From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2024 01:52:44 +0000 (+0200)
Subject: Simplify code with namedtuples and dataclasses.

Simplify code with namedtuples and dataclasses.

diff --git a/plomtask/ b/plomtask/
index b5a6c16..d8ca8df 100644
--- a/plomtask/
+++ b/plomtask/
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 """Web server stuff."""
 from typing import Any
+from collections import namedtuple
 from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler
 from http.server import HTTPServer
 from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs
@@ -119,23 +120,22 @@ class TaskHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
     def do_GET_day(self) -> dict[str, object]:
         """Show single Day of ?date=."""
         date = self.params.get_str('date', todays_date())
-        conditions_listing = []
         top_todos = [t for t in Todo.by_date(self.conn, date) if not t.parents]
         seen_todos: set[int] = set()
         seen_conditions: set[int] = set()
         todo_trees = [t.get_step_tree(seen_todos, seen_conditions)
                       for t in top_todos]
-        for condition in Condition.all(self.conn):
-            enablers = Todo.enablers_for_at(self.conn, condition, date)
-            disablers = Todo.disablers_for_at(self.conn, condition, date)
-            conditions_listing += [{
-                    'condition': condition,
-                    'enablers': enablers,
-                    'disablers': disablers}]
+        ConditionsNode = namedtuple('ConditionsNode',
+                                    ('condition', 'enablers', 'disablers'))
+        conditions_nodes: list[ConditionsNode] = []
+        for condi in Condition.all(self.conn):
+            enablers = Todo.enablers_for_at(self.conn, condi, date)
+            disablers = Todo.disablers_for_at(self.conn, condi, date)
+            conditions_nodes += [ConditionsNode(condi, enablers, disablers)]
         return {'day': Day.by_id(self.conn, date, create=True),
                 'todo_trees': todo_trees,
                 'processes': Process.all(self.conn),
-                'conditions_listing': conditions_listing}
+                'conditions_nodes': conditions_nodes}
     def do_GET_todo(self) -> dict[str, object]:
         """Show single Todo of ?id=."""
diff --git a/plomtask/ b/plomtask/
index eb43895..32eee4d 100644
--- a/plomtask/
+++ b/plomtask/
@@ -1,12 +1,23 @@
 """Collecting Processes and Process-related items."""
 from __future__ import annotations
-from typing import Any, Set
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from typing import Set
 from plomtask.db import DatabaseConnection, BaseModel
 from plomtask.misc import VersionedAttribute
 from plomtask.conditions import Condition, ConditionsRelations
 from plomtask.exceptions import NotFoundException, BadFormatException
+class ProcessStepsNode:
+    """Collects what's useful to know for ProcessSteps tree display."""
+    process: Process
+    parent_id: int | None
+    is_explicit: bool
+    steps: dict[int, ProcessStepsNode]
+    seen: bool
 class Process(BaseModel, ConditionsRelations):
     """Template for, and metadata for, Todos, and their arrangements."""
     table_name = 'processes'
@@ -76,29 +87,30 @@ class Process(BaseModel, ConditionsRelations):
         return [self.__class__.by_id(db_conn, id_) for id_ in owner_ids]
     def get_steps(self, db_conn: DatabaseConnection, external_owner:
-                  Process | None = None) -> dict[int, dict[str, object]]:
+                  Process | None = None) -> dict[int, ProcessStepsNode]:
         """Return tree of depended-on explicit and implicit ProcessSteps."""
-        def make_node(step: ProcessStep) -> dict[str, object]:
+        def make_node(step: ProcessStep) -> ProcessStepsNode:
             is_explicit = False
             if external_owner is not None:
                 is_explicit = step.owner_id == external_owner.id_
             process = self.__class__.by_id(db_conn, step.step_process_id)
             step_steps = process.get_steps(db_conn, external_owner)
-            return {'process': process, 'parent_id': step.parent_step_id,
-                    'is_explicit': is_explicit, 'steps': step_steps}
+            return ProcessStepsNode(process, step.parent_step_id,
+                                    is_explicit, step_steps, False)
-        def walk_steps(node_id: int, node: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
+        def walk_steps(node_id: int, node: ProcessStepsNode) -> None:
             explicit_children = [s for s in self.explicit_steps
                                  if s.parent_step_id == node_id]
             for child in explicit_children:
-                node['steps'][child.id_] = make_node(child)
-            node['seen'] = node_id in seen_step_ids
+                assert isinstance(child.id_, int)
+                node.steps[child.id_] = make_node(child)
+            node.seen = node_id in seen_step_ids
-            for id_, step in node['steps'].items():
+            for id_, step in node.steps.items():
                 walk_steps(id_, step)
-        steps: dict[int, dict[str, object]] = {}
+        steps: dict[int, ProcessStepsNode] = {}
         seen_step_ids: Set[int] = set()
         if external_owner is None:
             external_owner = self
@@ -124,12 +136,14 @@ class Process(BaseModel, ConditionsRelations):
         just deleted under its feet), or if the parent step would not be
         owned by the current Process.
