From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2019 00:34:34 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: Refactor.


diff --git a/ b/
index 502482f..e17b3e6 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,90 +1,12 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
-import socketserver
-import threading
-import queue
 import sys
 import os
 import parser
 import game_common
-# Avoid "Address already in use" errors.
-socketserver.TCPServer.allow_reuse_address = True
-class Server(socketserver.ThreadingTCPServer):
-    """Bind together threaded IO handling server and message queue."""
-    def __init__(self, queue, *args, **kwargs):
-        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-        self.queue_out = queue
-        self.daemon_threads = True  # Else, server's threads have daemon=False.
-class IO_Handler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
-    def handle(self):
-        """Move messages between network socket and main thread via queues.
-        On start, sets up new queue, sends it via self.server.queue_out to
-        main thread, and from then on receives messages to send back from the
-        main thread via that new queue.
-        At the same time, loops over socket's recv to get messages from the
-        outside via self.server.queue_out into the main thread. Ends connection
-        once a 'QUIT' message is received from socket, and then also kills its
-        own queue.
-        All messages to the main thread are tuples, with the first element a
-        meta command ('ADD_QUEUE' for queue creation, 'KILL_QUEUE' for queue
-        deletion, and 'COMMAND' for everything else), the second element a UUID
-        that uniquely identifies the thread (so that the main thread knows whom
-        to send replies back to), and optionally a third element for further
-        instructions.
-        """
-        import plom_socket_io
-        def caught_send(socket, message):
-            """Send message by socket, catch broken socket connection error."""
-            try:
-                plom_socket_io.send(socket, message)
-            except plom_socket_io.BrokenSocketConnection:
-                pass
-        def send_queue_messages(socket, queue_in, thread_alive):
-            """Send messages via socket from queue_in while thread_alive[0]."""
-            while thread_alive[0]:
-                try:
-                    msg = queue_in.get(timeout=1)
-                except queue.Empty:
-                    continue
-                caught_send(socket, msg)
-        import uuid
-        print('CONNECTION FROM:', str(self.client_address))
-        connection_id = uuid.uuid4()
-        queue_in = queue.Queue()
-        self.server.queue_out.put(('ADD_QUEUE', connection_id, queue_in))
-        thread_alive = [True]
-        t = threading.Thread(target=send_queue_messages,
-                             args=(self.request, queue_in, thread_alive))
-        t.start()
-        for message in plom_socket_io.recv(self.request):
-            if message is None:
-                caught_send(self.request, 'BAD MESSAGE')
-            elif 'QUIT' == message:
-                caught_send(self.request, 'BYE')
-                break
-            else:
-                self.server.queue_out.put(('COMMAND', connection_id, message))
-        self.server.queue_out.put(('KILL_QUEUE', connection_id))
-        thread_alive[0] = False
-        print('CONNECTION CLOSED FROM:', str(self.client_address))
-        self.request.close()
 def fib(n):
     """Calculate n-th Fibonacci number. Very inefficiently."""
     if n in (1, 2):
@@ -93,7 +15,7 @@ def fib(n):
         return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
-class CommandHandler(game_common.Commander,
+class CommandHandler(
     def __init__(self, game_file_name):
         self.queues_out = {}
@@ -218,41 +140,11 @@ class CommandHandler(game_common.Commander,
         self.pool_result = self.pool.map_async(fib, (35, 35))
-def io_loop(q, commander):
-    """Handle commands coming through queue q, send results back.
-    Commands from q are expected to be tuples, with the first element either
-    'ADD_QUEUE', 'COMMAND', or 'KILL_QUEUE', the second element a UUID, and
-    an optional third element of arbitrary type. The UUID identifies a
-    receiver for replies.
-    An 'ADD_QUEUE' command should contain as third element a queue through
-    which to send messages back to the sender of the command. A 'KILL_QUEUE'
-    command removes the queue for that receiver from the list of queues through
-    which to send replies.
-    A 'COMMAND' command is specified in greater detail by a string that is the
-    tuple's third element. The commander CommandHandler takes care of processing
-    this and sending out replies.
