From e70fd4a07b3e35f5bda57d7112e721a2290082c6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Sun, 22 Nov 2020 03:18:13 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Add clickable URL links to web client.

 rogue_chat_nocanvas_monochrome.html | 154 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 129 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

diff --git a/rogue_chat_nocanvas_monochrome.html b/rogue_chat_nocanvas_monochrome.html
index c2c6bc7..9db72e4 100644
--- a/rogue_chat_nocanvas_monochrome.html
+++ b/rogue_chat_nocanvas_monochrome.html
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ let mode_helps = {
         'long': 'Waiting for a server response.'
     'password': {
-        'short': 'password input',
+        'short': 'map edit password',
         'long': 'This mode allows you to change the password that you send to authorize yourself for editing password-protected map tiles.  Hit return to confirm and leave.'
     'admin': {
@@ -180,12 +180,39 @@ let terminal = {
       }, 100);
   refresh: function() {
-      let pre_string = '';
+      function escapeHTML(str) {
+          return str.
+              replace(/&/g, '&amp;').
+              replace(/</g, '&lt;').
+              replace(/>/g, '&gt;').
+              replace(/'/g, '&apos;').
+              replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
+      };
+      let pre_content = '';
       for (let y = 0; y < this.rows; y++) {
           let line = this.content[y].join('');
-          pre_string += line + '\n';
+          let chunks = [];
+          if (y in tui.links) {
+              let start_x = 0;
+              for (let span of tui.links[y]) {
+                  chunks.push(escapeHTML(line.slice(start_x, span[0])));
+                  chunks.push('<a href="');
+                  chunks.push(escapeHTML(span[2]));
+                  chunks.push('">');
+                  chunks.push(escapeHTML(line.slice(span[0], span[1])));
+                  chunks.push('</a>');
+                  start_x = span[1];
+              }
+              chunks.push(escapeHTML(line.slice(start_x)));
+          } else {
+              chunks = [escapeHTML(line)];
+          }
+          for (const chunk of chunks) {
+              pre_content += chunk;
+          }
+          pre_content += '\n';
-      this.pre_el.textContent = pre_string;
+      this.pre_el.innerHTML = pre_content;
   write: function(start_y, start_x, msg) {
       for (let x = start_x, i = 0; x < this.cols && i < msg.length; x++, i++) {
@@ -438,6 +465,7 @@ class Mode {
 let tui = {
+  links: {},
   log: [],
   input_prompt: '> ',
   input_lines: [],
@@ -602,6 +630,18 @@ let tui = {
+  offset_links: function(offset, links) {
+      for (let y in links) {
+          let real_y = offset[0] + parseInt(y);
+          if (!this.links[real_y]) {
+              this.links[real_y] = [];
+          }
+          for (let link of links[y]) {
+              const offset_link = [link[0] + offset[1], link[1] + offset[1], link[2]];
+              this.links[real_y].push(offset_link);
+          }
+      }
+  },
   restore_input_values: function() {
       if ( == 'annotate' && explorer.position in explorer.info_db) {
           let info = explorer.info_db[explorer.position];
@@ -627,24 +667,64 @@ let tui = {
   recalc_input_lines: function() {
-      this.input_lines = this.msg_into_lines_of_width(this.input_prompt + this.inputEl.value, this.window_width);
+      let _ = null;
+      [this.input_lines, _] = this.msg_into_lines_of_width(this.input_prompt + this.inputEl.value, this.window_width);
       this.height_input = this.input_lines.length;
   msg_into_lines_of_width: function(msg, width) {
-    let chunk = "";
-    let lines = [];
-    for (let i = 0, x = 0; i < msg.length; i++, x++) {
-      if (x >= width || msg[i] == "\n") {
-        lines.push(chunk);
-        chunk = "";
-        x = 0;
+      function push_inner_link(y, end_x) {
+          if (!inner_links[y]) {
+              inner_links[y] = [];
+          };
+          inner_links[y].push([url_start_x, end_x, url]);
-      if (msg[i] != "\n") {
-        chunk += msg[i];
+      const matches = msg.matchAll(/https?:\/\/[^\s]+/g)
+      let link_data = {};
+      let url_ends = [];
