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Split off majority of code into separate module files.
authorChristian Heller <c.heller@plomlompom.de>
Wed, 19 Mar 2025 09:50:04 +0000 (10:50 +0100)
committerChristian Heller <c.heller@plomlompom.de>
Wed, 19 Mar 2025 09:50:04 +0000 (10:50 +0100)
src/ledgplom/__init__.py [new file with mode: 0644]
src/ledgplom/http.py [new file with mode: 0644]
src/ledgplom/ledger.py [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/src/ledgplom/__init__.py b/src/ledgplom/__init__.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/src/ledgplom/http.py b/src/ledgplom/http.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a704c27
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+"""Collect directly HTTP-related elements."""
+# standard libs
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Any
+# non-standard libs
+from plomlib.web import PlomHttpHandler, PlomHttpServer, PlomQueryMap
+from ledgplom.ledger import Account, DatLine, Ledger
+_SERVER_PORT = 8084
+_PATH_TEMPLATES = Path('templates')
+_PREFIX_LEDGER = 'ledger_'
+_PREFIX_EDIT = 'edit_'
+_PREFIX_FILE = 'file_'
+_TOK_STRUCT = 'structured'
+_TOK_RAW = 'raw'
+class Server(PlomHttpServer):
+    """Extends parent by loading .dat file into database for Handler."""
+    def __init__(self, path_dat: Path, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
+        super().__init__(_PATH_TEMPLATES, (_SERVER_HOST, _SERVER_PORT),
+                         _Handler)
+        self.ledger = Ledger(path_dat)
+class _Handler(PlomHttpHandler):
+    """"Handles HTTP requests."""
+    mapper = PlomQueryMap
+    def _send_rendered(self, tmpl_name: str, ctx: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
+        self.send_rendered(Path(f'{tmpl_name}.tmpl'), ctx)
+    def do_POST(self) -> None:
+        """"Route POST requests to respective handlers."""
+        # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+        redir_target = Path(self.path)
+        if (file_prefixed := self.postvars.keys_prefixed(_PREFIX_FILE)):
+            self.post_file_action(file_prefixed[0])
+        elif (self.pagename.startswith(_PREFIX_EDIT)
+              and self.postvars.first('apply')):
+            redir_target = self.post_edit()
+        elif self.pagename.startswith(_PREFIX_LEDGER):
+            redir_target = self.post_ledger_action()
+        self.redirect(redir_target)
+    def post_file_action(self, file_prefixed: str) -> None:
+        """Based on file_prefixed name, trigger .server.ledger.(load|save)."""
+        if file_prefixed == f'{_PREFIX_FILE}load':
+            self.server.ledger.load()
+        elif file_prefixed == f'{_PREFIX_FILE}save':
+            self.server.ledger.save()
+    def post_edit(self) -> Path:
+        """Based on postvars, edit targeted Booking."""
+        booking = self.server.ledger.bookings[int(self.path_toks[2])]
+        new_lines = []
+        if self.pagename == _PAGENAME_EDIT_STRUCT:
+            line_keys = self.postvars.keys_prefixed('line_')
+            lineno_to_inputs: dict[int, list[str]] = {}
+            for key in line_keys:
+                toks = key.split('_', maxsplit=2)
+                lineno = int(toks[1])
+                if lineno not in lineno_to_inputs:
+                    lineno_to_inputs[lineno] = []
+                lineno_to_inputs[lineno] += [toks[2]]
+            indent = '  '
+            for lineno, input_names in lineno_to_inputs.items():
+                data = ''
+                comment = self.postvars.first(f'line_{lineno}_comment')
+                for name in input_names:
+                    input_ = self.postvars.first(f'line_{lineno}_{name}'
+                                                 ).strip()
+                    if name == 'date':
+                        data = input_
+                    elif name == 'target':
+                        data += f' {input_}'
+                    elif name == 'error':
+                        data = f'{indent}{input_}'
+                    elif name == 'account':
+                        data = f'{indent}{input_}'
+                    elif name in {'amount', 'currency'}:
+                        data += f'  {input_}'
+                new_lines += [
+                    DatLine(f'{data} ; {comment}' if comment else data)]
+        else:  # edit_raw
+            new_lines += [DatLine(line) for line
+                          in self.postvars.first('booking').splitlines()]
+        new_id = self.server.ledger.rewrite_booking(booking.id_, new_lines)
+        return Path('/bookings').joinpath(f'{new_id}')
+    def post_ledger_action(self) -> Path:
+        """Call .server.ledger.(move|copy|add_empty_new)_booking."""
+        if 'add_booking' in self.postvars.as_dict:
+            id_ = self.server.ledger.add_empty_booking()
+        else:
+            keys_prefixed = self.postvars.keys_prefixed(_PREFIX_LEDGER)
+            action, id_str = keys_prefixed[0].split('_', maxsplit=2)[1:]
+            id_ = int(id_str)
+            if action.startswith('move'):
+                id_ = self.server.ledger.move_booking(id_, action == 'moveup')
+                return Path(self.path).joinpath(f'#{id_}')
+            id_ = self.server.ledger.copy_booking(id_)
+        return Path(_PAGENAME_EDIT_STRUCT).joinpath(f'{id_}')
+    def do_GET(self) -> None:
+        """"Route GET requests to respective handlers."""
+        # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+        if self.pagename == 'bookings':
+            self.redirect(
+                Path('/').joinpath(_PAGENAME_EDIT_STRUCT
+                                   ).joinpath(self.path_toks[2]))
+            return
+        ctx = {'tainted': self.server.ledger.tainted, 'path': self.path}
+        if self.pagename == 'balance':
+            self.get_balance(ctx)
+        elif self.pagename.startswith(_PREFIX_EDIT):
+            self.get_edit(ctx, self.pagename == _PAGENAME_EDIT_RAW)
+        elif self.pagename.startswith(_PREFIX_LEDGER):
+            self.get_ledger(ctx, self.pagename == _PAGENAME_LEDGER_RAW)
+        else:
+            self.get_ledger(ctx, False)
+    def get_balance(self, ctx) -> None:
+        """Display tree of calculated Accounts over .bookings[:up_incl+1]."""
+        id_ = int(self.params.first('up_incl') or '-1')
+        ctx['roots'] = [ac for ac in self.server.ledger.accounts.values()
+                        if not ac.parent]
+        ctx['valid'] = self.server.ledger.bookings_valid_up_incl(id_)
+        ctx['booking'] = self.server.ledger.bookings[id_]
+        ctx['path_up_incl'] = f'{self.path_toks[1]}?up_incl='
+        self._send_rendered('balance', ctx)
+    def get_edit(self, ctx, raw: bool) -> None:
+        """Display edit form for individual Booking."""
