.world.things = []
- self.to_update['turn'] = False
- self.to_update['map'] = False
-cmd_TURN.argtypes = 'int:nonneg'
-def cmd_VISIBLE_MAP_LINE(self, y, terrain_line):
- self.world.map_.set_line(y, terrain_line)
-cmd_VISIBLE_MAP_LINE.argtypes = 'int:nonneg string'
-def cmd_PLAYER_POS(self, yx):
- self.world.player_position = yx
-cmd_PLAYER_POS.argtypes = 'yx_tuple:pos'
-def cmd_GAME_STATE_COMPLETE(self):
- self.to_update['turn'] = True
- self.to_update['map'] = True
-class Game:
- def __init__(self):
- self.parser = Parser(self)
- self.world = World(self)
- self.thing_type = ThingBase
- 'TURN': cmd_TURN,
- 'MAP': cmd_MAP,
- self.log_text = ''
- self.to_update = {
- 'log': True,
- 'map': True,
- 'turn': True,
- }
- self.do_quit = False
- def get_command(self, command_name):
- from functools import partial
- if command_name in self.commands:
- f = partial(self.commands[command_name], self)
- if hasattr(self.commands[command_name], 'argtypes'):
- f.argtypes = self.commands[command_name].argtypes
- return f
- return None
- def get_string_options(self, string_option_type):
- return None
- def handle_input(self, msg):
- if msg == 'BYE':
- self.do_quit = True
- return
- try:
- command, args = self.parser.parse(msg)
- if command is None:
- self.log('UNHANDLED INPUT: ' + msg)
- self.to_update['log'] = True
- else:
- command(*args)
- except ArgError as e:
- self.log('ARGUMENT ERROR: ' + msg + '\n' + str(e))
- self.to_update['log'] = True
- def log(self, msg):
- """Prefix msg plus newline to self.log_text."""
- self.log_text = msg + '\n' + self.log_text
- self.to_update['log'] = True
- def symbol_for_type(self, type_):
- symbol = '?'
- if type_ == 'human':
- symbol = '@'
- elif type_ == 'monster':
- symbol = 'm'
- return symbol
-ASCII_printable = ' !"#$%&\'\(\)*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX'\
- 'YZ[\\]^_\`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~'
-def recv_loop(plom_socket, game):
- for msg in plom_socket.recv():
- game.handle_input(msg)
-class Widget:
- def __init__(self, tui, start, size, check_game=[], check_tui=[]):
- self.check_game = check_game
- self.check_tui = check_tui
- self.tui = tui
- self.start = start
- self.win = curses.newwin(1, 1, self.start[0], self.start[1])
- self.size_def = size # store for re-calling .size on SIGWINCH
- self.size = size
- self.do_update = True
- @property
- def size(self):
- return self.win.getmaxyx()
- @size.setter
- def size(self, size):
- """Set window size. Size be y,x tuple. If y or x None, use legal max."""