+      for (const match of matches) {
+          const url = match[0];
+          const url_start = match.index;
+          const url_end = match.index + match[0].length;
+          link_data[url_start] = url;
+          url_ends.push(url_end);
-    }
-    lines.push(chunk);
-    return lines;
+      let url_start_x = 0;
+      let url = '';
+      let inner_links = {};
+      let in_link = false;
+      let chunk = "";
+      let lines = [];
+      for (let i = 0, x = 0, y = 0; i < msg.length; i++, x++) {
+          if (x >= width || msg[i] == "\n") {
+              if (in_link) {
+                  push_inner_link(y, chunk.length);
+                  url_start_x = 0;
+              };
+              lines.push(chunk);
+              chunk = "";
+              x = 0;
+              if (msg[i] == "\n") {
+                  x -= 1;
+              };
+              y += 1;
+          };
+          if (msg[i] != "\n") {
+              chunk += msg[i];
+          };
+          if (i in link_data) {
+              url_start_x = x;
+              url = link_data[i];
+              in_link = true;
+          } else if (url_ends.includes(i)) {
+              push_inner_link(y, x);
+              in_link = false;
+          }
+      }
+      lines.push(chunk);
+      if (in_link) {
+          push_inner_link(lines.length - 1, chunk.length);
+      }
+      return [lines, inner_links];
   log_msg: function(msg) {
@@ -745,21 +825,44 @@ let tui = {
   draw_history: function() {
       let log_display_lines = [];
+      let log_links = {};
+      let y_offset_in_log = 0;
       for (let line of this.log) {
-          log_display_lines = log_display_lines.concat(this.msg_into_lines_of_width(line, this.window_width));
+          let [new_lines, link_data] = this.msg_into_lines_of_width(line,
+                                                                    this.window_width)
+          log_display_lines = log_display_lines.concat(new_lines);
+          for (const y in link_data) {
+              const rel_y = y_offset_in_log + parseInt(y);
+              log_links[rel_y] = [];
+              for (let link of link_data[y]) {
+                  log_links[rel_y].push(link);
+              }
+          }
+          y_offset_in_log += new_lines.length;
-      for (let y = terminal.rows - 1 - this.height_input,
-               i = log_display_lines.length - 1;
+      let i = log_display_lines.length - 1;
+      for (let y = terminal.rows - 1 - this.height_input;
            y >= this.height_header && i >= 0;
            y--, i--) {
           terminal.write(y, this.window_width, log_display_lines[i]);
+      for (const key of Object.keys(log_links)) {
+          if (parseInt(key) <= i) {
+              delete log_links[key];
+          }
+      }
+      let offset = [terminal.rows - this.height_input - log_display_lines.length,
+                    this.window_width];
+      this.offset_links(offset, log_links);
   draw_info: function() {
-    let lines = this.msg_into_lines_of_width(explorer.get_info(), this.window_width);
-    for (let y = this.height_header, i = 0; y < terminal.rows && i < lines.length; y++, i++) {
-      terminal.write(y, this.window_width, lines[i]);
-    }
+      let [lines, link_data] = this.msg_into_lines_of_width(explorer.get_info(),
+                                                            this.window_width);
+      let offset = [this.height_header, this.window_width];
+      for (let y = offset[0], i = 0; y < terminal.rows && i < lines.length; y++, i++) {
+        terminal.write(y, offset[1], lines[i]);
+      }
+      this.offset_links(offset, link_data);
   draw_input: function() {
     if (this.mode.has_input_prompt) {
@@ -803,12 +906,13 @@ let tui = {
           start_x = this.window_width
       terminal.drawBox(0, start_x, terminal.rows, this.window_width);
-      let lines = this.msg_into_lines_of_width(content, this.window_width);
+      let [lines, _] = this.msg_into_lines_of_width(content, this.window_width);
       for (let y = 0, i = 0; y < terminal.rows && i < lines.length; y++, i++) {
           terminal.write(y, start_x, lines[i]);
   full_refresh: function() {
+    this.links = {};
     terminal.drawBox(0, 0, terminal.rows, terminal.cols);
     if (this.mode.is_intro) {