+        id_ = int(self.path_toks[2])
+        booking = self.server.ledger.bookings[id_]
+        observed_tree: list[dict[str, Any]] = []
+        for full_path in sorted(booking.account_changes.keys()):
+            parent_children: list[dict[str, Any]] = observed_tree
+            for path, _ in Account.path_to_steps(full_path):
+                already_registered = False
+                for child in [n for n in parent_children if path == n['name']]:
+                    parent_children = child['children']
+                    already_registered = True
+                    break
+                if already_registered:
+                    continue
+                self.server.ledger.ensure_account(path)
+                before = self.server.ledger.accounts[path].get_wealth(id_ - 1)
+                after = self.server.ledger.accounts[path].get_wealth(id_)
+                direct_target = full_path == path
+                diff = {
+                    cur: amt for cur, amt in (after - before).moneys.items()
+                    if amt != 0
+                    or (direct_target
+                        and cur in booking.account_changes[full_path].moneys)}
+                if diff or direct_target:
+                    displayed_currencies = set(diff.keys())
+                    for wealth in before, after:
+                        wealth.ensure_currencies(displayed_currencies)
+                        wealth.purge_currencies_except(displayed_currencies)
+                    node: dict[str, Any] = {
+                            'name': path,
+                            'direct_target': direct_target,
+                            'wealth_before': before.moneys,
+                            'wealth_diff': diff,
+                            'wealth_after': after.moneys,
+                            'children': []}
+                    parent_children += [node]
+                    parent_children = node['children']
+        ctx['roots'] = observed_tree
+        ctx['id'] = id_
+        ctx['dat_lines'] = [dl if raw else dl.as_dict
+                            for dl in booking.booked_lines]
+        ctx['valid'] = self.server.ledger.bookings_valid_up_incl(id_)
+        if not raw:
+            ctx['all_accounts'] = sorted(self.server.ledger.accounts.keys())
+        self._send_rendered(
+                _PAGENAME_EDIT_RAW if raw else _PAGENAME_EDIT_STRUCT, ctx)
+    def get_ledger(self, ctx: dict[str, Any], raw: bool) -> None:
+        """Display ledger of all Bookings."""
+        ctx['dat_lines'] = self.server.ledger.dat_lines
+        self._send_rendered(
+                _PAGENAME_LEDGER_RAW if raw else _PAGENAME_LEDGER_STRUCT, ctx)
diff --git a/src/ledgplom/ledger.py b/src/ledgplom/ledger.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c2213bf
--- /dev/null
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+"""Actual ledger classes."""
+# standard libs
+from datetime import date as dt_date
+from decimal import Decimal, InvalidOperation as DecimalInvalidOperation
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Any, Iterator, Optional, Self
+_PREFIX_DEF = 'def '
+class _Dictable:
+    """Line abstraction featuring .as_dict property."""
+    dictables: set[str] = set()
+    @property
+    def as_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
+        """Return as JSON-ready dict attributes listed in .dictables."""
+        d = {}
+        for name in self.dictables:
+            value = getattr(self, name)
+            if hasattr(value, 'as_dict'):
+                value = value.as_dict
+            elif not isinstance(value, (str, int)):
+                value = str(value)
+            d[name] = value
+        return d
+class _Wealth():
+    """Collects amounts mapped to currencies."""
+    def __init__(self, moneys: Optional[dict[str, Decimal]] = None) -> None:
+        self.moneys = moneys if moneys else {}
+        self._sort_with_euro_up()
+    def _sort_with_euro_up(self) -> None:
+        if '€' in self.moneys:
+            temp = {'€': self.moneys['€']}
+            for curr in sorted([c for c in self.moneys if c != '€']):
+                temp[curr] = self.moneys[curr]
+            self.moneys = temp
+    def ensure_currencies(self, currencies: set[str]) -> None:
+        """Ensure all of currencies have at least a Decimal(0) entry."""
+        for currency in currencies:
+            if currency not in self.moneys:
+                self.moneys[currency] = Decimal(0)
+        self._sort_with_euro_up()
+    def purge_currencies_except(self, currencies: set[str]) -> None:
+        """From .moneys remove currencies except those listed."""
+        self.moneys = {curr: amt for curr, amt in self.moneys.items()
+                       if curr in currencies}
+    def _add(self, other: Self, add=True) -> Self:
+        result = self.__class__(self.moneys.copy())
+        result.ensure_currencies(set(other.moneys.keys()))
+        for currency, amount in other.moneys.items():
+            result.moneys[currency] += amount if add else -amount
+        return result
+    def __add__(self, other: Self) -> Self:
+        return self._add(other)
+    def __sub__(self, other: Self) -> Self:
+        return self._add(other, add=False)
+    @property
+    def sink_empty(self) -> bool:
+        """Return if all evens out to zero."""
+        return not bool(self.as_sink.moneys)
+    @property
+    def as_sink(self) -> '_Wealth':
+        """Drop zero amounts, invert non-zero ones."""
+        sink = _Wealth()
+        for moneys in [_Wealth({c: a}) for c, a in self.moneys.items() if a]:
+            sink -= moneys
+        return sink
+class Account:
+    """Combine name, position in tree of own, and wealth of self + children."""
+    def __init__(self, parent: Optional['Account'], basename: str) -> None:
+        self._wealth_diffs: dict[int, _Wealth] = {}
+        self.basename = basename
+        self.desc = ''
+        self.children: list[Self] = []
+        self.parent = parent
+        if self.parent:
+            self.parent.children += [self]
+    def _get_local_wealth(self, up_incl: int) -> _Wealth:
+        """Calculate by summing all recorded wealth diffs up+incl. _Booking."""
+        wealth = _Wealth()
+        for wealth_diff in [wd for id_, wd in self._wealth_diffs.items()
+                            if id_ <= up_incl]:
+            wealth += wealth_diff
+        return wealth
+    def get_wealth(self, up_incl: int) -> _Wealth:
+        """Total of .local_wealth with that of .children up+incl. _Booking."""
+        total = _Wealth()
+        total += self._get_local_wealth(up_incl)
+        for child in self.children:
+            total += child.get_wealth(up_incl)
+        return total
+    def add_wealth_diff(self, booking_id: int, wealth_diff: _Wealth) -> None:
+        """Add knowledge that _Booking of booking_add added wealth_diff."""
+        if booking_id in self._wealth_diffs:
+            self._wealth_diffs[booking_id] += wealth_diff
+        else:
+            self._wealth_diffs[booking_id] = wealth_diff
+    @staticmethod
+    def path_to_steps(full_path: str) -> Iterator[tuple[str, str]]:
+        """Split full_path into steps, for each return its path, basename."""
+        rebuilt_path = ''
+        for step_name in full_path.split(':'):
+            rebuilt_path += (':' if rebuilt_path else '') + step_name
+            yield rebuilt_path, step_name
+class DatLine(_Dictable):
+    """Line of .dat file parsed into comments and machine-readable data."""
+    dictables = {'booking_line', 'code', 'comment', 'error', 'is_intro'}
+    prev_line_empty: bool
+    def __init__(self, line: str) -> None:
+        self.raw = line[:]
+        halves = [t.rstrip() for t in line.split(';', maxsplit=1)]
+        self.comment = halves[1] if len(halves) > 1 else ''
+        self.code = halves[0]
+        self.booking_line: Optional[_BookingLine] = None
+    @property
+    def comment_instructions(self) -> dict[str, str]:
+        """Parse .comment into Account modification instructions."""
+        instructions = {}
+        if self.comment.startswith(_PREFIX_DEF):
+            parts = [part.strip() for part
+                     in self.comment[len(_PREFIX_DEF):].split(';')]
+            first_part_parts = parts[0].split(maxsplit=1)
+            account_name = first_part_parts[0]
+            desc = first_part_parts[1] if len(first_part_parts) > 1 else ''
+            instructions[account_name] = desc
+        return instructions
+    @property
+    def comment_in_ledger(self) -> str:
+        """What to show in structured ledger view (no instructions)."""
+        return '' if len(self.comment_instructions) > 0 else self.comment
+    @property
+    def is_intro(self) -> bool:
+        """Return if intro line of a _Booking."""
+        return isinstance(self.booking_line, _IntroLine)
+    @property
+    def booking_id(self) -> int:
+        """If .booking_line, its .booking_id, else -1."""
+        return self.booking.id_ if self.booking else -1
+    @property
+    def booking(self) -> Optional['_Booking']:
+        """If .booking_line, matching _Booking, else None."""
