From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2024 02:10:47 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: Move query and query result/video data into sqlite DB.

Move query and query result/video data into sqlite DB.

diff --git a/templates/queries.tmpl b/templates/queries.tmpl
index 0d888b0..6ba91cb 100644
--- a/templates/queries.tmpl
+++ b/templates/queries.tmpl
@@ -9,14 +9,12 @@
 <th>retrieved at</th>
 {% for query in queries %}
-<td style="text-align: right;">{{query.downloads}}</td>
-<td><a href="/query/{{}}">{{query.text}}</a></td>
+<td><a href="/query/{{query.id_}}">{{query.text}}</a></td>
 {% endfor %}
diff --git a/templates/results.tmpl b/templates/results.tmpl
index 8b88362..124704a 100644
--- a/templates/results.tmpl
+++ b/templates/results.tmpl
@@ -2,20 +2,19 @@
 <meta charset="UTF-8">
 <p><a href="/playlist">playlist</a> · <a href="/videos">videos</a> · <a href="/queries">queries</a></p>
-<p>query: {{query_text}}</p>
+<p>query: {{query}}</p>
 {% for video in videos %}
-<a href="/video_about/{{}}"><img src="/thumbnails/{{}}.jpg" /></a>
+<a href="/video_about/{{video.id_}}"><img src="/thumbnails/{{video.id_}}.jpg" /></a>
 {{video.definition}}<br />
-{{video.duration}}<br />
-{% if video.available %}<a href="/dl/{{}}">[loaded]{% endif %}</a></td>
-<b><a href="/video_about/{{}}">{{video.title}}</a></b> · {{video.description}}
+<b><a href="/video_about/{{video.id_}}">{{video.title}}</a></b> · {{video.description}}
 {% endfor %}
diff --git a/templates/video_about.tmpl b/templates/video_about.tmpl
index 290e76d..0bee6a4 100644
--- a/templates/video_about.tmpl
+++ b/templates/video_about.tmpl
@@ -4,24 +4,24 @@
 <p><a href="/playlist">playlist</a> · <a href="/videos">videos</a> · <a href="/queries">queries</a></p>
-<tr><th>thumbnail:</th><td><img src="/thumbnails/{{video_id}}.jpg" /></td></tr>
+<tr><th>thumbnail:</th><td><img src="/thumbnails/{{video_data.id_}}.jpg" /></td></tr>
-<tr><th>YouTube ID:</th><td>{{video_id}}</td></tr>
+<tr><th>YouTube ID:</th><td>{{video_data.id_}}</td></tr>
-<li><a href="{{youtube_prefix}}{{video_id}}">watch on YouTube</a>
-<li><a href="/dl/{video_id}">{% if video_data.available %}watch locally{% else %}download{% endif %}</a>
+<li><a href="{{youtube_prefix}}{{video_data.id_}}">watch on YouTube</a>
+<li><a href="/dl/{{video_data.id_}}">{% if available %}watch locally{% else %}download{% endif %}</a>
 <th>linked queries:</th>
-{% for query in queries %}<li><a href="/query/{{query.0}}">{{query.1}}</a>{% endfor %}
+{% for query in queries %}<li><a href="/query/{{query.id_}}">{{query.text}}</a>{% endfor %}
diff --git a/ b/
index a86bf5c..361b898 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
 """Minimalistic download-focused YouTube interface."""
