From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Sun, 25 Oct 2020 05:11:38 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: Re-do and extrend color handling.

Re-do and extrend color handling.

diff --git a/new2/rogue_chat.html b/new2/rogue_chat.html
index a612693..3d8e4c3 100644
--- a/new2/rogue_chat.html
+++ b/new2/rogue_chat.html
@@ -26,16 +26,17 @@ let terminal = {
   set_font: function(type='normal') {
     this.ctx.font = type + ' ' + this.charHeight + 'px monospace';
-  write: function(start_y, start_x, msg, foreground_color='black') {
-    this.ctx.fillStyle = foreground_color; 
-    this.ctx.fillRect(start_x*this.charWidth, start_y*this.charHeight,
-	    	      this.charWidth*msg.length, this.charHeight);
+  write: function(start_y, start_x, msg, foreground_color='white') {
     if (foreground_color === 'black') {
       this.ctx.fillStyle = 'white';
     } else {
       this.ctx.fillStyle = 'black';
     this.ctx.fillText(msg, start_x*this.charWidth, start_y*this.charHeight); 
+    this.ctx.fillRect(start_x*this.charWidth, start_y*this.charHeight,
+                      this.charWidth*msg.length, this.charHeight);
+    this.ctx.fillStyle = foreground_color;
+    this.ctx.fillText(msg, start_x*this.charWidth, start_y*this.charHeight);
   drawBox: function (start_y, start_x, height, width, color='white') {
     this.ctx.fillStyle = color;
@@ -95,25 +96,26 @@ let tui = {
     for (let line of chat.history) {
       terminal.write(terminal.rows - 2 - i, terminal.cols / 2, line);
       i += 1;
-      // if (i > terminal.rows - 3) {
-      //   break;
-      // }
   draw_map: function() {
     terminal.drawBox(0, 0, terminal.rows, terminal.cols / 2);
-    let map_line = "";
-    let y = 0;
-    for (let i = 0, x = 0; i <; i++, x++) {
+    for (let i = 0, y = 0, x = 0; i <; i++, x++) {
       if (x >= game.map_size[1]) {
-	terminal.write(y, 0, map_line);
-	map_line = "";
         x = 0;
 	y += 1;
-      map_line +=[i];
+      let c =[i];
+      let color = 'white';
+      if (c == '.') {
+        color = '#ffaa00';
+      } else if (c == '~') {
+        color = '#5555ff';
+      } else if (c == 'X') {
+        color = '#55ff00';
+      }
+      terminal.write(y, x,[i], color);
-    terminal.write(y, 0, map_line);
     for (const t in game.things) {
       terminal.write(game.things[t][0], game.things[t][1], '@');