+        return self.booking_line.booking if self.booking_line else None
+    @property
+    def error(self) -> str:
+        """Return error if registered on attempt to parse into _BookingLine."""
+        return '; '.join(self.booking_line.errors) if self.booking_line else ''
+    @property
+    def is_questionable(self) -> bool:
+        """Return whether line be questionable per associated _Booking."""
+        return (self.booking_line.booking.is_questionable if self.booking_line
+                else False)
+    @property
+    def raw_nbsp(self) -> str:
+        """Return .raw but ensure whitespace as &nbsp;, and at least one."""
+        if not self.raw:
+            return '&nbsp;'
+        return self.raw.replace(' ', '&nbsp;')
+class _BookingLine(_Dictable):
+    """Parsed code part of a DatLine belonging to a _Booking."""
+    def __init__(self, booking: '_Booking') -> None:
+        self.errors: list[str] = []
+        self.booking = booking
+        self.idx = 0
+class _IntroLine(_BookingLine):
+    """First line of a _Booking, expected to carry date etc."""
+    dictables = {'date', 'target'}
+    def __init__(self, booking: '_Booking', code: str) -> None:
+        super().__init__(booking)
+        if code[0].isspace():
+            self.errors += ['intro line indented']
+        toks = code.lstrip().split(maxsplit=1)
+        self.date = toks[0]
+        self.target = toks[1] if len(toks) > 1 else ''
+        if len(toks) == 1:
+            self.errors += ['illegal number of tokens']
+        try:
+            dt_date.fromisoformat(self.date)
+        except ValueError:
+            self.errors += [f'not properly formatted legal date: {self.date}']
+class _TransferLine(_BookingLine):
+    """Non-first _Booking line, expected to carry value movement."""
+    dictables = {'amount', 'account', 'currency'}
+    def __init__(self, booking: '_Booking', code: str, idx: int) -> None:
+        super().__init__(booking)
+        self.idx = idx
+        self.currency = ''
+        self.amount: Optional[Decimal] = None
+        if not code[0].isspace():
+            self.errors += ['transfer line not indented']
+        toks = code.lstrip().split()
+        self.account = toks[0]
+        if len(toks) > 1:
+            self.currency = toks[2] if 3 == len(toks) else '€'
+            try:
+                self.amount = Decimal(toks[1])
+            except DecimalInvalidOperation:
+                self.errors += [f'improper amount value: {toks[1]}']
+        if len(toks) > 3:
+            self.errors += ['illegal number of tokens']
+    @property
+    def amount_short(self) -> str:
+        """If no .amount, '', else printed – but if too long, ellipsized."""
+        if self.amount is not None:
+            exp = self.amount.as_tuple().exponent
+            assert isinstance(exp, int)
+            return f'{self.amount:.1f}…' if exp < -2 else f'{self.amount:.2f}'
+        return ''
+class _Booking:
+    """Represents lines of individual booking."""
+    next: Optional[Self]
+    prev: Optional[Self]
+    def __init__(self,
+                 id_: int,
+                 booked_lines: list[DatLine],
+                 gap_lines: Optional[list[DatLine]] = None
+                 ) -> None:
+        self.next, self.prev = None, None
+        self.id_, self.booked_lines = id_, booked_lines[:]
+        self._gap_lines = gap_lines[:] if gap_lines else []
+        # parse booked_lines into Intro- and _TransferLines
+        self.intro_line = _IntroLine(self, self.booked_lines[0].code)
+        self._transfer_lines = [
+                _TransferLine(self, b_line.code, i+1) for i, b_line
+                in enumerate(self.booked_lines[1:])]
+        self.booked_lines[0].booking_line = self.intro_line
+        for i, b_line in enumerate(self._transfer_lines):
+            self.booked_lines[i + 1].booking_line = b_line
+        # calculate .account_changes
+        changes = _Wealth()
+        sink_account = None
+        self.account_changes: dict[str, _Wealth] = {}
+        for transfer_line in [tl for tl in self._transfer_lines
+                              if not tl.errors]:
+            if transfer_line.account not in self.account_changes:
+                self.account_changes[transfer_line.account] = _Wealth()
+            if transfer_line.amount is None:
+                if sink_account:
+                    transfer_line.errors += ['too many sinks']
+                sink_account = transfer_line.account
+                continue
+            change = _Wealth({transfer_line.currency: transfer_line.amount})
+            self.account_changes[transfer_line.account] += change
+            changes += change
+        if sink_account:
+            self.account_changes[sink_account] += changes.as_sink
+        elif not changes.sink_empty:
+            self._transfer_lines[-1].errors += ['needed sink missing']
+    def recalc_prev_next(self, bookings: list[Self]) -> None:
+        """Assuming .id_ to be index in bookings, link prev + next bookings."""
+        self.prev = bookings[self.id_ - 1] if self.id_ > 0 else None
+        if self.prev:
+            self.prev.next = self
+        self.next = (bookings[self.id_ + 1] if self.id_ + 1 < len(bookings)
+                     else None)
+        if self.next:
+            self.next.prev = self
+    @property
+    def gap_lines(self) -> list[DatLine]:
+        """Return ._gap_lines or, if empty, list of one empty DatLine."""
+        return self._gap_lines if self._gap_lines else [DatLine('')]
+    @gap_lines.setter
+    def gap_lines(self, gap_lines=list[DatLine]) -> None:
+        self._gap_lines = gap_lines[:]
+    @property
+    def gap_lines_copied(self) -> list[DatLine]:
+        """Return new DatLines generated from .raw's of .gap_lines."""
+        return [DatLine(dat_line.raw) for dat_line in self.gap_lines]
+    @property
+    def booked_lines_copied(self) -> list[DatLine]:
+        """Return new DatLines generated from .raw's of .booked_lines."""
+        return [DatLine(dat_line.raw) for dat_line in self.booked_lines]
+    @property
+    def target(self) -> str:
+        """Return main other party for transaction."""
+        return self.intro_line.target
+    @property
+    def date(self) -> str:
+        """Return _Booking's day's date."""
+        return self.intro_line.date
+    def can_move(self, up: bool) -> bool:
+        """Whether movement rules would allow self to move up or down."""
+        if up and ((not self.prev) or self.prev.date != self.date):
+            return False
+        if (not up) and ((not self.next) or self.next.date != self.date):
+            return False
+        return True
+    @property
+    def is_questionable(self) -> bool:
+        """Whether lines count any errors."""
+        for _ in [bl for bl in [self.intro_line] + self._transfer_lines
+                  if bl.errors]:
+            return True
+        return False
+class Ledger:
+    """Collection of DatLines, and Accounts, _Bookings derived from them."""
+    accounts: dict[str, Account]
+    bookings: list[_Booking]
+    dat_lines: list[DatLine]
+    initial_gap_lines: list[DatLine]
+    def __init__(self, path_dat: Path) -> None:
+        self._path_dat = path_dat
+        self.load()
+    def load(self) -> None:
+        """(Re-)read ledger from file at ._path_dat."""
