From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2025 13:57:18 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: Move tests directory out of src/.

Move tests directory out of src/.

diff --git a/.mypy.ini b/.mypy.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4f7658
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.mypy.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+mypy_path = $MYPY_CONFIG_FILE_DIR/src
diff --git a/.pylintrc b/.pylintrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45bc14d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.pylintrc
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+init-hook='import sys; sys.path[0:0] = ["src"]'
diff --git a/scripts/pre-commit b/scripts/pre-commit
index 21ad816..414cb51 100755
--- a/scripts/pre-commit
+++ b/scripts/pre-commit
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
-cd src
-for dir in $(echo '.' 'plomtask' 'tests'); do
-    echo "Running mypy on ${dir}/ …."
-    python3 -m mypy ${dir}/*.py
-    echo "Running flake8 on ${dir}/ …"
-    python3 -m flake8 ${dir}/*.py
-    echo "Running pylint on ${dir}/ …"
-    python3 -m pylint ${dir}/*.py
+DIRS='src src/plomtask tests'
+TOOLS='flake8 pylint mypy'
+for dir in $DIRS; do
+    for tool in $TOOLS; do
+        echo "Running ${tool} on ${dir}/ …."
+        python3 -m ${tool} ${dir}/*.py
+    done
 echo "Running unittest-parallel on tests/."
 unittest-parallel -t . -s tests/ -p '*.py'
-rm test_db:*
diff --git a/src/.pylintrc b/src/.pylintrc
deleted file mode 100644
index 50133a0..0000000
--- a/src/.pylintrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-init-hook='import sys; sys.path.append(".")'
diff --git a/src/tests/ b/src/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/src/tests/ b/src/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index b35dc6e..0000000
--- a/src/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-"""Test Conditions module."""
-from typing import Any
-from tests.utils import (TestCaseSansDB, TestCaseWithDB, TestCaseWithServer,
-                         Expected)
-from plomtask.conditions import Condition
-class TestsSansDB(TestCaseSansDB):
-    """Tests requiring no DB setup."""
-    checked_class = Condition
-class TestsWithDB(TestCaseWithDB):
-    """Tests requiring DB, but not server setup."""
-    checked_class = Condition
-    default_init_kwargs = {'is_active': 0}
-class ExpectedGetConditions(Expected):
-    """Builder of expectations for GET /conditions."""
-    _default_dict = {'sort_by': 'title', 'pattern': ''}
-    def recalc(self) -> None:
-        """Update internal dictionary by subclass-specific rules."""
-        super().recalc()
-        self._fields['conditions'] = self.as_ids(self.lib_all('Condition'))
-class ExpectedGetCondition(Expected):
-    """Builder of expectations for GET /condition."""
-    _default_dict = {'is_new': False}
-    _on_empty_make_temp = ('Condition', 'cond_as_dict')
-    def __init__(self, id_: int | None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
-        self._fields = {'condition': id_}
-        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-    def recalc(self) -> None:
-        """Update internal dictionary by subclass-specific rules."""
-        super().recalc()
-        for p_field, c_field in [('conditions', 'enabled_processes'),
-                                 ('disables', 'disabling_processes'),
-                                 ('blockers', 'disabled_processes'),
-                                 ('enables', 'enabling_processes')]:
-            self._fields[c_field] = self.as_ids([
-                p for p in self.lib_all('Process')
-                if self._fields['condition'] in p[p_field]])
-class TestsWithServer(TestCaseWithServer):
-    """Module tests against our HTTP server/handler (and database)."""
-    checked_class = Condition
-    def test_fail_POST_condition(self) -> None:
-        """Test malformed/illegal POST /condition requests."""
-        # check incomplete POST payloads
-        valid_payload = {'title': '', 'description': ''}
-        self.check_minimal_inputs('/condition', valid_payload)
-        # check valid POST payload on bad paths
-        self.check_post(valid_payload, '/condition?id=foo', 400)
-        # check cannot delete depended-upon Condition
-        self.post_exp_cond([], {})
-        for key in ('conditions', 'blockers', 'enables', 'disables'):
-            self.post_exp_process([], {key: [1]}, 1)
-            self.check_post({'delete': ''}, '/condition?id=1', 500)
-        self.post_exp_process([], {}, 1)
-        self.post_exp_day([], {'new_todo': '1'})
-        for key in ('conditions', 'blockers', 'enables', 'disables'):
-            self.post_exp_todo([], {key: [1]}, 1)
-            self.check_post({'delete': ''}, '/condition?id=1', 500)
-    def test_POST_condition(self) -> None:
-        """Test (valid) POST /condition and its effect on GET /condition[s]."""
-        url_single, url_all = '/condition?id=1', '/conditions'
-        exp_single, exp_all = ExpectedGetCondition(1), ExpectedGetConditions()
-        all_exps = [exp_single, exp_all]
-        # test valid POST's effect on single /condition and full /conditions
-        self.post_exp_cond(all_exps, {}, post_to_id=False)
-        self.check_json_get(url_single, exp_single)
-        self.check_json_get(url_all, exp_all)
-        # test (no) effect of invalid POST to existing Condition on /condition
-        self.check_post({}, url_single, 400)
-        self.check_json_get(url_single, exp_single)
-        # test effect of POST changing title, description, and activeness
-        self.post_exp_cond(all_exps, {'title': 'bar', 'description': 'oof',
-                                      'is_active': 1})
-        self.check_json_get(url_single, exp_single)
-        # test POST sans 'is_active' setting it negative
-        self.post_exp_cond(all_exps, {})
-        self.check_json_get(url_single, exp_single)
-        # test deletion POST's effect, both to return id=1 into empty single,
-        # full /conditions into empty list
-        self.check_json_get(url_single, exp_single)
-        self.post_exp_cond(all_exps, {'delete': ''}, redir_to_id=False)
-        exp_single.set('is_new', True)
-        self.check_json_get(url_single, exp_single)
-        self.check_json_get(url_all, exp_all)
-    def test_GET_condition(self) -> None:
-        """More GET /condition testing, especially for Process relations."""
-        # check expected default status codes
-        self.check_get_defaults('/condition')
-        # check 'is_new' set if id= absent or pointing to not-yet-existing ID
-        exp = ExpectedGetCondition(None)
-        exp.set('is_new', True)
-        self.check_json_get('/condition', exp)
-        exp = ExpectedGetCondition(1)
-        exp.set('is_new', True)
-        self.check_json_get('/condition?id=1', exp)
-        # make Condition and two Processes that among them establish all
-        # possible ConditionsRelations to it, check /condition displays all
-        exp = ExpectedGetCondition(1)
-        self.post_exp_cond([exp], {}, post_to_id=False)
-        for i, p in enumerate([('conditions', 'disables'),
-                               ('enables', 'blockers')]):
-            self.post_exp_process([exp], {k: [1] for k in p}, i+1)
-        self.check_json_get('/condition?id=1', exp)
-    def test_GET_conditions(self) -> None:
-        """Test GET /conditions."""
-        # test empty result on empty DB, default-settings on empty params
-        exp = ExpectedGetConditions()
-        self.check_json_get('/conditions', exp)
-        # test 'sort_by' default to 'title' (even if set to something else, as
-        # long as without handler) and 'pattern' get preserved
-        exp.set('pattern', 'bar')
-        self.check_json_get('/conditions?sort_by=foo&pattern=bar&foo=x', exp)
-        exp.set('pattern', '')
-        # test non-empty result, automatic (positive) sorting by title
-        post_cond1 = {'is_active': 0, 'title': 'foo', 'description': 'oof'}
-        post_cond2 = {'is_active': 0, 'title': 'bar', 'description': 'rab'}
-        post_cond3 = {'is_active': 1, 'title': 'baz', 'description': 'zab'}
-        for i, post in enumerate([post_cond1, post_cond2, post_cond3]):
-            self.post_exp_cond([exp], post, i+1, post_to_id=False)
-        self.check_filter(exp, 'conditions', 'sort_by', 'title', [2, 3, 1])
-        # test other sortings
-        self.check_filter(exp, 'conditions', 'sort_by', '-title', [1, 3, 2])
-        self.check_filter(exp, 'conditions', 'sort_by', 'is_active', [1, 2, 3])
-        self.check_filter(exp, 'conditions', 'sort_by', '-is_active',
-                          [3, 2, 1])
-        exp.set('sort_by', 'title')
-        # test pattern matching on title
-        exp.lib_del('Condition', 1)
-        self.check_filter(exp, 'conditions', 'pattern', 'ba', [2, 3])
-        # test pattern matching on description
-        exp.lib_wipe('Condition')
-        exp.set_cond_from_post(1, post_cond1)
-        self.check_filter(exp, 'conditions', 'pattern', 'of', [1])
diff --git a/src/tests/ b/src/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index e5a241f..0000000
--- a/src/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,420 +0,0 @@
-"""Test Days module."""
