From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2023 04:24:24 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: Improve


diff --git a/ b/
index 2b2a807..02e0273 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -295,12 +295,16 @@ class Database:
             i += 1
             bak_as = f'{bak_prefix}{i}'
-        # collect what numbered .bak files to save
+        # collect what numbered .bak files to save:
+        # shrink datetime string right to left character by character,
+        # on each step add the oldest file whose mtime still fits the pattern
+        # (privilege older files to keep existing longer)
         to_save = []
         datetime_len = 19
         now = str([:datetime_len]
         while datetime_len > 2:
-            for i, date in reversed(list(enumerate(backup_dates))):
+            # assume backup_dates starts with oldest dates
+            for i, date in enumerate(backup_dates):
                 if date[:datetime_len] == now:
                     if i not in to_save:
                         to_save += [i] 
@@ -310,7 +314,7 @@ class Database:
         # remove redundant backup files 
         j = 0
-        for i in reversed(to_save):
+        for i in to_save:
             if i != j:
                 source = f'{bak_prefix}{i}'
                 target = f'{bak_prefix}{j}'
@@ -322,7 +326,7 @@ class Database:
             except FileNotFoundError:
-        # 
+        # put second backup copy of current state at end of bak list 
         shutil.copy(self.db_file, f'{bak_prefix}{j}')
         with open(self.db_file, mode) as f:
@@ -337,6 +341,14 @@ class Database:
         text = '\n\n' + '\n'.join(lines) + '\n\n'
         self.write_db(text, 'a')
+    def get_nth_for_booking_of_start_line(self, start_line):
+        nth = 0
+        for b in self.bookings:
+            if b.start_line == start_line:
+                break
+            nth += 1
+        return nth
     def add_taxes(self, lines, finish=False):
         ret = []
         bookings, _ = parse_lines(lines)
@@ -374,11 +386,11 @@ class Database:
                     last_monthbreak_est = b.account_changes[acc_est]['€']
                     last_monthbreak_kk_minimum = b.account_changes[acc_kk_minimum]['€']
                     last_monthbreak_assets = b.account_changes[acc_buffer]['€']
-        old_needed_income = last_monthbreak_assets + last_monthbreak_kk_add + last_monthbreak_kk_minimum + last_monthbreak_est
+        old_needed_income_before_anything = - last_monthbreak_assets - last_monthbreak_kk_add - last_monthbreak_kk_minimum - last_monthbreak_est
         if finish:
-            ret += [f'  {acc_est}  {-last_monthbreak_est}€ ; for old assumption of needed income: {old_needed_income}€']
+            ret += [f'  {acc_est}  {-last_monthbreak_est}€ ; for old assumption of needed income: {old_needed_income_before_anything}€']
         _, account_sums = bookings_to_account_tree(bookings)
-        expenses_so_far = -1 * account_sums[acc_assets]['€'] - old_needed_income
+        expenses_so_far = -1 * account_sums[acc_assets]['€'] + old_needed_income_before_anything
         needed_income_before_kk = expenses_so_far
         ESt_this_month = 0
         left_over = needed_income_before_kk - ESt_this_month
@@ -426,21 +438,33 @@ class Database:
             kk_factor = decimal.Decimal(0.197)
             kk_minimum_tax = decimal.Decimal(222.94).quantize(decimal.Decimal('0.00'))
-        kk_add = max(0, kk_factor * needed_income_before_kk - kk_minimum_tax)
+        kk_add_so_far = account_sums[acc_kk_add]['€'] if acc_kk_add in account_sums.keys() else 0
+        kk_add = needed_income_before_kk / (1 - kk_factor) - needed_income_before_kk - kk_minimum_tax
+        hit_kk_minimum_income_limit = False
+        if kk_add_so_far + kk_add < 0:
+            hit_kk_minimum_income_limit = True 
+            kk_add_uncorrect = kk_add
+            kk_add = -(kk_add + kk_add_so_far) 
         kk_add = decimal.Decimal(kk_add).quantize(decimal.Decimal('0.00'))
         if finish:
-            ret += [f'  {acc_kk_add}  {-last_monthbreak_kk_add}€  ; max(0, {kk_factor:.3f} * {-(old_needed_income - last_monthbreak_est):.2f}€ - {kk_minimum_tax}€)']
+            ret += [f'  {acc_kk_add}  {-last_monthbreak_kk_add}€  ; for old assumption of needed income']
             ret += [f'  {acc_kk_minimum}  {kk_minimum_tax}€  ; assumed minimum income {kk_minimum_income:.2f}€ * {kk_factor:.3f}']
-        ret += [f'  {acc_kk_add}  {kk_add}€  ; max(0, {kk_factor:.3f} * {needed_income_before_kk:.2f}€ - {kk_minimum_tax}€)']
+        if hit_kk_minimum_income_limit:
+            ret += [f'  {acc_kk_add}  {kk_add}€  ; {needed_income_before_kk:.2f}€ / (1 - {kk_factor:.3f}) - {needed_income_before_kk:.2f}€ - {kk_minimum_tax}€ = {kk_add_uncorrect:.2f}€ would reduce current {acc_kk_dd} ({kk_add_so_far:.2f}€) below 0']
+        else:
+            ret += [f'  {acc_kk_add}  {kk_add}€  ; {needed_income_before_kk:.2f}€ / (1 - {kk_factor:.3f}) - {needed_income_before_kk:.2f}€ - {kk_minimum_tax}€']
