-"""Web server stuff."""
-from __future__ import annotations
-from pathlib import Path
-from inspect import signature
-from typing import Any, Callable
-from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
-from binascii import Error as binascii_Exception
-from json import dumps as json_dumps
-from plomtask.dating import (
- days_n_from_dt_date, dt_date_from_str, date_in_n_days)
-from plomtask.days import Day
-from plomtask.exceptions import (HandledException, BadFormatException,
- NotFoundException)
-from plomtask.db import DatabaseConnection, DatabaseFile, BaseModel
-from plomtask.processes import Process, ProcessStep, ProcessStepsNode
-from plomtask.conditions import Condition
-from plomtask.todos import Todo, TodoOrProcStepNode
-from plomtask.misc import DictableNode
-from plomlib.web import PlomHttpServer, PlomHttpHandler, PlomQueryMap
-TEMPLATES_DIR = Path('templates')
-class TaskServer(PlomHttpServer):
- """Extends parent by DatabaseFile .db and .render_mode='html'."""
- def __init__(self, db_file: DatabaseFile, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
- super().__init__(TEMPLATES_DIR, *args, **kwargs)
- self.db = db_file
- self.render_mode = 'html'
-class InputsParser(PlomQueryMap):
- """Wrapper for validating and retrieving dict-like HTTP inputs."""
- def get_all_str(self, key: str) -> list[str]:
- """Retrieve list of string values at key (empty if no key)."""
- return self.all(key) or []
- def get_all_int(self, key: str, fail_on_empty: bool = False) -> list[int]:
- """Retrieve list of int values at key."""
- all_str = self.get_all_str(key)
- try:
- return [int(s) for s in all_str if fail_on_empty or s != '']
- except ValueError as e:
- msg = f'cannot int a form field value for key {key} in: {all_str}'
- raise BadFormatException(msg) from e
- def get_str(self, key: str, default: str | None = None) -> str | None:
- """Retrieve single/first string value of key, or default."""
- first = self.first(key)
- return default if first is None else first
- def get_str_or_fail(self, key: str, default: str | None = None) -> str:
- """Retrieve first string value of key, if none: fail or default."""
- vals = self.get_all_str(key)
- if not vals:
- if default is not None:
- return default
- raise BadFormatException(f'no value found for key: {key}')
- return vals[0]
- def get_int_or_none(self, key: str) -> int | None:
- """Retrieve single/first value of key as int, return None if empty."""
- val = self.get_str_or_fail(key, '')
- if val == '':
- return None
- try:
- return int(val)
- except (ValueError, TypeError) as e:
- msg = f'cannot int form field value for key {key}: {val}'
- raise BadFormatException(msg) from e
- def get_bool(self, key: str) -> bool:
- """Return if value to key truish; return False if None/no value."""
- return self.get_str(key) in {'True', 'true', '1', 'on'}
- def get_all_of_key_prefixed(self, key_prefix: str) -> dict[str, list[str]]:
- """Retrieve dict of strings at keys starting with key_prefix."""
- ret = {}
- for key in self.keys_prefixed(key_prefix):
- ret[key[len(key_prefix):]] = self.as_dict[key]
- return ret
- def get_float_or_fail(self, key: str) -> float:
- """Retrieve float value of key from self.postvars, fail if none."""
- val = self.get_str_or_fail(key)
- try:
- return float(val)
- except ValueError as e:
- msg = f'cannot float form field value for key {key}: {val}'
- raise BadFormatException(msg) from e
- def get_all_floats_or_nones(self, key: str) -> list[float | None]:
- """Retrieve list of float value at key, None if empty strings."""
- ret: list[float | None] = []
- for val in self.get_all_str(key):
- if '' == val:
- ret += [None]
- else:
- try:
- ret += [float(val)]
- except ValueError as e:
- msg = f'cannot float form field value for key {key}: {val}'
- raise BadFormatException(msg) from e
- return ret
-class TaskHandler(PlomHttpHandler):
- """Handles single HTTP request."""
- # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
- server: TaskServer
- params: InputsParser
- postvars: InputsParser
- mapper = InputsParser
- _conn: DatabaseConnection
- _site: str
- def _send_page(
- self, ctx: dict[str, Any], tmpl_name: str, code: int = 200
- ) -> None:
- """HTTP-send ctx as HTML or JSON, as defined by .server.render_mode.