-from datetime import date as dt_date, datetime, timedelta
-from typing import Any
-from tests.utils import (TestCaseSansDB, TestCaseWithDB, TestCaseWithServer,
-                         Expected, date_and_day_id, dt_date_from_day_id)
-from import date_in_n_days as tested_date_in_n_days
-from plomtask.days import Day
-# Simply the ISO format for dates as used in, but for testing
-# purposes we state our expectations here independently and explicitly
-def _testing_date_in_n_days(n: int) -> str:
-    """Return in ISO format / TEST_DATE_FORMAT date from today + n days.
-    As with TESTING_DATE_FORMAT, we assume this equal the original's code
-    at, but want to state our expectations
-    explicitly to rule out importing issues from the original.
-    """
-    date = + timedelta(days=n)
-    return date.strftime(TESTING_DATE_FORMAT)
-def _days_n_for_date(date: str) -> int:
-    return (dt_date.fromisoformat(date) - dt_date(2000, 1, 1)).days
-class TestsSansDB(TestCaseSansDB):
-    """Days module tests not requiring DB setup."""
-    checked_class = Day
-    def test_date_in_n_days(self) -> None:
-        """Test dating.date_in_n_days"""
-        for n in [-100, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 1000]:
-            date = + timedelta(days=n)
-            self.assertEqual(tested_date_in_n_days(n),
-                             date.strftime(TESTING_DATE_FORMAT))
-    def test_Day_date_weekday_neighbor_dates(self) -> None:
-        """Test Day's date parsing and neighbourhood resolution."""
-        self.assertEqual(dt_date(2000, 1, 2).isoformat(), Day(1).date)
-        self.assertEqual(dt_date(2001, 1, 2).isoformat(), Day(367).date)
-        self.assertEqual('Sunday', Day(1).weekday)
-        self.assertEqual('March', Day(75).month_name)
-        self.assertEqual('2000-12-31', Day(366).prev_date)
-        self.assertEqual('2001-03-01', Day(424).next_date)
-class TestsWithDB(TestCaseWithDB):
-    """Tests requiring DB, but not server setup."""
-    checked_class = Day
-    def test_Day_with_filled_gaps(self) -> None:
-        """Test .with_filled_gaps."""
-        day_ids = [n + 1 for n in range(9)]
-        dt_dates = [dt_date_from_day_id(id_) for id_ in day_ids]
-        def expect_within_full_range_as_commented(
-                range_indexes: tuple[int, int],
-                indexes_to_provide: list[int]
-                 ) -> None:
-            start_i, end_i = range_indexes
-            days_expected = [Day(n) for n in day_ids]
-            to_remove = []
-            for idx in indexes_to_provide:
-                days_expected[idx] = Day(day_ids[idx], '#')
-                days_expected[idx].save(self.db_conn)
-                to_remove += [days_expected[idx]]
-            days_expected = days_expected[start_i:end_i+1]
-            days_result = Day.with_filled_gaps(
-                    self.db_conn, dt_dates[start_i], dt_dates[end_i])
-            self.assertEqual(days_result, days_expected)
-            for day in to_remove:
-                day.remove(self.db_conn)
-        # check provided Days recognizable in (full-range) interval
-        expect_within_full_range_as_commented((0, 8), [0, 4, 8])
-        # check limited range, but limiting Days provided
-        expect_within_full_range_as_commented((2, 6), [2, 5, 6])
-        # check Days within range but beyond provided Days also filled in
-        expect_within_full_range_as_commented((1, 7), [2, 5])
-        # check provided Days beyond range ignored
-        expect_within_full_range_as_commented((3, 5), [1, 2, 4, 6, 7])
-        # check inversion of start_date and end_date returns empty list
-        expect_within_full_range_as_commented((5, 3), [2, 4, 6])
-        # check empty provision still creates filler elements in interval
-        expect_within_full_range_as_commented((3, 5), [])
-        # check single-element selection creating only filler beyond provided
-        expect_within_full_range_as_commented((1, 1), [2, 4, 6])
-        # check (un-saved) filler Days don't show up in cache or DB
-        day = Day(day_ids[3])
-        Day.with_filled_gaps(self.db_conn, dt_dates[0], dt_dates[-1])
-        self.check_identity_with_cache_and_db([day])
-class ExpectedGetCalendar(Expected):
-    """Builder of expectations for GET /calendar."""
