From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2024 06:49:42 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: Reduce dependency on DownloadsManager for mere VideoFile data retrievals.

Reduce dependency on DownloadsManager for mere VideoFile data retrievals.

diff --git a/src/ytplom/ b/src/ytplom/
index 972ada2..dcb84d8 100644
--- a/src/ytplom/
+++ b/src/ytplom/
@@ -631,24 +631,6 @@ class DownloadsManager:
             before_ext = splitext(before_ext)[0]
         return YoutubeId(before_ext.split('[')[-1].split(']')[0])
-    @property
-    def missing(self) -> list[PathStr]:
-        """Return relative paths of files known but not in PATH_DOWNLOADS."""
-        self._sync_db()
-        return [f.rel_path for f in self._files if f.missing]
-    @property
-    def ids_to_full_paths(self) -> DownloadsIndex:
-        """Return mapping YoutubeIds:full paths of files downloaded to them."""
-        self._sync_db()
-        return {f.yt_id: f.full_path for f in self._files}
-    @property
-    def rel_paths_b64_to_rel_paths(self) -> list[tuple[B64Str, PathStr]]:
-        """Return mapping .rel_paths b64-encoded:rel_paths of known files."""
-        self._sync_db()
-        return [(f.rel_path_b64, f.rel_path) for f in self._files]
     def ids_unfinished(self) -> set[YoutubeId]:
         """Return set of IDs of videos awaiting or currently in download."""
@@ -666,9 +648,10 @@ class DownloadsManager:
     def queue_download(self, video_id: YoutubeId) -> None:
         """Add video_id to download queue *if* not already processed."""
+        self._sync_db()
         pre_existing = (self.ids_unfinished
                         | set(self._to_download
-                              + list(self.ids_to_full_paths)))
+                              + [f.full_path for f in self._files]))
         if video_id not in pre_existing:
             self._to_download += [video_id]
@@ -874,16 +857,20 @@ class TaskHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
         self._send_http(img, [('Content-type', 'image/jpg')])
     def _send_or_download_video(self, video_id: YoutubeId) -> None:
-        if video_id in self.server.downloads.ids_to_full_paths:
-            with open(self.server.downloads.ids_to_full_paths[video_id],
-                      'rb') as video_file:
-                video =
-            self._send_http(content=video)
+        conn = DbConnection()
+        try:
+            file_data = VideoFile.get_by_yt_id(conn, video_id)
+        except NotFoundException:
+            conn.commit_close()
+            self.server.downloads.queue_download(video_id)
+            self._send_http(headers=[('Location',
+                                      f'/{PAGE_NAMES["yt_result"]}/{video_id}')],
+                            code=302)
-        self.server.downloads.queue_download(video_id)
-        self._send_http(headers=[('Location',
-                                  f'/{PAGE_NAMES["yt_result"]}/{video_id}')],
-                        code=302)
+        conn.commit_close()
+        with open(file_data.full_path, 'rb') as video_file:
+            video =
+        self._send_http(content=video)
     def _send_yt_query_page(self, query_id: QueryId) -> None:
         conn = DbConnection()
@@ -911,13 +898,16 @@ class TaskHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
             video_data = YoutubeVideo.get_one(conn, video_id)
         except NotFoundException:
             video_data = YoutubeVideo(video_id)
+        try:
+            file_path = VideoFile.get_by_yt_id(conn, video_id).full_path
+        except NotFoundException:
+            file_path = None
                 {'video_data': video_data,
                  'is_temp': video_id in self.server.downloads.ids_unfinished,
-                 'file_path': self.server.downloads.ids_to_full_paths.get(
-                     video_id, None),
+                 'file_path': file_path,
                  'youtube_prefix': YOUTUBE_URL_PREFIX,
                  'queries': linked_queries})
@@ -930,14 +920,18 @@ class TaskHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
                 {'file': file, 'flag_names': list(FILE_FLAGS)})
     def _send_files_index(self) -> None:
-        files = self.server.downloads.rel_paths_b64_to_rel_paths
+        conn = DbConnection()
+        files = [(f.rel_path_b64, f.rel_path) for f in VideoFile.get_all(conn)]
+        conn.commit_close()
         files.sort(key=lambda t: t[1])
         self._send_rendered_template(NAME_TEMPLATE_FILES, {'files': files})
     def _send_missing_json(self) -> None:
-        self._send_http(
-                bytes(json_dumps(self.server.downloads.missing), 'utf8'),
-                headers=[('Content-type', 'application/json')])
+        conn = DbConnection()
+        missing = [f.rel_path for f in VideoFile.get_all(conn) if f.missing]
+        conn.commit_close()
+        self._send_http(bytes(json_dumps(missing), 'utf8'),
+                        headers=[('Content-type', 'application/json')])
     def _send_last_playlist_update(self) -> None:
         payload: dict[str, PlayerUpdateId] = {