- The differentiation by .server.render_mode serves to allow easily
- comparable JSON responses for automatic testing.
- """
- if 'html' == self.server.render_mode:
- self.send_rendered(Path(f'{tmpl_name}.html'), ctx, code)
- else:
- self.send_http(self._ctx_to_json(ctx).encode(),
- [('Content-Type', 'application/json')],
- code)
- def _ctx_to_json(self, ctx: dict[str, object]) -> str:
- """Render ctx into JSON string.
- Flattens any objects that json.dumps might not want to serialize, and
- turns occurrences of BaseModel objects into listings of their .id_, to
- be resolved to a full dict inside a top-level '_library' dictionary,
- to avoid endless and circular nesting.
- """
- def flatten(node: object) -> object:
- def update_library_with(item: BaseModel) -> None:
- cls_name = item.__class__.__name__
- if cls_name not in library:
- library[cls_name] = {}
- if item.id_ not in library[cls_name]:
- d, refs = item.as_dict_and_refs
- id_key = -1 if item.id_ is None else item.id_
- library[cls_name][id_key] = d
- for ref in refs:
- update_library_with(ref)
- if isinstance(node, BaseModel):
- update_library_with(node)
- return node.id_
- if isinstance(node, DictableNode):
- d, refs = node.as_dict_and_refs
- for ref in refs:
- update_library_with(ref)
- return d
- if isinstance(node, (list, tuple)):
- return [flatten(item) for item in node]
- if isinstance(node, dict):
- d = {}
- for k, v in node.items():
- d[k] = flatten(v)
- return d
- if isinstance(node, HandledException):
- return str(node)
- return node
- library: dict[str, dict[int, object]] = {}
- for k, v in ctx.items():
- ctx[k] = flatten(v)
- ctx['_library'] = library
- return json_dumps(ctx)
- @staticmethod
- def _request_wrapper(http_method: str, not_found_msg: str
- ) -> Callable[..., Callable[[TaskHandler], None]]:
- """Wrapper for do_GET… and do_POST… handlers, to init and clean up.
- Among other things, conditionally cleans all caches, but only on POST
- requests, as only those are expected to change the states of objects
- that may be cached, and certainly only those are expected to write any
- changes to the database. We want to call them as early though as
- possible here, either exactly after the specific request handler
- returns successfully, or right after any exception is triggered –
- otherwise, race conditions become plausible.
- Note that otherwise any POST attempt, even a failed one, may end in
- problematic inconsistencies:
- - if the POST handler experiences an Exception, changes to objects
- won't get written to the DB, but the changed objects may remain in
- the cache and affect other objects despite their possibly illegal
- state
- - even if an object was just saved to the DB, we cannot be sure its
- current state is completely identical to what we'd get if loading it
- fresh from the DB (e.g. currently Process.n_owners is only updated
- when loaded anew via .from_table_row, nor is its state written to
- the DB by .save; a questionable design choice, but proof that we
- have no guarantee that objects' .save stores all their states we'd
- prefer at their most up-to-date.
- """
- def clear_caches() -> None:
- for cls in (Day, Todo, Condition, Process, ProcessStep):
- cls.empty_cache()
- def decorator(f: Callable[..., str | None]
- ) -> Callable[[TaskHandler], None]:
- def wrapper(self: TaskHandler) -> None:
- # pylint: disable=protected-access
- # (because pylint here fails to detect the use of wrapper as a
- # method to self with respective access privileges)
- try:
- self._conn = DatabaseConnection(self.server.db)
- handler_name = f'do_{http_method}_{self.pagename}'
- if hasattr(self, handler_name):
- handler = getattr(self, handler_name)
- redir_target = f(self, handler)
- if 'POST' == http_method:
- clear_caches()
- if redir_target:
- self.redirect(Path(redir_target))
- else:
- msg = f'{not_found_msg}: {self.pagename}'
- raise NotFoundException(msg)
- except HandledException as error:
- if 'POST' == http_method:
- clear_caches()
- ctx = {'msg': error}
- self._send_page(ctx, 'msg', error.http_code)
- finally:
- self._conn.close()
- return wrapper
- return decorator
- @_request_wrapper('GET', 'Unknown page')
- def do_GET(self, handler: Callable[[], str | dict[str, object]]
- ) -> str | None:
- """Render page with result of handler, or redirect if result is str."""