         diff = - last_monthbreak_est + ESt_this_month - last_monthbreak_kk_add + kk_add
         if not finish:
             diff += kk_minimum_tax
-        final_minus = expenses_so_far + old_needed_income + diff
+        final_minus = expenses_so_far - old_needed_income_before_anything + diff
         ret += [f'  {acc_assets}  {-diff} €']
         ret += [f'  {acc_assets}  {final_minus} €']
         year_needed = buffer_expenses + final_minus + (12 - months_passed - 1) * final_minus 
-        ret += [f'  {acc_buffer}  {-final_minus} € ; assume as to earn in year: {acc_buffer} + {12 - months_passed - 1} * this = {-year_needed}']
+        if finish:
+            ret += [f'  {acc_buffer}  {-final_minus} €']
+        else:
+            ret += [f'  {acc_buffer}  {-final_minus} € ; assume as to earn in year: {acc_buffer} + {12 - months_passed - 1} * this = {year_needed}']
         return ret
@@ -482,6 +506,10 @@ input[type=number] { text-align: right; font-family: monospace; }
 {% endfor %}
+    add_form_header = """<form method="POST" action="{{action|e}}">
+<input type="submit" name="check" value="check" />
+<input type="submit" name="revert" value="revert" />
     add_form_footer = """
 <input type="hidden" name="start" value={{start}} />
 <input type="hidden" name="end" value={{end}} />
@@ -497,76 +525,34 @@ input[type=number] { text-align: right; font-family: monospace; }
             postvars = parse_qs(, keep_blank_values=1)
             start = int(postvars['start'][0])
             end = int(postvars['end'][0])
             db = Database()
             add_empty_line = None
             lines = []
+            # get inputs
             if '/add_structured' == parsed_url.path and not 'revert' in postvars.keys():
-                date = postvars['date'][0]
-                description = postvars['description'][0]
-                start_comment = postvars['line_0_comment'][0]
-                lines = [f'{date} {description} ; {start_comment}']
-                if 'line_0_add' in postvars.keys():
-                    add_empty_line = 0
-                i = j = 1
-                while f'line_{i}_comment' in postvars.keys():
-                    if f'line_{i}_delete' in postvars.keys():
-                        i += 1
-                        continue
-                    elif f'line_{i}_delete_after' in postvars.keys():
-                        break 
-                    elif f'line_{i}_add' in postvars.keys():
-                        add_empty_line = j
-                    account = postvars[f'line_{i}_account'][0]
-                    amount = postvars[f'line_{i}_amount'][0]
-                    currency = postvars[f'line_{i}_currency'][0]
-                    comment = postvars[f'line_{i}_comment'][0]
-                    i += 1
-                    new_main = f'  {account}  {amount}'
-                    if '' == new_main.rstrip() == comment.rstrip():  # don't write empty lines, ignore currency if nothing else set
-                        continue
-                    if len(amount.rstrip()) > 0:
-                        new_main += f' {currency}'
-                    j += 1
-                    new_line = new_main
-                    if comment.rstrip() != '':
-                        new_line += f'  ; {comment}'
-                    lines += [new_line]
-                if 'add_sink' in postvars.keys():
-                    temp_lines = lines.copy() + ['_']
-                    try:
-                        temp_bookings, _ = parse_lines(temp_lines)
-                        for currency in temp_bookings[0].sink:
-                            amount = temp_bookings[0].sink[currency]
-                            lines += [f'Assets  {amount:.2f} {currency}']
-                    except HandledException:
-                        pass
-                if 'add_taxes' in postvars.keys():
-                    lines += db.add_taxes(lines, finish=False)
-                elif 'add_taxes2' in postvars.keys():
-                    lines += db.add_taxes(lines, finish=True)
-            elif '/add_free' == parsed_url.path:
+                lines, add_empty_line = self.booking_lines_from_postvars(postvars, db) 
+            elif '/add_free' == parsed_url.path and not 'revert' in postvars.keys():
                 lines = postvars['booking'][0].splitlines()
+            # validate where appropriate
             if ('save' in postvars.keys()) or ('check' in postvars.keys()):
                 _, _ = parse_lines(lines)
+            # if saving, process where to and where to redirect after
             if 'save' in postvars.keys():
                 if start == end == 0:
                     redir_url = f'/#last'
                     db.replace(start, end, lines)
-                    nth = 0
-                    for i, b in enumerate(db.bookings):
-                        if b.start_line == start:
-                            nth = i
-                            break
+                    nth = db.get_nth_for_booking_of_start_line(start) 
