From faedbe604ae167615196cc68240f07c1f5985c81 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2024 15:15:28 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Update sync script, prefer rows with newer .last_update.

 src/ | 126 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 file changed, 62 insertions(+), 64 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 27980cd..1c7e522 100755
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 """Script to sync between local and remote instances."""
 # included libs
-from typing import Callable, TypeAlias
+from typing import Any, Callable
 from json import loads as json_loads
 from os import environ, remove as os_remove
 from os.path import join as path_join
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ from paramiko import SSHClient  # type: ignore
 from scp import SCPClient  # type: ignore
 from ytplom.misc import (
-        DatabaseConnection, PathStr, QueryId, QuotaLog, VideoFile,
+        DatabaseConnection, PathStr, QuotaLog, VideoFile,
         YoutubeQuery, YoutubeVideo)
@@ -20,90 +20,88 @@ from ytplom.misc import (
 YTPLOM_PORT = environ.get('YTPLOM_PORT')
-# type definitions for mypy
-RowData: TypeAlias = tuple[str,
-                           list[QuotaLog] | list[YoutubeQuery]
-                           | list[YoutubeVideo] | list[VideoFile],
-                           DatabaseConnection]
-RelationData: TypeAlias = tuple[str, list[YoutubeVideo], DatabaseConnection]
 PATH_DB_REMOTE = PathStr(path_join(PATH_TEMP, 'remote_db.sql'))
-URL_MISSING_JSON = f'http://{YTPLOM_REMOTE}:{YTPLOM_PORT}/missing.json'
+MISSING_API = PathStr('/missing.json')
+ATTR_NAME_LAST_UPDATE = 'last_update'
 def back_and_forth(sync_func: Callable,
-                   arg_twins: tuple[RowData, RowData],
-                   shared: str
+                   dbs: tuple[DatabaseConnection, DatabaseConnection],
+                   shared: YoutubeVideo | tuple[Any, str]
                    ) -> None:
-    """Apply sync_func twice, once reversing the two arg_twins items."""
-    sync_func(arg_twins[0], arg_twins[1], shared)
-    sync_func(arg_twins[1], arg_twins[0], shared)
+    """Run sync_func on arg pairs + shared, and again with pairs switched."""
+    host_names = 'local', 'remote'
+    sync_func(host_names, dbs, shared)
+    sync_func(*(tuple(reversed(list(t))) for t in (host_names, dbs)), shared)
-def sync_objects(row_data_1st: RowData,
-                 row_data_2nd: RowData,
-                 id_name: str
+def sync_objects(host_names: tuple[str, str],
+                 dbs: tuple[DatabaseConnection, DatabaseConnection],
+                 shared: tuple[Any, str]
                  ) -> None:
-    """Ensure objects from row_data_1st are in row_data_2nd objects, DB."""
-    name_1st, objs_1st, _ = row_data_1st
-    name_2nd, objs_2nd, db_2nd = row_data_2nd
-    for obj in [obj for obj in objs_1st if obj not in objs_2nd]:
-        print(f'SYNC: adding {name_1st}->{name_2nd} {getattr(obj, id_name)}')
-def sync_relations(relation_1st: RelationData,
-                   relation_2nd: RelationData,
-                   yt_query_id: QueryId
+    """Equalize both DB's object collections; prefer newer states to older."""
+    cls, id_name = shared
+    obj_colls = cls.get_all(dbs[0]), cls.get_all(dbs[1])
+    for obj_0 in [obj for obj in obj_colls[0] if obj not in obj_colls[1]]:
+        id_ = getattr(obj_0, id_name)
+        sync_down = True
+        msg_verb = 'adding'
+        for obj_1 in [obj for obj in obj_colls[1]   # other collection has …
+                      if id_ == getattr(obj, id_name)]:  # … obj, but non-equal
+            msg_verb = 'updating'
+            if hasattr(obj_0, ATTR_NAME_LAST_UPDATE):
+                last_update_0 = getattr(obj_0, ATTR_NAME_LAST_UPDATE)
+                last_update_1 = getattr(obj_1, ATTR_NAME_LAST_UPDATE)
+                sync_down = last_update_0 > last_update_1
+                if not sync_down:
+                    print(f'SYNC: {msg_verb} '
+                          f'{host_names[1]}->{host_names[0]} {id_}')
+          [0])
+        if sync_down:
+            print(f'SYNC: {msg_verb} {host_names[0]}->{host_names[1]} {id_}')
+  [1])
+def sync_relations(host_names: tuple[str, str],
+                   dbs: tuple[DatabaseConnection, DatabaseConnection],
+                   yt_result: YoutubeVideo
                    ) -> None:
-    """Ensure query<->video relation_2nd in relation_1st DB."""