-    def __init__(self, start: int, end: int, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any
-                 ) -> None:
-        today_dt =
-        today_iso = today_dt.isoformat()
-        self._fields = {
-                'start': (today_dt + timedelta(days=start)).isoformat(),
-                'end': (today_dt + timedelta(days=end)).isoformat(),
-                'today': today_iso}
-        self._fields['days'] = [
-                _days_n_for_date(today_iso) + i for i in range(start, end+1)]
-        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-        for day_id in self._fields['days']:
-            self.lib_set('Day', [self.day_as_dict(day_id)])
-class ExpectedGetDay(Expected):
-    """Builder of expectations for GET /day."""
-    _default_dict = {'make_type': 'full'}
-    _on_empty_make_temp = ('Day', 'day_as_dict')
-    def __init__(self, day_id: int, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
-        self._fields = {'day': day_id}
-        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-    def recalc(self) -> None:
-        super().recalc()
-        todos = [t for t in self.lib_all('Todo')
-                 if t['day_id'] == self._fields['day']]
-        self.lib_get('Day', self._fields['day'])['todos'] = self.as_ids(todos)
-        self._fields['top_nodes'] = [
-                {'children': [], 'seen': 0, 'todo': todo['id']}
-                for todo in todos]
-        for todo in todos:
-            proc = self.lib_get('Process', todo['process_id'])
-            for title in ['conditions', 'enables', 'blockers', 'disables']:
-                todo[title] = proc[title]
-        conds_present = set()
-        for todo in todos:
-            for title in ['conditions', 'enables', 'blockers', 'disables']:
-                for cond_id in todo[title]:
-                    conds_present.add(cond_id)
-        self._fields['conditions_present'] = list(conds_present)
-        for prefix in ['en', 'dis']:
-            blers = {}
-            for cond_id in conds_present:
-                blers[cond_id] = self.as_ids(
-                        [t for t in todos if cond_id in t[f'{prefix}ables']])
-            self._fields[f'{prefix}ablers_for'] = blers
-        self._fields['processes'] = self.as_ids(self.lib_all('Process'))
-class TestsWithServer(TestCaseWithServer):
-    """Tests against our HTTP server/handler (and database)."""
-    checked_class = Day
-    def test_basic_GET_day(self) -> None:
-        """Test basic (no Processes/Conditions/Todos) GET /day basics."""
-        # check illegal date parameters
-        self.check_get_defaults('/day', '2024-01-01', 'date')
-        self.check_get('/day?date=2024-02-30', 400)
-        # check undefined day
-        today_iso =
-        exp = ExpectedGetDay(_days_n_for_date(today_iso))
-        self.check_json_get('/day', exp)
-        # check defined day with make_type parameter
-        date, day_id = date_and_day_id(1)
-        exp = ExpectedGetDay(day_id)
-        exp.set('make_type', 'bar')
-        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}&make_type=bar', exp)
-        # check parsing of 'yesterday', 'today', 'tomorrow'
-        for name, dist in [('yesterday', -1), ('today', 0), ('tomorrow', +1)]:
-            exp = ExpectedGetDay(_days_n_for_date(today_iso) + dist)
-            self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={name}', exp)
-    def test_fail_POST_day(self) -> None:
-        """Test malformed/illegal POST /day requests."""