- tmpl_name = f'{self.pagename}'
- ctx_or_redir_target = handler()
- if isinstance(ctx_or_redir_target, str):
- return ctx_or_redir_target
- self._send_page(ctx_or_redir_target, tmpl_name)
- return None
- @_request_wrapper('POST', 'Unknown POST target')
- def do_POST(self, handler: Callable[[], str]) -> str:
- """Handle POST with handler, prepare redirection to result."""
- redir_target = handler()
- self._conn.commit()
- return redir_target
- # GET handlers
- @staticmethod
- def _get_item(target_class: Any
- ) -> Callable[..., Callable[[TaskHandler],
- dict[str, object]]]:
- def decorator(f: Callable[..., dict[str, object]]
- ) -> Callable[[TaskHandler], dict[str, object]]:
- def wrapper(self: TaskHandler) -> dict[str, object]:
- # pylint: disable=protected-access
- # (because pylint here fails to detect the use of wrapper as a
- # method to self with respective access privileges)
- id_ = None
- for val in self.params.get_all_int('id', fail_on_empty=True):
- id_ = val
- if target_class.can_create_by_id:
- item = target_class.by_id_or_create(self._conn, id_)
- else:
- item = target_class.by_id(self._conn, id_)
- if 'exists' in signature(f).parameters:
- exists = id_ is not None and target_class._get_cached(id_)
- return f(self, item, exists)
- return f(self, item)
- return wrapper
- return decorator
- def do_GET_(self) -> str:
- """Return redirect target on GET /."""
- return '/day'
- def _do_GET_calendar(self) -> dict[str, object]:
- """Show Days from ?start= to ?end=.
- Both .do_GET_calendar and .do_GET_calendar_txt refer to this to do the
- same, the only difference being the HTML template they are rendered to,
- which .do_GET selects from their method name.
- """
- start = self.params.get_str_or_fail('start', '')
- end = self.params.get_str_or_fail('end', '')
- dt_start = dt_date_from_str(start if start else date_in_n_days(-1))
- dt_end = dt_date_from_str(end if end else date_in_n_days(366))
- days = Day.with_filled_gaps(self._conn, dt_start, dt_end)
- today = date_in_n_days(0)
- return {'start': dt_start.isoformat(), 'end': dt_end.isoformat(),
- 'today': today, 'days': days}
- def do_GET_calendar(self) -> dict[str, object]:
- """Show Days from ?start= to ?end= – normal view."""
- return self._do_GET_calendar()
- def do_GET_calendar_txt(self) -> dict[str, object]:
- """Show Days from ?start= to ?end= – minimalist view."""
- return self._do_GET_calendar()
- def do_GET_day(self) -> dict[str, object]:
- """Show single Day of ?date=."""
- date = self.params.get_str('date', date_in_n_days(0))
- make_type = self.params.get_str_or_fail('make_type', 'full')
- #
- assert isinstance(date, str)
- day = Day.by_id_or_create(self._conn,
- days_n_from_dt_date(dt_date_from_str(date)))
- conditions_present = []
- enablers_for = {}
- disablers_for = {}
- for todo in day.todos:
- for condition in todo.conditions + todo.blockers:
- if condition not in conditions_present:
- conditions_present += [condition]
- enablers_for[condition.id_] = [p for p in
- Process.all(self._conn)
- if condition in p.enables]
- disablers_for[condition.id_] = [p for p in
- Process.all(self._conn)
- if condition in p.disables]
- seen_todos: set[int] = set()
- top_nodes = [t.get_step_tree(seen_todos)
- for t in day.todos if not t.parents]
- return {'day': day,
- 'top_nodes': top_nodes,
- 'make_type': make_type,
- 'enablers_for': enablers_for,
- 'disablers_for': disablers_for,
- 'conditions_present': conditions_present,
- 'processes': Process.all(self._conn)}
- @_get_item(Todo)
- def do_GET_todo(self, todo: Todo) -> dict[str, object]:
- """Show single Todo of ?id=."""
