From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2023 02:22:27 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: Improve accounting scripts.

Improve accounting scripts.

diff --git a/ b/
index 9ff0d3e..22e36a3 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -359,7 +359,6 @@ class LedgerDB(PlomDB):
     def insert_at_date(self, lines, date):
-        print("DEBUG insert_at_date")
         start_at = 0 
         if len(self.bookings) > 0:
             if date >= self.bookings[-1].date_string:
@@ -375,7 +374,6 @@ class LedgerDB(PlomDB):
         return self.write_lines_in_total_lines_at(self.real_lines, start_at, lines)
     def update(self, start, end, lines, date):
-        print("DEBUG update")
         total_lines = self.real_lines[:start] + self.real_lines[end:]
         n_original_lines = end - start
         start_at = len(total_lines)
diff --git a/ b/
index 69cb8f5..6cade91 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ to: <input name="end" {% if end_date %}value="{{ end_date }}"{% endif %} placeho
 todo_tmpl = """
 <input type="hidden" name="task_uuid" value="{{ todo.task.id_ }}" />
 <input type="hidden" name="date" value="{{ }}" />
@@ -70,16 +71,31 @@ todo_tmpl = """
 <tr><th>day weight</th><td class="input"><input type="number" name="day_weight" step=0.1 size=8 value="{{ todo.day_weight }}" /></td></tr>
 <tr><th>comment</th><td class="input"><input type="text" name="comment" value="{{todo.comment|e}}" /></td></tr>
 <tr><th>done</th><td class="input"><input type="checkbox" name="done" {% if todo.done %}checked{% endif %}/></td></tr>
-<tr><th>day tags</th><td class="input"><input name="day_tags" type="text" value="{{ todo.day_tags_joined|e }}" ></td></tr>
+<tr><th>day tags</th>
+{% for tag in db.t_tags | sort %}
+{% if tag in todo.task.tags %}&nbsp;✓{% else %}<input type="checkbox" name="day_tag_{{tag|e}}"{% if tag in todo.day_tags %} checked{% endif %}/>{% endif %} {{ tag }}<br />
+{% endfor %}
+add: <input name="day_tags_joined" type="text" value="" >
 <input type="submit" value="update" />
 task_tmpl = """
 <input type="hidden" name="id" value="{{ task.id_ }}" />
 <tr><th>title</th><td class="input"><input name="title" type="text" value="{{ task.title|e }}" /><details><summary>history</summary><ul>{% for k,v in task.title_history.items() | sort(attribute='0', reverse=True) %}<li>{{ k }}: {{ v|e }}{% endfor %}</ul></details></td></tr>
 <tr><th>default weight</th><td class="input"><input type="number" name="default_weight" value="{{ task.default_weight }}" step=0.1 size=8 required /><details><summary>history</summary><ul>{% for k,v in task.default_weight_history.items() | sort(attribute='0', reverse=True) %}<li>{{ k }}: {{ v|e }}{% endfor %}</ul></details></td></tr>
-<tr><th>tags</th><td class="input"><input name="tags" type="text" value="{{ task.tags_joined|e }}" ><details><summary>history</summary><ul>{% for k,v in task.tags_history.items() | sort(attribute='0', reverse=True) %}<li>{{ k }}: {{ v|e }}{% endfor %}</ul></details></td></tr>
+{% for tag in db.t_tags | sort %}
+<input type="checkbox" name="tag_{{tag|e}}"{% if tag in task.tags %} checked{% endif %}/> {{ tag }}<br />
+{% endfor %}
+add: <input name="tags_joined" type="text" value="" ><br />
+<details><summary>history</summary><ul>{% for k,v in task.tags_history.items() | sort(attribute='0', reverse=True) %}<li>{{ k }}: {{ v|e }}{% endfor %}</ul></details>
 <input type="submit" value="update" />
@@ -94,17 +110,27 @@ comment: <input name="day_comment" value="{{ db.selected_day.comment|e }}">
 <table class="alternating">
-<tr><th>task</th><th class="checkbox">choose?</th><th class="checkbox">done?</th><th>weight</th><th>day tags</th><th>comment</th></tr>
+<tr><th>task</th><th class="checkbox">choose?</th><th class="checkbox">done?</th><th>weight</th><th>edit?</th><th>day tags</th><th>comment</th></tr>
 {% for uuid, t in db.tasks.items() | sort(attribute='1.title') %}
 {% if t.visible and (uuid not in db.selected_day.todos.keys() or db.selected_day.todos[uuid].visible) %}
 <input name="t_uuid" value="{{ uuid }}" type="hidden" >
 <td><details><summary>] <a href="{{db.prefix}}/task?id={{ uuid }}" />{{ t.current_title|e }}</a></summary>tags: {% for tag in t.tags | sort %}<a href="{{db.prefix}}/day?t_and={{tag|e}}">{{ tag }}</a> {% endfor %}</details></td>
-<td class="checkbox"><input name="choose" type="checkbox" value="{{ uuid }}" {% if uuid in db.selected_day.todos.keys() %}checked{% endif %} ></td>
