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last changeTue, 18 Feb 2025 12:34:36 +0000 (13:34 +0100)
2025-02-18 Christian HellerAdapt to plomlib update. master
2025-02-18 Christian HellerUpdate plomlib.
2025-02-10 Christian HellerImprove ModuleNotFoundError message.
2025-02-10 Christian HellerRetrieve bugfixing plomlib commit.
2025-02-10 Christian HellerOutsource install and startup code to plomlib.
2025-02-10 Christian HellerAdapt plomlib links to its new directory structure.
2025-02-10 Christian HellerDisallow commit without at least passing unit tests.
2025-02-10 Christian HellerReplace direct cloning of submodule into src/ by specif...
2025-02-10 Christian HellerMove tests directory out of src/.
2025-02-10 Christian HellerUse /tmp/ for test db files.
2025-02-08 Christian HellerAdapt to packaging/installation pattern established...
2025-01-26 Christian HellerUpdate plomlib (for Jinja autoescaping).
2025-01-18 Christian HellerAdapt web server to plomlib.web.
2025-01-15 Christian HellerInclude plomlib for its db.py, adapt DB code to it.
2025-01-11 Christian HellerMore str case removal.
2025-01-11 Christian HellerFurther code simplifications.
3 weeks ago master