From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2019 00:43:42 +0000 (+0200)
Subject: Use minor mode for plomvi return, default key C-c C-c C-c but customizable.

Use minor mode for plomvi return, default key C-c C-c C-c but customizable.

diff --git a/plomvi.el b/plomvi.el
index 70903b3..28ede50 100644
--- a/plomvi.el
+++ b/plomvi.el
@@ -31,15 +31,17 @@
 ;;; Instructions:
-;; 1. load this script into your init file: (load ...)
+;; 1. load this script at the end of your init file: (load ...)
-;; 2. to start plomvi by default, put this into your init file:
+;; 2. to start plomvi by default, put this right after:
 ;; (plomvi-global-mode 1)
-;; 3. define some otherwise unused keybinding to simulate what would
-;; be a jump back from Insert mode to Normal mode in Vim (but is de
-;; facto just a plomvi mode activation), such as this:
-;; (global-set-key (kbd "<f1>") 'plomvi-activate)
+;; 3. if you want to use a different keybinding than "C-c C-c C-c"
+;; to simulate the jump back from Insert to Normal mode in Vim (de
+;; facto just a plomvi mode activation), put a line such as this
+;; before the (load ...) line for plomvi (with "C-c" the desired
+;; combo):
+;; (defvar plomvi-return-combo (kbd "C-c"))
@@ -330,3 +332,13 @@ or, on editable buffers, `plomvi-mode-editable'. The latter two's values in
 (add-to-list 'minor-mode-map-alist (cons 'plomvi-mode-editable
+(defvar plomvi-callable-mode-map
+  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))
+        (return-combo (if (boundp 'plomvi-return-combo)
+                          plomvi-return-combo
+                        (kbd "C-c C-c C-c"))))
+    (define-key map return-combo 'plomvi-activate)
+    map))
+(define-minor-mode plomvi-callable-mode ""
+  :init-value t :keymap "plomvi-callable")