-<td class="checkbox"><input name="done" type="checkbox" value="{{ uuid }}" {% if uuid in db.selected_day.todos.keys() and db.selected_day.todos[uuid].done %}checked{% endif %} ></td>
-<td class="checkbox"><input name="day_weight" type="number" step=0.1 size=8 value="{% if uuid in db.selected_day.todos.keys() and db.selected_day.todos[uuid].day_weight %}{{ db.selected_day.todos[uuid].day_weight }}{% endif %}" placeholder={{ t.current_default_weight }} ></td>
-<td type="input"><input name="day_tags" type="text" value="{% if uuid in db.selected_day.todos.keys() %}{{ db.selected_day.todos[uuid].day_tags_joined|e }}{% endif %}" ></td>
-<td type="input"><input name="todo_comment" type="text" value="{% if uuid in db.selected_day.todos.keys() %}{{ db.selected_day.todos[uuid].comment|e }}{% endif %}" ></td>
+{% if uuid in db.selected_day.todos.keys() %}
+<td class="checkbox"><input name="choose" type="checkbox" value="{{ uuid }}" checked></td>
+<td class="checkbox"><input name="done" type="checkbox" value="{{ uuid }}" {% if db.selected_day.todos[uuid].done %}checked{% endif %}></td>
+<td class="checkbox"><input name="day_weight" type="number" step=0.1 size=8 value="{% if db.selected_day.todos[uuid].day_weight is not none %}{{ db.selected_day.todos[uuid].day_weight }}{% endif %}" placeholder={{ t.current_default_weight }} ></td>
+<td><a href="{{db.prefix}}/todo?task={{uuid}}&date={{ db.selected_date }}">edit</a></td>
+<td>{% for tag in db.selected_day.todos[uuid].day_tags | sort %}<a href="{{db.prefix}}/tags?t_and={{tag|e}}">{{ tag }}</a> {% endfor %}</td>
+<td>{{ db.selected_day.todos[uuid].comment|e }}</td>
+{% else %}
+<td class="checkbox"><input name="choose" type="checkbox" value="{{ uuid }}"</td>
+<td class="checkbox"><input name="done" type="checkbox" value="{{ uuid }}"></td>
+<td class="checkbox"><input name="day_weight" type="number" step=0.1 size=8 placeholder={{ t.current_default_weight }} ></td>
+{% endif %}
 {% endif %}
 {% endfor %}
@@ -237,16 +263,16 @@ class Task:
     def tags(self, tags):
         self._set_with_history(self.tags_history, set(tags))
-    @property
-    def tags_joined(self):
-        return ';'.join(sorted(list(self.tags)))
+    # @property
+    # def tags_joined(self):
+    #     return ';'.join(sorted(list(self.tags)))
-    @tags_joined.setter
-    def tags_joined(self, tags_string):
-        tags = set()
-        for tag in [tag.strip() for tag in tags_string.split(';') if tag.strip() != '']:
-            tags.add(tag)
-        self.tags = tags
+    # @tags_joined.setter
+    # def tags_joined(self, tags_string):
+    #     tags = set()
+    #     for tag in [tag.strip() for tag in tags_string.split(';') if tag.strip() != '']:
+    #         tags.add(tag)
+    #     self.tags = tags
     def to_dict(self):
         return {
@@ -348,16 +374,16 @@ class Todo:
     def title(self):
         return self.task.title_at(
-    @property
-    def day_tags_joined(self):
-        return ';'.join(sorted(list(self.day_tags)))
+    # @property
+    # def day_tags_joined(self):
+    #     return ';'.join(sorted(list(self.day_tags)))
-    @day_tags_joined.setter
-    def day_tags_joined(self, tags_string):
-        tags = set()
-        for tag in [tag.strip() for tag in tags_string.split(';') if tag.strip() != '']:
-            tags.add(tag)
-        self.day_tags = tags
+    # @day_tags_joined.setter
+    # def day_tags_joined(self, tags_string):
+    #     tags = set()
+    #     for tag in [tag.strip() for tag in tags_string.split(';') if tag.strip() != '']:
+    #         tags.add(tag)
+    #     self.day_tags = tags
     def tags(self):
@@ -485,25 +511,39 @@ class TodoDB(PlomDB):
         todo = self.days[selected_date].todos[task_uuid]
         return Template(form_header_tmpl + todo_tmpl + form_footer).render(db=self, todo=todo, action=self.prefix+'/todo')
-    def update_todo(self, task_uuid, date, day_weight, done, comment, day_tags_joined):
+    def update_todo_mini(self, task_uuid, date, day_weight, done):
         if task_uuid in self.days[date].todos.keys():
             todo = self.days[date].todos[task_uuid]
             todo = self.days[date].add_todo(task_uuid)
         todo.day_weight = float(day_weight) if len(day_weight) > 0 else None
         todo.done = done
+        return todo
+    def update_todo(self, task_uuid, date, day_weight, done, comment, day_tags_joined, day_tags_checked):