-    name_1st, videos_for_query_1st, db_1st = relation_1st
-    name_2nd, videos_for_query_2nd, _ = relation_2nd
-    for yt_video_2nd in [v for v in videos_for_query_2nd
-                         if v not in videos_for_query_1st]:
-        print(f'SYNC: adding {name_2nd}->{name_1st} mapping '
-              f'of {yt_video_2nd.id_} to {yt_query_id}')
-        yt_video_2nd.save_to_query(db_1st, yt_query_id)
+    """To dbs[1] add YT yt_video->yt_q_colls[0] mapping not in yt_q_colls[1]"""
+    yt_q_colls = tuple(YoutubeQuery.get_all_for_video(db, yt_result.id_)
+                       for db in dbs)
+    for q in [q for q in yt_q_colls[0] if q not in yt_q_colls[1]]:
+        print(f'SYNC: adding {host_names[1]}->{host_names[0]} mapping '
+              f'of result {yt_result.id_} to query {q.id_}')
+        yt_result.save_to_query(dbs[1], q.id_)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+def main():
+    """Connect to remote, sync local+remote DBs, + downloads where missing."""
     ssh = SSHClient()
     scp = SCPClient(ssh.get_transport())
     scp.get(PATH_DB, PATH_DB_REMOTE)
     local_db = DatabaseConnection(PATH_DB)
     remote_db = DatabaseConnection(PATH_DB_REMOTE)
     for cls in (QuotaLog, YoutubeQuery, YoutubeVideo, VideoFile):
-        objs_local, objs_remote = cls.get_all(local_db), cls.get_all(remote_db)
-        obj_arg_twins = (('local', objs_local, local_db),
-                         ('remote', objs_remote, remote_db))
-        back_and_forth(sync_objects, obj_arg_twins,
-                       'rel_path' if cls is VideoFile else 'id_')
+        back_and_forth(sync_objects, (local_db, remote_db),
+                       (cls, 'rel_path' if cls is VideoFile else 'id_'))
     for yt_video_local in YoutubeVideo.get_all(local_db):
-        for yt_query_local in YoutubeQuery.get_all_for_video(
-                local_db, yt_video_local.id_):
-            videos_for_query_remote = YoutubeVideo.get_all_for_query(
-                    remote_db, yt_query_local.id_)
-            videos_for_query_local = YoutubeVideo.get_all_for_query(
-                    local_db, yt_query_local.id_)
-            rel_arg_twins = (('local', videos_for_query_local, local_db),
-                             ('remote', videos_for_query_remote, remote_db))
-            back_and_forth(sync_relations, rel_arg_twins, yt_query_local.id_)
-    with urlopen(URL_MISSING_JSON) as response:
-        missing = json_loads(
-    for path in missing:
-        print(f'SYNC: sending local->remote file {path}')
-        scp.put(path_join(PATH_DOWNLOADS, path),
-                path_join(PATH_DOWNLOADS, path))
+        back_and_forth(sync_relations, (local_db, remote_db), yt_video_local)
     scp.put(PATH_DB_REMOTE, PATH_DB)
+    for host, direction, mover in ((YTPLOM_REMOTE, 'local->remote', scp.put),
+                                   ('localhost', 'remote->local', scp.get)):
+        with urlopen(f'http://{host}:{YTPLOM_PORT}{MISSING_API}') as response:
+            missing = json_loads(
+        for path in (path_join(PATH_DOWNLOADS, path) for path in missing):
+            print(f'SYNC: sending {direction} file {path}')
+            mover(path, path)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()