From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2024 22:45:57 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: Don't try to sync file missing on both sides.

Don't try to sync file missing on both sides.

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index d0591f7..3d6a712 100755
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -89,15 +89,20 @@ def main():
     scp.put(PATH_DB_REMOTE, PATH_DB)
-    for host, port, direction, mover in (
-            (config.remote, config.port_remote, 'local->remote', scp.put),
-            (, config.port, 'remote->local', scp.get)):
+    missings = []
+    for host, port in ((config.remote, config.port_remote),
+                       (, config.port)):
         url_missing = f'http://{host}:{port}/{PAGE_NAMES["missing"]}'
         with urlopen(url_missing) as response:
-            missing = json_loads(
-        for path in (path_join(PATH_DOWNLOADS, path) for path in missing):
+            missings += [json_loads(]
+    for i, direction_mover in enumerate([('local->remote', scp.put),
+                                         ('remote->local', scp.get)]):
+        direction, mover = direction_mover
+        for path in (p for p in missings[i]
+                     if p not in missings[int(not bool(i))]):
+            full_path = path_join(PATH_DOWNLOADS, path)
             print(f'SYNC: sending {direction} file {path}')
-            mover(path, path)
+            mover(full_path, full_path)