+        self.accounts, self.bookings, self.initial_gap_lines = {}, [], []
+        self.dat_lines: list[DatLine] = [
+            DatLine(line)
+            for line in self._path_dat.read_text(encoding='utf8').splitlines()]
+        self.last_save_hash = self._hash_dat_lines()
+        booked: list[DatLine] = []
+        gap_lines: list[DatLine] = []
+        booking: Optional[_Booking] = None
+        for dat_line in self.dat_lines + [DatLine('')]:
+            if dat_line.code:
+                if gap_lines:
+                    if booking:
+                        booking.gap_lines = gap_lines[:]
+                    else:
+                        self.initial_gap_lines = gap_lines[:]
+                    gap_lines.clear()
+                booked += [dat_line]
+            else:
+                gap_lines += [dat_line]
+                if booked:
+                    booking = _Booking(len(self.bookings), booked[:])
+                    self.bookings += [booking]
+                    booked.clear()
+        if booking:
+            booking.gap_lines = gap_lines[:-1]
+        self._sync(recalc_datlines=False)
+    def _sync(self, recalc_datlines=True, check_dates=True):
+        if recalc_datlines:
+            self.dat_lines = self.initial_gap_lines[:]
+            for booking in self.bookings:
+                self.dat_lines += booking.booked_lines
+                self.dat_lines += booking.gap_lines
+        for idx, booking in enumerate(self.bookings[1:]):
+            booking.prev = self.bookings[idx]
+        for idx, booking in enumerate(self.bookings[:-1]):
+            booking.next = self.bookings[idx + 1]
+        self.bookings[-1].next = None
+        if check_dates:
+            last_date = ''
+            err_msg = 'date < previous valid date'
+            for booking in self.bookings:
+                if err_msg in booking.intro_line.errors:
+                    booking.intro_line.errors.remove(err_msg)
+                if last_date > booking.date:
+                    booking.intro_line.errors += [err_msg]
+                else:
+                    last_date = booking.date
+        self._recalc_prev_line_empty()
+        self.accounts = {}
+        for dat_line in self.dat_lines:
+            for acc_name, desc in dat_line.comment_instructions.items():
+                self.ensure_account(acc_name)
+                self.accounts[acc_name].desc = desc
+        for booking in self.bookings:
+            for acc_name, wealth in booking.account_changes.items():
+                self.ensure_account(acc_name)
+                self.accounts[acc_name].add_wealth_diff(booking.id_, wealth)
+    def ensure_account(self, full_path: str) -> None:
+        """If full_path not in self.accounts, add its tree with Accounts."""
+        parent_path = ''
+        for path, step_name in Account.path_to_steps(full_path):
+            if path not in self.accounts:
+                self.accounts[path] = Account(
+                        self.accounts[parent_path] if parent_path else None,
+                        step_name)
+            parent_path = path
+    def save(self) -> None:
+        """Save current state to ._path_dat."""
+        self._path_dat.write_text(
+            '\n'.join([line.raw for line in self.dat_lines]), encoding='utf8')
+        self.load()
+    def _hash_dat_lines(self) -> int:
+        return hash(tuple(dl.raw for dl in self.dat_lines))
+    def bookings_valid_up_incl(self, booking_id: int) -> bool:
+        """If no .is_questionable in self.bookings up to booking_id."""
+        return len([b for b in self.bookings[:booking_id + 1]
+                    if b.is_questionable]
+                   ) < 1
+    @property
+    def tainted(self) -> bool:
+        """If .dat_lines different to those of last .load()."""
+        return self._hash_dat_lines() != self.last_save_hash
+    def _recalc_prev_line_empty(self) -> None:
+        prev_line = None
+        for line in self.dat_lines:
+            line.prev_line_empty = False
+            if prev_line:
+                line.prev_line_empty = not (prev_line.code
+                                            + prev_line.comment_in_ledger)
+            if prev_line or line.code + line.comment_in_ledger:  # jump over
+                prev_line = line                                 # empty start
+    def _move_booking(self, idx_from: int, idx_to: int):
+        moving = self.bookings[idx_from]
+        if idx_from >= idx_to:                   # moving upward, deletion must
+            del self.bookings[idx_from]          # precede insertion to keep
+        self.bookings[idx_to:idx_to] = [moving]  # deletion index, downwards
+        if idx_from < idx_to:                    # the other way around keeps
+            del self.bookings[idx_from]          # insertion index
+        min_idx, max_idx = min(idx_from, idx_to), max(idx_from, idx_to)
+        for idx, booking in enumerate(self.bookings[min_idx:max_idx + 1]):
+            booking.id_ = min_idx + idx
+    def move_booking(self, idx_from: int, up: bool) -> int:
+        """Move _Booking of old_id one step up or downwards"""
+        new_id = idx_from + (-1 if up else 1)
+        idx_to = new_id + (0 if up else 1)  # down-move imlies jump over next
+        self._move_booking(new_id, idx_to)
+        self._sync()
+        return new_id
+    def rewrite_booking(self, old_id: int, new_lines: list[DatLine]) -> int:
+        """Rewrite _Booking with new_lines, move if changed date."""
+        old_booking = self.bookings[old_id]
+        booked_start, booked_end, gap_start_found = -1, 0, False
+        for i, line in enumerate(new_lines):
+            if booked_start < 0 and line.code.strip():  # ignore any initial
+                booked_start = i                        # empty lines
+            elif booked_start >= 0 and not line.code.strip():  # past start,
+                gap_start_found = True                         # yet empty? gap
+            if not gap_start_found:  # end index is always after current line,
+                booked_end += 1      # provided we're not yet in the gap
+            elif line.code.strip():
+                new_lines[i] = DatLine(f'; {line.code}')
+        before_gap = new_lines[:booked_start]
+        new_booked_lines = (new_lines[booked_start:booked_end]
+                            if booked_start > -1 else [])
+        after_gap = old_booking.gap_lines_copied  # new gap be old gap _plus_
+        after_gap += new_lines[booked_end:]       # any new gap lines
+        if not new_booked_lines:  # interpret empty posting as deletion request
+            del self.bookings[old_id]
+            for booking in self.bookings[old_id:]:
+                booking.id_ -= 1
+            leftover_gap = before_gap + after_gap
+            if old_id == 0:
+                self.initial_gap_lines += leftover_gap
+            else:
+                self.bookings[old_id - 1].gap_lines += leftover_gap
+            self._sync(check_dates=False)
+            return old_id if old_id < len(self.bookings) else 0
+        if old_id == 0:
+            self.initial_gap_lines += before_gap
+        else:
+            self.bookings[old_id - 1].gap_lines += before_gap
+        new_date = new_booked_lines[0].code.lstrip().split(maxsplit=1)[0]
+        updated = _Booking(old_id, new_booked_lines, after_gap)
+        self.bookings[old_id] = updated
+        if new_date != old_booking.date:  # if changed date, move to there
+            if self.bookings[0].date > new_date:
+                new_id = 0
+            elif self.bookings[-1].date < new_date:
+                new_id = self.bookings[-1].id_ + 1
+            else:
+                of_date_1st = i_booking = self.bookings[0]
+                while i_booking.next:
+                    if of_date_1st.date != i_booking.date:
+                        of_date_1st = i_booking
+                    if i_booking.next.date > new_date:
+                        break
+                    i_booking = i_booking.next
+                # ensure that, if we land in group of like-dated _Bookings, we
+                # land on the edge closest to our last position
+                new_id = (of_date_1st.id_ if old_id < i_booking.id_
+                          else i_booking.id_ + 1)
+            self._move_booking(old_id, new_id)
+        self._sync(check_dates=False)
+        return updated.id_
+    def _add_new_booking(
+            self,
+            target: str,
+            dat_lines_transaction: list[DatLine],
+            intro_comment: str = ''
+            ) -> int:
+        booking = _Booking(
+            len(self.bookings),
+            [DatLine(f'{dt_date.today().isoformat()} {target}'
+                     + ' ; '.join([''] + [s for s in [intro_comment] if s]))
+             ] + dat_lines_transaction)
+        self.bookings += [booking]
+        self._sync()
+        return booking.id_
+    def add_empty_booking(self) -> int:
+        """Add new _Booking to end of ledger."""
