From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2023 05:37:33 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: Improve


diff --git a/ b/
index 1ecd8b9..2093a24 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
 from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer
 import os
 import json
+import jinja2
 hostName = "localhost"
 serverPort = 8081
-header = """<html>
+tmpl = jinja2.Template("""<html>
 <meta charset="UTF-8">
 body {
@@ -33,8 +34,8 @@ td, th {
   height: 20px;
   background-color: white;
   width: 2px;
-  border-left: 1px solid black; 
-  border-right: 1px solid black; 
+  border-left: 1px solid black;
+  border-right: 1px solid black;
   z-index: 2;
 .progress {
@@ -78,27 +79,32 @@ table {
 <tr><th /><th>earned</th><th>progress</th><th>surplus</th></tr >
-footer = """</table>
+{% for p in progress_bars %}
+<td class="countable">{{p.earned|round(2)}}</td>
+<td class="progressbar">{% if p.time_progress >= 0 %}<div class="time_progress" style="margin-left: {{p.time_progress}}px"></div>{% endif %}<div class="progress" style="background-color: {% if p.success < 0.5 %}red{% elif p.success < 1 %}yellow{% else %}green{% endif %}; width: {{p.success_income_cut}}"></div></td>
+<td class="progressbar surplusbar"><div class="diff_goal">{{p.diff_goal}}</div><div class="progressbar surplus" style="width: {{p.success_income_bonus}}" /></div></td></tr>
+{% endfor %}
 <form action="/" method="POST">
 <tr><th>hourly rate</th><th>worked today</th></tr>
-<tr><td class="input_container"><input type="number" min="1" class="rate" name="workday_hourly_rate_1" value="%s"/>€</td><td><input type="number" min="0" class="minutes" name="workday_minutes_worked_1" value="%s" step="5" /> minutes</td>
-<tr><td class="input_container"><input type="number" min="1" class="rate" name="workday_hourly_rate_2" value="%s"/>€</td><td><input type="number" min="0" class="minutes" name="workday_minutes_worked_2" value="%s" step="5" /> minutes</td>
-<tr><td class="input_container"><input type="number" min="1" class="rate" name="workday_hourly_rate_3" value="%s"/>€</td><td><input type="number" min="0" class="minutes" name="workday_minutes_worked_3" value="%s" step="5" /> minutes</td>
+<tr><td class="input_container"><input type="number" min="1" class="rate" name="workday_hourly_rate_1" value="{{workday_hourly_rate_1}}"/>€</td><td><input type="number" min="0" class="minutes" name="workday_minutes_worked_1" value="{{workday_minutes_worked_1}}" step="5" /> minutes</td>
+<tr><td class="input_container"><input type="number" min="1" class="rate" name="workday_hourly_rate_2" value="{{workday_hourly_rate_2}}"/>€</td><td><input type="number" min="0" class="minutes" name="workday_minutes_worked_2" value="{{workday_minutes_worked_2}}" step="5" /> minutes</td>
+<tr><td class="input_container"><input type="number" min="1" class="rate" name="workday_hourly_rate_3" value="{{workday_hourly_rate_3}}"/>€</td><td><input type="number" min="0" class="minutes" name="workday_minutes_worked_3" value="{{workday_minutes_worked_3}}" step="5" /> minutes</td>
-<tr><th>yearly income goal</th><td><input type="number" class="year_goal" min="1" name="year_goal" value="%s" />€</td></tr>
-<tr><th>monthly income goal</th><td class="countable">%.2f€</td></tr>
-<tr><th>weekly income goal</th><td class="countable">%.2f€</td></tr>
-<tr><th>workdays per month</th><td class="input_container"><input type="number" class="workdays" min="1" max="28" name="workdays_per_month" value="%s" /></td></tr>
-<tr><th>workday income goal</th><td class="countable">%.2f€</td></tr>
-<tr><th>workdays per week</th><td class="countable">%.2f€</td></tr>
+<tr><th>yearly income goal</th><td><input type="number" class="year_goal" min="1" name="year_goal" value="{{year_goal}}" />€</td></tr>
+<tr><th>monthly income goal</th><td class="countable">{{month_goal|round(2)}}€</td></tr>
+<tr><th>weekly income goal</th><td class="countable">{{week_goal|round(2)}}€</td></tr>
+<tr><th>workdays per month</th><td class="input_container"><input type="number" class="workdays" min="1" max="28" name="workdays_per_month" value="{{workdays_per_month}}" /></td></tr>
+<tr><th>workday income goal</th><td class="countable">{{workday_goal|round(2)}}€</td></tr>
+<tr><th>workdays per week</th><td class="countable">{{workdays_per_week|round(2)}}</td></tr>
 <input type="submit" name="update" value="update inputs" />
 <input type="submit" name="finish" value="finish day" />
 db_default = {
   "timestamp_year": 0,
@@ -114,7 +120,7 @@ db_default = {
   "workday_hourly_rate_3": 50,
   "workday_minutes_worked_3": 0,
   "year_goal": 20000,
-  "workdays_per_month": 16 
+  "workdays_per_month": 16
 db_file = "db.json"
 lock_file = "db.lock"
@@ -125,137 +131,156 @@ def load_db():
         return db_default
+# class Database:
+#     data_default = {
+#       "timestamp_year": 0,
+#       "timestamp_month": 0,
+#       "timestamp_week": 0,
+#       "year_income": 0,
+#       "month_income": 0,
+#       "week_income": 0,
+#       "workday_hourly_rate_1": 10,
+#       "workday_minutes_worked_1": 0,
+#       "workday_hourly_rate_2": 25,
+#       "workday_minutes_worked_2": 0,
+#       "workday_hourly_rate_3": 50,
+#       "workday_minutes_worked_3": 0,
+#       "year_goal": 20000,
+#       "workdays_per_month": 16
+#     }
+#     def __init__(self):
+#         if os.path.exists(db_file):
+#             with open(db_file, "r") as f:
+#                 return json.load(f)
+#         else:
+#             return db_default
+class ProgressBar:
+    def __init__(self, title, earned, goal, time_progress=-1):
+        self.title = title
+        self.earned = earned
+        self.time_progress = int(time_progress * 100)
+        success_income = self.earned / goal
+        self.success_income_cut = int(min(success_income, 1.0) * 100)
+        self.success_income_bonus = int(max(success_income - 1.0, 0) * 100)
+        self.success = success_income + 0
+        self.diff_goal = "%.2f€" % (self.earned - goal)
+        if title != "workday":
+            self.diff_goal += "(%.2f€)" % (self.earned - (goal * time_progress))
+        if time_progress >= 0:
+            self.success = 1
+            if time_progress > 0:
+                self.success = success_income / time_progress
 class MyServer(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
     def do_POST(self):
         from urllib.parse import parse_qs
         length = int(self.headers['content-length'])
-        postvars = parse_qs(, keep_blank_values=1)
+        postvars = parse_qs(, keep_blank_values=1)
         db = load_db()
-        db["workday_minutes_worked_1"] = int(postvars[b'workday_minutes_worked_1'][0].decode()) 
-        db["workday_minutes_worked_2"] = int(postvars[b'workday_minutes_worked_2'][0].decode()) 
-        db["workday_minutes_worked_3"] = int(postvars[b'workday_minutes_worked_3'][0].decode()) 
-        db["workday_hourly_rate_1"] = int(postvars[b'workday_hourly_rate_1'][0].decode()) 
-        db["workday_hourly_rate_2"] = int(postvars[b'workday_hourly_rate_2'][0].decode()) 
-        db["workday_hourly_rate_3"] = int(postvars[b'workday_hourly_rate_3'][0].decode()) 
-        db["year_goal"] = int(postvars[b'year_goal'][0].decode()) 
-        db["workdays_per_month"] = int(postvars[b'workdays_per_month'][0].decode()) 
+        db["workday_minutes_worked_1"] = int(postvars['workday_minutes_worked_1'][0])
+        db["workday_minutes_worked_2"] = int(postvars['workday_minutes_worked_2'][0])
+        db["workday_minutes_worked_3"] = int(postvars['workday_minutes_worked_3'][0])
+        db["workday_hourly_rate_1"] = int(postvars['workday_hourly_rate_1'][0])
+        db["workday_hourly_rate_2"] = int(postvars['workday_hourly_rate_2'][0])
+        db["workday_hourly_rate_3"] = int(postvars['workday_hourly_rate_3'][0])
+        db["year_goal"] = int(postvars['year_goal'][0])
+        db["workdays_per_month"] = int(postvars['workdays_per_month'][0])
         if b'finish' in postvars.keys():
-            day_income = (db["workday_minutes_worked_1"] / 60.0) * db["workday_hourly_rate_1"] 
-            day_income += (db["workday_minutes_worked_2"] / 60.0) * db["workday_hourly_rate_2"] 
-            day_income += (db["workday_minutes_worked_3"] / 60.0) * db["workday_hourly_rate_3"] 
-            db["year_income"] += day_income 
-            db["month_income"] += day_income 
-            db["week_income"] += day_income 
+            day_income = (db["workday_minutes_worked_1"] / 60.0) * db["workday_hourly_rate_1"]
+            day_income += (db["workday_minutes_worked_2"] / 60.0) * db["workday_hourly_rate_2"]
+            day_income += (db["workday_minutes_worked_3"] / 60.0) * db["workday_hourly_rate_3"]
+            db["year_income"] += day_income
+            db["month_income"] += day_income
+            db["week_income"] += day_income
             db["workday_minutes_worked_1"] = 0
             db["workday_minutes_worked_2"] = 0