- n_lines, n_cols = size
- if n_lines is None:
- n_lines = self.tui.stdscr.getmaxyx()[0] - self.start[0]
- if n_cols is None:
- n_cols = self.tui.stdscr.getmaxyx()[1] - self.start[1]
- self.win.resize(n_lines, n_cols)
- def __len__(self):
- return self.win.getmaxyx()[0] * self.win.getmaxyx()[1]
- def safe_write(self, foo):
- def to_chars_with_attrs(part):
- attr = curses.A_NORMAL
- part_string = part
- if not type(part) == str:
- part_string = part[0]
- attr = part[1]
- if len(part_string) > 0:
- return [(char, attr) for char in part_string]
- elif len(part_string) == 1:
- return [part]
- return []
- chars_with_attrs = []
- if type(foo) == str or len(foo) == 2 and type(foo[1]) == int:
- chars_with_attrs += to_chars_with_attrs(foo)
- else:
- for part in foo:
- chars_with_attrs += to_chars_with_attrs(part)
- self.win.move(0, 0)
- if len(chars_with_attrs) < len(self):
- for char_with_attr in chars_with_attrs:
- self.win.addstr(char_with_attr[0], char_with_attr[1])
- else: # workaround to <https://stackoverflow.com/q/7063128>
- cut = chars_with_attrs[:len(self) - 1]
- last_char_with_attr = chars_with_attrs[len(self) - 1]
- self.win.addstr(self.size[0] - 1, self.size[1] - 2,
- last_char_with_attr[0], last_char_with_attr[1])
- self.win.insstr(self.size[0] - 1, self.size[1] - 2, ' ')
- self.win.move(0, 0)
- for char_with_attr in cut:
- self.win.addstr(char_with_attr[0], char_with_attr[1])
- def ensure_freshness(self, do_refresh=False):
- if not do_refresh:
- for key in self.check_game:
- if self.tui.game.to_update[key]:
- do_refresh = True
- break
- if not do_refresh:
- for key in self.check_tui:
- if self.tui.to_update[key]:
- do_refresh = True
- break
- if do_refresh:
- self.win.erase()
- self.draw()
- self.win.refresh()
-class EditWidget(Widget):
- def draw(self):
- self.safe_write((''.join(self.tui.to_send), curses.color_pair(1)))
-class LogWidget(Widget):
- def draw(self):
- line_width = self.size[1]
- log_lines = self.tui.game.log_text.split('\n')
- to_join = []
- for line in log_lines:
- to_pad = line_width - (len(line) % line_width)
- if to_pad == line_width:
- to_pad = 0
- to_join += [line + ' '*to_pad]
- self.safe_write((''.join(to_join), curses.color_pair(3)))
-class MapWidget(Widget):
- def draw(self):
- def terrain_with_objects():
- terrain_as_list = list(self.tui.game.world.map_.terrain[:])
- for t in self.tui.game.world.things:
- pos_i = self.tui.game.world.map_.get_position_index(t.position)
- terrain_as_list[pos_i] = self.tui.game.symbol_for_type(t.type_)
- return ''.join(terrain_as_list)
- def pad_or_cut_x(lines):
- line_width = self.size[1]
- for y in range(len(lines)):
- line = lines[y]
- if line_width > len(line):
- to_pad = line_width - (len(line) % line_width)
- lines[y] = line + '0' * to_pad
- else:
- lines[y] = line[:line_width]
- def pad_y(lines):
- if len(lines) < self.size[0]:
- to_pad = self.size[0] - len(lines)
- lines += to_pad * ['0' * self.size[1]]
- def lines_to_colored_chars(lines):
- chars_with_attrs = []
- for c in ''.join(lines):
- if c in {'@', 'm'}:
- chars_with_attrs += [(c, curses.color_pair(1))]
- elif c == '.':
- chars_with_attrs += [(c, curses.color_pair(2))]
- elif c in {'x', 'X', '#'}:
- chars_with_attrs += [(c, curses.color_pair(3))]
- else:
- chars_with_attrs += [c]
- return chars_with_attrs
- if self.tui.game.world.map_.terrain == '':
- lines = []
- pad_y(lines)
- self.safe_write(''.join(lines))
- return
- terrain_with_objects = terrain_with_objects()
- center = self.tui.game.world.player_position
- lines = self.tui.game.world.map_.format_to_view(terrain_with_objects,
- center, self.size)
- pad_or_cut_x(lines)
- pad_y(lines)
- self.safe_write(lines_to_colored_chars(lines))
-class TurnWidget(Widget):
- def draw(self):
- self.safe_write((str(self.tui.game.world.turn), curses.color_pair(2)))
-class TUI:
- def __init__(self, plom_socket, game):
- self.socket = plom_socket
- self.game = game
- self.parser = Parser(self.game)
- self.to_update = {'edit': False}
- curses.wrapper(self.loop)
- def setup_screen(self, stdscr):
- self.stdscr = stdscr
- self.stdscr.refresh() # will be called by getkey else, clearing screen
- self.stdscr.timeout(10)
- self.stdscr.addstr(0, 0, 'SEND:')
- self.stdscr.addstr(2, 0, 'TURN:')
- def loop(self, stdscr):
- self.setup_screen(stdscr)
- curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_RED)
- curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_GREEN)
- curses.init_pair(3, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_BLUE)
- curses.curs_set(False) # hide cursor
- self.to_send = []
- self.edit = EditWidget(self, (0, 6), (1, 14), check_tui = ['edit'])
- self.turn = TurnWidget(self, (2, 6), (1, 14), ['turn'])
- self.log = LogWidget(self, (4, 0), (None, 20), ['log'])
- self.map_ = MapWidget(self, (0, 21), (None, None), ['map'])
- widgets = (self.edit, self.turn, self.log, self.map_)
- map_mode = False
- while True:
- for w in widgets:
- w.ensure_freshness()
- for key in self.game.to_update:
- self.game.to_update[key] = False
- for key in self.to_update:
- self.to_update[key] = False
- try:
- key = self.stdscr.getkey()
- if key == 'KEY_RESIZE':
- curses.endwin()
- self.setup_screen(curses.initscr())
- for w in widgets:
- w.size = w.size_def
- w.ensure_freshness(True)
- elif key == '\t': # Tabulator key.
