From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2015 14:39:07 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: Initial add of files of current work state.

Initial add of files of current work state.

diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfe8255
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Small shell script to regularly check a target person's responsiveness via mail.
+Expects mutt to be usable for sending mails via command line.
+When run as "pingmail check", searches a maildir for the most recent file
+matching a regex pattern (such as a "From: " field matching the target person),
+and if the most recent file is too old, sends an e-mail to the target person
+requesting some sign of life. After some more wait time without a sign of life,
+sends a warning message to another mail address that target person is
+The wait time counter can be reset manually with "pingmail touch".
+The wait time, the target and checking persons' mail addresses, the regex, the
+maildir path etc. must be set in a dotfile ~/.pingmailrc. See comments in
+pingmailrc.example file for more details.
+To install as an hourly cronjob, define $path_to_pingmail_script_file, then do:
+line='0 * * * * '$path_to_pingmail_script_file' check'
+(crontab -l; echo $line) | crontab -
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2875ae8..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-# pingmail
-regularly check target person's responsiveness by mail
diff --git a/pingmail b/pingmail
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4724412
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pingmail
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+set -e
+# read in dotfile
+if [ ! -f $pingmailrc ]; then
+    echo 'No .pingmailrc found at '$pingmailrc', aborting.'
+    exit
+. $HOME'/.pingmailrc'
+mkdir -p $testdir
+# interpret arguments
+if [ "$1" = "check" ]; then
+    continue
+elif [ "$1" = "touch" ]; then
+    touch $ping_touch
+    exit
+    echo 'usage: '$0' COMMAND\n(COMMAND one of "check", "touch")'
+    exit
+# check test file for last modtime 
+if [ -f $ping_touch ]; then
+    modtime_pingfile=`stat $ping_touch --format=%Y`
+# search maildir for last life sign datetime
+while read file; do
+    if [ -z $file ]; then
+        break
+    fi
+    modtime=`stat $file --format=%Y`
+    if [ "$modtime" -gt "$modtime_mails" ]; then
+        modtime_mails=$modtime
+    fi
+done <<EOF
+$(grep -lER "$matchstring" $maildir)
+# find delta of last life sign datetime / test file modtime and current datetime
+now=`date +%s`
+if [ "$modtime_mails" -gt "$modtime_pingfile" ]; then
+    echo "The most recent life sign is in the mails."
+    modtime=$modtime_mails
+    echo "Ping wait file was updated more recently than last life sign from the mails."
+    modtime=$modtime_pingfile
+delta=`expr $now - $modtime`
+echo "Wait time since last life sign or ping sent: "$delta" seconds:"
+# if delta > wait time, send reminder to person to check with, start reminder
+# mail timer if not in existence, re-touch ping wait file
+if [ "$delta" -gt "$wait_time" ]; then
+    echo $msg2checked | mutt -s "$subj2checked" $checked_address
+    echo "Sending ping message."
+    touch $ping_touch
+    if [ ! -f "$reminder_touch" ]; then
+        touch $reminder_touch
+        echo "Creating reminder message wait time file."
+    fi
+# if last life sign datetime / test file modtime > modtime of reminder touch
+# file, delete it; otherwise, if delta between those > wait time, send reminder
+# to person checking and then delete reminder touch file 
+if [ -f "$reminder_touch" ]; then
+    modtime_reminder=`stat $reminder_touch --format=%Y`
+    if [ "$modtime" -gt "$modtime_reminder" ]; then
+        rm $reminder_touch
+        echo "Deleting reminder message wait time file."
+    else
+        delta=`expr $now - $modtime_reminder`
+        if [ "$delta" -gt "$wait_time" ]; then
+            echo $msg2checker | mutt -s "$subj2checker" $checker_address
+            echo "Sending reminder message."
+            rm $reminder_touch
+            echo "Deleting reminder message wait time file."
+        fi
+    fi
diff --git a/pingmailrc.example b/pingmailrc.example
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ac22bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pingmailrc.example
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# place for test files whose modification times are used to track lifesigns
+# modification time is the last time a ping was sent or a lifetime received
+# modification time is when the count for sending checker a warning mail starts
+# to recursively search for most recent matches to $matchstring as lifesigns
+# how long to wait for lifesigns before sending a ping; double is time to wait
+# for a lifesign before sending a warning message to checker
+# address of the checker, receives warning message after too long wait
+# address of the checked person, ping is sent here
+# content of ping message sent to checked person
+subj2checked='[pingmail] Ping!'
+\nThis is an automated mail ping from '$checker_address'.
+\nRespond to show that you are still alive!'
+# content of warning message sent to checker
+subj2checker='[pingmail] No recent life signs from '$id_target
+reminder_time=`expr $wait_time \* 2`
+msg2checker='pingmail reporting in:\n
+\nNo life signs from '$id_target' for the last '$reminder_time' seconds.
+\nMaybe you should give them a call to check if they are okay.'
+# pattern to search $maildir for recursively for lifesigns
+checked_address_escaped=`echo $checked_address | sed 's/\./\\./g'`
+matchstring='^From: .*('$checked_address_escaped'|alternate@example\.org)'