From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2018 01:03:46 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: Fix mail server setup script.

Fix mail server setup script.

diff --git a/all_new_2018/setup_scripts/ b/all_new_2018/setup_scripts/
index 7b256b7..ab124b9 100755
--- a/all_new_2018/setup_scripts/
+++ b/all_new_2018/setup_scripts/
@@ -66,16 +66,21 @@ echo "${mail_domain}" > /etc/mailname
 apt install -y -o Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold postfix dovecot-imapd dovecot-lmtpd dovecot-sieve opendkim
 cp "${config_tree_prefix}/user_files/dovecot.sieve" /home/plom/.dovecot.sieve
 chown plom:plom /home/plom/.dovecot.sieve
+cp "${config_tree_prefix}/user_files/pingmailrc" /home/plom/.pingmailrc
+chown plom:plom /home/plom/.pingmailrc
 # In addition to our postfix server receiving mails, we funnel mails from a
 # POP3 account into dovecot via fetchmail. It might make sense to adapt the
 # ~/.dovecot.sieve to move mails targeted to the fetched mail account to their
 # own mbox.
-apt install -y fetchmail
 cp "${config_tree_prefix}/user_files/fetchmailrc" /home/plom/.fetchmailrc
 chown plom:plom /home/plom/.fetchmailrc
+chmod 0700 /home/plom/.fetchmailrc
+set +e
+apt install -y fetchmail
 systemctl daemon-reload
 systemctl start fetchmail.timer
+set -e
 # Final advice to user.
 echo "TODO: Ensure MX entry for your system in your DNS configuration."
@@ -85,4 +90,4 @@ if [ "${add_dkim_record}" -eq "1" ]; then
     cat "${dkim_selector}.txt"
 echo "TODO: passwd plom"
-echo "TODO: adapt /home/plom/.dovecot.sieve and /home/plom/.fetchmailrc"
+echo "TODO: adapt /home/plom/.dovecot.sieve /home/plom/.fetchmailrc /home/plom/.pingmailrc"
diff --git a/all_new_2018/user_files/fetchmailrc b/all_new_2018/user_files/fetchmailrc
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/all_new_2018/user_files/pingmailrc b/all_new_2018/user_files/pingmailrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46bcbfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/all_new_2018/user_files/pingmailrc
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# place for test files whose modification times are used to track lifesigns
+# modification time is the last time a ping was sent or a lifetime received
+# modification time is when the count for sending checker a warning mail starts
+# how long to wait for lifesigns before sending a ping; double is time to wait
+# for a lifesign before sending a warning message to checker
+# address of the checker, receives warning message after too long wait
+# address of the checked person, ping is sent here
+# content of ping message sent to checked person
+subj2checked='[pingmail] Ping!'
+\nThis is an automated mail ping from '$checker_address'.
+\nRespond to show that you are still alive!'
+# content of warning message sent to checker
+subj2checker='[pingmail] No recent life signs from '$id_target
+reminder_time=`expr $wait_time \* 2`
+msg2checker='pingmail reporting in:\n
+\nNo life signs from '$id_target' for the last '$reminder_time' seconds.
+\nMaybe you should give them a call to check if they are okay.'
+# mail client command reading message body from stdin and subject from parameter
+mailclient_s='mail -s'
+# mailbox file to check for most recent life sign
+# to recursively search for most recent matches to $matchstring as lifesigns
+# pattern to search $maildir for recursively for lifesigns
+#checked_address_escaped=`echo $checked_address | sed 's/\./\\./g'`
+#matchstring='^From: .*('$checked_address_escaped'|alternate@example\.org)'