-    """
-    while True:
-        x = q.get()
-        command_type = x[0]
-        connection_id = x[1]
-        content = None if len(x) == 2 else x[2]
-        if command_type == 'ADD_QUEUE':
-            commander.queues_out[connection_id] = content
-        elif command_type == 'COMMAND':
-            commander.handle_input(content, connection_id)
-        elif command_type == 'KILL_QUEUE':
-            del commander.queues_out[connection_id]
 if len(sys.argv) != 2:
     print('wrong number of arguments, expected one (game file)')
 game_file_name = sys.argv[1]
-commander = CommandHandler(game_file_name)
+command_handler = CommandHandler(game_file_name)
 if os.path.exists(game_file_name):
     if not os.path.isfile(game_file_name):
         print('game file name does not refer to a valid game file')
@@ -262,26 +154,18 @@ if os.path.exists(game_file_name):
         for i in range(len(lines)):
             line = lines[i]
             print("FILE INPUT LINE %s: %s" % (i, line), end='')
-            commander.handle_input(line, store=False)
+            command_handler.handle_input(line, store=False)
-    commander.handle_input('MAP_SIZE Y:5,X:5')
-    commander.handle_input('TERRAIN_LINE 0 "xxxxx"')
-    commander.handle_input('TERRAIN_LINE 1 "x...x"')
-    commander.handle_input('TERRAIN_LINE 2 "x.X.x"')
-    commander.handle_input('TERRAIN_LINE 3 "x...x"')
-    commander.handle_input('TERRAIN_LINE 4 "xxxxx"')
-    commander.handle_input('THING_TYPE 0 human')
-    commander.handle_input('THING_POS 0 Y:3,X:3')
-    commander.handle_input('THING_TYPE 1 monster')
-    commander.handle_input('THING_POS 1 Y:1,X:1')
-q = queue.Queue()
-c = threading.Thread(target=io_loop, daemon=True, args=(q, commander))
-server = Server(q, ('localhost', 5000), IO_Handler)
-    server.serve_forever()
-except KeyboardInterrupt:
-    pass
-    print('Killing server')
-    server.server_close()
+    command_handler.handle_input('MAP_SIZE Y:5,X:5')
+    command_handler.handle_input('TERRAIN_LINE 0 "xxxxx"')
+    command_handler.handle_input('TERRAIN_LINE 1 "x...x"')
+    command_handler.handle_input('TERRAIN_LINE 2 "x.X.x"')
+    command_handler.handle_input('TERRAIN_LINE 3 "x...x"')
+    command_handler.handle_input('TERRAIN_LINE 4 "xxxxx"')
+    command_handler.handle_input('THING_TYPE 0 human')
+    command_handler.handle_input('THING_POS 0 Y:3,X:3')
+    command_handler.handle_input('THING_TYPE 1 monster')
+    command_handler.handle_input('THING_POS 1 Y:1,X:1')
diff --git a/server_/ b/server_/
index 59df5ae..f596f7b 100644
--- a/server_/
+++ b/server_/
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ class Thing(game_common.Thing):
         return visible_things
-class Commander():
+class Commander(game_common.Commander):
     def cmd_MOVE(self, direction):
         """Set player task to 'move' with direction arg, finish player turn."""
diff --git a/server_/ b/server_/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e015b4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server_/
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+import socketserver
+import threading
+import queue
+# Avoid "Address already in use" errors.
+socketserver.TCPServer.allow_reuse_address = True
+# Our default server port.
+class Server(socketserver.ThreadingTCPServer):
+    """Bind together threaded IO handling server and message queue."""
+    def __init__(self, queue, *args, **kwargs):
+        super().__init__(('localhost', SERVER_PORT), IO_Handler, *args, **kwargs)
+        self.queue_out = queue
+        self.daemon_threads = True  # Else, server's threads have daemon=False.
+class IO_Handler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
+    def handle(self):
+        """Move messages between network socket and game IO loop via queues.
+        On start (a new connection from client to server), sets up a
+        new queue, sends it via self.server.queue_out to the game IO
+        loop thread, and from then on receives messages to send back
+        from the game IO loop via that new queue.
