From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 04:08:24 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: Added default single-window interface config files for multi-terminal playing.
X-Git-Tag: tce~854

Added default single-window interface config files for multi-terminal playing.

diff --git a/README b/README
index 17ed021..d6883c1 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ obstacles. You can use that for your advantage.
 Once you start a new world, every move of yours is recorded in a file called
 "record". Once you re-start the game, all of your previous moves are replayed
-automatially until you end up where you left the game. To start over in a new
-world, delete this file.
+automatically up to the point wherere you left the game. To start over in a new
+world, simply delete this file.
 System requirements / installation / running the game
@@ -53,11 +53,17 @@ keybindings may be changed in the "Global keys" window, those of the window
 geometry configuration in the "Window geometry keys" window, and those of the
 window-specific keybindings configuration in the "Window keybinding keys"
 window; by default, these three windows are not visible, but may be turned on by
-hitting the "F6", "F7" and "F8" keys.
+(per default keybindings) hitting the "F6", "F7" and "F8" keys.
 Keybindings and default window selection / visibilities / geometries are read
 from the textfile ./confclient/interface_conf by default, or by another one
-named by the -i command line option of the client.
+named by the -i command line option of the client. Some other default window
+configurations are stored below ./confclient/single_windows/: "map", "info",
+"inventory" and "log". Each of these opens up only a single window into the
+client, filling up the entire terminal. This may be useful for running multiple
+clients in parallel in multiple terminal windows that may be managed by one's
+own window manager choice, instead of relying on plomrogue-client's bizarre
+in-client window management.
 Replay game recording
@@ -93,7 +99,7 @@ All source files are thoroughly documented to explain more details of
 plomrogue's internals. The ./roguelike-server executable can be run with a -v
 option for helpful debugging info (mostly: what messages the client sends to the
 server). Server and client communicate via files in the ./server/ directory
-(generated when the server is first run). The /server/in fifo receives commands
-for the server as null-terminated strings. The /server/out file contains a
+(generated when the server is first run). The ./server/in fifo receives commands
+for the server as null-terminated strings. The ./server/out file contains a
 serialized representation of the game world's data as it is to be available to
 the player / the player's client.
diff --git a/confclient/single_wins/info b/confclient/single_wins/info
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a450a8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/confclient/single_wins/info
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+81 quit
+58 wait
+107 player_u
+106 player_d
+104 player_l
+108 player_r
+112 pick
+117 use
+100 drop
+46 map_c
+265 to_a_keywin
+266 to_mapwin
+267 to_infowin
+268 to_inv
+269 to_logwin
+270 to_g_keywin
+271 to_wg_keywin
+272 to_wk_keywin
+119 winconf
+62 cyc_win_f
+60 cyc_win_b
+262 scrl_l
+360 scrl_r
+114 reload_conf
+67 save_conf
+258 shift_f
+259 shift_b
+42 grow_h
+95 shri_h
+43 grow_v
+45 shri_v
+121 to_height_t
+120 to_width_t
+258 w_keys_d
+259 w_keys_u
+10 w_keys_m
+Global keys
+258 g_keys_d
+259 g_keys_u
+10 g_keys_m
+Window geometry keys
+258 wg_keys_d
+259 wg_keys_u
+10 wg_keys_m
+Window keybinding keys
+258 wk_keys_d
+259 wk_keys_u
+10 wk_keys_m
+259 inv_u
+258 inv_d
+Available keys
+259 map_u
+258 map_d
+260 map_l
+261 map_r
diff --git a/confclient/single_wins/inventory b/confclient/single_wins/inventory
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e30f7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/confclient/single_wins/inventory
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+81 quit
+58 wait
+107 player_u
+106 player_d
+104 player_l
+108 player_r
+112 pick
+117 use
+100 drop
+46 map_c
+265 to_a_keywin
+266 to_mapwin
+267 to_infowin
+268 to_inv
+269 to_logwin
+270 to_g_keywin
+271 to_wg_keywin
+272 to_wk_keywin
+119 winconf
+62 cyc_win_f
+60 cyc_win_b
+262 scrl_l
+360 scrl_r
+114 reload_conf
+67 save_conf
+258 shift_f
+259 shift_b
+42 grow_h
+95 shri_h
+43 grow_v
+45 shri_v
+121 to_height_t
+120 to_width_t
+258 w_keys_d
+259 w_keys_u
+10 w_keys_m
+Global keys
+258 g_keys_d
+259 g_keys_u
+10 g_keys_m
+Window geometry keys
+258 wg_keys_d
+259 wg_keys_u
+10 wg_keys_m
+Window keybinding keys
+258 wk_keys_d
+259 wk_keys_u
+10 wk_keys_m
+259 inv_u
+258 inv_d
+Available keys
+259 map_u
+258 map_d
+260 map_l
+261 map_r
diff --git a/confclient/single_wins/log b/confclient/single_wins/log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13ea5b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/confclient/single_wins/log
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+81 quit
+58 wait
+107 player_u
+106 player_d
+104 player_l
+108 player_r
+112 pick
+117 use
+100 drop
+46 map_c
+265 to_a_keywin
+266 to_mapwin
+267 to_infowin
+268 to_inv
+269 to_logwin
+270 to_g_keywin
+271 to_wg_keywin
+272 to_wk_keywin
+119 winconf
+62 cyc_win_f
+60 cyc_win_b
+262 scrl_l
+360 scrl_r
+114 reload_conf
+67 save_conf
+258 shift_f
+259 shift_b
+42 grow_h
+95 shri_h
+43 grow_v
+45 shri_v
+121 to_height_t
+120 to_width_t
+258 w_keys_d
+259 w_keys_u
+10 w_keys_m
+Global keys
+258 g_keys_d
+259 g_keys_u
+10 g_keys_m
+Window geometry keys
+258 wg_keys_d
+259 wg_keys_u
+10 wg_keys_m
+Window keybinding keys
+258 wk_keys_d
+259 wk_keys_u
+10 wk_keys_m
+259 inv_u
+258 inv_d
+Available keys
+259 map_u
+258 map_d
+260 map_l
+261 map_r
diff --git a/confclient/single_wins/map b/confclient/single_wins/map
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99ed310
--- /dev/null
+++ b/confclient/single_wins/map
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+81 quit
+58 wait
+107 player_u
+106 player_d
+104 player_l
+108 player_r
+112 pick
+117 use
+100 drop
+46 map_c
+265 to_a_keywin
+266 to_mapwin
+267 to_infowin
+268 to_inv
+269 to_logwin
+270 to_g_keywin
+271 to_wg_keywin
+272 to_wk_keywin
+119 winconf
+62 cyc_win_f
+60 cyc_win_b
+262 scrl_l
+360 scrl_r
+114 reload_conf
+67 save_conf
+258 shift_f
+259 shift_b
+42 grow_h
+95 shri_h
+43 grow_v
+45 shri_v
+121 to_height_t
+120 to_width_t
+258 w_keys_d
+259 w_keys_u
+10 w_keys_m
+Global keys
+258 g_keys_d
+259 g_keys_u
+10 g_keys_m
+Window geometry keys
+258 wg_keys_d
+259 wg_keys_u
+10 wg_keys_m
+Window keybinding keys
+258 wk_keys_d
+259 wk_keys_u
+10 wk_keys_m
+259 inv_u
+258 inv_d
+Available keys
+259 map_u
+258 map_d
+260 map_l
+261 map_r