From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Sat, 4 Jan 2025 17:47:42 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: Re-organize command calling of sub-scripts.

Re-organize command calling of sub-scripts.

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100755
index 9d0dcc6..0000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-"""Script to migrate DB to most recent schema."""
-from ytplom.db import DbFile
-from ytplom.migrations import MIGRATIONS
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    DbFile(expected_version=-1).migrate(MIGRATIONS)
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4b1ddc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+"""Match command line calls to appropriate scripts."""
+# included libs
+from sys import argv, exit as sys_exit
+# ourselves
+from ytplom.db import DbFile
+from ytplom.primitives import HandledException
+from ytplom.migrations import migrate
+from ytplom.http import serve
+from ytplom.sync import sync
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    try:
+        if 2 != len(argv):
+            raise HandledException('Bad number of command arguments.')
+        match argv[1]:
+            case 'create_db':
+                DbFile.create()
+            case 'migrate_db':
+                migrate()
+            case 'serve':
+                serve()
+            case 'sync':
+                sync()
+            case _:
+                raise HandledException('Unknown argument.')
+    except HandledException as e:
+        print(e)
+        sys_exit(1)
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100755
index ef86560..0000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-"""Minimalistic download-focused YouTube interface."""
-from ytplom.misc import Config
-from ytplom.http import Server
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    config = Config()
-    server = Server(config)
-    print(f'running at port {config.port}')
-    try:
-        server.serve_forever()
-    except KeyboardInterrupt:
-        print('aborted due to keyboard interrupt; '
-              'repeat to end download thread too')
-    server.server_close()
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100755
index a6be397..0000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-"""Script to sync between local and remote instances."""
-# included libs
-from typing import Any, Callable
-from json import loads as json_loads
-from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
-# non-included libs
-from paramiko import SSHClient  # type: ignore
-from scp import SCPClient  # type: ignore
-from ytplom.db import DbConn, DbFile, Hash, PATH_DB
-from ytplom.misc import (PATH_TEMP, Config, FlagName, QuotaLog, VideoFile,
-                         YoutubeQuery, YoutubeVideo)
-from ytplom.http import PAGE_NAMES
-PATH_DB_REMOTE = PATH_TEMP.joinpath('remote_db.sql')
-ATTR_NAME_LAST_UPDATE = 'last_update'
-def back_and_forth(sync_func: Callable,
-                   dbs: tuple[DbConn, DbConn],
-                   shared: Any
-                   ) -> None:
-    """Run sync_func on arg pairs + shared, and again with pairs switched."""
-    host_names = 'local', 'remote'
-    sync_func(host_names, dbs, shared)
-    sync_func(*(tuple(reversed(list(t))) for t in (host_names, dbs)), shared)
-def sync_objects(host_names: tuple[str, str],
-                 dbs: tuple[DbConn, DbConn],
-                 cls: Any
-                 ) -> None:
-    """Equalize both DB's object collections; prefer newer states to older."""
-    id_name = 'id_' if 'id' == cls.id_name else cls.id_name
-    obj_colls = cls.get_all(dbs[0]), cls.get_all(dbs[1])
-    for obj_0 in [obj for obj in obj_colls[0]   # only pick objs without equal
-                  if obj not in obj_colls[1]]:  # in 2nd coll, even if same ID
-        id_ = getattr(obj_0, id_name)
-        sync_down = True
-        to_str = obj_0
-        msg_verb = 'adding'
-        direction = f'{host_names[1]}->{host_names[0]}'
-        for obj_1 in [obj for obj in obj_colls[1]   # pick those from 2nd coll
-                      if id_ == getattr(obj, id_name)]:  # of same ID as obj_0
-            msg_verb = 'updating'
-            if hasattr(obj_0, ATTR_NAME_LAST_UPDATE):
-                last_update_0 = getattr(obj_0, ATTR_NAME_LAST_UPDATE)
-                last_update_1 = getattr(obj_1, ATTR_NAME_LAST_UPDATE)
-                sync_down = last_update_0 > last_update_1
-                if not sync_down:
-                    direction = f'{host_names[0]}->{host_names[1]}'
-                    to_str = obj_1
-          [0])
-        if sync_down:
-  [1])
-        print(f'SYNC {cls.__name__}: {msg_verb} {direction} {id_} {to_str}')
-def sync_relations(host_names: tuple[str, str],
-                   dbs: tuple[DbConn, DbConn],
-                   yt_result: YoutubeVideo
-                   ) -> None:
-    """To dbs[1] add YT yt_video->yt_q_colls[0] mapping not in yt_q_colls[1]"""
-    yt_q_colls = tuple(YoutubeQuery.get_all_for_video(db, yt_result.id_)
-                       for db in dbs)
-    direction = f'adding {host_names[1]}->{host_names[0]} mapping'
-    result = f'result {yt_result.id_} ({yt_result})'
-    for q in [q for q in yt_q_colls[0] if q not in yt_q_colls[1]]:
-        print(f'SYNC: {direction} of query {q.id_} ({q}) to {result}')
-        yt_result.save_to_query(dbs[1], q.id_)
-def sync_dbs(scp: SCPClient) -> None:
-    """Download remote DB, run sync_(objects|relations), put remote DB back."""