-from typing import TypeAlias, Optional, NewType, Callable
+from typing import TypeAlias, Optional, NewType, Callable, Self, Any
 from os import environ, makedirs, scandir, remove as os_remove
 from os.path import (isdir, isfile, exists as path_exists, join as path_join,
                      splitext, basename)
@@ -12,44 +12,45 @@ from threading import Thread
 from http.server import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler
 from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs
 from urllib.request import urlretrieve
-from hashlib import md5
+from sqlite3 import connect as sql_connect, Cursor, Row
 from jinja2 import Template
 from mpv import MPV  # type: ignore
 from yt_dlp import YoutubeDL  # type: ignore
 import googleapiclient.discovery  # type: ignore
+API_KEY = environ.get('GOOGLE_API_KEY')
+HTTP_PORT = 8084
 DatetimeStr = NewType('DatetimeStr', str)
 QuotaCost = NewType('QuotaCost', int)
 VideoId = NewType('VideoId', str)
 PathStr = NewType('PathStr', str)
-QueryId = NewType('QueryId', str)
+QueryId = NewType('QueryId', int)
 QueryText = NewType('QueryText', str)
+ProseText = NewType('ProseText', str)
+SqlText = NewType('SqlText', str)
 AmountDownloads = NewType('AmountDownloads', int)
 PlayerUpdateId = NewType('PlayerUpdateId', str)
-Result: TypeAlias = dict[str, str]
-Header: TypeAlias = tuple[str, str]
-VideoData: TypeAlias = dict[str, str | bool]
-QueryData: TypeAlias = dict[str, QueryId | QueryText | DatetimeStr
-                            | AmountDownloads | list[Result]]
 QuotaLog: TypeAlias = dict[DatetimeStr, QuotaCost]
-DownloadsDB = dict[VideoId, PathStr]
-TemplateContext = dict[str, None | bool | PlayerUpdateId | PathStr | VideoId
-                       | QuotaCost | QueryData
-                       | VideoData | list[QueryData] | list[VideoData]
-                       | list[tuple[VideoId, PathStr]]
-                       | list[tuple[QueryId, QueryText]]
-                       | list[tuple[PathStr, PathStr]]]
+DownloadsDb: TypeAlias = dict[VideoId, PathStr]
+TemplateContext: TypeAlias = dict[
+        str, None | bool | PlayerUpdateId | PathStr | VideoId | QueryText
+        | QuotaCost | 'VideoData' | list['VideoData'] | list['QueryData']
+        | list[tuple[VideoId, PathStr]] | list[tuple[PathStr, PathStr]]]
+class NotFoundException(BaseException):
+    """Call on DB fetches finding less than expected."""
-API_KEY = environ.get('GOOGLE_API_KEY')
-HTTP_PORT = 8083
 PATH_QUOTA_LOG = PathStr('quota_log.json')
 PATH_DIR_DOWNLOADS = PathStr('downloads')
 PATH_DIR_THUMBNAILS = PathStr('thumbnails')
 PATH_DIR_REQUESTS_CACHE = PathStr('cache_googleapi')
 PATH_DIR_TEMPLATES = PathStr('templates')
+PATH_DB = PathStr('db.sql')
 NAME_DIR_TEMP = PathStr('temp')
-NAME_TEMPLATE_INDEX = PathStr('queries.tmpl')
+NAME_TEMPLATE_QUERIES = PathStr('queries.tmpl')
 NAME_TEMPLATE_RESULTS = PathStr('results.tmpl')
 NAME_TEMPLATE_VIDEOS = PathStr('videos.tmpl')
 NAME_TEMPLATE_VIDEO_ABOUT = PathStr('video_about.tmpl')
@@ -58,8 +59,8 @@ NAME_TEMPLATE_PLAYLIST = PathStr('playlist.tmpl')
-                                        NAME_TEMPLATE_INDEX))
+                                          NAME_TEMPLATE_QUERIES))
 TIMESTAMP_FMT = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'
 YT_DOWNLOAD_FORMAT = 'bestvideo[height<=1080][width<=1920]+bestaudio'\
@@ -73,9 +74,187 @@ QUOTA_COST_YOUTUBE_DETAILS = QuotaCost(1)
 LEGAL_EXTENSIONS = {'webm', 'mp4', 'mkv'}
+CREATE TABLE yt_queries (
+  text TEXT NOT NULL,
+  retrieved_at TEXT NOT NULL
+CREATE TABLE yt_videos (
+  title TEXT NOT NULL,
+  description TEXT NOT NULL,
+  published_at TEXT NOT NULL,
+  duration TEXT NOT NULL,
+  definition TEXT NOT NULL
+CREATE TABLE yt_query_results (
+  query_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
+  video_id TEXT NOT NULL,
+  PRIMARY KEY (query_id, video_id),
+  FOREIGN KEY (query_id) REFERENCES yt_queries(id),
+  FOREIGN KEY (video_id) REFERENCES yt_videos(id)
 to_download: list[VideoId] = []
+class DatabaseConnection:
+    """Wrapped sqlite3.Connection."""
+    def __init__(self) -> None:
+        if not path_exists(PATH_DB):
+            with sql_connect(PATH_DB) as conn:
+                conn.executescript(SCRIPT_INIT_DB)
+        self._conn = sql_connect(PATH_DB)
+    def exec(self, sql: SqlText, inputs: tuple[Any, ...] = tuple()) -> Cursor:
+        """Wrapper around sqlite3.Connection.execute."""
+        return self._conn.execute(sql, inputs)
+    def commit_close(self) -> None:
+        """Run sqlite3.Connection.commit and .close."""
+        self._conn.commit()
+        self._conn.close()
+class DbData:
+    """Abstraction of common DB operation."""
+    _table_name: str
+    _cols: tuple[str, ...]
+    @classmethod
+    def _from_table_row(cls, row: Row) -> Self:
+        kwargs = {}
+        for i, col_name in enumerate(cls._cols):
+            kwargs[col_name] = row[i]
+        return cls(**kwargs)
+    @classmethod
+    def get_one(cls, conn: DatabaseConnection, id_: str) -> Self:
+        """Return single entry of id_ from DB."""
+        sql = SqlText(f'SELECT * FROM {cls._table_name} WHERE id = ?')
+        row = conn.exec(sql, (id_,)).fetchone()
+        if not row:
+            raise NotFoundException
+        return cls._from_table_row(row)
+    @classmethod
+    def get_all(cls, conn: DatabaseConnection) -> list[Self]:
+        """Return all entries from DB."""
+        sql = SqlText(f'SELECT * FROM {cls._table_name}')
+        rows = conn.exec(sql).fetchall()
+        return [cls._from_table_row(row) for row in rows]
+    def save(self, conn: DatabaseConnection) -> Cursor:
+        """Save entry to DB."""
+        vals = [getattr(self, col_name) for col_name in self._cols]
+        q_marks = '(' + ','.join(['?'] * len(vals)) + ')'
+        sql = SqlText(f'REPLACE INTO {self._table_name} VALUES {q_marks}')
+        return conn.exec(sql, tuple(vals))
+class QueryData(DbData):
+    """Representation of YouTube query (without results)."""
+    _table_name = 'yt_queries'
+    _cols = ('id_', 'text', 'retrieved_at')
+    def __init__(self,
+                 id_: Optional[QueryId],
+                 text: QueryText,
+                 retrieved_at: DatetimeStr
+                 ) -> None:
+        self.id_ = id_
+        self.text = QueryText(text)
+        self.retrieved_at = retrieved_at
+    def save(self, conn: DatabaseConnection) -> Cursor:
+        """ but assign .id_ from Cursor's lastrowid if yet unset."""
+        cursor = super().save(conn)
+        if self.id_ is None:
+            assert cursor.lastrowid is not None
+            self.id_ = QueryId(cursor.lastrowid)
+        return cursor
+    @classmethod
+    def get_all_for_video(cls,
+                          conn: DatabaseConnection,
+                          video_id: VideoId
+                          ) -> list[Self]:
+        """Return all QueryData that got VideoData of video_id as result."""
+        sql = SqlText('SELECT query_id FROM '
+                      'yt_query_results WHERE video_id = ?')
+        query_ids = conn.exec(sql, (video_id,)).fetchall()
+        return [cls.get_one(conn, query_id_tup[0])
+                for query_id_tup in query_ids]
+class VideoData(DbData):
+    """Representation of YouTube video metadata as provided by their API."""
+    _table_name = 'yt_videos'
+    _cols = ('id_', 'title', 'description', 'published_at', 'duration',
+             'definition')
+    def __init__(self,
+                 id_: VideoId,
+                 title: ProseText,
+                 description: ProseText,
+                 published_at: DatetimeStr,
+                 duration: str = '',
+                 definition: str = ''
+                 ) -> None:
+        self.id_ = id_
+        self.title = title
+        self.description = description
+        self.published_at = published_at
+        self.duration = duration
+        self.definition = definition
+    def set_duration_from_yt_string(self, yt_string) -> None:
+        """Set .duration from the kind of format the YouTube API provides."""
+        date_dur, time_dur = yt_string.split('T')
+        seconds = 0
+        date_dur = date_dur[1:]
+        for dur_char, len_seconds in (('Y', 60*60*24*365.25),
+                                      ('M', 60*60*24*30),
+                                      ('D', 60*60*24)):
+            if dur_char in date_dur:
+                dur_str, date_dur = date_dur.split(dur_char)
+                seconds += int(dur_str) * int(len_seconds)
+        for dur_char, len_seconds in (('H', 60*60),
+                                      ('M', 60),
+                                      ('S', 1)):
+            if dur_char in time_dur:
+                dur_str, time_dur = time_dur.split(dur_char)
+                seconds += int(dur_str) * len_seconds
+        seconds_str = str(seconds % 60)
+        minutes_str = str(seconds // 60)
+        hours_str = str(seconds // (60 * 60))
+        self.duration = ':'.join([f'0{s}' if len(s) == 1 else s for s
+                                  in (hours_str, minutes_str, seconds_str)])
+    @classmethod
+    def get_all_for_query(cls,
+                          conn: DatabaseConnection,
+                          query_id: QueryId
+                          ) -> list[Self]:
+        """Return all videos for query of query_id."""