         def walk_steps(node: ProcessStep) -> None:
             if node.step_process_id == self.id_:
                 raise BadFormatException('bad step selection causes recursion')
             step_process = self.by_id(db_conn, node.step_process_id)
             for step in step_process.explicit_steps:
         if parent_step_id is not None:
                 parent_step = ProcessStep.by_id(db_conn, parent_step_id)
diff --git a/plomtask/ b/plomtask/
index cf4c330..ff6cdcb 100644
--- a/plomtask/
+++ b/plomtask/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 from __future__ import annotations
-from collections import namedtuple
+from dataclasses import dataclass
 from typing import Any
 from sqlite3 import Row
 from plomtask.db import DatabaseConnection, BaseModel
@@ -10,8 +10,13 @@ from plomtask.exceptions import (NotFoundException, BadFormatException,
-TodoStepsNode = namedtuple('TodoStepsNode',
-                           ('item', 'is_todo', 'children', 'seen'))
+class TodoStepsNode:
+    """Collects what's useful to know for Todo/Condition tree display."""
+    item: Todo | Condition
+    is_todo: bool
+    children: list[TodoStepsNode]
+    seen: bool
 class Todo(BaseModel, ConditionsRelations):
@@ -171,11 +176,13 @@ class Todo(BaseModel, ConditionsRelations):
     def add_child(self, child: Todo) -> None:
         """Add child to self.children, avoid recursion, update parenthoods."""
         def walk_steps(node: Todo) -> None:
             if node.id_ == self.id_:
                 raise BadFormatException('bad child choice causes recursion')
             for child in node.children:
         if self.id_ is None:
             raise HandledException('Can only add children to saved Todos.')
         if child.id_ is None:
diff --git a/templates/day.html b/templates/day.html
index a089037..8887f9a 100644
--- a/templates/day.html
+++ b/templates/day.html
@@ -39,13 +39,13 @@ add todo: <input name="new_todo" list="processes" autocomplete="off" />
-{% for node in conditions_listing %}
-<li>[{% if node['condition'].is_active %}x{% else %} {% endif %}] <a href="condition?id={{node['condition'].id_}}">{{node['condition'].title.newest|e}}</a>
+{% for node in conditions_nodes %}
+<li>[{% if node.condition.is_active %}x{% else %} {% endif %}] <a href="condition?id={{node.condition.id_}}">{{node.condition.title.newest|e}}</a>
-{% for enabler in node['enablers'] %}
+{% for enabler in node.enablers %}
 <li>&lt; {{enabler.process.title.newest|e}}</li>
 {% endfor %}
-{% for disabler in node['disablers'] %}
+{% for disabler in node.disablers %}
 <li>! {{disabler.process.title.newest|e}}</li>
 {% endfor %}
diff --git a/templates/process.html b/templates/process.html
index 85651d7..f8f7baf 100644
--- a/templates/process.html
+++ b/templates/process.html
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ add enables: <input name="enables" list="condition_candidates" autocomplete="off
 add disables: <input name="disables" list="condition_candidates" autocomplete="off" />
-{% for step_id, step_node in steps.items() %}
+{% for step_node in steps %}
 {{ step_with_steps(step_id, step_node, 0) }}
 {% endfor %}
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 084cfe0..9413822 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
 """Test Processes module."""