+        return self._add_new_booking('?', [])
+    def copy_booking(self, copied_id: int) -> int:
+        """Add copy of _Booking of copied_id to_end of ledger."""
+        copied = self.bookings[copied_id]
+        return self._add_new_booking(copied.target,
+                                     copied.booked_lines_copied[1:],
+                                     copied.booked_lines[0].comment)
index 91079d7832c6f942453dc8f5b87d06112247bdb5..91c1905e70b309379ca4adc2abf5ff92d605e3c3 100755 (executable)
 """Viewer and editor for ledger .dat files."""
 # standard libs
-from datetime import date as dt_date
-from decimal import Decimal, InvalidOperation as DecimalInvalidOperation
 from os import environ
 from pathlib import Path
 from sys import exit as sys_exit
-from typing import Any, Iterator, Optional, Self
 # non-standard libs
-    from plomlib.web import PlomHttpHandler, PlomHttpServer, PlomQueryMap
+    from ledgplom.http import Server
 except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
     print(f"Missing dependency: {e}. Please run with 'install_deps' argument.")
 LEDGER_DAT = environ.get('LEDGER_DAT')
-PATH_TEMPLATES = Path('templates')
-PREFIX_DEF = 'def '
-PREFIX_LEDGER = 'ledger_'
-PREFIX_EDIT = 'edit_'
-PREFIX_FILE = 'file_'
-TOK_STRUCT = 'structured'
-TOK_RAW = 'raw'
-class Dictable:
-    """Line abstraction featuring .as_dict property."""
-    dictables: set[str] = set()
-    @property
-    def as_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
-        """Return as JSON-ready dict attributes listed in .dictables."""
-        d = {}
-        for name in self.dictables:
-            value = getattr(self, name)
-            if hasattr(value, 'as_dict'):
-                value = value.as_dict
-            elif not isinstance(value, (str, int)):
-                value = str(value)
-            d[name] = value
-        return d
-class Wealth():
-    """Collects amounts mapped to currencies."""
-    def __init__(self, moneys: Optional[dict[str, Decimal]] = None) -> None:
-        self.moneys = moneys if moneys else {}
-        self._sort_with_euro_up()
-    def _sort_with_euro_up(self) -> None:
-        if '€' in self.moneys:
-            temp = {'€': self.moneys['€']}
-            for curr in sorted([c for c in self.moneys if c != '€']):
-                temp[curr] = self.moneys[curr]
-            self.moneys = temp
-    def ensure_currencies(self, currencies: set[str]) -> None:
-        """Ensure all of currencies have at least a Decimal(0) entry."""
-        for currency in currencies:
-            if currency not in self.moneys:
-                self.moneys[currency] = Decimal(0)
-        self._sort_with_euro_up()
-    def purge_currencies_except(self, currencies: set[str]) -> None:
-        """From .moneys remove currencies except those listed."""
-        self.moneys = {curr: amt for curr, amt in self.moneys.items()
-                       if curr in currencies}
-    def _add(self, other: Self, add=True) -> Self:
-        result = self.__class__(self.moneys.copy())
-        result.ensure_currencies(set(other.moneys.keys()))
-        for currency, amount in other.moneys.items():
-            result.moneys[currency] += amount if add else -amount
-        return result
-    def __add__(self, other: Self) -> Self:
-        return self._add(other)
-    def __sub__(self, other: Self) -> Self:
-        return self._add(other, add=False)
-    @property
-    def sink_empty(self) -> bool:
-        """Return if all evens out to zero."""
-        return not bool(self.as_sink.moneys)
-    @property
-    def as_sink(self) -> 'Wealth':
-        """Drop zero amounts, invert non-zero ones."""
-        sink = Wealth()
-        for moneys in [Wealth({c: a}) for c, a in self.moneys.items() if a]:
-            sink -= moneys
-        return sink
-class Account:
-    """Combine name, position in tree of own, and wealth of self + children."""
-    def __init__(self, parent: Optional['Account'], basename: str) -> None:
-        self._wealth_diffs: dict[int, Wealth] = {}
-        self.basename = basename
-        self.desc = ''
-        self.children: list[Self] = []
-        self.parent = parent
-        if self.parent:
-            self.parent.children += [self]
-    def _get_local_wealth(self, up_incl: int) -> Wealth:
-        """Calculate by summing all recorded wealth diffs up+incl. Booking."""
-        wealth = Wealth()
-        for wealth_diff in [wd for id_, wd in self._wealth_diffs.items()
-                            if id_ <= up_incl]:
-            wealth += wealth_diff
-        return wealth
-    def get_wealth(self, up_incl: int) -> Wealth:
-        """Total of .local_wealth with that of .children up+incl. Booking."""
-        total = Wealth()
-        total += self._get_local_wealth(up_incl)
-        for child in self.children:
-            total += child.get_wealth(up_incl)
-        return total
-    def add_wealth_diff(self, booking_id: int, wealth_diff: Wealth) -> None:
-        """Add knowledge that Booking of booking_add added wealth_diff."""
-        if booking_id in self._wealth_diffs:
-            self._wealth_diffs[booking_id] += wealth_diff
-        else:
-            self._wealth_diffs[booking_id] = wealth_diff
-    @staticmethod
-    def path_to_steps(full_path: str) -> Iterator[tuple[str, str]]:
-        """Split full_path into steps, for each return its path, basename."""
-        rebuilt_path = ''
-        for step_name in full_path.split(':'):
-            rebuilt_path += (':' if rebuilt_path else '') + step_name
-            yield rebuilt_path, step_name
-class DatLine(Dictable):
-    """Line of .dat file parsed into comments and machine-readable data."""
-    dictables = {'booking_line', 'code', 'comment', 'error', 'is_intro'}
-    prev_line_empty: bool
-    def __init__(self, line: str) -> None:
-        self.raw = line[:]
-        halves = [t.rstrip() for t in line.split(';', maxsplit=1)]
-        self.comment = halves[1] if len(halves) > 1 else ''
-        self.code = halves[0]
-        self.booking_line: Optional[BookingLine] = None
-    @property
-    def comment_instructions(self) -> dict[str, str]:
-        """Parse .comment into Account modification instructions."""
-        instructions = {}
-        if self.comment.startswith(PREFIX_DEF):
-            parts = [part.strip() for part
-                     in self.comment[len(PREFIX_DEF):].split(';')]
-            first_part_parts = parts[0].split(maxsplit=1)
-            account_name = first_part_parts[0]
-            desc = first_part_parts[1] if len(first_part_parts) > 1 else ''
-            instructions[account_name] = desc
-        return instructions
-    @property
-    def comment_in_ledger(self) -> str:
-        """What to show in structured ledger view (no instructions)."""
-        return '' if len(self.comment_instructions) > 0 else self.comment
-    @property
-    def is_intro(self) -> bool:
-        """Return if intro line of a Booking."""
-        return isinstance(self.booking_line, IntroLine)
-    @property
-    def booking_id(self) -> int:
-        """If .booking_line, its .booking_id, else -1."""
-        return self.booking.id_ if self.booking else -1
-    @property
-    def booking(self) -> Optional['Booking']:
-        """If .booking_line, matching Booking, else None."""
-        return self.booking_line.booking if self.booking_line else None
-    @property
-    def error(self) -> str:
-        """Return error if registered on attempt to parse into BookingLine."""
-        return '; '.join(self.booking_line.errors) if self.booking_line else ''
-    @property
-    def is_questionable(self) -> bool:
-        """Return whether line be questionable per associated Booking."""