             db["workday_minutes_worked_3"] = 0
-        if not os.path.exists(lock_file):
-            with open(lock_file, "w+"): pass
-            with open(db_file, "w") as f:
-                json.dump(db, f)
-            os.remove(lock_file)
-            self.send_response(302)
-            self.send_header('Location', '/')
-            self.end_headers()
-        else:
-            self.send_response(400)
-            self.end_headers()
-            self.wfile.write(bytes("Sorry, lock file!", "utf-8"))
+        if self.fail_on_lockfile():
+            return
+        with open(lock_file, "w+"): pass
+        with open(db_file, "w") as f:
+            json.dump(db, f)
+        os.remove(lock_file)
+        self.send_response(302)
+        self.send_header('Location', '/')
+        self.end_headers()
     def do_GET(self):
         import datetime
-        import calendar 
-        self.send_response(200)
-        self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html")
-        self.end_headers()
+        import calendar
         db = load_db()
         today =
-        if not os.path.exists(lock_file):
-            update_db = False
-            if today.year != db["timestamp_year"]:
-                db["timestamp_year"] = today.year
-                db["year_income"] = 0
-                update_db = True 
-            if today.month != db["timestamp_month"]:
-                db["timestamp_month"] = today.month
-                db["month_income"] = 0
-                update_db = True 
-            if today.isocalendar()[1] != db["timestamp_week"]:
-                db["timestamp_week"] = today.isocalendar()[1]
-                db["week_income"] = 0
-                update_db = True 
-            if update_db:
-                print("Resetting timestamp")
-                with open(lock_file, "w+"): pass
-                with open(db_file, "w") as f:
-                    json.dump(db, f)
-                os.remove(lock_file)
-        else:
-            self.send_response(400)
-            self.end_headers()
-            self.wfile.write(bytes("Sorry, lock file!", "utf-8"))
+        update_db = False
+        if today.year != db["timestamp_year"]:
+            db["timestamp_year"] = today.year
+            db["year_income"] = 0
+            update_db = True
+        if today.month != db["timestamp_month"]:
+            db["timestamp_month"] = today.month
+            db["month_income"] = 0
+            update_db = True
+        if today.isocalendar()[1] != db["timestamp_week"]:
+            db["timestamp_week"] = today.isocalendar()[1]
+            db["week_income"] = 0
+            update_db = True
+        if self.fail_on_lockfile():
+        if update_db:
+            print("Resetting timestamp")
+            with open(lock_file, "w+"): pass
+            with open(db_file, "w") as f:
+                json.dump(db, f)
+            os.remove(lock_file)
         day_of_year = today.toordinal() -, 1, 1).toordinal() + 1
         year_length = 365 + calendar.isleap(today.year)
-        workday_goal = db["year_goal"] / 12 / db["workdays_per_month"] 
-        workdays_per_week = (db["workdays_per_month"] * 12) / (year_length / 7) 
-        month_goal = db["year_goal"] / 12 
-        week_goal = db["year_goal"] / (year_length / 7) 
-        def success_color(success):
-            if success < 0.5:
-                return "red";
-            elif success < 1:
-                return "yellow";
-            else: 
-                return "green"
-        def progressbar(title, earned, goal, time_progress=-1):
-            time_progress_indicator = ""
-            success_income = earned / goal 
-            success_income_cut = min(success_income, 1.0) 
-            success_income_bonus = max(success_income - 1.0, 0) 
-            success = success_income + 0
-            diff_goal = "%.2f€" % (earned - goal)
-            if title != "workday":
-                diff_goal += "(%.2f€)" % (earned - (goal * time_progress))
-            if time_progress >= 0:
-                success = 1
-                if time_progress > 0:
-                    success = success_income / time_progress
-                time_progress_indicator = "<div class=\"time_progress\" style=\"margin-left: %spx\"></div>" % int(time_progress * 100) 
-            return "<tr><th>%s</th>" \
-                    "<td class=\"countable\">%.2f€</td>" \
-                    "<td class=\"progressbar\">%s<div class=\"progress\" style=\"background-color: %s; width: %s\"></div></td>" \
