test = libpr.init_score_map()
if test:
raise RuntimeError("Malloc error in init_score_map().")
+ ord_dot = ord(".")
+ ord_v = ord("v")
+ ord_blank = ord(" ")
for i in [i for i in range(world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] ** 2)
- if '.' == chr(t["T_MEMMAP"][i])]:
+ if ord_dot == t["T_MEMMAP"][i]]:
set_map_score(i, 65535 - 1)
if "a" == filter:
for id in world_db["Things"]:
+ Thing["T_POSX"]
if t != Thing and Thing["T_LIFEPOINTS"] and \
t["T_TYPE"] != Thing["T_TYPE"] and \
- 'v' == chr(t["fovmap"][pos]) and \
+ ord_v == t["fovmap"][pos] and \
set_map_score(pos, 0)
pos = Thing["T_POSY"] * world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] \
+ Thing["T_POSX"]
if t["T_TYPE"] != Thing["T_TYPE"] and \
- 'v' == chr(t["fovmap"][pos]) and \
+ ord_v == t["fovmap"][pos] and \
t["T_LIFEPOINTS"] <= \
set_map_score(pos, 0)
elif "c" == filter:
for mt in [mt for mt in t["T_MEMTHING"]
- if ' ' != chr(t["T_MEMMAP"][mt[1]
- * world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]
- + mt[2]])
+ if ord_blank != t["T_MEMMAP"][mt[1]
+ * world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]
+ + mt[2]]
if world_db["ThingTypes"][mt[0]]["TT_CONSUMABLE"]]:
set_map_score(mt[1] * world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] + mt[2], 0)
elif "s" == filter: