From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2014 06:18:27 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: Minor improvements to README style with help of GNU diction.
X-Git-Tag: tce~837

Minor improvements to README style with help of GNU diction.

diff --git a/README b/README
index 7106769..1264d3c 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -2,15 +2,15 @@ plomrogue
 plomlompom tries to build his own roguelike. It doesn't do much yet (although
-there are insanely ambitious long-term plans).
+plomlompom has insanely ambitious long-term plans).
-You can move around a player on an island and meet a number of different
-enemies. You have 5 hitpoints to lose before death; they start with different
-amounts of hitpoints, depending on their species. Your score grows by killing
-enemies, to the amount of hitpoints each killed enemy started with. Dead enemies
-become dirt, skeletons or "magic meat"--such objects can be collected, and
-"magic meat" can be consumed to gain hitpoints. Note that different kinds of
-movements/actions take different numbers of turns to finish.
+You can move around a player on an island and meet different enemies. You have 5
+hitpoints to lose before death; they start with different amounts of hitpoints,
+depending on their species. Your score grows by killing enemies, to the amount
+of hitpoints each killed enemy started with. Dead enemies become dirt, skeletons
+or "magic meat"--such objects can be collected, and "magic meat" can be consumed
+to gain hitpoints. Note that different kinds of movements/actions take different
+numbers of turns to finish.
 Enemies' AI is very dumb so far: Each turn, they try to move towards their
 path-wise nearest enemy. If no enemy is found in their surroundings, they just
@@ -28,18 +28,18 @@ System requirements / installation / running the game
 The game is expected to run on Linux systems that contain the ncurses library.
-Perform the following steps:
+Do the following steps:
 $ git clone
 $ cd plomrogue
 $ make
 $ ./roguelike
-(It might also work on other Unix-like systems with ncurses, who knows.)
+(It may also work on other Unix-like systems with ncurses, who knows.)
 Note that make generates two executables ./roguelike-server and
 ./roguelike-client. ./roguelike is a pre-existing shell script that merely
-executes both of them, with the server as a background job. You may also
+executes both of them, with the server as a background job. You can also
 ignore the script and start the two by hand.
 Client's keybindings and window management
@@ -47,13 +47,13 @@ Client's keybindings and window management
 In the client's default window configuration, the window appearing on the left
 sports a list of keybindings available globally, and additionally via the window
-currently selected as active.
+selected as active.
 Hit "w" (per default keybindings) to switch the "active" window to a view that
-allows changing its geometry. One further hit on "w" switches the window to a
-view that allows changing its window-specific keybindings. The global
-keybindings may be changed in the "Global keys" window, those of the window
-geometry configuration in the "Window geometry keys" window, and those of the
+allows changing its geometry. One more hit on "w" switches the window to a view
+that allows changing its window-specific keybindings. The global keybindings can
+be changed in the "Global keys" window, those of the window geometry
+configuration in the "Window geometry keys" window, and those of the
 window-specific keybindings configuration in the "Window keybinding keys"
 window; by default, these three windows are not visible, but may be turned on by
 (per default keybindings) hitting the "F6", "F7" and "F8" keys.
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ named by the -i command line option of the client. Some other default window
 configurations are stored below ./confclient/single_windows/: "map", "info",
 "inventory" and "log". Each of these opens up only a single window into the
 client, filling up the entire terminal. This may be useful for running multiple
-clients in parallel in multiple terminal windows that may be managed by one's
+clients in parallel in multiple terminal windows that can be managed by one's
 own window manager choice, instead of relying on plomrogue-client's bizarre
 in-client window management.
@@ -73,11 +73,10 @@ Replay game recording
 Run "./roguelike -s" to watch a recording of the current game from the
 beginning. Hit any player action key to increment turns (they will not trigger
-the actions usually mapped to them, only repeat the actions performed at that
-point in the game as defined in the "record" file). Keys to manage windows,
-scroll on the map and quit the program do their usual thing. Append a number to
-the -s option (like "-s100") to start the recording at the respective turn
+the actions usually mapped to them, only repeat the actions done at that point
+in the game as defined in the "record" file). Keys to manage windows, scroll on
+the map and quit the program do their usual thing. Append a number to the -s
+option (like "-s100") to start the recording at the respective turn number.
 Hacking / server internals and configuration
@@ -86,20 +85,20 @@ The movements/actions available to the player and the enemies are defined and
 can be changed in ./confserver/map_object_actions. Each entry consists of a
 first line of a numerical ID used internally to uniquely identify and manage the
 action, a second line of the number of turns the action takes, and a third line
-of a string that maps the action to the game logic to perform when it is called.
+of a string that maps the action to the game logic to do when it is called.
 Finally, a delimiter line of "%%" ends the entry.
 The different map object types, i.e. species (including the player's human one)
 and item types, can be edited in ./confserver/defs. Here the first value is a
 numerical ID that represents the object type, the second one describes what type
 this object decomposes to when it gets destroyed/killed, the third value is the
-character used to represent the object visually on the map, the fourth value is
-the number of hitpoints the object starts with (items are dead and start with
-zero hitpoints, anything else moves), the fifth is the string that names the
-object in the game log. Finally, the same delimiter as for the map object action
-definitions file follows. Note that the only valid item use so far, consuming
-"magic meat" to gain hitpoints, is so far hard-coded (this should change in the
+ASCII character used to represent the object visually on the map, the fourth
+value is the number of hitpoints the object starts with (items are dead and
+start with zero hitpoints, anything else moves), the fifth is the string that
+names the object in the game log. Finally, the same delimiter as for the map
+object action definitions file follows. Note that the only valid item use so
+far, consuming "magic meat" to gain hitpoints, is so far hard-coded (this should
+change in the future).
 All source files are thoroughly documented to explain more details of
 plomrogue's internals. The ./roguelike-server executable can be run with a -v