-                    "<td class=\"progressbar surplusbar\"><div class=\"diff_goal\">%s</div><div class=\"progress surplus\" style=\"width: %s\"></div></td></tr>" % (
-                    title, earned, time_progress_indicator, success_color(success), int(success_income_cut * 100), diff_goal, int(success_income_bonus * 100))
-        day_income = (db["workday_minutes_worked_1"] / 60.0) * db["workday_hourly_rate_1"] 
-        day_income += (db["workday_minutes_worked_2"] / 60.0) * db["workday_hourly_rate_2"] 
-        day_income += (db["workday_minutes_worked_3"] / 60.0) * db["workday_hourly_rate_3"] 
-        year_plus = db["year_income"] + day_income 
-        month_plus = db["month_income"] + day_income 
+        workday_goal = db["year_goal"] / 12 / db["workdays_per_month"]
+        workdays_per_week = (db["workdays_per_month"] * 12) / (year_length / 7)
+        month_goal = db["year_goal"] / 12
+        week_goal = db["year_goal"] / (year_length / 7)
+        day_income = (db["workday_minutes_worked_1"] / 60.0) * db["workday_hourly_rate_1"]
+        day_income += (db["workday_minutes_worked_2"] / 60.0) * db["workday_hourly_rate_2"]
+        day_income += (db["workday_minutes_worked_3"] / 60.0) * db["workday_hourly_rate_3"]
+        year_plus = db["year_income"] + day_income
+        month_plus = db["month_income"] + day_income
         week_plus = db["week_income"] + day_income
-        progress_time_year = day_of_year / year_length 
-        progress_time_month = / calendar.monthrange(today.year, today.month)[1] 
-        progress_time_week = today.weekday() / 7 
-        year_line = progressbar("year", year_plus, db["year_goal"], progress_time_year)
-        month_line = progressbar("month", month_plus, month_goal, progress_time_month)
-        week_line = progressbar("week", week_plus, week_goal, progress_time_week)
-        day_line = progressbar("workday", day_income, workday_goal)
-        body = year_line + "\n" + month_line + "\n" + week_line + "\n" + day_line
-        page = header + body + footer % (
-                db["workday_hourly_rate_1"], db["workday_minutes_worked_1"],
-                db["workday_hourly_rate_2"], db["workday_minutes_worked_2"],
-                db["workday_hourly_rate_3"], db["workday_minutes_worked_3"],
-                db["year_goal"],
-                month_goal,
-                week_goal,
-                db["workdays_per_month"],
-                workday_goal,
-                workdays_per_week,
+        progress_time_year = day_of_year / year_length
+        progress_time_month = / calendar.monthrange(today.year, today.month)[1]
+        progress_time_week = today.weekday() / 7
+        progress_bars = [ProgressBar("year", year_plus, db["year_goal"], progress_time_year),
+                         ProgressBar("month", month_plus, month_goal, progress_time_month),
+                         ProgressBar("week", week_plus, week_goal, progress_time_week),
+                         ProgressBar("workday", day_income, workday_goal)]
+        page = tmpl.render(
+                progress_bars = progress_bars,
+                workday_hourly_rate_1=db["workday_hourly_rate_1"],
+                workday_minutes_worked_1=db["workday_minutes_worked_1"],
+                workday_hourly_rate_2=db["workday_hourly_rate_2"],
+                workday_minutes_worked_2=db["workday_minutes_worked_2"],
+                workday_hourly_rate_3=db["workday_hourly_rate_3"],
+                workday_minutes_worked_3=db["workday_minutes_worked_3"],
+                year_goal=db["year_goal"],
+                month_goal=month_goal,
+                week_goal=week_goal,
+                workdays_per_month=db["workdays_per_month"],
+                workday_goal=workday_goal,
+                workdays_per_week=workdays_per_week,
+        self.send_response(200)
+        self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html")
+        self.end_headers()
         self.wfile.write(bytes(page, "utf-8"))
-if __name__ == "__main__":        
+    def fail_on_lockfile(self):
+        if os.path.exists(lock_file):
+            self.send_response(400)
+            self.end_headers()
+            self.wfile.write(bytes("Sorry, lock file!", "utf-8"))
+            return True
+        return False
+if __name__ == "__main__":       
     webServer = HTTPServer((hostName, serverPort), MyServer)
     print(f"Server started http://{hostName}:{serverPort}")