+        sql = SqlText('SELECT video_id'
+                      'FROM yt_query_results WHERE query_id = ?')
+        video_ids = conn.exec(sql, (query_id,)).fetchall()
+        return [cls.get_one(conn, video_id_tup[0])
+                for video_id_tup in video_ids]
+    def save_to_query(self,
+                      conn: DatabaseConnection,
+                      query_id: QueryId
+                      ) -> None:
+        """Save inclusion of self in results to query of query_id."""
+        conn.exec(SqlText('REPLACE INTO yt_query_results VALUES (?, ?)'),
+                  (query_id, self.id_))
 class Player:
     """MPV representation with some additional features."""
@@ -276,7 +455,7 @@ class TaskHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
     def _send_http(self,
                    content: bytes = b'',
-                   headers: Optional[list[Header]] = None,
+                   headers: Optional[list[tuple[str, str]]] = None,
                    code: int = 200
                    ) -> None:
         headers = headers if headers else []
@@ -295,12 +474,11 @@ class TaskHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
         body_length = int(self.headers['content-length'])
         postvars = parse_qs(
         if 'playlist' == page_name:
-            self._post_player_command(list(postvars.keys()))
+            self._post_player_command(list(postvars.keys())[0])
         elif 'queries' == page_name:
-    def _post_player_command(self, commands: list[str]) -> None:
-        # print("DEBUG commands", commands)
+    def _post_player_command(self, commands: str) -> None:
         if 'pause' in commands:
         elif 'prev' in commands:
@@ -314,9 +492,7 @@ class TaskHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
     def _post_query(self, query_txt: QueryText) -> None:
-        def collect_results(now: DatetimeStr,
-                            query_txt: QueryText
-                            ) -> list[Result]:
+        def collect_results(now, query_txt: QueryText) -> list[VideoData]:
             youtube ='youtube', 'v3',
             update_quota_log(now, QUOTA_COST_YOUTUBE_SEARCH)
@@ -326,62 +502,66 @@ class TaskHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
-            results = []
+            results: list[VideoData] = []
             ids_to_detail: list[VideoId] = []
             for item in search_request.execute()['items']:
                 video_id: VideoId = item['id']['videoId']
                 ids_to_detail += [video_id]
-                snippet: dict[str, str] = item['snippet']
-                result: Result = {'id': video_id,
-                                  'title': snippet['title'],
-                                  'description': snippet['description'],
-                                  'published_at': snippet['publishedAt'],
-                                  }
-                results += [result]
-                urlretrieve(item['snippet']['thumbnails']['default']['url'],
+                snippet = item['snippet']
+                urlretrieve(snippet['thumbnails']['default']['url'],
                             path_join(PATH_DIR_THUMBNAILS, f'{video_id}.jpg'))
+                results += [VideoData(id_=video_id,
+                                      title=snippet['title'],
+                                      description=snippet['description'],
+                                      published_at=snippet['publishedAt'])]
             update_quota_log(now, QUOTA_COST_YOUTUBE_DETAILS)
-            videos_request = youtube.videos().list(id=','.join(ids_to_detail),
+            ids_for_details = ','.join([r.id_ for r in results])
+            videos_request = youtube.videos().list(id=ids_for_details,
             for i, detailed in enumerate(videos_request.execute()['items']):
-                results_item: Result = results[i]
-                assert results_item['id'] == detailed['id']
+                result = results[i]
+                assert result.id_ == detailed['id']
                 content_details: dict[str, str] = detailed['contentDetails']
-                results_item['duration'] = content_details['duration']
-                results_item['definition'] = content_details['definition']
+                result.set_duration_from_yt_string(content_details['duration'])
+                result.definition = content_details['definition'].upper()
             return results
         now = DatetimeStr(
-        results = collect_results(now, query_txt)
-        md5sum = md5(str(query_txt).encode()).hexdigest()
-        with open(path_join(PATH_DIR_REQUESTS_CACHE, f'{md5sum}.json'),
-                  'w', encoding='utf8') as f:
-            json_dump({'text': query_txt,
-                       'retrieved_at': now,
-                       'results': results}, f)
-        self._send_http(headers=[('Location', f'/query/{md5sum}')], code=302)
+        query_data = QueryData(None, query_txt, now)
+        conn = DatabaseConnection()
+        for result in collect_results(now, query_txt):
+            assert query_data.id_ is not None
+            result.save_to_query(conn, query_data.id_)
+        conn.commit_close()
+        self._send_http(headers=[('Location', f'/query/{query_data.id_}')],
+                        code=302)
     def do_GET(self) -> None:  # pylint:disable=invalid-name
         """Map GET requests to handlers for various paths."""