 from unittest import TestCase
-from typing import Any
 from tests.utils import TestCaseWithDB, TestCaseWithServer
-from plomtask.processes import Process, ProcessStep
+from plomtask.processes import Process, ProcessStep, ProcessStepsNode
 from plomtask.conditions import Condition
 from plomtask.exceptions import NotFoundException, HandledException
@@ -58,46 +57,30 @@ class TestsWithDB(TestCaseWithDB):
         assert isinstance(self.proc3.id_, int)
         steps_proc1: list[tuple[int | None, int, int | None]] = []
         add_step(self.proc1, steps_proc1, (None, self.proc2.id_, None), 1)
-        p_1_dict: dict[int, dict[str, Any]] = {1: {
-            'process': self.proc2, 'parent_id': None,
-            'is_explicit': True, 'steps': {}, 'seen': False
-        }}
+        p_1_dict: dict[int, ProcessStepsNode] = {}
+        p_1_dict[1] = ProcessStepsNode(self.proc2, None, True, {}, False)
         self.assertEqual(self.proc1.get_steps(self.db_conn, None), p_1_dict)
         add_step(self.proc1, steps_proc1, (None, self.proc3.id_, None), 2)
         step_2 = self.proc1.explicit_steps[-1]
         assert isinstance(step_2.id_, int)
-        p_1_dict[2] = {
-            'process': self.proc3, 'parent_id': None,
-            'is_explicit': True, 'steps': {}, 'seen': False
-        }
+        p_1_dict[2] = ProcessStepsNode(self.proc3, None, True, {}, False)
         self.assertEqual(self.proc1.get_steps(self.db_conn, None), p_1_dict)
         steps_proc2: list[tuple[int | None, int, int | None]] = []
         add_step(self.proc2, steps_proc2, (None, self.proc3.id_, None), 3)
-        p_1_dict[1]['steps'] = {3: {
-            'process': self.proc3, 'parent_id': None,
-            'is_explicit': False, 'steps': {}, 'seen': False
-        }}
+        p_1_dict[1].steps[3] = ProcessStepsNode(self.proc3, None,
+                                                False, {}, False)
         self.assertEqual(self.proc1.get_steps(self.db_conn, None), p_1_dict)
         add_step(self.proc1, steps_proc1, (None, self.proc2.id_, step_2.id_),
-        p_1_dict[2]['steps'][4] = {
-            'process': self.proc2, 'parent_id': step_2.id_, 'seen': False,
-            'is_explicit': True, 'steps': {3: {
-                'process': self.proc3, 'parent_id': None,
-                'is_explicit': False, 'steps': {}, 'seen': True
-                }}}
+        step_3 = ProcessStepsNode(self.proc3, None, False, {}, True)
+        p_1_dict[2].steps[4] = ProcessStepsNode(self.proc2, step_2.id_, True,
+                                                {3: step_3}, False)
         self.assertEqual(self.proc1.get_steps(self.db_conn, None), p_1_dict)
         add_step(self.proc1, steps_proc1, (None, self.proc3.id_, 999), 5)
-        p_1_dict[5] = {
-            'process': self.proc3, 'parent_id': None,
-            'is_explicit': True, 'steps': {}, 'seen': False
-        }
+        p_1_dict[5] = ProcessStepsNode(self.proc3, None, True, {}, False)
         self.assertEqual(self.proc1.get_steps(self.db_conn, None), p_1_dict)
         add_step(self.proc1, steps_proc1, (None, self.proc3.id_, 3), 6)
-        p_1_dict[6] = {
-            'process': self.proc3, 'parent_id': None,
-            'is_explicit': True, 'steps': {}, 'seen': False
-        }
+        p_1_dict[6] = ProcessStepsNode(self.proc3, None, True, {}, False)
         self.assertEqual(self.proc1.get_steps(self.db_conn, None),
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 4ab34ab..6e88425 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -164,61 +164,50 @@ class TestsWithDB(TestCaseWithDB):
         assert isinstance(todo_1.id_, int)
         # test minimum
-        tree_expected = TodoStepsNode(todo_1, True, [], False)
-        self.assertEqual(todo_1.get_step_tree(set(), set()), tree_expected)
+        node_0 = TodoStepsNode(todo_1, True, [], False)
+        self.assertEqual(todo_1.get_step_tree(set(), set()), node_0)
         # test non_emtpy seen_todo does something
-        tree_expected = TodoStepsNode(todo_1, True, [], True)
-        self.assertEqual(todo_1.get_step_tree({todo_1.id_}, set()),