-        return (self.booking_line.booking.is_questionable if self.booking_line
-                else False)
-    @property
-    def raw_nbsp(self) -> str:
-        """Return .raw but ensure whitespace as &nbsp;, and at least one."""
-        if not self.raw:
-            return '&nbsp;'
-        return self.raw.replace(' ', '&nbsp;')
-class BookingLine(Dictable):
-    """Parsed code part of a DatLine belonging to a Booking."""
-    def __init__(self, booking: 'Booking') -> None:
-        self.errors: list[str] = []
-        self.booking = booking
-        self.idx = 0
-class IntroLine(BookingLine):
-    """First line of a Booking, expected to carry date etc."""
-    dictables = {'date', 'target'}
-    def __init__(self, booking: 'Booking', code: str) -> None:
-        super().__init__(booking)
-        if code[0].isspace():
-            self.errors += ['intro line indented']
-        toks = code.lstrip().split(maxsplit=1)
-        self.date = toks[0]
-        self.target = toks[1] if len(toks) > 1 else ''
-        if len(toks) == 1:
-            self.errors += ['illegal number of tokens']
-        try:
-            dt_date.fromisoformat(self.date)
-        except ValueError:
-            self.errors += [f'not properly formatted legal date: {self.date}']
-class TransferLine(BookingLine):
-    """Non-first Booking line, expected to carry value movement."""
-    dictables = {'amount', 'account', 'currency'}
-    def __init__(self, booking: 'Booking', code: str, idx: int) -> None:
-        super().__init__(booking)
-        self.idx = idx
-        self.currency = ''
-        self.amount: Optional[Decimal] = None
-        if not code[0].isspace():
-            self.errors += ['transfer line not indented']
-        toks = code.lstrip().split()
-        self.account = toks[0]
-        if len(toks) > 1:
-            self.currency = toks[2] if 3 == len(toks) else '€'
-            try:
-                self.amount = Decimal(toks[1])
-            except DecimalInvalidOperation:
-                self.errors += [f'improper amount value: {toks[1]}']
-        if len(toks) > 3:
-            self.errors += ['illegal number of tokens']
-    @property
-    def amount_short(self) -> str:
-        """If no .amount, '', else printed – but if too long, ellipsized."""
-        if self.amount is not None:
-            exp = self.amount.as_tuple().exponent
-            assert isinstance(exp, int)
-            return f'{self.amount:.1f}…' if exp < -2 else f'{self.amount:.2f}'
-        return ''
-class Booking:
-    """Represents lines of individual booking."""
-    next: Optional[Self]
-    prev: Optional[Self]
-    def __init__(self,
-                 id_: int,
-                 booked_lines: list[DatLine],
-                 gap_lines: Optional[list[DatLine]] = None
-                 ) -> None:
-        self.next, self.prev = None, None
-        self.id_, self.booked_lines = id_, booked_lines[:]
-        self._gap_lines = gap_lines[:] if gap_lines else []
-        # parse booked_lines into Intro- and TransferLines
-        self.intro_line = IntroLine(self, self.booked_lines[0].code)
-        self._transfer_lines = [
-                TransferLine(self, b_line.code, i+1) for i, b_line
-                in enumerate(self.booked_lines[1:])]
-        self.booked_lines[0].booking_line = self.intro_line
-        for i, b_line in enumerate(self._transfer_lines):
-            self.booked_lines[i + 1].booking_line = b_line
-        # calculate .account_changes
-        changes = Wealth()
-        sink_account = None
-        self.account_changes: dict[str, Wealth] = {}
-        for transfer_line in [tl for tl in self._transfer_lines
-                              if not tl.errors]:
-            if transfer_line.account not in self.account_changes:
-                self.account_changes[transfer_line.account] = Wealth()
-            if transfer_line.amount is None:
-                if sink_account:
-                    transfer_line.errors += ['too many sinks']
-                sink_account = transfer_line.account
-                continue
-            change = Wealth({transfer_line.currency: transfer_line.amount})
-            self.account_changes[transfer_line.account] += change
-            changes += change
-        if sink_account:
-            self.account_changes[sink_account] += changes.as_sink
-        elif not changes.sink_empty:
-            self._transfer_lines[-1].errors += ['needed sink missing']
-    def recalc_prev_next(self, bookings: list[Self]) -> None:
-        """Assuming .id_ to be index in bookings, link prev + next Bookings."""
-        self.prev = bookings[self.id_ - 1] if self.id_ > 0 else None
-        if self.prev:
-            self.prev.next = self
-        self.next = (bookings[self.id_ + 1] if self.id_ + 1 < len(bookings)
-                     else None)
-        if self.next:
-            self.next.prev = self
-    @property
-    def gap_lines(self) -> list[DatLine]:
-        """Return ._gap_lines or, if empty, list of one empty DatLine."""
-        return self._gap_lines if self._gap_lines else [DatLine('')]
-    @gap_lines.setter
-    def gap_lines(self, gap_lines=list[DatLine]) -> None:
-        self._gap_lines = gap_lines[:]
-    @property
-    def gap_lines_copied(self) -> list[DatLine]:
-        """Return new DatLines generated from .raw's of .gap_lines."""
-        return [DatLine(dat_line.raw) for dat_line in self.gap_lines]
-    @property
-    def booked_lines_copied(self) -> list[DatLine]:
-        """Return new DatLines generated from .raw's of .booked_lines."""
-        return [DatLine(dat_line.raw) for dat_line in self.booked_lines]
-    @property
-    def target(self) -> str:
-        """Return main other party for transaction."""
-        return self.intro_line.target
-    @property
-    def date(self) -> str:
-        """Return Booking's day's date."""
-        return self.intro_line.date
-    def can_move(self, up: bool) -> bool:
-        """Whether movement rules would allow self to move up or down."""
-        if up and ((not self.prev) or self.prev.date != self.date):
-            return False
-        if (not up) and ((not self.next) or self.next.date != self.date):
-            return False
-        return True
-    @property
-    def is_questionable(self) -> bool:
-        """Whether lines count any errors."""
-        for _ in [bl for bl in [self.intro_line] + self._transfer_lines
-                  if bl.errors]:
-            return True
-        return False
-class Handler(PlomHttpHandler):
-    """"Handles HTTP requests."""
-    mapper = PlomQueryMap
-    def _send_rendered(self, tmpl_name: str, ctx: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
-        self.send_rendered(Path(f'{tmpl_name}.tmpl'), ctx)
-    def do_POST(self) -> None:
-        """"Route POST requests to respective handlers."""
-        # pylint: disable=invalid-name
-        redir_target = Path(self.path)
-        if (file_prefixed := self.postvars.keys_prefixed(PREFIX_FILE)):
-            self.post_file_action(file_prefixed[0])
-        elif (self.pagename.startswith(PREFIX_EDIT)
-              and self.postvars.first('apply')):
-            redir_target = self.post_edit()
-        elif self.pagename.startswith(PREFIX_LEDGER):
-            redir_target = self.post_ledger_action()
-        self.redirect(redir_target)
-    def post_file_action(self, file_prefixed: str) -> None:
-        """Based on file_prefixed name, trigger .server.ledger.(load|save)."""
-        if file_prefixed == f'{PREFIX_FILE}load':
-            self.server.ledger.load()
-        elif file_prefixed == f'{PREFIX_FILE}save':
-            self.server.ledger.save()
-    def post_edit(self) -> Path:
-        """Based on postvars, edit targeted Booking."""