         url = urlparse(self.path)
         toks_url: list[str] = url.path.split('/')
         page_name = toks_url[1]
-        if 'thumbnails' == page_name:
-            self._send_thumbnail(PathStr(toks_url[2]))
-        elif 'dl' == page_name:
-            self._send_or_download_video(VideoId(toks_url[2]))
-        elif 'videos' == page_name:
-            self._send_videos_index()
-        elif 'video_about' == page_name:
-            self._send_video_about(VideoId(toks_url[2]))
-        elif 'query' == page_name:
-            self._send_query_page(QueryId(toks_url[2]))
-        elif 'queries' == page_name:
-            self._send_queries_index_and_search()
-        elif '_last_playlist_update.json' == page_name:
-            self._send_last_playlist_update()
-        else:  # e.g. for /
-            self._send_playlist()
+        try:
+            if 'thumbnails' == page_name:
+                self._send_thumbnail(PathStr(toks_url[2]))
+            elif 'dl' == page_name:
+                self._send_or_download_video(VideoId(toks_url[2]))
+            elif 'videos' == page_name:
+                self._send_videos_index()
+            elif 'video_about' == page_name:
+                self._send_video_about(VideoId(toks_url[2]))
+            elif 'query' == page_name:
+                self._send_query_page(QueryId(int(toks_url[2])))
+            elif 'queries' == page_name:
+                self._send_queries_index_and_search()
+            elif '_last_playlist_update.json' == page_name:
+                self._send_last_playlist_update()
+            else:  # e.g. for /
+                self._send_playlist()
+        except NotFoundException:
+            self._send_http(b'not found', code=404)
     def _send_rendered_template(self,
                                 tmpl_name: PathStr,
@@ -394,7 +574,7 @@ class TaskHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
         html = tmpl.render(**tmpl_ctx)
         self._send_http(bytes(html, 'utf8'))
-    def _make_downloads_db(self) -> DownloadsDB:
+    def _make_downloads_db(self) -> DownloadsDb:
         downloads_db = {}
         for e in [e for e in scandir(PATH_DIR_DOWNLOADS) if isfile(e.path)]:
             before_ext = splitext(e.path)[0]
@@ -402,58 +582,6 @@ class TaskHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
             downloads_db[id_] = PathStr(e.path)
         return downloads_db
-    def _harvest_queries(self) -> list[tuple[QueryId, list[Result],
-                                             QueryText, DatetimeStr]]:
-        queries_data = []
-        for file in [f for f in scandir(PATH_DIR_REQUESTS_CACHE)
-                     if isfile(f.path)]:
-            with open(file.path, 'r', encoding='utf8') as query_file:
-                filed_query: QueryData = json_load(query_file)
-            assert isinstance(filed_query['results'], list)
-            assert isinstance(filed_query['text'], str)
-            assert isinstance(filed_query['retrieved_at'], str)
-            id_ = QueryId(splitext(basename(file.path))[0])
-            results_list = filed_query['results']
-            query_text = QueryText(filed_query['text'])
-            retrieved_at = DatetimeStr(filed_query['retrieved_at'])
-            queries_data += [(id_, results_list, query_text, retrieved_at)]
-        return queries_data
-    def _result_to_video_data(self,
-                              result: Result,
-                              downloads_db: DownloadsDB
-                              ) -> VideoData:
-        def reformat_duration(duration_str: str):
-            date_dur, time_dur = duration_str.split('T')
-            seconds = 0
-            date_dur = date_dur[1:]
-            for dur_char, len_seconds in (('Y', 60*60*24*365.25),
-                                          ('M', 60*60*24*30),
-                                          ('D', 60*60*24)):
-                if dur_char in date_dur:
-                    dur_str, date_dur = date_dur.split(dur_char)
-                    seconds += int(dur_str) * int(len_seconds)
-            for dur_char, len_seconds in (('H', 60*60),
-                                          ('M', 60),
-                                          ('S', 1)):
-                if dur_char in time_dur:
-                    dur_str, time_dur = time_dur.split(dur_char)
-                    seconds += int(dur_str) * len_seconds
-            seconds_str = str(seconds % 60)