- map_mode = False if map_mode else True
- elif map_mode:
- if key == 'w':
- self.socket.send('TASK:MOVE UPLEFT')
- elif key == 'e':
- self.socket.send('TASK:MOVE UPRIGHT')
- if key == 's':
- self.socket.send('TASK:MOVE LEFT')
- elif key == 'd':
- self.socket.send('TASK:MOVE RIGHT')
- if key == 'x':
- self.socket.send('TASK:MOVE DOWNLEFT')
- elif key == 'c':
- self.socket.send('TASK:MOVE DOWNRIGHT')
- else:
- if len(key) == 1 and key in ASCII_printable and \
- len(self.to_send) < len(self.edit):
- self.to_send += [key]
- self.to_update['edit'] = True
- elif key == 'KEY_BACKSPACE':
- self.to_send[:] = self.to_send[:-1]
- self.to_update['edit'] = True
- elif key == '\n': # Return key
- self.socket.send(''.join(self.to_send))
- self.to_send[:] = []
- self.to_update['edit'] = True
- except curses.error:
- pass
- if self.game.do_quit:
- break
-s = socket.create_connection(('', 5000))
-plom_socket = PlomSocket(s)
-game = Game()
-t = threading.Thread(target=recv_loop, args=(plom_socket, game))
-TUI(plom_socket, game)
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import curses
+import socket
+import threading
+from plomrogue.parser import ArgError, Parser
+from plomrogue.commands import cmd_MAP, cmd_THING_TYPE, cmd_THING_POS
+from plomrogue.game import Game, WorldBase, ThingBase
+from plomrogue.mapping import MapBase
+from plomrogue.io import PlomSocket
+import types
+class Map(MapBase):
+ def y_cut(self, map_lines, center_y, view_height):
+ map_height = len(map_lines)
+ if map_height > view_height and center_y > view_height / 2:
+ if center_y > map_height - view_height / 2:
+ map_lines[:] = map_lines[map_height - view_height:]
+ else:
+ start = center_y - int(view_height / 2) - 1
+ map_lines[:] = map_lines[start:start + view_height]
+ def x_cut(self, map_lines, center_x, view_width, map_width):
+ if map_width > view_width and center_x > view_width / 2:
+ if center_x > map_width - view_width / 2:
+ cut_start = map_width - view_width
+ cut_end = None
+ else:
+ cut_start = center_x - int(view_width / 2)
+ cut_end = cut_start + view_width
+ map_lines[:] = [line[cut_start:cut_end] for line in map_lines]
+ def format_to_view(self, map_string, center, size):
+ def map_string_to_lines(map_string):
+ map_view_chars = ['0']
+ x = 0
+ y = 0
+ for c in map_string:
+ map_view_chars += [c, ' ']
+ x += 1
+ if x == self.size[1]:
+ map_view_chars += ['\n']
+ x = 0
+ y += 1
+ if y % 2 == 0:
+ map_view_chars += ['0']
+ if y % 2 == 0:
+ map_view_chars = map_view_chars[:-1]
+ map_view_chars = map_view_chars[:-1]
+ return ''.join(map_view_chars).split('\n')
+ map_lines = map_string_to_lines(map_string)
+ self.y_cut(map_lines, center[0], size[0])
+ map_width = self.size[1] * 2 + 1
+ self.x_cut(map_lines, center[1] * 2, size[1], map_width)
+ return map_lines
+class World(WorldBase):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Extend original with local classes and empty default map.
