From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2020 15:39:34 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: Spawn Psychedelics, Stimulants from BottleDeposit too.

Spawn Psychedelics, Stimulants from BottleDeposit too.

diff --git a/plomrogue/ b/plomrogue/
index 3c8f09d..3a72ca3 100644
--- a/plomrogue/
+++ b/plomrogue/
@@ -449,13 +449,15 @@ class Thing_BottleDeposit(Thing):
     def proceed(self):
         if self.bottle_counter >= 3:
             self.bottle_counter = 0
-            choice = random.choice(['MusicPlayer', 'Hat'])
+            choice = random.choice(['MusicPlayer', 'Hat', 'Stimulant', 'Psychedelic'])
   , self.position)
             msg = 'here is a gift as a reward for ecological consciousness –'
             if choice == 'MusicPlayer':
                 msg += 'pick it up and then use "command thing" on it!'
             elif choice == 'Hat':
                 msg += 'pick it up and then use "(un-)wear" on it!'
+            elif choice in {'Psychedelic', 'Stimulant'}:
+                msg += 'pick it up and then use "consume" on it!'
             self.sound('BOTTLE DEPOSITOR', msg)
     def accept(self):