+        todo = self.update_todo_mini(task_uuid, date, day_weight, done)
         todo.comment = comment
-        todo.day_tags_joined = day_tags_joined
+        day_tags = set()
+        for tag in [tag.strip() for tag in day_tags_joined.split(';') if tag.strip() != '']:
+            day_tags.add(tag)
+        for tag in day_tags_checked:
+            day_tags.add(tag)
+        todo.day_tags = day_tags
     def show_task(self, id_):
         task = self.tasks[id_] if id_ else self.add_task()
         return Template(form_header_tmpl + task_tmpl + form_footer).render(db=self, task=task, action=self.prefix+'/task')
-    def update_task(self, id_, title, default_weight, tags_joined):
+    def update_task(self, id_, title, default_weight, tags_joined, tags_checked):
         task = self.tasks[id_] if id_ in self.tasks.keys() else self.add_task(id_)
         task.title = title
         task.default_weight = float(default_weight) if len(default_weight) > 0 else None
-        task.tags_joined = tags_joined
+        tags = set()
+        for tag in [tag.strip() for tag in tags_joined.split(';') if tag.strip() != '']:
+            tags.add(tag)
+        for tag in tags_checked:
+            tags.add(tag)
+        task.tags = tags
     def show_tasks(self):
         return Template(form_header_tmpl + tag_filters_tmpl + tasks_tmpl + form_footer).render(db=self, action=self.prefix+'/tasks')
@@ -545,12 +585,22 @@ class TodoHandler(PlomHandler):
         elif parsed_url.path == app_config['prefix'] + '/todo':
             task_uuid = postvars['task_uuid'][0]
             date = postvars['date'][0]
-            db.update_todo(task_uuid, date, postvars['day_weight'][0], 'done' in postvars.keys(), postvars['comment'][0], postvars['day_tags'][0])
+            tags_checked = []
+            prefix = 'day_tag_'
+            for k in postvars.keys():
+                if k.startswith(prefix):
+                    tags_checked += [k[len(prefix):]]
+            db.update_todo(task_uuid, date, postvars['day_weight'][0], 'done' in postvars.keys(), postvars['comment'][0], postvars['day_tags_joined'][0], tags_checked)
             homepage = f'{app_config["prefix"]}/todo?task={task_uuid}&date={date}'
         elif parsed_url.path == app_config['prefix'] + '/task':
             id_ = postvars['id'][0]
-            db.update_task(id_, postvars['title'][0], postvars['default_weight'][0], postvars['tags'][0])
+            tags_checked = []
+            prefix = 'tag_'
+            for k in postvars.keys():
+                if k.startswith(prefix):
+                    tags_checked += [k[len(prefix):]]
+            db.update_task(id_, postvars['title'][0], postvars['default_weight'][0], postvars['tags_joined'][0], tags_checked)
             homepage = f'{app_config["prefix"]}/task?id={id_}'
         elif parsed_url.path in {app_config['prefix'] + '/tasks', app_config['prefix'] + '/day'}:
@@ -592,7 +642,7 @@ class TodoHandler(PlomHandler):
                         for i, uuid in enumerate(postvars['t_uuid']):
                             if uuid in postvars['choose']:
                                 done = 'done' in postvars and uuid in postvars['done']
-                                db.update_todo(uuid, db.selected_date, postvars['day_weight'][i], done, postvars['todo_comment'][i], postvars['day_tags'][i])
+                                db.update_todo_mini(uuid, db.selected_date, postvars['day_weight'][i], done)
                 if 'day_comment' in postvars.keys():
                     db.selected_day.comment = postvars['day_comment'][0]
                 data += [('selected_date', db.selected_date)]
@@ -628,12 +678,13 @@ class TodoHandler(PlomHandler):
                 t_filter_and = None
             cookie_db['t_and'] = t_filter_and
             t_filter_not = params.get('t_not', None)
-            if t_filter_not is None and 't_not' in cookie_db.keys():
-                t_filter_not = cookie_db['t_not']
+            if t_filter_not is None:
+                if 't_not' in cookie_db.keys():
+                    t_filter_not = cookie_db['t_not']
+                else:
+                    t_filter_not = ['deleted']
             elif t_filter_not == ['-']:
                 t_filter_not = None
-            else:
-                t_filter_not = ['deleted']
             cookie_db['t_not'] = t_filter_not
         if parsed_url.path == app_config['prefix'] + '/day':
             hide_unchosen_params = params.get('hide_unchosen', [])