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47 hours ago Christian HellerFix timestamp setting bug. master
2 days ago Christian HellerDisplay/estimate current in-file playback position...
10 days ago Christian HellerImprove downloading messaging.
10 days ago Christian HellerAdd live download status updates.
11 days ago Christian HellerGreatly simplify file deletion and deletion sync mechanics.
13 days ago Christian HellerAdd inject-and-jump-to-playing buttons.
13 days ago Christian HellerMajor templates refactoring.
2025-02-26 Christian HellerOn file "kill", redirect to / rather than to now dysfun...
2025-02-26 Christian HellerFix sync messages.
2025-02-26 Christian HellerFix sync no longer removing files and their entries.
2025-02-26 Christian HellerOn deleting files, remove respective entries from playlist.
2025-02-23 Christian HellerLive-update download status on /yt_result pages.
2025-02-23 Christian HellerFix variously broken deletion code.
2025-02-23 Christian HellerMinor refactoring.
2025-02-23 Christian HellerRemove dead code / unneeded lines.
2025-02-23 Christian HellerAdd fix for broken YouTube API.
2025-02-23 Christian HellerRename "inject".
2025-02-21 Christian HellerRemove youtube watch link.
2025-02-21 Christian HellerSimplify event stream management.
2025-02-21 Christian HellerFix /yt_result showing _all_ queries (within cut-off...
2025-02-21 Christian HellerConfigure default tags via config file.
2025-02-21 Christian HellerMake more header sticky.
2025-02-20 Christian HellerAdd new /tags view, sortable by name and usage number.
2025-02-20 Christian HellerIn /files view only show "show absent" option if file...
2025-02-20 Christian HellerTo /files view add sorting by tags amount.
2025-02-20 Christian HellerFix /yt_result showing "linked queries" before query...
2025-02-20 Christian HellerFix and simplify code switching in file view between...
2025-02-20 Christian HellerFix broken tag links in file view.
2025-02-20 Christian HellerFix broken tag links in player display.
2025-02-20 Christian HellerImprove interface and live-ness of file data editing.
2025-02-18 Christian HellerAdd sorting buttons to /files view.
2025-02-18 Christian HellerFix duration formatting.
2025-02-18 Christian HellerRestore decimal zeroes to VideoFile.duration millisecon...
2025-02-18 Christian HellerDisplay duration sans milliseconds in /files view too.
2025-02-18 Christian HellerSimplify VideoFile.__hash__.
2025-02-18 Christian HellerAdd VideoFile.duration_ms with storage in DB.
2025-02-18 Christian HellerAdapt to plomlib update.
2025-02-18 Christian HellerUpdate plomlib.
2025-02-18 Christian HellerFix incompletely formatted error message.
2025-02-18 Christian HellerFor reading DbData tables, add check for DbData._cols...
2025-02-18 Christian HellerFix broken tagging in some pages' player control display.
2025-02-17 Christian HellerLink tags everywhere to tag-filtered files listing.
2025-02-17 Christian HellerAdd "inject all" button to /files view.
2025-02-17 Christian HellerTo /playlist, add "empty" button to clear playlist.
2025-02-17 Christian HellerRemove playlist manipulation form from /playlist, turn...
2025-02-16 Christian HellerFor /files, move towards live-updating view by filter...
2025-02-15 Christian HellerImprove tag selection interface in files index.
2025-02-15 Christian HellerMinor refactoring of VideoFile tags config.
2025-02-14 Christian HellerRefactor tags filtering/display configuration.
2025-02-14 Christian HellerAdd anchor links and jumps to them to playlist.
2025-02-14 Christian HellerMake header sticky.
2025-02-13 Christian HellerIn file view, add play button.
2025-02-10 Christian HellerImprove ModuleNotFoundError message.
2025-02-10 Christian HellerRetrieve bugfixing plomlib commit.
2025-02-10 Christian HellerOutsource install and startup shell code to plomlib.
2025-02-10 Christian HellerAdapt plomlib links to its new directory structure.
2025-02-10 Christian HellerReplace direct cloning of submodule into src/ by specif...
2025-02-10 Christian HellerAllow calling mere "ytplom" rather than "ytplom serve...
2025-02-08 Christian HellerAvoid unnecessary pip install runs.
2025-01-26 Christian HellerUpdate plomlib (for Jinja autoescaping).
2025-01-18 Christian HellerAdapt web server code to plomlib.web.
2025-01-15 Christian HellerFix broken tag filtering.
2025-01-15 Christian HellerUpdate yt-dlp requirement.
2025-01-15 Christian HellerInclude plomlib for its db.py, adapt DB code to it.
2025-01-06 Christian HellerSimplify schema validation code.
2025-01-06 Christian HellerMinor code refactoring, and fix default DB path back...
2025-01-06 Christian HellerDon't commit migrations before surviving schema validat...
2025-01-06 Christian HellerReorganize migrations code.
2025-01-05 Christian HellerRe-work migration mechanisms.
2025-01-04 Christian HellerAdd table schema validation.
2025-01-04 Christian HellerRe-organize command calling of sub-scripts.
2025-01-04 Christian HellerMore DB management code reorganization; add explicit...
2025-01-03 Christian HellerSome further minor DB management code simplifications.
2025-01-02 Christian HellerFurther simplify DB code.
2025-01-02 Christian HellerSimplify DB management code.
2024-12-26 Christian HellerSimplify _ReqMap code.
2024-12-26 Christian HellerRe-organize http module code, mostly alphabetically.
2024-12-26 Christian HellerMinor re-organizations and refactorings of http module.
2024-12-26 Christian HellerOn purge command, reload playlist, to avoid impossible...
2024-12-26 Christian HellerOn sync, rather than only unlink "deleted" files, also...
2024-12-26 Christian HellerTo file view, add button to unlink locally.
2024-12-25 Christian HellerAdd "do not sync" flag to keep files from syncing witho...
2024-12-25 Christian HellerDon't try to ffprobe for duration if file is not actual...
2024-12-25 Christian HellerFix sync using from hash representation for retrieving...
2024-12-25 Christian HellerFor sync, identify missing files by .digest.b64 rather...
2024-12-25 Christian HellerTo file data view, add duration as per ffprobe.
2024-12-23 Christian HellerFix variability of VideoFile hash due to missing sortin...
2024-12-23 Christian HellerImprove verbosity of sync script.
2024-12-22 Christian HellerDon't start right into playback, simplify player control.
2024-12-19 Christian HellerFix broken tag editing.
2024-12-19 Christian HellerFix tags not showing in file view.
2024-12-19 Christian HellerFix playing link brokenness.
2024-12-18 Christian HellerSimplify keeping alive of events stream.
2024-12-18 Christian HellerMinor improvements to events connection handling.
2024-12-18 Christian HellerMinor code clean-up.
2024-12-17 Christian HellerIdentify "playing" entry in playlist by playlist.idx...
2024-12-17 Christian HellerRestart playlist after ending of last file.
2024-12-16 Christian HellerIn /playlist, don't block moving up/down towards playin...
2024-12-16 Christian HellerRe-organize Player code.
2024-12-15 Christian HellerSlightly reorganize sync script.