+ We need the empty default map because we draw the map widget
+ on any update, even before we actually receive map data.
+ """
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.map_ = Map()
+ self.player_position = (0, 0)
+ def new_map(self, yx):
+ self.map_ = Map(yx)
+def cmd_LAST_PLAYER_TASK_RESULT(self, msg):
+ if msg != "success":
+ self.log(msg)
+cmd_LAST_PLAYER_TASK_RESULT.argtypes = 'string'
+def cmd_TURN_FINISHED(self, n):
+ """Do nothing. (This may be extended later.)"""
+ pass
+cmd_TURN_FINISHED.argtypes = 'int:nonneg'
+def cmd_TURN(self, n):
+ """Set self.turn to n, empty self.things."""
+ self.world.turn = n
+ self.world.things = []
+ self.to_update['turn'] = False
+ self.to_update['map'] = False
+cmd_TURN.argtypes = 'int:nonneg'
+def cmd_VISIBLE_MAP_LINE(self, y, terrain_line):
+ self.world.map_.set_line(y, terrain_line)
+cmd_VISIBLE_MAP_LINE.argtypes = 'int:nonneg string'
+def cmd_PLAYER_POS(self, yx):
+ self.world.player_position = yx
+cmd_PLAYER_POS.argtypes = 'yx_tuple:pos'
+def cmd_GAME_STATE_COMPLETE(self):
+ self.to_update['turn'] = True
+ self.to_update['map'] = True
+class Game:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.parser = Parser(self)
+ self.world = World(self)
+ self.thing_type = ThingBase
+ 'TURN': cmd_TURN,
+ 'MAP': cmd_MAP,
+ self.log_text = ''
+ self.to_update = {
+ 'log': True,
+ 'map': True,
+ 'turn': True,
+ }
+ self.do_quit = False
+ def get_command(self, command_name):
+ from functools import partial
+ if command_name in self.commands:
+ f = partial(self.commands[command_name], self)
+ if hasattr(self.commands[command_name], 'argtypes'):
+ f.argtypes = self.commands[command_name].argtypes
+ return f
+ return None
+ def get_string_options(self, string_option_type):
+ return None
+ def handle_input(self, msg):
+ if msg == 'BYE':
+ self.do_quit = True
+ return
+ try:
+ command, args = self.parser.parse(msg)
+ if command is None:
+ self.log('UNHANDLED INPUT: ' + msg)
+ self.to_update['log'] = True
+ else:
+ command(*args)
+ except ArgError as e:
+ self.log('ARGUMENT ERROR: ' + msg + '\n' + str(e))
+ self.to_update['log'] = True
+ def log(self, msg):
+ """Prefix msg plus newline to self.log_text."""
+ self.log_text = msg + '\n' + self.log_text
+ self.to_update['log'] = True
+ def symbol_for_type(self, type_):
+ symbol = '?'
+ if type_ == 'human':
+ symbol = '@'
+ elif type_ == 'monster':
+ symbol = 'm'
+ return symbol
+ASCII_printable = ' !"#$%&\'\(\)*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX'\
+ 'YZ[\\]^_\`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~'
+def recv_loop(plom_socket, game):
+ for msg in plom_socket.recv():
+ game.handle_input(msg)
+class Widget:
+ def __init__(self, tui, start, size, check_game=[], check_tui=[]):
+ self.check_game = check_game
+ self.check_tui = check_tui
+ self.tui = tui
+ self.start = start
+ self.win = curses.newwin(1, 1, self.start[0], self.start[1])
+ self.size_def = size # store for re-calling .size on SIGWINCH
+ self.size = size
+ self.do_update = True
+ @property
+ def size(self):
+ return self.win.getmaxyx()
+ @size.setter
+ def size(self, size):
+ """Set window size. Size be y,x tuple. If y or x None, use legal max."""
