From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Tue, 24 Dec 2024 08:18:42 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: Re-organize/simplify Process/ProcessStep tests.

Re-organize/simplify Process/ProcessStep tests.

diff --git a/plomtask/ b/plomtask/
index 754e36e..39981a9 100644
--- a/plomtask/
+++ b/plomtask/
@@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ class TaskHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
         kept_steps = self._form.get_all_int('kept_steps')
         new_top_step_procs = self._form.get_all_str('new_top_step')
         new_steps_to = {
-                int(k):[int(n) for n in v] for (k, v)
+                int(k): [int(n) for n in v] for (k, v)
                 in self._form.get_all_of_key_prefixed('new_step_to_').items()}
         new_owner_title, owners_to_set = id_or_title(step_of)
         new_step_title, new_top_step_proc_ids = id_or_title(new_top_step_procs)
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 42ad22e..16206cc 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ from typing import Any
 from tests.utils import (TestCaseSansDB, TestCaseWithDB, TestCaseWithServer,
 from plomtask.processes import Process, ProcessStep
-from plomtask.conditions import Condition
 from plomtask.exceptions import NotFoundException
@@ -23,105 +22,6 @@ class TestsWithDB(TestCaseWithDB):
     """Module tests requiring DB setup."""
     checked_class = Process
-    def test_from_table_row(self) -> None:
-        """Test .from_table_row() properly reads in class from DB."""
-        super().test_from_table_row()
-        p, set1, set2, set3 = self.p_of_conditions()
-        assert isinstance(p.id_, int)
-        for row in self.db_conn.row_where(self.checked_class.table_name,
-                                          'id', p.id_):
-            r = Process.from_table_row(self.db_conn, row)
-            self.assertEqual(sorted(r.conditions), sorted(set1))
-            self.assertEqual(sorted(r.enables), sorted(set2))
-            self.assertEqual(sorted(r.disables), sorted(set3))
-    def test_Process_steps(self) -> None:
-        """Test addition, nesting, and non-recursion of ProcessSteps"""
-        # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
-        # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
-        p1, p2, p3 = self.three_processes()
-        assert isinstance(p1.id_, int)
-        assert isinstance(p2.id_, int)
-        assert isinstance(p3.id_, int)
-        steps_p1: list[ProcessStep] = []
-        # # add step of process p2 as first (top-level) step to p1
-        # s_p2_to_p1 = ProcessStep(None, p1.id_, p2.id_, None)
-        # steps_p1 += [s_p2_to_p1]
-        # p1.set_steps(self.db_conn, steps_p1)
-        # p1_dict: dict[int, ProcessStepsNode] = {}
-        # p1_dict[1] = ProcessStepsNode(p2, None, True, {})
-        # self.assertEqual(p1.get_steps(self.db_conn, None), p1_dict)
-        # # add step of process p3 as second (top-level) step to p1
-        # s_p3_to_p1 = ProcessStep(None, p1.id_, p3.id_, None)
-        # steps_p1 += [s_p3_to_p1]
-        # p1.set_steps(self.db_conn, steps_p1)
-        # p1_dict[2] = ProcessStepsNode(p3, None, True, {})
-        # self.assertEqual(p1.get_steps(self.db_conn, None), p1_dict)
-        # # add step of process p3 as first (top-level) step to p2,
-        # steps_p2: list[ProcessStep] = []
-        # s_p3_to_p2 = ProcessStep(None, p2.id_, p3.id_, None)
-        # steps_p2 += [s_p3_to_p2]
-        # p2.set_steps(self.db_conn, steps_p2)
-        # # expect it as implicit sub-step of p1's second (p3) step
-        # p2_dict = {3: ProcessStepsNode(p3, None, False, {})}
-        # p1_dict[1].steps[3] = p2_dict[3]
-        # self.assertEqual(p1.get_steps(self.db_conn, None), p1_dict)
-        # # add step of process p2 as explicit sub-step to p1's second sub-step
-        # s_p2_to_p1_first = ProcessStep(None, p1.id_, p2.id_, s_p3_to_p1.id_)
-        # steps_p1 += [s_p2_to_p1_first]
-        # p1.set_steps(self.db_conn, steps_p1)
-        # seen_3 = ProcessStepsNode(p3, None, False, {}, False)
-        # p1_dict[1].steps[3].seen = True
-        # p1_dict[2].steps[4] = ProcessStepsNode(p2, s_p3_to_p1.id_, True,
-        #                                        {3: seen_3})
-        # self.assertEqual(p1.get_steps(self.db_conn, None), p1_dict)
-        # add step of process p3 as explicit sub-step to non-existing p1
-        # sub-step (of id=999), expect it to become another p1 top-level step
-        s_p3_to_p1_999 = ProcessStep(None, p1.id_, p3.id_, 999)
-        steps_p1 += [s_p3_to_p1_999]
-        p1.set_steps(self.db_conn, steps_p1)
-        p1_dict[5] = ProcessStepsNode(p3, None, True, {})
-        self.assertEqual(p1.get_steps(self.db_conn, None), p1_dict)
-        # add step of process p3 as explicit sub-step to p1's implicit p3
-        # sub-step, expect it to become another p1 top-level step
-        s_p3_to_p1_impl_p3 = ProcessStep(None, p1.id_, p3.id_,
-                                         s_p3_to_p2.id_)
-        steps_p1 += [s_p3_to_p1_impl_p3]
-        p1.set_steps(self.db_conn, steps_p1)
-        p1_dict[6] = ProcessStepsNode(p3, None, True, {})
-        self.assertEqual(p1.get_steps(self.db_conn, None), p1_dict)
-        self.assertEqual(p1.used_as_step_by(self.db_conn), [])
-        self.assertEqual(p2.used_as_step_by(self.db_conn), [p1])
-        self.assertEqual(p3.used_as_step_by(self.db_conn), [p1, p2])
-        # add step of process p3 as explicit sub-step to p1's first
-        # sub-step, expect it to eliminate implicit p3 sub-step
-        s_p3_to_p1_first_explicit = ProcessStep(None, p1.id_, p3.id_,
-                                                s_p2_to_p1.id_)
-        p1_dict[1].steps = {7: ProcessStepsNode(p3, 1, True, {})}
-        p1_dict[2].steps[4].steps[3].seen = False
-        steps_p1 += [s_p3_to_p1_first_explicit]
-        p1.set_steps(self.db_conn, steps_p1)
-        self.assertEqual(p1.get_steps(self.db_conn, None), p1_dict)
-        # ensure implicit steps non-top explicit steps are shown
-        s_p3_to_p2_first = ProcessStep(None, p2.id_, p3.id_, s_p3_to_p2.id_)
-        steps_p2 += [s_p3_to_p2_first]
-        p2.set_steps(self.db_conn, steps_p2)
-        p1_dict[1].steps[3].steps[7] = ProcessStepsNode(p3, 3, False, {},
-                                                        True)
-        p1_dict[2].steps[4].steps[3].steps[7] = ProcessStepsNode(
-                p3, 3, False, {}, False)
-        self.assertEqual(p1.get_steps(self.db_conn, None), p1_dict)
-        # ensure suppressed step nodes are hidden
-        assert isinstance(s_p3_to_p2.id_, int)
-        p1.set_step_suppressions(self.db_conn, [s_p3_to_p2.id_])
-        p1_dict[1].steps[3].steps = {}
-        p1_dict[1].steps[3].is_suppressed = True
-        p1_dict[2].steps[4].steps[3].steps = {}
-        p1_dict[2].steps[4].steps[3].is_suppressed = True
-        self.assertEqual(p1.get_steps(self.db_conn), p1_dict)
     def test_remove(self) -> None:
         """Test removal of Processes and ProcessSteps."""
@@ -297,7 +197,8 @@ class TestsWithServer(TestCaseWithServer):
         self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 1)
         # post first (top-level) step of proc2 to proc1 by 'step_of' in 2
         self.post_exp_process([exp], {'step_of': 1}, 2)
-        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep', [exp.procstep_as_dict(1, owner_id=1, step_process_id=2)])
+        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep',
+                    [exp.procstep_as_dict(1, owner_id=1, step_process_id=2)])
         exp.set('steps', [
@@ -317,7 +218,7 @@ class TestsWithServer(TestCaseWithServer):
         step_nodes = [exp.stepnode_as_dict(step_id=1, proc_id=2)]
         exp.set('steps', step_nodes)
         self.check_json_get(url, exp)
-        # fail on single--step recursion
+        # fail on zero-step recursion
         p_min = {'title': '', 'description': '', 'effort': 0}
         self.check_post(p_min | {'new_top_step': 1}, url, 400)
         self.check_post(p_min | {'step_of': 1}, url, 400)
@@ -344,21 +245,82 @@ class TestsWithServer(TestCaseWithServer):
         step_nodes[1]['steps'] = [
                 exp.stepnode_as_dict(step_id=4, proc_id=4)]
         self.check_json_get(url, exp)
-        # fail on multi-step recursion via new step(s)
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 5)
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'new_top_step': 1}, 5)
-        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep', [exp.procstep_as_dict(
-            5, owner_id=5, step_process_id=1)])
-        self.check_post(p_min | {'step_of': 5, 'new_top_step': 5}, url, 400)
+        # to ensure suppressed step nodes are hidden, add new step to proc4,
+        # implicitly adding it as sub-step to the proc4 steps in proc1, but
+        # suppress one of the proc4 occurences there, marking its
+        # .is_suppressed *and* hiding the new step below it
+        p = {'kept_steps': [1, 2, 4], 'suppressed_steps': [3]}
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'step_of': [4]}, 5)
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], p, 1)
+        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep',
+                    [exp.procstep_as_dict(5, owner_id=4, step_process_id=5)])
+        assert isinstance(step_nodes[0]['steps'], list)
+        assert isinstance(step_nodes[1]['steps'], list)
+        step_nodes[0]['steps'][0]['is_suppressed'] = True
+        step_nodes[1]['steps'][0]['steps'] = [
+                exp.stepnode_as_dict(step_id=5, proc_id=5, is_explicit=False)]
+        self.check_json_get(url, exp)
+        # ensure implicit steps' non-top explicit sub-steps are shown
         self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 6)