-        # check payloads lacking minimum expecteds
-        url = '/day?date=2024-01-01'
-        minimal_post = {'make_type': '', 'day_comment': ''}
-        self.check_minimal_inputs(url, minimal_post)
-        # to next check illegal new_todo values, we need an actual Process
-        self.post_exp_process([], {}, 1)
-        # check illegal new_todo values
-        self.check_post(minimal_post | {'new_todo': ['foo']}, url, 400)
-        self.check_post(minimal_post | {'new_todo': [1, 2]}, url, 404)
-        # to next check illegal old_todo inputs, we need to first post Todo
-        self.check_post(minimal_post | {'new_todo': [1]}, url, 302,
-                        '/day?date=2024-01-01&make_type=')
-        # check illegal old_todo inputs (equal list lengths though)
-        post = minimal_post | {'comment': ['foo'], 'effort': [3.3],
-                               'done': [], 'todo_id': [1]}
-        self.check_post(post, url, 302, '/day?date=2024-01-01&make_type=')
-        post['todo_id'] = [2]  # reference to non-existant Process
-        self.check_post(post, url, 404)
-        post['todo_id'] = ['a']
-        self.check_post(post, url, 400)
-        post['todo_id'] = [1]
-        post['done'] = ['foo']
-        self.check_post(post, url, 400)
-        post['done'] = [2]  # reference to non-posted todo_id
-        self.check_post(post, url, 400)
-        post['done'] = []
-        post['effort'] = ['foo']
-        self.check_post(post, url, 400)
-        post['effort'] = [None]
-        self.check_post(post, url, 400)
-        post['effort'] = [3.3]
-        # check illegal old_todo inputs: unequal list lengths
-        post['comment'] = []
-        self.check_post(post, url, 400)
-        post['comment'] = ['foo', 'foo']
-        self.check_post(post, url, 400)
-        post['comment'] = ['foo']
-        post['effort'] = []
-        self.check_post(post, url, 400)
-        post['effort'] = [3.3, 3.3]
-        self.check_post(post, url, 400)
-        post['effort'] = [3.3]
-        post['todo_id'] = [1, 1]
-        self.check_post(post, url, 400)
-        post['todo_id'] = [1]
-        # # check valid POST payload on bad paths
-        self.check_post(post, '/day', 400)
-        self.check_post(post, '/day?date=', 400)
-        self.check_post(post, '/day?date=foo', 400)
-    def test_basic_POST_day(self) -> None:
-        """Test basic (no Processes/Conditions/Todos) POST /day.
-        Check POST requests properly parse 'today', 'tomorrow', 'yesterday',
-        and actual date strings; store 'day_comment'; preserve 'make_type'
-        setting in redirect even if nonsensical; and allow '' as 'new_todo'.
-        """
-        for name, dist, test_str in [('2024-01-01', None, 'a'),
-                                     ('today', 0, 'b'),
-                                     ('yesterday', -1, 'c'),
-                                     ('tomorrow', +1, 'd')]:
-            date = name if dist is None else _testing_date_in_n_days(dist)
-            post = {'day_comment': test_str, 'make_type': f'x:{test_str}',
-                    'new_todo': ['', '']}
-            post_url = f'/day?date={name}'
-            redir_url = f'{post_url}&make_type={post["make_type"]}'
-            self.check_post(post, post_url, 302, redir_url)
-            day_id = _days_n_for_date(date)
-            exp = ExpectedGetDay(day_id)
-            exp.set_day_from_post(day_id, post)
-            self.check_json_get(post_url, exp)
-    def test_GET_day_with_processes_and_todos(self) -> None:
-        """Test GET /day displaying Processes and Todos (no trees)."""
-        date, day_id = date_and_day_id(1)
-        exp = ExpectedGetDay(day_id)
-        # check Processes get displayed in ['processes'] and ['_library'],
-        # even without any Todos referencing them
-        proc_posts = [{'title': 'foo', 'description': 'oof', 'effort': 1.1},
-                      {'title': 'bar', 'description': 'rab', 'effort': 0.9}]
-        for i, proc_post in enumerate(proc_posts):
-            self.post_exp_process([exp], proc_post, i+1)
-        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', exp)
-        # post Todos of either Process and check their display
-        self.post_exp_day([exp], {'new_todo': [1, 2]})
-        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', exp)
-        # test malformed Todo manipulation posts
-        post_day = {'day_comment': '', 'make_type': '', 'comment': [''],
-                    'new_todo': [], 'done': [1], 'effort': [2.3]}
-        self.check_post(post_day, f'/day?date={date}', 400)  # no todo_id
-        post_day['todo_id'] = [2]  # not identifying Todo refered by done
-        self.check_post(post_day, f'/day?date={date}', 400)
-        post_day['todo_id'] = [1, 2]  # imply range beyond that of effort etc.
-        self.check_post(post_day, f'/day?date={date}', 400)
-        post_day['comment'] = ['FOO', '']
-        self.check_post(post_day, f'/day?date={date}', 400)
-        post_day['effort'] = [2.3, '']
-        post_day['comment'] = ['']
-        self.check_post(post_day, f'/day?date={date}', 400)
-        # add a comment to one Todo and set the other's doneness and effort
-        post_day['comment'] = ['FOO', '']
-        self.post_exp_day([exp], post_day)
-        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', exp)
-        # invert effort and comment between both Todos
-        # (cannot invert doneness, /day only collects positive setting)
-        post_day['comment'] = ['', 'FOO']
-        post_day['effort'] = ['', 2.3]
-        self.post_exp_day([exp], post_day)
-        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', exp)
-    def test_POST_day_todo_make_types(self) -> None:
-        """Test behavior of POST /todo on 'make_type'='full' and 'empty'."""