                     redir_url = f'/#{nth}'
                 self.send_code_and_headers(301, [('Location', redir_url)])
-            else:  # implicit assumption: this only happens on /add_structured flows
-                page = self.header + self.add_structured(db, start, end, temp_lines=lines, add_empty_line=add_empty_line) + self.footer
-                self.send_HTML(page)
+            # otherwise just re-build editing form
+            else:
+                if '/add_structured' == parsed_url.path: 
+                    edit_content = self.add_structured(db, start, end, temp_lines=lines, add_empty_line=add_empty_line)
+                else:
+                    edit_content = self.add_free(db, start, end)
+                self.send_HTML(self.header + edit_content + self.footer)
         except HandledException as e:
@@ -610,6 +596,56 @@ input[type=number] { text-align: right; font-family: monospace; }
             self.send_header(fieldname, content)
+    def booking_lines_from_postvars(self, postvars, db):
+        add_empty_line = None
+        date = postvars['date'][0]
+        description = postvars['description'][0]
+        start_comment = postvars['line_0_comment'][0]
+        start_line = f'{date} {description}'
+        if start_comment.rstrip() != '':
+            start_line += f' ; {start_comment}' 
+        lines = [start_line]
+        if 'line_0_add' in postvars.keys():
+            add_empty_line = 0
+        i = j = 1
+        while f'line_{i}_comment' in postvars.keys():
+            if f'line_{i}_delete' in postvars.keys():
+                i += 1
+                continue
+            elif f'line_{i}_delete_after' in postvars.keys():
+                break 
+            elif f'line_{i}_add' in postvars.keys():
+                add_empty_line = j
+            account = postvars[f'line_{i}_account'][0]
+            amount = postvars[f'line_{i}_amount'][0]
+            currency = postvars[f'line_{i}_currency'][0]
+            comment = postvars[f'line_{i}_comment'][0]
+            i += 1
+            new_main = f'  {account}  {amount}'
+            if '' == new_main.rstrip() == comment.rstrip():  # don't write empty lines, ignore currency if nothing else set
+                continue
+            if len(amount.rstrip()) > 0:
+                new_main += f' {currency}'
+            j += 1
+            new_line = new_main
+            if comment.rstrip() != '':
+                new_line += f'  ; {comment}'
+            lines += [new_line]
+        if 'add_sink' in postvars.keys():
+            temp_lines = lines.copy() + ['_']
+            try:
+                temp_bookings, _ = parse_lines(temp_lines)
+                for currency in temp_bookings[0].sink:
+                    amount = temp_bookings[0].sink[currency]
+                    lines += [f'Assets  {amount:.2f} {currency}']
+            except HandledException:
+                pass
+        if 'add_taxes' in postvars.keys():
+            lines += db.add_taxes(lines, finish=False)
+        elif 'add_taxes2' in postvars.keys():
+            lines += db.add_taxes(lines, finish=True)
+        return lines, add_empty_line
     def balance_as_html(self, db, until=None):
         bookings = db.bookings[:until if until is None else int(until)]
         lines = []
@@ -667,8 +703,7 @@ input[type=number] { text-align: right; font-family: monospace; }
         return '\n'.join(elements_to_write)
     def add_free(self, db, start=0, end=0, copy=False):
-        tmpl = jinja2.Template("""
-<form method="POST" action="{{action|e}}">
+        tmpl = jinja2.Template(self.add_form_header + """<br />
 <textarea name="booking" rows=10 cols=80>
 {% for line in lines %}{{ line }}
 {% endfor %}
@@ -680,10 +715,7 @@ input[type=number] { text-align: right; font-family: monospace; }
         return tmpl.render(action='add_free', start=start, end=end, lines=lines)
     def add_structured(self, db, start=0, end=0, copy=False, temp_lines=[], add_empty_line=None):
-        tmpl = jinja2.Template("""
-<form method="POST" action="{{action|e}}">
-<input type="submit" name="check" value="check" />
-<input type="submit" name="revert" value="revert" />
+        tmpl = jinja2.Template(self.add_form_header + """
 <input type="submit" name="add_taxes" value="add taxes" />
 <input type="submit" name="add_taxes2" value="add taxes2" />
 <input type="submit" name="add_sink" value="add sink" />
@@ -714,7 +746,7 @@ input[type=number] { text-align: right; font-family: monospace; }
         lines = temp_lines if len(''.join(temp_lines)) > 0 else db.get_lines(start, end)
         bookings, comments = parse_lines(lines, validate_bookings=False)
         if len(bookings) > 1:
-            raise HandledException('can only edit single Booking')
+            raise HandledException('can only structurally edit single Booking')
         if add_empty_line is not None:
             comments = comments[:add_empty_line+1] + [''] + comments[add_empty_line+1:]
             booking = bookings[0]