- def walk_process_steps(node_id: int,
- process_step_nodes: list[ProcessStepsNode],
- steps_nodes: list[TodoOrProcStepNode]) -> int:
- for process_step_node in process_step_nodes:
- node_id += 1
- proc = Process.by_id(self._conn,
- process_step_node.step.step_process_id)
- node = TodoOrProcStepNode(node_id, None, proc, [])
- steps_nodes += [node]
- node_id = walk_process_steps(
- node_id, process_step_node.steps, node.children)
- return node_id
- def walk_todo_steps(node_id: int, todos: list[Todo],
- steps_nodes: list[TodoOrProcStepNode]) -> int:
- for todo in todos:
- matched = False
- for match in [item for item in steps_nodes
- if item.process
- and item.process == todo.process]:
- match.todo = todo
- matched = True
- for child in match.children:
- child.fillable = True
- node_id = walk_todo_steps(
- node_id, todo.children, match.children)
- if not matched:
- node_id += 1
- node = TodoOrProcStepNode(node_id, todo, None, [])
- steps_nodes += [node]
- node_id = walk_todo_steps(
- node_id, todo.children, node.children)
- return node_id
- def collect_adoptables_keys(
- steps_nodes: list[TodoOrProcStepNode]) -> set[int]:
- ids = set()
- for node in steps_nodes:
- if not node.todo:
- assert isinstance(node.process, Process)
- assert isinstance(node.process.id_, int)
- ids.add(node.process.id_)
- ids = ids | collect_adoptables_keys(node.children)
- return ids
- todo_steps = [step.todo for step in todo.get_step_tree(set()).children]
- process_tree = todo.process.get_steps(self._conn, None)
- steps_todo_to_process: list[TodoOrProcStepNode] = []
- last_node_id = walk_process_steps(0, process_tree,
- steps_todo_to_process)
- for steps_node in steps_todo_to_process:
- steps_node.fillable = True
- walk_todo_steps(last_node_id, todo_steps, steps_todo_to_process)
- adoptables: dict[int, list[Todo]] = {}
- any_adoptables = [Todo.by_id(self._conn, t.id_)
- for t in Todo.by_date(self._conn, todo.date)
- if t.id_ is not None
- and t != todo]
- for id_ in collect_adoptables_keys(steps_todo_to_process):
- adoptables[id_] = [t for t in any_adoptables
- if t.process.id_ == id_]
- return {'todo': todo,
- 'steps_todo_to_process': steps_todo_to_process,
- 'adoption_candidates_for': adoptables,
- 'process_candidates': sorted(Process.all(self._conn)),
- 'todo_candidates': any_adoptables,
- 'condition_candidates': Condition.all(self._conn)}
- def do_GET_todos(self) -> dict[str, object]:
- """Show Todos from ?start= to ?end=, of ?process=, ?comment= pattern"""
- sort_by = self.params.get_str_or_fail('sort_by', 'title')
- start = self.params.get_str_or_fail('start', '')
- end = self.params.get_str_or_fail('end', '')
- process_id = self.params.get_int_or_none('process_id')
- comment_pattern = self.params.get_str_or_fail('comment_pattern', '')
- #
- ret = Todo.by_date_range_with_limits(self._conn, (start, end))
- todos_by_date_range, start, end = ret
- todos = [t for t in todos_by_date_range
- if comment_pattern in t.comment
- and ((not process_id) or t.process.id_ == process_id)]
- sort_by = Todo.sort_by(todos, sort_by)
- return {'start': start, 'end': end, 'process_id': process_id,
- 'comment_pattern': comment_pattern, 'todos': todos,
- 'all_processes': Process.all(self._conn), 'sort_by': sort_by}
- def do_GET_conditions(self) -> dict[str, object]:
- """Show all Conditions."""
- pattern = self.params.get_str_or_fail('pattern', '')
- sort_by = self.params.get_str_or_fail('sort_by', 'title')
- #
- conditions = Condition.matching(self._conn, pattern)
- sort_by = Condition.sort_by(conditions, sort_by)
- return {'conditions': conditions,
- 'sort_by': sort_by,
- 'pattern': pattern}
- @_get_item(Condition)
- def do_GET_condition(self,
- c: Condition,
- exists: bool
- ) -> dict[str, object]:
- """Show Condition of ?id=."""
- ps = Process.all(self._conn)
- return {'condition': c,
- 'is_new': not exists,
- 'enabled_processes': [p for p in ps if c in p.conditions],
- 'disabled_processes': [p for p in ps if c in p.blockers],
- 'enabling_processes': [p for p in ps if c in p.enables],
- 'disabling_processes': [p for p in ps if c in p.disables]}
- @_get_item(Condition)
- def do_GET_condition_titles(self, c: Condition) -> dict[str, object]:
- """Show title history of Condition of ?id=."""