-                         tree_expected)
+        node_0.seen = True
+        self.assertEqual(todo_1.get_step_tree({todo_1.id_}, set()), node_0)
         # test child shows up
         todo_2 = Todo(None, self.proc, False, self.date1)
         assert isinstance(todo_2.id_, int)
-        node_todo_2 = TodoStepsNode(todo_2, True, [], False)
-        tree_expected = TodoStepsNode(todo_1, True, [node_todo_2], False)
-        self.assertEqual(todo_1.get_step_tree(set(), set()), tree_expected)
+        node_2 = TodoStepsNode(todo_2, True, [], False)
+        node_0.children = [node_2]
+        node_0.seen = False
+        self.assertEqual(todo_1.get_step_tree(set(), set()), node_0)
         # test child shows up with child
         todo_3 = Todo(None, self.proc, False, self.date1)
         assert isinstance(todo_3.id_, int)
-        node_todo_3 = TodoStepsNode(todo_3, True, [], False)
-        node_todo_2 = TodoStepsNode(todo_2, True, [node_todo_3], False)
-        tree_expected = TodoStepsNode(todo_1, True, [node_todo_2], False)
-        self.assertEqual(todo_1.get_step_tree(set(), set()), tree_expected)
+        node_3 = TodoStepsNode(todo_3, True, [], False)
+        node_2.children = [node_3]
+        self.assertEqual(todo_1.get_step_tree(set(), set()), node_0)
         # test same todo can be child-ed multiple times at different locations
-        node_todo_4 = TodoStepsNode(todo_3, True, [], True)
-        tree_expected = TodoStepsNode(todo_1, True,
-                                      [node_todo_2, node_todo_4], False)
-        self.assertEqual(todo_1.get_step_tree(set(), set()), tree_expected)
+        node_4 = TodoStepsNode(todo_3, True, [], True)
+        node_0.children += [node_4]
+        self.assertEqual(todo_1.get_step_tree(set(), set()), node_0)
         # test condition shows up
         todo_1.set_conditions(self.db_conn, [self.cond1.id_])
-        node_cond_1 = TodoStepsNode(self.cond1, False, [], False)
-        tree_expected = TodoStepsNode(todo_1, True,
-                                      [node_todo_2, node_todo_4, node_cond_1],
-                                      False)
-        self.assertEqual(todo_1.get_step_tree(set(), set()), tree_expected)
+        node_5 = TodoStepsNode(self.cond1, False, [], False)
+        node_0.children += [node_5]
+        self.assertEqual(todo_1.get_step_tree(set(), set()), node_0)
         # test second condition shows up
         todo_2.set_conditions(self.db_conn, [self.cond2.id_])
-        node_cond_2 = TodoStepsNode(self.cond2, False, [], False)
-        node_todo_2 = TodoStepsNode(todo_2, True,
-                                    [node_todo_3, node_cond_2], False)
-        tree_expected = TodoStepsNode(todo_1, True,
-                                      [node_todo_2, node_todo_4, node_cond_1],
-                                      False)
-        self.assertEqual(todo_1.get_step_tree(set(), set()), tree_expected)
+        node_6 = TodoStepsNode(self.cond2, False, [], False)
+        node_2.children += [node_6]
+        self.assertEqual(todo_1.get_step_tree(set(), set()), node_0)
         # test second condition is not hidden if fulfilled by non-sibling
         todo_1.set_enables(self.db_conn, [self.cond2.id_])
-        self.assertEqual(todo_1.get_step_tree(set(), set()), tree_expected)
+        self.assertEqual(todo_1.get_step_tree(set(), set()), node_0)
         # test second condition is hidden if fulfilled by sibling
         todo_3.set_enables(self.db_conn, [self.cond2.id_])
-        node_todo_2 = TodoStepsNode(todo_2, True, [node_todo_3], False)
-        tree_expected = TodoStepsNode(todo_1, True,
-                                      [node_todo_2, node_todo_4, node_cond_1],
-                                      False)
-        self.assertEqual(todo_1.get_step_tree(set(), set()), tree_expected)
+        node_2.children.remove(node_6)
+        self.assertEqual(todo_1.get_step_tree(set(), set()), node_0)
     def test_Todo_singularity(self) -> None:
         """Test pointers made for single object keep pointing to it."""