-        date, day_id = date_and_day_id(1)
-        exp = ExpectedGetDay(day_id)
-        # create two Processes, with second one step of first one
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 2)
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'new_top_step': 2}, 1)
-        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep', [
-            exp.procstep_as_dict(1, owner_id=1, step_process_id=2)])
-        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', exp)
-        # post Todo of adopting Process, with make_type=full
-        self.post_exp_day([exp], {'make_type': 'full', 'new_todo': [1]})
-        exp.lib_get('Todo', 1)['children'] = [2]
-        exp.lib_set('Todo', [exp.todo_as_dict(2, 2)])
-        top_nodes = [{'todo': 1,
-                      'seen': 0,
-                      'children': [{'todo': 2,
-                                    'seen': 0,
-                                    'children': []}]}]
-        exp.force('top_nodes', top_nodes)
-        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', exp)
-        # post another Todo of adopting Process, expect to adopt existing
-        self.post_exp_day([exp], {'make_type': 'full', 'new_todo': [1]})
-        exp.lib_set('Todo', [exp.todo_as_dict(3, 1, children=[2])])
-        top_nodes += [{'todo': 3,
-                       'seen': 0,
-                       'children': [{'todo': 2,
-                                     'seen': 1,
-                                     'children': []}]}]
-        exp.force('top_nodes', top_nodes)
-        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', exp)
-        # post another Todo of adopting Process, no adopt with make_type=empty
-        self.post_exp_day([exp], {'make_type': 'empty', 'new_todo': [1]})
-        exp.lib_set('Todo', [exp.todo_as_dict(4, 1)])
-        top_nodes += [{'todo': 4,
-                       'seen': 0,
-                       'children': []}]
-        exp.force('top_nodes', top_nodes)
-        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', exp)
-    def test_POST_day_new_todo_order_commutative(self) -> None:
-        """Check that order of 'new_todo' values in POST /day don't matter."""
-        date, day_id = date_and_day_id(1)
-        exp = ExpectedGetDay(day_id)
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 2)
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'new_top_step': 2}, 1)
-        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep', [
-            exp.procstep_as_dict(1, owner_id=1, step_process_id=2)])
-        # make-full-day-post batch of Todos of both Processes in one order …,
-        self.post_exp_day([exp], {'make_type': 'full', 'new_todo': [1, 2]})
-        top_nodes: list[dict[str, Any]] = [{'todo': 1,
-                                            'seen': 0,
-                                            'children': [{'todo': 2,
-                                                          'seen': 0,
-                                                          'children': []}]}]
-        exp.force('top_nodes', top_nodes)
-        exp.lib_get('Todo', 1)['children'] = [2]
-        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', exp)
-        # … and then in the other, expecting same node tree / relations
-        exp.lib_del('Day', day_id)
-        date, day_id = date_and_day_id(2)
-        exp.set('day', day_id)
-        day_post = {'make_type': 'full', 'new_todo': [2, 1]}
-        self.post_exp_day([exp], day_post, day_id)
-        exp.lib_del('Todo', 1)
-        exp.lib_del('Todo', 2)
-        top_nodes[0]['todo'] = 3  # was: 1
-        top_nodes[0]['children'][0]['todo'] = 4  # was: 2
-        exp.lib_get('Todo', 3)['children'] = [4]
-        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', exp)
-    def test_POST_day_todo_deletion_by_negative_effort(self) -> None:
-        """Test POST /day removal of Todos by setting negative effort."""
-        date, day_id = date_and_day_id(1)
-        exp = ExpectedGetDay(day_id)
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 1)
-        self.post_exp_day([exp], {'new_todo': [1]})
-        # check cannot remove Todo if commented
-        self.post_exp_day([exp],
-                          {'todo_id': [1], 'comment': ['foo'], 'effort': [-1]})
-        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', exp)
-        # check *can* remove Todo while getting done
-        self.post_exp_day([exp],
-                          {'todo_id': [1], 'comment': [''], 'effort': [-1],
-                           'done': [1]})
-        exp.lib_del('Todo', 1)
-        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', exp)
-    def test_GET_day_with_conditions(self) -> None:
-        """Test GET /day displaying Conditions and their relations."""
