From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 04:09:12 +0000 (+0200)
Subject: Server: Check against setting map object id of 0 in config file reading.
X-Git-Tag: tce~767

Server: Check against setting map object id of 0 in config file reading.

diff --git a/README b/README
index 90fd601..2770f53 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -111,12 +111,12 @@ NAME move
 A line of "ACTION" followed by a number starts an action definition block and
-sets the action's id for internal use to 1. The number after "EFFORT" determines
-how many turns this action takes for the actor performing it. The string after
-"NAME" names the action. Furthermore, if it is one of "move", "pick_up", "drop"
-or "use", it matches internal functions described by these strings to this
-action. All other names (including "wait") currently are matched to a do-nothing
-wait function.
+sets the action's id (must be > 0) for internal use to 1. The number after
+"EFFORT" determines how many turns this action takes for the actor performing
+it. The string after "NAME" names the action. Furthermore, if it is one of
+"move", "pick_up", "drop" or "use", it matches internal functions described by
+these strings to this action. All other names (including "wait") currently are
+matched to a do-nothing wait function.
 Here's a typical map object type definition block: 
diff --git a/src/server/configfile.c b/src/server/configfile.c
index aad3b74..5376502 100644
--- a/src/server/configfile.c
+++ b/src/server/configfile.c
@@ -142,17 +142,21 @@ static void tokens_into_entries(char * token0, char * token1)
     if (token0)
-        if (!(   start_entry(token0, token1, str_act, &action_flags,
-                             sizeof(struct MapObjAct),(struct EntryHead**) &moa,
-                             (struct EntryHead *) world.map_obj_acts)
-              || start_entry(token0, token1, str_obj, &object_flags,
-                             sizeof(struct MapObjDef),(struct EntryHead**) &mod,
-                             (struct EntryHead *) world.map_obj_defs)
-              || start_map(token0, str_map, &map_flags)
-              || set_player_type(token0, str_player, token1)
-              || set_members(token0, token1, &object_flags, &action_flags,
-                              &map_flags, (struct MapObjDef *)mod,
-                              (struct MapObjAct *) moa)))
+        if (start_entry(token0, token1, str_act, &action_flags,
+                        sizeof(struct MapObjAct), (struct EntryHead**) &moa,
+                        (struct EntryHead *) world.map_obj_acts))
+        {
+            err_line(0 == atoi(token1), "Value must not be 0.");
+        }
+        else if (!(   start_entry(token0, token1, str_obj, &object_flags,
+                                  sizeof(struct MapObjDef),
+                                  (struct EntryHead**) &mod,
+                                  (struct EntryHead *) world.map_obj_defs)
+                   || start_map(token0, str_map, &map_flags)
+                   || set_player_type(token0, str_player, token1)
+                   || set_members(token0, token1, &object_flags, &action_flags,
+                                  &map_flags, (struct MapObjDef *)mod,
+                                  (struct MapObjAct *) moa)))
@@ -237,7 +241,7 @@ static void test_corpse_ids()
-static uint8_t set_map_members(char * token0, char * token1, uint8_t * map_flags)
+static uint8_t set_map_members(char * token0, char * token1,uint8_t * map_flags)
     if      (   parse_val(token0, token1, "HEIGHT", map_flags,
                           HEIGHT_SET, 'i', (char *) &