-    scp.get(PATH_DB, PATH_DB_REMOTE)
-    with DbConn(DbFile(PATH_DB).connect()) as db_local, \
-            DbConn(DbFile(PATH_DB_REMOTE).connect()) as db_remote:
-        for cls in (QuotaLog, YoutubeQuery, YoutubeVideo, VideoFile):
-            back_and_forth(sync_objects, (db_local, db_remote), cls)
-        for yt_video_local in YoutubeVideo.get_all(db_local):
-            back_and_forth(sync_relations, (db_local, db_remote),
-                           yt_video_local)
-        for db in (db_remote, db_local):
-            db.commit()
-    scp.put(PATH_DB_REMOTE, PATH_DB)
-    PATH_DB_REMOTE.unlink()
-def _urls_here_and_there(config: Config, page_name: str) -> tuple[str, ...]:
-    return tuple(f'http://{host}:{port}/{PAGE_NAMES[page_name]}'
-                 for host, port in ((config.remote, config.port_remote),
-                                    (, config.port)))
-def purge_deleteds(config: Config) -> None:
-    """Command both servers to actually purge "deleted" files."""
-    for url_purge in _urls_here_and_there(config, 'purge'):
-        with urlopen(Request(url_purge, method='POST')) as response:
-            print(f'SYNC: Calling purge via {url_purge} – {}')
-def fill_missing(scp: SCPClient, config: Config) -> None:
-    """Between and .remote, fill files listed in as missing."""
-    missings = []
-    for url_missing in _urls_here_and_there(config, 'missing'):
-        with urlopen(url_missing) as response:
-            missings += [list(json_loads(]
-    with DbConn() as conn:
-        for i, direction_mover in enumerate([('local->remote', scp.put),
-                                             ('remote->local', scp.get)]):
-            direction, mover = direction_mover
-            for digest in (d for d in missings[i]
-                           if d not in missings[int(not bool(i))]):
-                vf = VideoFile.get_one(conn, Hash.from_b64(digest))
-                if vf.is_flag_set(FlagName('do not sync')):
-                    print(f'SYNC: not sending ("do not sync" set)'
-                          f': {vf.full_path}')
-                    return
-                print(f'SYNC: sending {direction}: {vf.full_path}')
-                mover(vf.full_path, vf.full_path)
-def main():
-    """Connect to remote, sync local+remote DBs, + downloads where missing."""
-    config = Config()
-    ssh = SSHClient()
-    ssh.load_system_host_keys()
-    ssh.connect(config.remote)
-    with SCPClient(ssh.get_transport()) as scp:
-        sync_dbs(scp)
-        purge_deleteds(config)
-        fill_missing(scp, config)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
diff --git a/src/ytplom/ b/src/ytplom/
index f503e9b..e30e2ad 100644
--- a/src/ytplom/
+++ b/src/ytplom/
@@ -1,15 +1,19 @@
 """Database access and management code."""
+# included libs
 from base64 import urlsafe_b64decode, urlsafe_b64encode
 from hashlib import file_digest
 from pathlib import Path
 from sqlite3 import (connect as sql_connect, Connection as SqlConnection,
                      Cursor as SqlCursor, Row as SqlRow)
 from typing import Callable, Literal, NewType, Optional, Self
+# ourselves
 from ytplom.primitives import (
         HandledException, NotFoundException, PATH_APP_DATA)
-PATH_DB = PATH_APP_DATA.joinpath('TESTdb.sql')
+PATH_DB = PATH_APP_DATA.joinpath('db.sql')
 SqlText = NewType('SqlText', str)
 MigrationsList = list[tuple[Path, Optional[Callable]]]
@@ -63,14 +67,12 @@ class DbFile:
                  ) -> None:
         self._path = path
         if not path.is_file():
-            raise HandledException(
-                    f'no DB file at {path} – run "create"?')
+            raise HandledException(f'no DB file at {path}')
         if expected_version >= 0:
             user_version = self._get_user_version()
             if user_version != expected_version:
                 raise HandledException(
-                        f'wrong database version {user_version}, expected: '
-                        f'{expected_version} – run "migrate"?')