+ n_lines, n_cols = size
+ if n_lines is None:
+ n_lines = self.tui.stdscr.getmaxyx()[0] - self.start[0]
+ if n_cols is None:
+ n_cols = self.tui.stdscr.getmaxyx()[1] - self.start[1]
+ self.win.resize(n_lines, n_cols)
+ def __len__(self):
+ return self.win.getmaxyx()[0] * self.win.getmaxyx()[1]
+ def safe_write(self, foo):
+ def to_chars_with_attrs(part):
+ attr = curses.A_NORMAL
+ part_string = part
+ if not type(part) == str:
+ part_string = part[0]
+ attr = part[1]
+ if len(part_string) > 0:
+ return [(char, attr) for char in part_string]
+ elif len(part_string) == 1:
+ return [part]
+ return []
+ chars_with_attrs = []
+ if type(foo) == str or len(foo) == 2 and type(foo[1]) == int:
+ chars_with_attrs += to_chars_with_attrs(foo)
+ else:
+ for part in foo:
+ chars_with_attrs += to_chars_with_attrs(part)
+ self.win.move(0, 0)
+ if len(chars_with_attrs) < len(self):
+ for char_with_attr in chars_with_attrs:
+ self.win.addstr(char_with_attr[0], char_with_attr[1])
+ else: # workaround to <https://stackoverflow.com/q/7063128>
+ cut = chars_with_attrs[:len(self) - 1]
+ last_char_with_attr = chars_with_attrs[len(self) - 1]
+ self.win.addstr(self.size[0] - 1, self.size[1] - 2,
+ last_char_with_attr[0], last_char_with_attr[1])
+ self.win.insstr(self.size[0] - 1, self.size[1] - 2, ' ')
+ self.win.move(0, 0)
+ for char_with_attr in cut:
+ self.win.addstr(char_with_attr[0], char_with_attr[1])
+ def ensure_freshness(self, do_refresh=False):
+ if not do_refresh:
+ for key in self.check_game:
+ if self.tui.game.to_update[key]:
+ do_refresh = True
+ break
+ if not do_refresh:
+ for key in self.check_tui:
+ if self.tui.to_update[key]:
+ do_refresh = True
+ break
+ if do_refresh:
+ self.win.erase()
+ self.draw()
+ self.win.refresh()
+class EditWidget(Widget):
+ def draw(self):
+ self.safe_write((''.join(self.tui.to_send), curses.color_pair(1)))
+class LogWidget(Widget):
+ def draw(self):
+ line_width = self.size[1]
+ log_lines = self.tui.game.log_text.split('\n')
+ to_join = []
+ for line in log_lines:
+ to_pad = line_width - (len(line) % line_width)
+ if to_pad == line_width:
+ to_pad = 0
+ to_join += [line + ' '*to_pad]
+ self.safe_write((''.join(to_join), curses.color_pair(3)))
+class MapWidget(Widget):
+ def draw(self):
+ def terrain_with_objects():
+ terrain_as_list = list(self.tui.game.world.map_.terrain[:])
+ for t in self.tui.game.world.things:
+ pos_i = self.tui.game.world.map_.get_position_index(t.position)
+ terrain_as_list[pos_i] = self.tui.game.symbol_for_type(t.type_)
+ return ''.join(terrain_as_list)
+ def pad_or_cut_x(lines):
+ line_width = self.size[1]
+ for y in range(len(lines)):
+ line = lines[y]
+ if line_width > len(line):
+ to_pad = line_width - (len(line) % line_width)
+ lines[y] = line + '0' * to_pad
+ else:
+ lines[y] = line[:line_width]
+ def pad_y(lines):
+ if len(lines) < self.size[0]:
+ to_pad = self.size[0] - len(lines)
+ lines += to_pad * ['0' * self.size[1]]
+ def lines_to_colored_chars(lines):
+ chars_with_attrs = []
+ for c in ''.join(lines):
+ if c in {'@', 'm'}:
+ chars_with_attrs += [(c, curses.color_pair(1))]
+ elif c == '.':
+ chars_with_attrs += [(c, curses.color_pair(2))]
+ elif c in {'x', 'X', '#'}:
+ chars_with_attrs += [(c, curses.color_pair(3))]
+ else:
+ chars_with_attrs += [c]
+ return chars_with_attrs