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'new_top_step': 5}, 6)
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'kept_steps': [5], 'step_of': [1, 2],
+                                      'new_step_to_5': 6}, 4)
         exp.lib_set('ProcessStep', [exp.procstep_as_dict(
-            6, owner_id=6, step_process_id=5)])
-        self.check_post(p_min | {'step_of': 5, 'new_top_step': 6}, url, 400)
-        # fail on multi-step recursion via explicit sub-step
+            6, owner_id=4, parent_step_id=5, step_process_id=6)])
+        step_nodes[1]['steps'][0]['steps'][0]['steps'] = [
+                exp.stepnode_as_dict(step_id=6, proc_id=6, is_explicit=False)]
+        self.check_json_get(url, exp)
+        # try to post sub-step to non-existing sub-step, expect it to become
+        # top-level step instead
+        p['new_step_to_9'] = 5
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], p, 1)
+        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep',
+                    [exp.procstep_as_dict(7, owner_id=1, step_process_id=5)])
+        step_nodes += [
+                exp.stepnode_as_dict(step_id=7, proc_id=5)]
+        self.check_json_get(url, exp)
+        del p['new_step_to_9']
+        assert isinstance(p['kept_steps'], list)
+        p['kept_steps'] += [7]
+        # try to post sub-step to implicit sub-step, expect same result
+        p['new_step_to_5'] = 5
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], p, 1)
+        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep',
+                    [exp.procstep_as_dict(8, owner_id=1, step_process_id=5)])
+        step_nodes += [
+                exp.stepnode_as_dict(step_id=8, proc_id=5)]
+        self.check_json_get(url, exp)
+        del p['new_step_to_5']
+        p['kept_steps'] += [8]
+        # post sub-step to explicit sub-step with implicit sub-step of same
+        # step process ID, expect it to eliminate/replace implicit sub-step
+        p['new_step_to_4'] = 5
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], p, 1)
+        step_nodes[1]['steps'][0]['steps'][0] = exp.stepnode_as_dict(
+                step_id=9, proc_id=5)
+        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep', [exp.procstep_as_dict(
+            9, owner_id=1, parent_step_id=4, step_process_id=5)])
+        self.check_json_get(url, exp)
+        del p['new_step_to_4']
+        p['kept_steps'] += [9]
+        # fail on single-step recursion via top step
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 7)
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'new_top_step': 1}, 7)
+        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep', [exp.procstep_as_dict(
+            10, owner_id=7, step_process_id=1)])
+        p['step_of'] = [7]
+        self.check_post(p_min | p | {'new_top_step': 7}, url, 400)
+        # fail on double-step recursion via top step
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 8)
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'new_top_step': 7}, 8)
+        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep', [exp.procstep_as_dict(
+            11, owner_id=8, step_process_id=7)])
+        self.check_post(p_min | p | {'new_top_step': 8}, url, 400)
+        # fail on single-step recursion via explicit sub-step
+        self.check_json_get(url, exp)
+        self.check_post(p_min | p | {'new_step_to_8': 7}, url, 400)
+        # fail on double-step recursion via explicit sub-step
         self.check_json_get(url, exp)
-        p = {'step_of': 5, 'kept_steps': [1, 2, 4], 'new_step_to_2': 6}
-        self.check_post(p_min | p, url, 400)
+        self.check_post(p_min | p | {'new_step_to_8': 8}, url, 400)
     def test_fail_GET_process(self) -> None:
         """Test invalid GET /process params."""
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index b9db97e..43f6ea4 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -807,7 +807,8 @@ class Expected:
                      disables: None | list[int] = None,
                      blockers: None | list[int] = None,
                      enables: None | list[int] = None,
-                     explicit_steps: None | list[int] = None
+                     explicit_steps: None | list[int] = None,
+                     suppressed_steps: None | list[int] = None
                      ) -> dict[str, object]:
         """Return JSON of Process to expect."""
         # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
@@ -821,7 +822,7 @@ class Expected:
             versioned['effort']['0'] = effort
         d = {'id': id_,
              'calendarize': False,
-             'suppressed_steps': [],
+             'suppressed_steps': suppressed_steps if suppressed_steps else [],
              'explicit_steps': explicit_steps if explicit_steps else [],
              '_versioned': versioned,
              'conditions': conditions if conditions else [],