From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2015 20:06:20 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: 7DRL: Via stacks depth map, add visualization of thing stacks on map.

7DRL: Via stacks depth map, add visualization of thing stacks on map.

diff --git a/roguelike-server b/roguelike-server
index 7ccfafe..9bc55ad 100755
--- a/roguelike-server
+++ b/roguelike-server
@@ -333,12 +333,12 @@ def try_worldstate_update():
                  str(world_db["Things"][0]["T_POSX"]) + "\n" + \
                  str(world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]) + "\n"
         length = world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]
         fov = bytearray(b' ' * (length ** 2))
         ord_v = ord("v")
         for pos in [pos for pos in range(length ** 2)
                         if ord_v == world_db["Things"][0]["fovmap"][pos]]:
             fov[pos] = world_db["MAP"][pos]
-        length = world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]
         for id in [id for tid in reversed(sorted(list(world_db["ThingTypes"])))
                       for id in world_db["Things"]
                       if not world_db["Things"][id]["carried"]
@@ -351,6 +351,7 @@ def try_worldstate_update():
             fov[world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSY"] * length
                 + world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSX"]] = c
         string = write_map(string, fov)
         mem = world_db["Things"][0]["T_MEMMAP"][:]
         for mt in [mt for tid in reversed(sorted(list(world_db["ThingTypes"])))
                       for mt in world_db["Things"][0]["T_MEMTHING"]
@@ -358,6 +359,23 @@ def try_worldstate_update():
              c = world_db["ThingTypes"][mt[0]]["TT_SYMBOL"]
              mem[(mt[1] * length) + mt[2]] = ord(c)
         string = write_map(string, mem)
+        stacksmap = bytearray(b'0' * (length ** 2))  # #
+        for id in [id for id in world_db["Things"]  # #
+                      if not world_db["Things"][id]["carried"]  # #
+                      if world_db["Things"][0]["fovmap"][  # #
+                           world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSY"] * length  # #
+                           + world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSX"]] == ord_v]:  # #
+            pos = (world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSY"] * length  # #
+                  + world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSX"])  # #
+            if stacksmap[pos] < ord('2'):  # #
+                stacksmap[pos] += 1  # #
+        for mt in world_db["Things"][0]["T_MEMTHING"]:  # #
+            pos = mt[1] * length + mt[2]  # #
+            if stacksmap[pos] < ord('2'):  # #
+                stacksmap[pos] += 1  # #
+        string = write_map(string, stacksmap)  # #
         atomic_write(io_db["path_worldstate"], string, delete=False)
         strong_write(io_db["file_out"], "WORLD_UPDATED\n")
         io_db["worldstate_updateable"] = False
diff --git a/src/client/draw_wins.c b/src/client/draw_wins.c
index c8d87fc..59ce436 100644
--- a/src/client/draw_wins.c
+++ b/src/client/draw_wins.c
@@ -406,7 +406,12 @@ extern void draw_win_map(struct Win * win)
             // attr_t a=' '==world.mem_map[y*]?attr_sha:attr_mem;
             char c = world.mem_map[y* + x];
             set_ch_on_yx(win, y, x * 2 + (y % 2),     c   | a);
-            set_ch_on_yx(win, y, x * 2 + (y % 2) + 1, ' ' | a);
+            chtype depth = ' ' | a;  //
+            if (world.stacks_map[y * + x] == '2')  //
+            {  //
+                depth = '+' | COLOR_PAIR(2);  //
+            }  //
+            set_ch_on_yx(win, y, x * 2 + (y % 2) + 1, depth);
     init_pair(4, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_BLACK); //
@@ -471,7 +476,12 @@ extern void draw_win_map(struct Win * win)
                 } //
                 // char c =[y* + x];
                 set_ch_on_yx(win, y, x * 2 + (y % 2),     c | a); //
-                set_ch_on_yx(win, y, x * 2 + (y % 2) + 1, ' ' | a); //
+                chtype depth = ' ' | a;  //
+                if (world.stacks_map[y * + x] == '2')  //
+                {  //
+                    depth = '+' | COLOR_PAIR(13);  //
+                }  //
+                set_ch_on_yx(win, y, x * 2 + (y % 2) + 1, depth); //
                 // set_ch_on_yx(win, y, x * 2 + (y % 2),     c);
                 // set_ch_on_yx(win, y, x * 2 + (y % 2) + 1, ' ');
diff --git a/src/client/io.c b/src/client/io.c
index d9f888d..df90c17 100644
--- a/src/client/io.c
+++ b/src/client/io.c
@@ -197,6 +197,7 @@ static uint8_t read_worldstate() = (uint16_t) read_value_from_line(read_buf, linemax, file);
     read_map_cells(file, &;
     read_map_cells(file, &world.mem_map);
+    read_map_cells(file, &world.stacks_map);  //
     try_fclose(file, __func__);
     return 1;
diff --git a/src/client/world.h b/src/client/world.h
index 3eba28b..9d47e92 100644
--- a/src/client/world.h
+++ b/src/client/world.h
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ struct World
     char * path_commands; /* path of commands config file */
     char * player_inventory; /* one-item-per-line string list of owned items */
     char * mem_map; /* map cells of player's map memory */
+    char * stacks_map; /* map of depths of thing stacks on world map */ // 7DRL
     char * queue; /* stores un-processed messages read from the input file */
     struct yx_uint8 player_pos; /* coordinates of player on map */
     struct yx_uint8 look_pos; /* coordinates of look cursor */