-        booking = self.server.ledger.bookings[int(self.path_toks[2])]
-        new_lines = []
-        if self.pagename == EDIT_STRUCT:
-            line_keys = self.postvars.keys_prefixed('line_')
-            lineno_to_inputs: dict[int, list[str]] = {}
-            for key in line_keys:
-                toks = key.split('_', maxsplit=2)
-                lineno = int(toks[1])
-                if lineno not in lineno_to_inputs:
-                    lineno_to_inputs[lineno] = []
-                lineno_to_inputs[lineno] += [toks[2]]
-            indent = '  '
-            for lineno, input_names in lineno_to_inputs.items():
-                data = ''
-                comment = self.postvars.first(f'line_{lineno}_comment')
-                for name in input_names:
-                    input_ = self.postvars.first(f'line_{lineno}_{name}'
-                                                 ).strip()
-                    if name == 'date':
-                        data = input_
-                    elif name == 'target':
-                        data += f' {input_}'
-                    elif name == 'error':
-                        data = f'{indent}{input_}'
-                    elif name == 'account':
-                        data = f'{indent}{input_}'
-                    elif name in {'amount', 'currency'}:
-                        data += f'  {input_}'
-                new_lines += [
-                    DatLine(f'{data} ; {comment}' if comment else data)]
-        else:  # edit_raw
-            new_lines += [DatLine(line) for line
-                          in self.postvars.first('booking').splitlines()]
-        new_id = self.server.ledger.rewrite_booking(booking.id_, new_lines)
-        return Path('/bookings').joinpath(f'{new_id}')
-    def post_ledger_action(self) -> Path:
-        """Call .server.ledger.(move|copy|add_empty_new)_booking."""
-        if 'add_booking' in self.postvars.as_dict:
-            id_ = self.server.ledger.add_empty_booking()
-        else:
-            keys_prefixed = self.postvars.keys_prefixed(PREFIX_LEDGER)
-            action, id_str = keys_prefixed[0].split('_', maxsplit=2)[1:]
-            id_ = int(id_str)
-            if action.startswith('move'):
-                id_ = self.server.ledger.move_booking(id_, action == 'moveup')
-                return Path(self.path).joinpath(f'#{id_}')
-            id_ = self.server.ledger.copy_booking(id_)
-        return Path(EDIT_STRUCT).joinpath(f'{id_}')
-    def do_GET(self) -> None:
-        """"Route GET requests to respective handlers."""
-        # pylint: disable=invalid-name
-        if self.pagename == 'bookings':
-            self.redirect(
-                Path('/').joinpath(EDIT_STRUCT).joinpath(self.path_toks[2]))
-            return
-        ctx = {'tainted': self.server.ledger.tainted, 'path': self.path}
-        if self.pagename == 'balance':
-            self.get_balance(ctx)
-        elif self.pagename.startswith(PREFIX_EDIT):
-            self.get_edit(ctx, self.pagename == EDIT_RAW)
-        elif self.pagename.startswith(PREFIX_LEDGER):
-            self.get_ledger(ctx, self.pagename == LEDGER_RAW)
-        else:
-            self.get_ledger(ctx, False)
-    def get_balance(self, ctx) -> None:
-        """Display tree of calculated Accounts over .bookings[:up_incl+1]."""
-        id_ = int(self.params.first('up_incl') or '-1')
-        ctx['roots'] = [ac for ac in self.server.ledger.accounts.values()
-                        if not ac.parent]
-        ctx['valid'] = self.server.ledger.bookings_valid_up_incl(id_)
-        ctx['booking'] = self.server.ledger.bookings[id_]
-        ctx['path_up_incl'] = f'{self.path_toks[1]}?up_incl='
-        self._send_rendered('balance', ctx)
-    def get_edit(self, ctx, raw: bool) -> None:
-        """Display edit form for individual Booking."""
-        id_ = int(self.path_toks[2])
-        booking = self.server.ledger.bookings[id_]
-        observed_tree: list[dict[str, Any]] = []
-        for full_path in sorted(booking.account_changes.keys()):
-            parent_children: list[dict[str, Any]] = observed_tree
-            for path, _ in Account.path_to_steps(full_path):
-                already_registered = False
-                for child in [n for n in parent_children if path == n['name']]:
-                    parent_children = child['children']
-                    already_registered = True
-                    break
-                if already_registered:
-                    continue
-                self.server.ledger.ensure_account(path)
-                before = self.server.ledger.accounts[path].get_wealth(id_ - 1)
-                after = self.server.ledger.accounts[path].get_wealth(id_)
-                direct_target = full_path == path
-                diff = {
-                    cur: amt for cur, amt in (after - before).moneys.items()
-                    if amt != 0
-                    or (direct_target
-                        and cur in booking.account_changes[full_path].moneys)}
-                if diff or direct_target:
-                    displayed_currencies = set(diff.keys())
-                    for wealth in before, after:
-                        wealth.ensure_currencies(displayed_currencies)
-                        wealth.purge_currencies_except(displayed_currencies)
-                    node: dict[str, Any] = {
-                            'name': path,
-                            'direct_target': direct_target,
-                            'wealth_before': before.moneys,
-                            'wealth_diff': diff,
-                            'wealth_after': after.moneys,
-                            'children': []}
-                    parent_children += [node]
-                    parent_children = node['children']
-        ctx['roots'] = observed_tree
-        ctx['id'] = id_
-        ctx['dat_lines'] = [dl if raw else dl.as_dict
-                            for dl in booking.booked_lines]
-        ctx['valid'] = self.server.ledger.bookings_valid_up_incl(id_)
-        if not raw:
-            ctx['all_accounts'] = sorted(self.server.ledger.accounts.keys())
-        self._send_rendered(EDIT_RAW if raw else EDIT_STRUCT, ctx)
-    def get_ledger(self, ctx: dict[str, Any], raw: bool) -> None:
-        """Display ledger of all Bookings."""
-        ctx['dat_lines'] = self.server.ledger.dat_lines
-        self._send_rendered(LEDGER_RAW if raw else LEDGER_STRUCT, ctx)
-class Server(PlomHttpServer):
-    """Extends parent by loading .dat file into database for Handler."""
-    def __init__(self, path_dat: Path, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
-        super().__init__(PATH_TEMPLATES, (SERVER_HOST, SERVER_PORT), Handler)
-        self.ledger = Ledger(path_dat)
-class Ledger:
-    """Collection of DatLines, and Accounts, Bookings derived from them."""
-    accounts: dict[str, Account]
-    bookings: list[Booking]
-    dat_lines: list[DatLine]
-    initial_gap_lines: list[DatLine]
-    def __init__(self, path_dat: Path) -> None:
-        self._path_dat = path_dat
-        self.load()
-    def load(self) -> None:
-        """(Re-)read ledger from file at ._path_dat."""
