From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2020 18:45:26 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: Fix visibility tests on annotation, volume algorithm.

Fix visibility tests on annotation, volume algorithm.

diff --git a/plomrogue/ b/plomrogue/
index ccc09c0..e62d663 100644
--- a/plomrogue/
+++ b/plomrogue/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 from plomrogue.misc import quote
 from plomrogue.errors import GameError
-from plomrogue.mapping import YX, MapGeometrySquare, MapGeometryHex
+from plomrogue.mapping import YX, MapGeometrySquare, MapGeometryHex, Map
@@ -14,20 +14,25 @@ def cmd_ALL(game, msg, connection_id):
     if not connection_id in game.sessions:
         raise GameError('need to be logged in for this')
     speaker = game.get_thing(game.sessions[connection_id], False)
+    dijkstra_map = Map(game.map_geometry.size)
+    n_max = 256
+    dijkstra_map.terrain = [n_max for i in range(dijkstra_map.size_i)]
+    dijkstra_map[speaker.position] = 0
+    shrunk = True
+    while shrunk:
+        shrunk = False
+        for pos in dijkstra_map:
+            if[pos] == 'X':
+                continue
+            neighbors = game.map_geometry.get_neighbors(pos)
+            for direction in [d for d in neighbors if neighbors[d]]:
+                yx = neighbors[direction]
+                if dijkstra_map[yx] < dijkstra_map[pos] - 1:
+                    dijkstra_map[pos] = dijkstra_map[yx] + 1
+                    shrunk = True
     for c_id in game.sessions:
         listener = game.get_thing(game.sessions[c_id], create_unfound=False)
-        d_y = abs(speaker.position.y - listener.position.y)
-        d_x = abs(speaker.position.x - listener.position.x)
-        distance = math.sqrt(d_y ** 2 + d_x ** 2)
-        fov_overlap = 1
-        if listener.fov_stencil[speaker.position] != '.':
-            fov_overlap_tiles = 0
-            for i in range(speaker.fov_stencil.size_i):
-                if speaker.fov_stencil.terrain[i] == '.' and\
-                   listener.fov_stencil.terrain[i] == '.':
-                    fov_overlap_tiles += 1
-            fov_overlap = fov_overlap_tiles / speaker.fov_stencil.size_i
-        volume = fov_overlap / max(1, distance)
+        volume = 1 / max(1, dijkstra_map[listener.position])'CHAT ' +
                      quote('(volume: %.3f) %s: %s' % (volume, speaker.nickname, msg)),
@@ -91,7 +96,7 @@ cmd_TURN.argtypes = 'int:nonneg'
 def cmd_ANNOTATE(game, yx, msg, pw, connection_id):
     player = game.get_thing(game.sessions[connection_id], False)
-    if player.fov_stencil[yx] == '.':
+    if player.fov_stencil[yx] != '.':
         raise GameError('cannot annotate tile outside field of view')
     if not game.can_do_tile_with_pw(yx, pw):
         raise GameError('wrong password for tile')
@@ -105,7 +110,7 @@ cmd_ANNOTATE.argtypes = 'yx_tuple:nonneg string string'
 def cmd_PORTAL(game, yx, msg, pw, connection_id):
     player = game.get_thing(game.sessions[connection_id], False)
-    if player.fov_stencil[yx] == '.':
+    if player.fov_stencil[yx] != '.':
         raise GameError('cannot edit portal on tile outside field of view')
     if not game.can_do_tile_with_pw(yx, pw):
         raise GameError('wrong password for tile')
diff --git a/plomrogue/ b/plomrogue/
index 10f9b70..58809ef 100644
--- a/plomrogue/
+++ b/plomrogue/
@@ -119,6 +119,12 @@ class Map():
             self.terrain[pos_i] = c
+    def __iter__(self):
+        """Iterate over YX position coordinates."""
+        for y in range(self.size.y):
+            for x in range(self.size.x):
+                yield YX(y, x)
     def size_i(self):
         return self.size.y * self.size.x
@@ -145,6 +151,7 @@ class Map():
 class FovMap(Map):
+    # FIXME: player visibility asymmetrical (A can see B when B can't see A)
     def __init__(self, source_map, center):
         self.source_map = source_map
diff --git a/ b/
index defc272..e037e7d 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ class TUI:
                 self.input_ = ""
             elif self.mode == self.mode_chat and key == '\n':
-                if self.input_[0] == '/':
+                if self.input_[0] == '/':  # FIXME fails on empty input
                     if self.input_ in {'/' + self.keys['switch_to_play'], '/play'}:
                     elif self.input_ in {'/' + self.keys['switch_to_study'], '/study'}: