From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Sat, 14 Mar 2015 01:47:06 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: Greatly simplify hungering / over-eating.

Greatly simplify hungering / over-eating.

index 5762ea4..8d2df96 100644
@@ -169,8 +169,10 @@ Set selected thing's lifepoints to argument.
 T_SATIATION [-32768 to 32767]
 Set selected thing's satiation score. If above zero, and thing's lifepoints are
 below its thing type's initial lifepoints, there is a 1/32 chance each turn of
-waiting action that the thing's lifepoints will rise. For values affecting the
-thing's lifepoints negatively, see note on TT_LIFEPOINTS.
+waiting action that the thing's lifepoints will rise. Each turn, there is a
+chance of hitpoint loss that grows with the satiation score's absolute value.
+Each turn, T_SATIATION lessens by the square root of the thing's type's start
+hitpoints (see TT_LIFEPOINTS).
 T_CARRIES [0 to 255]
 Add thing of ID in argument to inventory of selected thing, if said thing is
@@ -209,14 +211,8 @@ MAKE_WORLD command to argument.
 Set selected thing type's initial lifepoints value to argument. Things of 0
-lifepoints are considered inanimate, otherwise animate. This value also sets the
-degree to which the selected type's things suffer from under- or over-satiation:
-If 0, not at all. Else, it defines a stomach size value of 32767 divided by it.
-Each turn a thing of the given type may then suffer a lifepoint decrement to the
-chance of the rounded down quotient of its satiation score's absolute value by
-its stomach size value, then again divided by the latter. (This means that the
-change is always zero when the absolute value of the satiation score is lower
-than the stomach size value.)
+lifepoints are considered inanimate, otherwise animate. The square root of this
+is the amount things of the type suffer satiation score loss each turn.
 TT_SYMBOL [char]
 Set to argument symbol by which things of the selected type are represented on
diff --git a/roguelike-server b/roguelike-server
index 41506c0..21aef5a 100755
--- a/roguelike-server
+++ b/roguelike-server
@@ -1091,12 +1091,9 @@ def try_healing(t):
 def hunger(t):
     """Decrement t's satiation,dependent on it trigger lifepoint dec chance."""
     if t["T_SATIATION"] > -32768:
-        t["T_SATIATION"] -= 1
-    if not world_db["ThingTypes"][t["T_TYPE"]]["TT_LIFEPOINTS"]:
-        raise RuntimeError("A thing that should not hunger is hungering.")
-    stomach = int(32767 / world_db["ThingTypes"][t["T_TYPE"]]["TT_LIFEPOINTS"])
-    if int(int(abs(t["T_SATIATION"]) / stomach)
-           / (( % stomach) + 1)):
+        max_hp = world_db["ThingTypes"][t["T_TYPE"]]["TT_LIFEPOINTS"]
+        t["T_SATIATION"] -= int(math.sqrt(max_hp))
+    if 0 != t["T_SATIATION"] and 0 == int( / abs(t["T_SATIATION"])):
         if t == world_db["Things"][0]:
             if t["T_SATIATION"] < 0:
                 strong_write(io_db["file_out"], "LOG You suffer from hunger.\n")