- return {'condition': c}
- @_get_item(Condition)
- def do_GET_condition_descriptions(self, c: Condition) -> dict[str, object]:
- """Show description historys of Condition of ?id=."""
- return {'condition': c}
- @_get_item(Process)
- def do_GET_process(self,
- process: Process,
- exists: bool
- ) -> dict[str, object]:
- """Show Process of ?id=."""
- owner_ids = self.params.get_all_int('step_to')
- owned_ids = self.params.get_all_int('has_step')
- title_64 = self.params.get_str('title_b64')
- title_new = None
- if title_64:
- try:
- title_new = b64decode(title_64.encode()).decode()
- except binascii_Exception as exc:
- msg = 'invalid base64 for ?title_b64='
- raise BadFormatException(msg) from exc
- #
- if title_new:
- process.title.set(title_new)
- preset_top_step = None
- owners = process.used_as_step_by(self._conn)
- for step_id in owner_ids:
- owners += [Process.by_id(self._conn, step_id)]
- for process_id in owned_ids:
- Process.by_id(self._conn, process_id) # to ensure ID exists
- preset_top_step = process_id
- return {'process': process,
- 'is_new': not exists,
- 'preset_top_step': preset_top_step,
- 'steps': process.get_steps(self._conn),
- 'owners': owners,
- 'n_todos': len(Todo.by_process_id(self._conn, process.id_)),
- 'process_candidates': Process.all(self._conn),
- 'condition_candidates': Condition.all(self._conn)}
- @_get_item(Process)
- def do_GET_process_titles(self, p: Process) -> dict[str, object]:
- """Show title history of Process of ?id=."""
- return {'process': p}
- @_get_item(Process)
- def do_GET_process_descriptions(self, p: Process) -> dict[str, object]:
- """Show description historys of Process of ?id=."""
- return {'process': p}
- @_get_item(Process)
- def do_GET_process_efforts(self, p: Process) -> dict[str, object]:
- """Show default effort history of Process of ?id=."""
- return {'process': p}
- def do_GET_processes(self) -> dict[str, object]:
- """Show all Processes."""
- pattern = self.params.get_str_or_fail('pattern', '')
- sort_by = self.params.get_str_or_fail('sort_by', 'title')
- #
- processes = Process.matching(self._conn, pattern)
- sort_by = Process.sort_by(processes, sort_by)
- return {'processes': processes, 'sort_by': sort_by, 'pattern': pattern}
- # POST handlers
- @staticmethod
- def _delete_or_post(target_class: Any, redir_target: str = '/'
- ) -> Callable[..., Callable[[TaskHandler], str]]:
- def decorator(f: Callable[..., str]
- ) -> Callable[[TaskHandler], str]:
- def wrapper(self: TaskHandler) -> str:
- # pylint: disable=protected-access
- # (because pylint here fails to detect the use of wrapper as a
- # method to self with respective access privileges)
- id_ = self.params.get_int_or_none('id')
- for _ in self.postvars.get_all_str('delete'):
- if id_ is None:
- msg = 'trying to delete non-saved ' +\
- f'{target_class.__name__}'
- raise NotFoundException(msg)
- item = target_class.by_id(self._conn, id_)
- item.remove(self._conn)
- return redir_target
- if target_class.can_create_by_id:
- item = target_class.by_id_or_create(self._conn, id_)
- else:
- item = target_class.by_id(self._conn, id_)
- return f(self, item)
- return wrapper
- return decorator
- def _change_versioned_timestamps(self, cls: Any, attr_name: str) -> str:
- """Update history timestamps for VersionedAttribute."""
- id_ = self.params.get_int_or_none('id')
- item = cls.by_id(self._conn, id_)
- attr = getattr(item, attr_name)
- for k, vals in self.postvars.get_all_of_key_prefixed('at:').items():
- if k[19:] != vals[0]:
- attr.reset_timestamp(k, f'{vals[0]}.0')
- attr.save(self._conn)
- return f'/{cls.name_lowercase()}_{attr_name}s?id={item.id_}'
- def do_POST_day(self) -> str:
- """Update or insert Day of date and Todos mapped to it."""
- # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
- date = self.params.get_str_or_fail('date')
- day_comment = self.postvars.get_str_or_fail('day_comment')
- make_type = self.postvars.get_str_or_fail('make_type')
- old_todos = self.postvars.get_all_int('todo_id')
- new_todos_by_process = self.postvars.get_all_int('new_todo')
- comments = self.postvars.get_all_str('comment')
- efforts = self.postvars.get_all_floats_or_nones('effort')
- done_todos = self.postvars.get_all_int('done')
- is_done = [t_id in done_todos for t_id in old_todos]
- if not (len(old_todos) == len(is_done) == len(comments)
- == len(efforts)):
- msg = 'not equal number each of number of todo_id, comments, ' +\
- 'and efforts inputs'
- raise BadFormatException(msg)
- for _ in [id_ for id_ in done_todos if id_ not in old_todos]:
- raise BadFormatException('"done" field refers to unknown Todo')
- #
- day_id = days_n_from_dt_date(dt_date_from_str(date))
- day = Day.by_id_or_create(self._conn, day_id)
- day.comment = day_comment
- day.save(self._conn)
- new_todos = []
- for process_id in sorted(new_todos_by_process):
- process = Process.by_id(self._conn, process_id)
- todo = Todo(None, process, False, day_id)
- todo.save(self._conn)
- new_todos += [todo]
- if 'full' == make_type:
- for todo in new_todos:
- todo.ensure_children(self._conn)
- for i, todo_id in enumerate(old_todos):
- todo = Todo.by_id(self._conn, todo_id)
- todo.is_done = is_done[i]
- todo.comment = comments[i]
- todo.effort = efforts[i]
- todo.save(self._conn)
- return f'/day?date={date}&make_type={make_type}'
- @_delete_or_post(Todo, '/')
- def do_POST_todo(self, todo: Todo) -> str:
- """Update Todo and its children."""
- # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
- # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
- # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
- assert isinstance(todo.id_, int)
- adoptees = [(id_, todo.id_) for id_
- in self.postvars.get_all_int('adopt')]
- to_make = {'full': [(id_, todo.id_) for id_
- in self.postvars.get_all_int('make_full')],
- 'empty': [(id_, todo.id_) for id_
- in self.postvars.get_all_int('make_empty')]}
- step_fillers_to = self.postvars.get_all_of_key_prefixed(
- 'step_filler_to_')
- to_update: dict[str, Any] = {
- 'comment': self.postvars.get_str_or_fail('comment', ''),
- 'is_done': self.postvars.get_bool('is_done'),
- 'calendarize': self.postvars.get_bool('calendarize')}
- cond_rels = [self.postvars.get_all_int(name) for name in
- ['conditions', 'blockers', 'enables', 'disables']]
- effort_or_not = self.postvars.get_str('effort')
- if effort_or_not is not None:
- if effort_or_not == '':
- to_update['effort'] = None
- else:
- try:
- to_update['effort'] = float(effort_or_not)
- except ValueError as e:
- msg = 'cannot float form field value for key: effort'
- raise BadFormatException(msg) from e
- for k, fillers in step_fillers_to.items():
- try:
- parent_id = int(k)
- except ValueError as e:
- msg = f'bad step_filler_to_ key: {k}'
- raise BadFormatException(msg) from e
- for filler in [f for f in fillers if f != 'ignore']:
- target_id: int
- prefix = 'make_'
- to_int = filler[5:] if filler.startswith(prefix) else filler
- try:
- target_id = int(to_int)
- except ValueError as e:
- msg = f'bad fill_for target: {filler}'
- raise BadFormatException(msg) from e
- if filler.startswith(prefix):
- to_make['empty'] += [(target_id, parent_id)]
- else:
- adoptees += [(target_id, parent_id)]
- #
- todo.set_condition_relations(self._conn, *cond_rels)
- for parent in [Todo.by_id(self._conn, a[1])
- for a in adoptees] + [todo]:
- for child in parent.children:
- if child not in [t[0] for t in adoptees
- if t[0] == child.id_ and t[1] == parent.id_]:
- parent.remove_child(child)
- parent.save(self._conn)
- for child_id, parent_id in adoptees:
- parent = Todo.by_id(self._conn, parent_id)
- if child_id not in [c.id_ for c in parent.children]:
- parent.add_child(Todo.by_id(self._conn, child_id))
- parent.save(self._conn)
- todo.update_attrs(**to_update)
- for approach, make_data in to_make.items():
- for process_id, parent_id in make_data:
- parent = Todo.by_id(self._conn, parent_id)
- process = Process.by_id(self._conn, process_id)
- made = Todo(None, process, False, todo.day_id)
- made.save(self._conn)
- if 'full' == approach:
- made.ensure_children(self._conn)
- parent.add_child(made)
- parent.save(self._conn)
- # todo.save() may destroy Todo if .effort < 0, so retrieve .id_ early
- url = f'/todo?id={todo.id_}'
- todo.save(self._conn)
- return url
- def do_POST_process_descriptions(self) -> str:
- """Update history timestamps for Process.description."""
