From 9409a41ae6d5ed77706bd5a610177ad7e63a2335 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2024 15:14:07 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Make use of new JSON interface for GET /conditions testing.

 tests/ | 82 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 77 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 3b05bd0..a316d01 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 """Test Conditions module."""
+from json import loads as json_loads
 from tests.utils import TestCaseWithDB, TestCaseWithServer, TestCaseSansDB
 from plomtask.conditions import Condition
 from plomtask.processes import Process
@@ -67,7 +68,7 @@ class TestsWithServer(TestCaseWithServer):
     def test_do_POST_condition(self) -> None:
         """Test POST /condition and its effect on the database."""
-        form_data = {'title': 'foo', 'description': 'foo'}
+        form_data = {'title': 'foo', 'description': 'foo', 'is_active': False}
         self.check_post(form_data, '/condition', 302, '/condition?id=1')
         self.assertEqual(1, len(Condition.all(self.db_conn)))
         form_data['delete'] = ''
@@ -76,9 +77,80 @@ class TestsWithServer(TestCaseWithServer):
         self.check_post(form_data, '/condition?id=1', 302, '/conditions')
         self.assertEqual(0, len(Condition.all(self.db_conn)))
-    def test_do_GET(self) -> None:
-        """Test /condition and /conditions response codes."""
-        form_data = {'title': 'foo', 'description': 'foo'}
+    def test_do_GET_condition(self) -> None:
+        """Test GET /condition."""
+        form_data = {'title': 'foo', 'description': 'foo', 'is_active': False}
         self.check_post(form_data, '/condition', 302, '/condition?id=1')
-        self.check_get('/conditions', 200)
+    def test_do_GET_conditions(self) -> None:
+        """Test GET /conditions."""
+        def check(params: str, expected_json: dict[str, object]) -> None:
+            self.conn.request('GET', f'/conditions{params}')
+            response = self.conn.getresponse()
+            self.assertEqual(response.status, 200)
+            retrieved_json = json_loads(
+            # ignore history timestamps (too difficult too anticipate)
+            for cond in retrieved_json['conditions']:
+                for k in [k for k in cond.keys() if isinstance(cond[k], dict)]:
+                    history = cond[k]['history']
+                    history = {'[IGNORE]': list(history.values())[0]}
+                    cond[k]['history'] = history
+            self.assertEqual(expected_json, retrieved_json)
+        # test empty result on empty DB, default-settings on empty params
+        expected_json: dict[str, object] = {'conditions': [],
+                                            'sort_by': 'title',
+                                            'pattern': ''}
+        check('', expected_json)
+        # test on meaningless non-empty params (incl. entirely un-used key)
+        expected_json = {'conditions': [],
+                         'sort_by': 'title',  # nonsense "foo" defaulting
+                         'pattern': 'bar'}  # preserved despite zero effect
+        check('?sort_by=foo&pattern=bar&foo=x', expected_json)
+        # test non-empty result, automatic (positive) sorting by title
+        post_1 = {'title': 'foo', 'description': 'oof', 'is_active': False}
+        self.check_post(post_1, '/condition', 302, '/condition?id=1')
+        post_2 = {'title': 'bar', 'description': 'rab', 'is_active': False}
+        self.check_post(post_2, '/condition', 302, '/condition?id=2')
+        post_3 = {'title': 'baz', 'description': 'zab', 'is_active': True}
+        self.check_post(post_3, '/condition', 302, '/condition?id=3')
+        cond_1 = {'id': 1, 'is_active': False,
+                  'title': {'history': {'[IGNORE]': 'foo'},
+                            'parent_id': 1},
+                           'description': {'history': {'[IGNORE]': 'oof'},
+                                           'parent_id': 1}}
+        cond_2 = {'id': 2, 'is_active': False,
+                  'title': {'history': {'[IGNORE]': 'bar'},
+                            'parent_id': 2},
+                  'description': {'history': {'[IGNORE]': 'rab'},
+                                  'parent_id': 2}}
+        cond_3 = {'id': 3, 'is_active': True,
+                  'title': {'history': {'[IGNORE]': 'baz'},
+                            'parent_id': 3},
+                  'description': {'history': {'[IGNORE]': 'zab'},
+                                  'parent_id': 3}}
+        cons = [cond_2, cond_3, cond_1]
+        expected_json = {'conditions': cons, 'sort_by': 'title', 'pattern': ''}
+        check('', expected_json)
+        # test other sortings
+        # (NB: by .is_active has two items of =False, their order currently
+        # is not explicitly made predictable, so mail fail until we do)
+        expected_json['conditions'] = [cond_1, cond_3, cond_2]
+        expected_json['sort_by'] = '-title'
+        check('?sort_by=-title', expected_json)
+        expected_json['conditions'] = [cond_1, cond_2, cond_3]
+        expected_json['sort_by'] = 'is_active'
+        check('?sort_by=is_active', expected_json)
+        expected_json['conditions'] = [cond_3, cond_1, cond_2]
+        expected_json['sort_by'] = '-is_active'
+        check('?sort_by=-is_active', expected_json)
+        # test pattern matching on title
+        expected_json = {'conditions': [cond_2, cond_3],
+                         'sort_by': 'title', 'pattern': 'ba'}
+        check('?pattern=ba', expected_json)
+        # test pattern matching on description
+        expected_json['conditions'] = [cond_1]
+        expected_json['pattern'] = 'oo'
+        check('?pattern=oo', expected_json)