+                    f'wrong DB version {user_version} (!= {expected_version})')
     def _get_user_version(self) -> int:
         with sql_connect(self._path) as conn:
diff --git a/src/ytplom/ b/src/ytplom/
index ad2cc85..5fef79d 100644
--- a/src/ytplom/
+++ b/src/ytplom/
@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ class Server(ThreadingHTTPServer):
     """Extension of parent server providing for Player and DownloadsManager."""
     def __init__(self, config: Config, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
-        super().__init__((, config.port), _TaskHandler,
-                         *args, **kwargs)
+        super().__init__(
+                (, config.port), _TaskHandler, *args, **kwargs)
         self.config = config
         self.jinja = JinjaEnv(loader=JinjaFSLoader(_PATH_TEMPLATES))
         self.player = Player(config.whitelist_tags_display,
@@ -416,3 +416,16 @@ class _TaskHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
                 {'selected': 'playlist',
                  'filter_path': self.server.player.filter_path,
                  'needed_tags': self.server.player.needed_tags.joined})
+def serve():
+    """Do Server.serve_forever on .config.port until keyboard interrupt."""
+    config = Config()
+    server = Server(Config())
+    print(f'running at port {config.port}')
+    try:
+        server.serve_forever()
+    except KeyboardInterrupt:
+        print('aborted due to keyboard interrupt; '
+              'repeat to end download thread too')
+    server.server_close()
diff --git a/src/ytplom/ b/src/ytplom/
index 59c21f3..cb038ef 100644
--- a/src/ytplom/
+++ b/src/ytplom/
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
 """Anything pertaining specifically to DB migrations."""
+# included libs
 from pathlib import Path
 from typing import Callable
-from ytplom.db import DbConn, MigrationsList, SqlText
+# ourselves
+from ytplom.db import DbConn, DbFile, MigrationsList, SqlText
 from ytplom.primitives import HandledException
@@ -52,7 +55,7 @@ def _mig_4_convert_digests(conn: DbConn) -> None:
     _rewrite_files_last_field_processing_first_field(conn, bytes.fromhex)
-MIGRATIONS: MigrationsList = [
+_MIGRATIONS: MigrationsList = [
     (Path('0_init.sql'), None),
     (Path('1_add_files_last_updated.sql'), None),
     (Path('2_add_files_sha512.sql'), _mig_2_calc_digests),
@@ -61,3 +64,8 @@ MIGRATIONS: MigrationsList = [
     (Path('5_files_redo.sql'), None),
     (Path('6_add_files_tags.sql'), None)
+def migrate():
+    """Migrate DB file at expected default path to most recent version."""
+    DbFile(expected_version=-1).migrate(_MIGRATIONS)
diff --git a/src/ytplom/ b/src/ytplom/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89a198d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ytplom/
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+"""To sync between local and remote instances."""
+# included libs
+from typing import Any, Callable
+from json import loads as json_loads
+from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
+# non-included libs
+from paramiko import SSHClient  # type: ignore
+from scp import SCPClient  # type: ignore
+# ourselves
+from ytplom.db import DbConn, DbFile, Hash, PATH_DB
+from ytplom.misc import (PATH_TEMP, Config, FlagName, QuotaLog, VideoFile,
+                         YoutubeQuery, YoutubeVideo)
+from ytplom.http import PAGE_NAMES
+_PATH_DB_REMOTE = PATH_TEMP.joinpath('remote_db.sql')
+_ATTR_NAME_LAST_UPDATE = 'last_update'
+def _back_and_forth(sync_func: Callable,
+                    dbs: tuple[DbConn, DbConn],
+                    shared: Any
+                    ) -> None:
+    """Run sync_func on arg pairs + shared, and again with pairs switched."""
+    host_names = 'local', 'remote'
+    sync_func(host_names, dbs, shared)
+    sync_func(*(tuple(reversed(list(t))) for t in (host_names, dbs)), shared)
+def _sync_objects(host_names: tuple[str, str],
+                  dbs: tuple[DbConn, DbConn],
+                  cls: Any
+                  ) -> None:
+    """Equalize both DB's object collections; prefer newer states to older."""
