From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 22:40:48 +0000 (+0200)
Subject: Simplified adding new objects to map.
X-Git-Tag: tce~950

Simplified adding new objects to map.

diff --git a/src/main.c b/src/main.c
index 5d253ce..71a5370 100644
--- a/src/main.c
+++ b/src/main.c
@@ -138,12 +138,12 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     if (0 == world.turn)
         player.pos = find_passable_pos(;
-        struct MapObj ** ptr;
-        ptr = build_map_objects(&world, &world.map_objs, 1, 1 + rrand() % 27);
-        ptr = build_map_objects(&world, ptr, 2, 1 + rrand() % 9);
-        ptr = build_map_objects(&world, ptr, 3, 1 + rrand() % 3);
-        ptr = build_map_objects(&world, ptr, 4, 1 + rrand() % 3);
-        ptr = build_map_objects(&world, ptr, 5, 1 + rrand() % 3);
+        world.map_objs = NULL;
+        add_map_objects(&world, 1, 1 + rrand() % 27);
+        add_map_objects(&world, 2, 1 + rrand() % 9);
+        add_map_objects(&world, 3, 1 + rrand() % 3);
+        add_map_objects(&world, 4, 1 + rrand() % 3);
+        add_map_objects(&world, 5, 1 + rrand() % 3);
         world.turn = 1;
diff --git a/src/map_objects.c b/src/map_objects.c
index e690281..7e2472d 100644
--- a/src/map_objects.c
+++ b/src/map_objects.c
@@ -98,27 +98,29 @@ extern void read_map_objects(struct World * world, FILE * file, char * line,
-extern struct MapObj ** build_map_objects(struct World * w,
-                                           struct MapObj ** mo_ptr_ptr,
-                                           uint8_t type, uint8_t n)
+extern void add_map_object(struct World * world, uint8_t type)
-    char * f_name = "build_map_objects()";
-    uint8_t i = 0;
-    struct MapObjDef * mod = get_map_object_def(w, type);
-    while (i < n)
+    char * f_name = "add_map_object";
+    struct MapObjDef * mod = get_map_object_def(world, type);
+    struct MapObj * mo = try_malloc(sizeof(struct MapObj), world, f_name);
+    mo->id = world->map_obj_count;
+    world->map_obj_count++;
+    mo->type = mod->id;
+    mo->lifepoints = mod->lifepoints;
+    mo->pos = find_passable_pos(world->map);
+    mo->next = world->map_objs;
+    world->map_objs = mo;
+extern void add_map_objects(struct World * world, uint8_t type, uint8_t n)
+    uint8_t i;
+    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
-        struct MapObj * mo = try_malloc(sizeof(struct MapObj), w, f_name);
-        mo->id = w->map_obj_count;
-        w->map_obj_count++;
-        mo->type = mod->id;
-        mo->next = NULL;
-        mo->lifepoints = mod->lifepoints;
-        mo->pos = find_passable_pos(w->map);
-        i++;
-        * mo_ptr_ptr = mo;
-        mo_ptr_ptr = &mo->next;
+        add_map_object(world, type);
-    return mo_ptr_ptr;
diff --git a/src/map_objects.h b/src/map_objects.h
index 29bae85..ced2ab3 100644
--- a/src/map_objects.h
+++ b/src/map_objects.h
@@ -57,10 +57,11 @@ extern void init_map_object_defs(struct World * world, char * filename);
 extern void free_map_object_defs(struct MapObjDef * mod_start);
-/* Build chain of "n" map objects of "tpye" to start at "mo_ptr_ptr". */
-extern struct MapObj ** build_map_objects(struct World * w,
-                                          struct MapObj ** mo_ptr_ptr,
-                                          uint8_t type, uint8_t n);
+/* Add new object(s) ("n": how many?) of "type" to map on random position(s). */
+extern void add_map_object(struct World * world, uint8_t type);
+extern void add_map_objects(struct World * world, uint8_t type, uint8_t n);
 /* Write map objects chain to "file". */