-            minutes_str = str(seconds // 60)
-            hours_str = str(seconds // (60 * 60))
-            return ':'.join([f'0{s}' if len(s) == 1 else s
-                             for s in (hours_str, minutes_str, seconds_str)])
-        assert isinstance(result['duration'], str)
-        return {
-            'id': result['id'],
-            'available': result['id'] in downloads_db,
-            'duration': reformat_duration(result['duration']),
-            'title': result['title'],
-            'definition': result['definition'].upper()
-        }
     def _send_thumbnail(self, filename: PathStr) -> None:
         with open(path_join(PATH_DIR_THUMBNAILS, filename), 'rb') as f:
             img =
@@ -471,46 +599,36 @@ class TaskHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
     def _send_query_page(self, query_id: QueryId) -> None:
-        downloads_db = self._make_downloads_db()
-        with open(path_join(PATH_DIR_REQUESTS_CACHE, f'{query_id}.json'),
-                  'r', encoding='utf8') as query_file:
-            query = json_load(query_file)
+        conn = DatabaseConnection()
+        query = QueryData.get_one(conn, str(query_id))
+        results = VideoData.get_all_for_query(conn, query_id)
+        conn.commit_close()
-                {'query': query['text'],
-                 'videos': [self._result_to_video_data(result, downloads_db)
-                            for result in query['results']]})
+                {'query': query.text, 'videos': results})
     def _send_queries_index_and_search(self) -> None:
-        downloads_db = self._make_downloads_db()
-        queries_data: list[QueryData] = []
-        for id_, results, query_text, timestamp in self._harvest_queries():
-            queries_data += [
-                    {'id': id_, 'text': query_text, 'retrieved_at': timestamp,
-                     'downloads': AmountDownloads(len([
-                         r for r in results if r['id'] in downloads_db]))}]
-        queries_data.sort(key=lambda q: q['retrieved_at'], reverse=True)
-        self._send_rendered_template(NAME_TEMPLATE_INDEX, {'queries':
-                                                           queries_data})
+        quota_count = QuotaCost(sum(read_quota_log().values()))
+        conn = DatabaseConnection()
+        queries_data = QueryData.get_all(conn)
+        conn.commit_close()
+        queries_data.sort(key=lambda q: q.retrieved_at, reverse=True)
+        self._send_rendered_template(
+                NAME_TEMPLATE_QUERIES, {'queries': queries_data,
+                                        'quota_count': quota_count})
     def _send_video_about(self, video_id: VideoId) -> None:
-        linked_queries: list[tuple[QueryId, QueryText]] = []
-        first_result: Optional[Result] = None
-        for id_, results, query_text, _ in self._harvest_queries():
-            for result in results:
-                if video_id == result['id']:
-                    linked_queries += [(id_, query_text)]
-                    first_result = first_result or result
-        if not first_result:
-            self._send_http(b'nothing found', code=404)
-            return
+        downloads_db = self._make_downloads_db()
+        conn = DatabaseConnection()
+        linked_queries = QueryData.get_all_for_video(conn, video_id)
+        video_data = VideoData.get_one(conn, video_id)
+        conn.commit_close()
-                {'video_id': video_id,
+                {'video_data': video_data,
+                 'available': video_data.id_ in downloads_db,
                  'youtube_prefix': YOUTUBE_URL_PREFIX,
-                 'queries': linked_queries,
-                 'video_data': self._result_to_video_data(
-                     first_result, self._make_downloads_db())})
+                 'queries': linked_queries})
     def _send_videos_index(self) -> None:
         videos = [(id_, PathStr(basename(path)))
@@ -519,7 +637,7 @@ class TaskHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
         self._send_rendered_template(NAME_TEMPLATE_VIDEOS, {'videos': videos})
     def _send_last_playlist_update(self) -> None:
-        payload: dict[str, str] = {
+        payload: dict[str, PlayerUpdateId] = {
                 'last_update': self.server.player.last_update}
         self._send_http(bytes(json_dumps(payload), 'utf8'),
                         headers=[('Content-type', 'application/json')])