-        date, day_id = date_and_day_id(1)
-        exp = ExpectedGetDay(day_id)
-        # check non-referenced Conditions not shown
-        cond_posts = [{'is_active': 0, 'title': 'A', 'description': 'a'},
-                      {'is_active': 1, 'title': 'B', 'description': 'b'}]
-        for i, cond_post in enumerate(cond_posts):
-            self.check_post(cond_post, f'/condition?id={i+1}')
-        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', exp)
-        # add Processes with Conditions, check Conditions now shown
-        for i, (c1, c2) in enumerate([(1, 2), (2, 1)]):
-            post = {'conditions': [c1], 'disables': [c1],
-                    'blockers': [c2], 'enables': [c2]}
-            self.post_exp_process([exp], post, i+1)
-        for i, cond_post in enumerate(cond_posts):
-            exp.set_cond_from_post(i+1, cond_post)
-        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', exp)
-        # add Todos in relation to Conditions, check consequence relations
-        self.post_exp_day([exp], {'new_todo': [1, 2]})
-        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', exp)
-    def test_GET_calendar(self) -> None:
-        """Test GET /calendar responses based on various inputs, DB states."""
-        # check illegal date range delimiters
-        self.check_get('/calendar?start=foo', 400)
-        self.check_get('/calendar?end=foo', 400)
-        # check default range for expected selection/order without saved days
-        exp = ExpectedGetCalendar(-1, 366)
-        self.check_json_get('/calendar', exp)
-        self.check_json_get('/calendar?start=&end=', exp)
-        # check with named days as delimiters
-        exp = ExpectedGetCalendar(-1, +1)
-        self.check_json_get('/calendar?start=yesterday&end=tomorrow', exp)
-        # check zero-element range
-        exp = ExpectedGetCalendar(+1, 0)
-        self.check_json_get('/calendar?start=tomorrow&end=today', exp)
-        # check saved day shows up in results, proven by its comment
-        start_date = _testing_date_in_n_days(-5)
-        date = _testing_date_in_n_days(-2)
-        end_date = _testing_date_in_n_days(+5)
-        exp = ExpectedGetCalendar(-5, +5)
-        self.post_exp_day([exp],
-                          {'day_comment': 'foo'}, _days_n_for_date(date))
-        url = f'/calendar?start={start_date}&end={end_date}'
-        self.check_json_get(url, exp)
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-"""Miscellaneous tests."""
-from typing import Callable
-from unittest import TestCase
-from tests.utils import TestCaseWithServer
-from plomtask.http import InputsParser
-from plomtask.exceptions import BadFormatException
-class TestsSansServer(TestCase):
-    """Tests that do not require DB setup or a server."""
-    def _test_parser(self,
-                     method: Callable,
-                     serialized: str,
-                     expected: object,
-                     method_args: list[object],
-                     fails: bool = False
-                     ) -> None:
-        # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
-        parser = InputsParser(serialized)
-        if fails:
-            with self.assertRaises(BadFormatException):
-                method(parser, *method_args)
-        else:
-            self.assertEqual(expected, method(parser, *method_args))
-    def test_InputsParser_get_str_or_fail(self) -> None:
-        """Test InputsParser.get_str."""
-        m = InputsParser.get_str_or_fail
-        self._test_parser(m, '', 0, ['foo'], fails=True)
-        self._test_parser(m, '', 'bar', ['foo', 'bar'])
-        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=', '', ['foo'])
-        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=', '', ['foo', 'bar'])
-        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=baz', 'baz', ['foo', 'bar'])
-        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=baz&foo=quux', 'baz', ['foo', 'bar'])
-        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=baz,quux', 'baz,quux', ['foo', 'bar'])
-    def test_InputsParser_get_str(self) -> None:
-        """Test InputsParser.get_str."""
-        m = InputsParser.get_str
-        self._test_parser(m, '', None, ['foo'])
-        self._test_parser(m, '', 'bar', ['foo', 'bar'])
-        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=', '', ['foo'])
-        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=', '', ['foo', 'bar'])
-        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=baz', 'baz', ['foo', 'bar'])
-        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=baz&foo=quux', 'baz', ['foo', 'bar'])
-        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=baz,quux', 'baz,quux', ['foo', 'bar'])
-    def test_InputsParser_get_all_of_key_prefixed(self) -> None:
-        """Test InputsParser.get_all_of_key_prefixed."""