- return self._change_versioned_timestamps(Process, 'description')
- def do_POST_process_efforts(self) -> str:
- """Update history timestamps for Process.effort."""
- return self._change_versioned_timestamps(Process, 'effort')
- def do_POST_process_titles(self) -> str:
- """Update history timestamps for Process.title."""
- return self._change_versioned_timestamps(Process, 'title')
- @_delete_or_post(Process, '/processes')
- def do_POST_process(self, process: Process) -> str:
- """Update or insert Process of ?id= and fields defined in postvars."""
- # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
- def id_or_title(l_id_or_title: list[str]) -> tuple[str, list[int]]:
- l_ids, title = [], ''
- for id_or_title in l_id_or_title:
- try:
- l_ids += [int(id_or_title)]
- except ValueError:
- title = id_or_title
- return title, l_ids
- versioned = {
- 'title': self.postvars.get_str_or_fail('title'),
- 'description': self.postvars.get_str_or_fail('description'),
- 'effort': self.postvars.get_float_or_fail('effort')}
- cond_rels = [self.postvars.get_all_int(s) for s
- in ['conditions', 'blockers', 'enables', 'disables']]
- calendarize = self.postvars.get_bool('calendarize')
- step_of = self.postvars.get_all_str('step_of')
- suppressions = self.postvars.get_all_int('suppressed_steps')
- kept_steps = self.postvars.get_all_int('kept_steps')
- new_top_step_procs = self.postvars.get_all_str('new_top_step')
- new_steps_to = {
- int(k): [int(n) for n in v] for (k, v)
- in self.postvars.get_all_of_key_prefixed('new_step_to_').items()}
- new_owner_title, owners_to_set = id_or_title(step_of)
- new_step_title, new_top_step_proc_ids = id_or_title(new_top_step_procs)
- #
- for k, v in versioned.items():
- getattr(process, k).set(v)
- process.calendarize = calendarize
- process.save(self._conn)
- assert isinstance(process.id_, int)
- # set relations to Conditions and ProcessSteps / other Processes
- process.set_condition_relations(self._conn, *cond_rels)
- owned_steps = [ProcessStep.by_id(self._conn, step_id)
- for step_id in kept_steps]
- for parent_step_id, step_process_ids in new_steps_to.items():
- owned_steps += [ProcessStep(None, process.id_, step_process_id,
- parent_step_id)
- for step_process_id in step_process_ids]
- owned_steps += [ProcessStep(None, process.id_, step_process_id, None)
- for step_process_id in new_top_step_proc_ids]
- process.set_step_relations(self._conn, owners_to_set, suppressions,
- owned_steps)
- # encode titles for potential newly-to-create Processes up or down
- params = f'id={process.id_}'
- if new_step_title:
- title_b64_encoded = b64encode(new_step_title.encode()).decode()
- params = f'step_to={process.id_}&title_b64={title_b64_encoded}'
- elif new_owner_title:
- title_b64_encoded = b64encode(new_owner_title.encode()).decode()
- params = f'has_step={process.id_}&title_b64={title_b64_encoded}'
- process.save(self._conn)
- return f'/process?{params}'
- def do_POST_condition_descriptions(self) -> str:
- """Update history timestamps for Condition.description."""
- return self._change_versioned_timestamps(Condition, 'description')
- def do_POST_condition_titles(self) -> str:
- """Update history timestamps for Condition.title."""
- return self._change_versioned_timestamps(Condition, 'title')
- @_delete_or_post(Condition, '/conditions')
- def do_POST_condition(self, condition: Condition) -> str:
- """Update/insert Condition of ?id= and fields defined in postvars."""
- title = self.postvars.get_str_or_fail('title')
- description = self.postvars.get_str_or_fail('description')
- is_active = self.postvars.get_bool('is_active')
- condition.is_active = is_active
- #
- condition.title.set(title)
- condition.description.set(description)
- condition.save(self._conn)
- return f'/condition?id={condition.id_}'