+ if self.tui.game.world.map_.terrain == '':
+ lines = []
+ pad_y(lines)
+ self.safe_write(''.join(lines))
+ return
+ terrain_with_objects = terrain_with_objects()
+ center = self.tui.game.world.player_position
+ lines = self.tui.game.world.map_.format_to_view(terrain_with_objects,
+ center, self.size)
+ pad_or_cut_x(lines)
+ pad_y(lines)
+ self.safe_write(lines_to_colored_chars(lines))
+class TurnWidget(Widget):
+ def draw(self):
+ self.safe_write((str(self.tui.game.world.turn), curses.color_pair(2)))
+class TUI:
+ def __init__(self, plom_socket, game):
+ self.socket = plom_socket
+ self.game = game
+ self.parser = Parser(self.game)
+ self.to_update = {'edit': False}
+ curses.wrapper(self.loop)
+ def setup_screen(self, stdscr):
+ self.stdscr = stdscr
+ self.stdscr.refresh() # will be called by getkey else, clearing screen
+ self.stdscr.timeout(10)
+ self.stdscr.addstr(0, 0, 'SEND:')
+ self.stdscr.addstr(2, 0, 'TURN:')
+ def loop(self, stdscr):
+ self.setup_screen(stdscr)
+ curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_RED)
+ curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_GREEN)
+ curses.init_pair(3, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_BLUE)
+ curses.curs_set(False) # hide cursor
+ self.to_send = []
+ self.edit = EditWidget(self, (0, 6), (1, 14), check_tui = ['edit'])
+ self.turn = TurnWidget(self, (2, 6), (1, 14), ['turn'])
+ self.log = LogWidget(self, (4, 0), (None, 20), ['log'])
+ self.map_ = MapWidget(self, (0, 21), (None, None), ['map'])
+ widgets = (self.edit, self.turn, self.log, self.map_)
+ map_mode = False
+ while True:
+ for w in widgets:
+ w.ensure_freshness()
+ for key in self.game.to_update:
+ self.game.to_update[key] = False
+ for key in self.to_update:
+ self.to_update[key] = False
+ try:
+ key = self.stdscr.getkey()
+ if key == 'KEY_RESIZE':
+ curses.endwin()
+ self.setup_screen(curses.initscr())
+ for w in widgets:
+ w.size = w.size_def
+ w.ensure_freshness(True)
+ elif key == '\t': # Tabulator key.
+ map_mode = False if map_mode else True
+ elif map_mode:
+ if key == 'w':
+ self.socket.send('TASK:MOVE UPLEFT')
+ elif key == 'e':
+ self.socket.send('TASK:MOVE UPRIGHT')
+ if key == 's':
+ self.socket.send('TASK:MOVE LEFT')
+ elif key == 'd':
+ self.socket.send('TASK:MOVE RIGHT')
+ if key == 'x':
+ self.socket.send('TASK:MOVE DOWNLEFT')
+ elif key == 'c':
+ self.socket.send('TASK:MOVE DOWNRIGHT')
+ else:
+ if len(key) == 1 and key in ASCII_printable and \
+ len(self.to_send) < len(self.edit):
+ self.to_send += [key]
+ self.to_update['edit'] = True
+ elif key == 'KEY_BACKSPACE':
+ self.to_send[:] = self.to_send[:-1]
+ self.to_update['edit'] = True
+ elif key == '\n': # Return key
+ self.socket.send(''.join(self.to_send))
+ self.to_send[:] = []
+ self.to_update['edit'] = True
+ except curses.error:
+ pass
+ if self.game.do_quit:
+ break
+s = socket.create_connection(('', 5000))
+plom_socket = PlomSocket(s)
+game = Game()
+t = threading.Thread(target=recv_loop, args=(plom_socket, game))
+TUI(plom_socket, game)
self.position = position
class Thing(ThingBase):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
import socketserver
from plomrogue.errors import GameError, ArgError, BrokenSocketConnection
from plomrogue.parser import Parser
+from plomrogue.misc import quote