-        self.accounts, self.bookings, self.initial_gap_lines = {}, [], []
-        self.initial_gap_lines: list[DatLine] = []  # TODO: fix duplicate booking
-        self.dat_lines: list[DatLine] = [
-            DatLine(line)
-            for line in self._path_dat.read_text(encoding='utf8').splitlines()]
-        self.last_save_hash = self._hash_dat_lines()
-        booked: list[DatLine] = []
-        gap_lines: list[DatLine] = []
-        booking: Optional[Booking] = None
-        for dat_line in self.dat_lines + [DatLine('')]:
-            if dat_line.code:
-                if gap_lines:
-                    if booking:
-                        booking.gap_lines = gap_lines[:]
-                    else:
-                        self.initial_gap_lines = gap_lines[:]
-                    gap_lines.clear()
-                booked += [dat_line]
-            else:
-                gap_lines += [dat_line]
-                if booked:
-                    booking = Booking(len(self.bookings), booked[:])
-                    self.bookings += [booking]
-                    booked.clear()
-        if booking:
-            booking.gap_lines = gap_lines[:-1]
-        self._sync(recalc_datlines=False)
-    def _sync(self, recalc_datlines=True, check_dates=True):
-        if recalc_datlines:
-            self.dat_lines = self.initial_gap_lines[:]
-            for booking in self.bookings:
-                self.dat_lines += booking.booked_lines
-                self.dat_lines += booking.gap_lines
-        for idx, booking in enumerate(self.bookings[1:]):
-            booking.prev = self.bookings[idx]
-        for idx, booking in enumerate(self.bookings[:-1]):
-            booking.next = self.bookings[idx + 1]
-        self.bookings[-1].next = None
-        if check_dates:
-            last_date = ''
-            err_msg = 'date < previous valid date'
-            for booking in self.bookings:
-                if err_msg in booking.intro_line.errors:
-                    booking.intro_line.errors.remove(err_msg)
-                if last_date > booking.date:
-                    booking.intro_line.errors += [err_msg]
-                else:
-                    last_date = booking.date
-        self._recalc_prev_line_empty()
-        self.accounts = {}
-        for dat_line in self.dat_lines:
-            for acc_name, desc in dat_line.comment_instructions.items():
-                self.ensure_account(acc_name)
-                self.accounts[acc_name].desc = desc
-        for booking in self.bookings:
-            for acc_name, wealth in booking.account_changes.items():
-                self.ensure_account(acc_name)
-                self.accounts[acc_name].add_wealth_diff(booking.id_, wealth)
-    def ensure_account(self, full_path: str) -> None:
-        """If full_path not in self.accounts, add its tree with Accounts."""
-        parent_path = ''
-        for path, step_name in Account.path_to_steps(full_path):
-            if path not in self.accounts:
-                self.accounts[path] = Account(
-                        self.accounts[parent_path] if parent_path else None,
-                        step_name)
-            parent_path = path
-    def save(self) -> None:
-        """Save current state to ._path_dat."""
-        self._path_dat.write_text(
-            '\n'.join([line.raw for line in self.dat_lines]), encoding='utf8')
-        self.load()
-    def _hash_dat_lines(self) -> int:
-        return hash(tuple(dl.raw for dl in self.dat_lines))
-    def bookings_valid_up_incl(self, booking_id: int) -> bool:
-        """If no .is_questionable in self.bookings up to booking_id."""
-        return len([b for b in self.bookings[:booking_id + 1]
-                    if b.is_questionable]
-                   ) < 1
-    @property
-    def tainted(self) -> bool:
-        """If .dat_lines different to those of last .load()."""
-        return self._hash_dat_lines() != self.last_save_hash
-    def _recalc_prev_line_empty(self) -> None:
-        prev_line = None
-        for line in self.dat_lines:
-            line.prev_line_empty = False
-            if prev_line:
-                line.prev_line_empty = not (prev_line.code
-                                            + prev_line.comment_in_ledger)
-            if prev_line or line.code + line.comment_in_ledger:  # jump over
-                prev_line = line                                 # empty start
-    def _move_booking(self, idx_from: int, idx_to: int):
-        moving = self.bookings[idx_from]
-        if idx_from >= idx_to:                   # moving upward, deletion must
-            del self.bookings[idx_from]          # precede insertion to keep
-        self.bookings[idx_to:idx_to] = [moving]  # deletion index, downwards
-        if idx_from < idx_to:                    # the other way around keeps
-            del self.bookings[idx_from]          # insertion index
-        min_idx, max_idx = min(idx_from, idx_to), max(idx_from, idx_to)
-        for idx, booking in enumerate(self.bookings[min_idx:max_idx + 1]):
-            booking.id_ = min_idx + idx
-    def move_booking(self, idx_from: int, up: bool) -> int:
-        """Move Booking of old_id one step up or downwards"""
-        new_id = idx_from + (-1 if up else 1)
-        idx_to = new_id + (0 if up else 1)  # down-move imlies jump over next
-        self._move_booking(new_id, idx_to)
-        self._sync()
-        return new_id
-    def rewrite_booking(self, old_id: int, new_lines: list[DatLine]) -> int:
-        """Rewrite Booking with new_lines, move if changed date."""
-        old_booking = self.bookings[old_id]
-        booked_start, booked_end, gap_start_found = -1, 0, False
-        for i, line in enumerate(new_lines):
-            if booked_start < 0 and line.code.strip():  # ignore any initial
-                booked_start = i                        # empty lines
-            elif booked_start >= 0 and not line.code.strip():  # past start,
-                gap_start_found = True                         # yet empty? gap
-            if not gap_start_found:  # end index is always after current line,
-                booked_end += 1      # provided we're not yet in the gap
-            elif line.code.strip():
-                new_lines[i] = DatLine(f'; {line.code}')
-        before_gap = new_lines[:booked_start]
-        new_booked_lines = (new_lines[booked_start:booked_end]
-                            if booked_start > -1 else [])
-        after_gap = old_booking.gap_lines_copied  # new gap be old gap _plus_
-        after_gap += new_lines[booked_end:]       # any new gap lines
-        if not new_booked_lines:  # interpret empty posting as deletion request
-            del self.bookings[old_id]
-            for booking in self.bookings[old_id:]:
-                booking.id_ -= 1
-            leftover_gap = before_gap + after_gap
-            if old_id == 0:
-                self.initial_gap_lines += leftover_gap
-            else:
-                self.bookings[old_id - 1].gap_lines += leftover_gap
-            self._sync(check_dates=False)
-            return old_id if old_id < len(self.bookings) else 0
-        if old_id == 0:
-            self.initial_gap_lines += before_gap
-        else:
-            self.bookings[old_id - 1].gap_lines += before_gap
-        new_date = new_booked_lines[0].code.lstrip().split(maxsplit=1)[0]
-        updated = Booking(old_id, new_booked_lines, after_gap)
-        self.bookings[old_id] = updated
-        if new_date != old_booking.date:  # if changed date, move to there
-            if self.bookings[0].date > new_date:
-                new_id = 0
-            elif self.bookings[-1].date < new_date:
-                new_id = self.bookings[-1].id_ + 1
-            else:
-                of_date_1st = i_booking = self.bookings[0]
-                while i_booking.next:
-                    if of_date_1st.date != i_booking.date:
-                        of_date_1st = i_booking
-                    if i_booking.next.date > new_date:
-                        break
-                    i_booking = i_booking.next
-                # ensure that, if we land in group of like-dated Bookings, we
-                # land on the edge closest to our last position
-                new_id = (of_date_1st.id_ if old_id < i_booking.id_
-                          else i_booking.id_ + 1)
-            self._move_booking(old_id, new_id)
-        self._sync(check_dates=False)
-        return updated.id_
-    def _add_new_booking(
-            self,
-            target: str,
-            dat_lines_transaction: list[DatLine],
-            intro_comment: str = ''
-            ) -> int:
-        booking = Booking(
-            len(self.bookings),
-            [DatLine(f'{dt_date.today().isoformat()} {target}'
-                     + ' ; '.join([''] + [s for s in [intro_comment] if s]))
-             ] + dat_lines_transaction)
-        self.bookings += [booking]
-        self._sync()
-        return booking.id_
-    def add_empty_booking(self) -> int:
-        """Add new Booking to end of ledger."""
-        return self._add_new_booking('?', [])
-    def copy_booking(self, copied_id: int) -> int:
-        """Add copy of Booking of copied_id to_end of ledger."""
-        copied = self.bookings[copied_id]
-        return self._add_new_booking(copied.target,
-                                     copied.booked_lines_copied[1:],
-                                     copied.booked_lines[0].comment)
 if __name__ == "__main__":