+        At the same time, loops over socket's recv to get messages
+        from the outside via self.server.queue_out into the game IO
+        loop. Ends connection once a 'QUIT' message is received from
+        socket, and then also calls for a kill of its own queue.
+        All messages to the game IO loop are tuples, with the first
+        element a meta command ('ADD_QUEUE' for queue creation,
+        'KILL_QUEUE' for queue deletion, and 'COMMAND' for everything
+        else), the second element a UUID that uniquely identifies the
+        thread (so that the game IO loop knows whom to send replies
+        back to), and optionally a third element for further
+        instructions.
+        """
+        import plom_socket_io
+        def caught_send(socket, message):
+            """Send message by socket, catch broken socket connection error."""
+            try:
+                plom_socket_io.send(socket, message)
+            except plom_socket_io.BrokenSocketConnection:
+                pass
+        def send_queue_messages(socket, queue_in, thread_alive):
+            """Send messages via socket from queue_in while thread_alive[0]."""
+            while thread_alive[0]:
+                try:
+                    msg = queue_in.get(timeout=1)
+                except queue.Empty:
+                    continue
+                caught_send(socket, msg)
+        import uuid
+        print('CONNECTION FROM:', str(self.client_address))
+        connection_id = uuid.uuid4()
+        queue_in = queue.Queue()
+        self.server.queue_out.put(('ADD_QUEUE', connection_id, queue_in))
+        thread_alive = [True]
+        t = threading.Thread(target=send_queue_messages,
+                             args=(self.request, queue_in, thread_alive))
+        t.start()
+        for message in plom_socket_io.recv(self.request):
+            if message is None:
+                caught_send(self.request, 'BAD MESSAGE')
+            elif 'QUIT' == message:
+                caught_send(self.request, 'BYE')
+                break
+            else:
+                self.server.queue_out.put(('COMMAND', connection_id, message))
+        self.server.queue_out.put(('KILL_QUEUE', connection_id))
+        thread_alive[0] = False
+        print('CONNECTION CLOSED FROM:', str(self.client_address))
+        self.request.close()
+def io_loop(q, game_command_handler):
+    """Handle commands coming through queue q, send results back.
+    Commands from q are expected to be tuples, with the first element
+    either 'ADD_QUEUE', 'COMMAND', or 'KILL_QUEUE', the second element
+    a UUID, and an optional third element of arbitrary type. The UUID
+    identifies a receiver for replies.
+    An 'ADD_QUEUE' command should contain as third element a queue
+    through which to send messages back to the sender of the
+    command. A 'KILL_QUEUE' command removes the queue for that
+    receiver from the list of queues through which to send replies.
+    A 'COMMAND' command is specified in greater detail by a string
+    that is the tuple's third element. The game_command_handler takes
+    care of processing this and sending out replies.
+    """
+    while True:
+        x = q.get()
+        command_type = x[0]
+        connection_id = x[1]
+        content = None if len(x) == 2 else x[2]
+        if command_type == 'ADD_QUEUE':
+            game_command_handler.queues_out[connection_id] = content
+        elif command_type == 'COMMAND':
+            game_command_handler.handle_input(content, connection_id)
+        elif command_type == 'KILL_QUEUE':
+            del game_command_handler.queues_out[connection_id]
+def run_server_with_io_loop(command_handler):
+    """Run connection of server talking to clients and game IO loop.
+    We have the TCP server (an instance of Server) and we have the
+    game IO loop, a thread running io_loop. Both communicate with each
+    other via a queue.Queue. While the TCP server may spawn parallel
+    threads to many clients, the IO loop works sequentially through
+    game commands received from the TCP server's threads (= client
+    connections to the TCP server), calling command_handler to process
+    them. A processed command may trigger messages to the commanding
+    client or to all clients, delivered from the IO loop to the TCP
+    server via the queue.
+    """
+    q = queue.Queue()
+    c = threading.Thread(target=io_loop, daemon=True, args=(q, command_handler))
+    c.start()
+    server = Server(q)
+    try:
+        server.serve_forever()
+    except KeyboardInterrupt:
+        pass
+    finally:
+        print('Killing server')
+        server.server_close()