+    id_name = 'id_' if 'id' == cls.id_name else cls.id_name
+    obj_colls = cls.get_all(dbs[0]), cls.get_all(dbs[1])
+    for obj_0 in [obj for obj in obj_colls[0]   # only pick objs without equal
+                  if obj not in obj_colls[1]]:  # in 2nd coll, even if same ID
+        id_ = getattr(obj_0, id_name)
+        sync_down = True
+        to_str = obj_0
+        msg_verb = 'adding'
+        direction = f'{host_names[1]}->{host_names[0]}'
+        for obj_1 in [obj for obj in obj_colls[1]   # pick those from 2nd coll
+                      if id_ == getattr(obj, id_name)]:  # of same ID as obj_0
+            msg_verb = 'updating'
+            if hasattr(obj_0, _ATTR_NAME_LAST_UPDATE):
+                last_update_0 = getattr(obj_0, _ATTR_NAME_LAST_UPDATE)
+                last_update_1 = getattr(obj_1, _ATTR_NAME_LAST_UPDATE)
+                sync_down = last_update_0 > last_update_1
+                if not sync_down:
+                    direction = f'{host_names[0]}->{host_names[1]}'
+                    to_str = obj_1
+          [0])
+        if sync_down:
+  [1])
+        print(f'SYNC {cls.__name__}: {msg_verb} {direction} {id_} {to_str}')
+def _sync_relations(host_names: tuple[str, str],
+                    dbs: tuple[DbConn, DbConn],
+                    yt_result: YoutubeVideo
+                    ) -> None:
+    """To dbs[1] add YT yt_video->yt_q_colls[0] mapping not in yt_q_colls[1]"""
+    yt_q_colls = tuple(YoutubeQuery.get_all_for_video(db, yt_result.id_)
+                       for db in dbs)
+    direction = f'adding {host_names[1]}->{host_names[0]} mapping'
+    result = f'result {yt_result.id_} ({yt_result})'
+    for q in [q for q in yt_q_colls[0] if q not in yt_q_colls[1]]:
+        print(f'SYNC: {direction} of query {q.id_} ({q}) to {result}')
+        yt_result.save_to_query(dbs[1], q.id_)
+def _sync_dbs(scp: SCPClient) -> None:
+    """Download remote DB, run sync_(objects|relations), put remote DB back."""
+    scp.get(PATH_DB, _PATH_DB_REMOTE)
+    with DbConn(DbFile(PATH_DB).connect()) as db_local, \
+            DbConn(DbFile(_PATH_DB_REMOTE).connect()) as db_remote:
+        for cls in (QuotaLog, YoutubeQuery, YoutubeVideo, VideoFile):
+            _back_and_forth(_sync_objects, (db_local, db_remote), cls)
+        for yt_video_local in YoutubeVideo.get_all(db_local):
+            _back_and_forth(_sync_relations, (db_local, db_remote),
+                            yt_video_local)
+        for db in (db_remote, db_local):
+            db.commit()
+    scp.put(_PATH_DB_REMOTE, PATH_DB)
+    _PATH_DB_REMOTE.unlink()
+def _urls_here_and_there(config: Config, page_name: str) -> tuple[str, ...]:
+    return tuple(f'http://{host}:{port}/{PAGE_NAMES[page_name]}'
+                 for host, port in ((config.remote, config.port_remote),
+                                    (, config.port)))
+def _purge_deleteds(config: Config) -> None:
+    """Command both servers to actually purge "deleted" files."""
+    for url_purge in _urls_here_and_there(config, 'purge'):
+        with urlopen(Request(url_purge, method='POST')) as response:
+            print(f'SYNC: Calling purge via {url_purge} – {}')
+def _fill_missing(scp: SCPClient, config: Config) -> None:
+    """Between and .remote, fill files listed in as missing."""
+    missings = []
+    for url_missing in _urls_here_and_there(config, 'missing'):
+        with urlopen(url_missing) as response:
+            missings += [list(json_loads(]
+    with DbConn() as conn:
+        for i, direction_mover in enumerate([('local->remote', scp.put),
+                                             ('remote->local', scp.get)]):
+            direction, mover = direction_mover
+            for digest in (d for d in missings[i]
+                           if d not in missings[int(not bool(i))]):
+                vf = VideoFile.get_one(conn, Hash.from_b64(digest))
+                if vf.is_flag_set(FlagName('do not sync')):
+                    print(f'SYNC: not sending ("do not sync" set)'
+                          f': {vf.full_path}')
+                    return
+                print(f'SYNC: sending {direction}: {vf.full_path}')
+                mover(vf.full_path, vf.full_path)
+def sync():
+    """Connect to remote, sync local+remote DBs, + downloads where missing."""
+    config = Config()
+    ssh = SSHClient()
+    ssh.load_system_host_keys()
+    ssh.connect(config.remote)
+    with SCPClient(ssh.get_transport()) as scp:
+        _sync_dbs(scp)
+        _purge_deleteds(config)
+        _fill_missing(scp, config)
diff --git a/ytplom b/ytplom
index 7e5c4e2..9bea676 100755
--- a/ytplom
+++ b/ytplom
@@ -4,14 +4,9 @@ set -e
-if [ ! "$1" = 'serve' ] && [ ! "$1" = 'sync' ] && [ ! "$1" = 'migrate' ] && [ ! "$1" = 'create' ]; then
-    echo "Need argument ('serve' or 'sync' or 'migrate' or 'create')."
-    false
 python3 -m venv "${PATH_VENV}"
 . "${PATH_VENV}/bin/activate"
 echo "Checking dependencies."
 pip3 install -r "${PATH_APP_SHARE}/requirements.txt"
-python3 "${PATH_APP_SHARE}/${1}.py"
+python3 "${PATH_APP_SHARE}/" $@