-        m = InputsParser.get_all_of_key_prefixed
-        self._test_parser(m, '', {}, [''])
-        self._test_parser(m, '', {}, ['foo'])
-        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=bar', {'foo': ['bar']}, [''])
-        self._test_parser(m, 'x=y&x=z', {'': ['y', 'z']}, ['x'])
-        self._test_parser(m, 'xx=y&xx=Z', {'x': ['y', 'Z']}, ['x'])
-        self._test_parser(m, 'xx=y', {}, ['xxx'])
-        self._test_parser(m, 'xxx=x&xxy=y&xyy=z', {'x': ['x'], 'y': ['y']},
-                          ['xx'])
-    def test_InputsParser_get_int_or_none(self) -> None:
-        """Test InputsParser.get_int_or_none."""
-        m = InputsParser.get_int_or_none
-        self._test_parser(m, '', None, ['foo'])
-        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=', None, ['foo'])
-        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=0', 0, ['foo'])
-        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=None', 0, ['foo'], fails=True)
-        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=0.1', 0, ['foo'], fails=True)
-        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=23', 23, ['foo'])
-    def test_InputsParser_get_float_or_fail(self) -> None:
-        """Test InputsParser.get_float_or_fail."""
-        m = InputsParser.get_float_or_fail
-        self._test_parser(m, '', 0, ['foo'], fails=True)
-        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=', 0, ['foo'], fails=True)
-        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=bar', 0, ['foo'], fails=True)
-        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=0', 0, ['foo'])
-        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=0.1', 0.1, ['foo'])
-        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=1.23&foo=456', 1.23, ['foo'])
-    def test_InputsParser_get_bool(self) -> None:
-        """Test InputsParser.get_bool."""
-        m = InputsParser.get_bool
-        self._test_parser(m, '', 0, ['foo'])
-        self._test_parser(m, 'val=foo', 0, ['foo'])
-        self._test_parser(m, 'val=True', 0, ['foo'])
-        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=', 0, ['foo'])
-        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=None', 0, ['foo'])
-        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=0', 0, ['foo'])
-        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=bar', 0, ['foo'])
-        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=bar&foo=baz', 0, ['foo'])
-        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=False', 0, ['foo'])
-        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=true', 1, ['foo'])
-        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=True', 1, ['foo'])
-        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=1', 1, ['foo'])
-        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=on', 1, ['foo'])
-    def test_InputsParser_get_all_str(self) -> None:
-        """Test InputsParser.get_all_str."""
-        m = InputsParser.get_all_str
-        self._test_parser(m, '', [], ['foo'])
-        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=', [''], ['foo'])
-        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=bar', ['bar'], ['foo'])
-        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=bar&foo=baz', ['bar', 'baz'], ['foo'])
-    def test_InputsParser_get_all_int(self) -> None:
-        """Test InputsParser.get_all_int."""
-        m = InputsParser.get_all_int
-        self._test_parser(m, '', [], ['foo'])
-        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=', [], ['foo'])
-        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=', 0, ['foo', True], fails=True)
-        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=0', [0], ['foo'])
-        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=0&foo=17', [0, 17], ['foo'])
-        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=0.1&foo=17', 0, ['foo'], fails=True)
-        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=None&foo=17', 0, ['foo'], fails=True)
-class TestsWithServer(TestCaseWithServer):
-    """Tests against our HTTP server/handler (and database)."""
-    def test_do_GET(self) -> None:
-        """Test GET / redirect, and unknown targets failing."""
-        self.conn.request('GET', '/')
-        self.check_redirect('/day')
-        self.check_get('/foo', 404)
-    def test_do_POST(self) -> None:
-        """Test POST to / and other unknown targets failing."""
-        self.check_post({}, '/', 404)
-        self.check_post({}, '/foo', 404)
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deleted file mode 100644
index a762ebe..0000000
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-"""Test Processes module."""
-from typing import Any
-from tests.utils import (TestCaseSansDB, TestCaseWithDB, TestCaseWithServer,
-                         Expected)
-from plomtask.processes import Process, ProcessStep
-from plomtask.exceptions import NotFoundException
-class TestsSansDB(TestCaseSansDB):
-    """Module tests not requiring DB setup."""
-    checked_class = Process
-class TestsSansDBProcessStep(TestCaseSansDB):
-    """Module tests not requiring DB setup."""
-    checked_class = ProcessStep
-    default_init_kwargs = {'owner_id': 2, 'step_process_id': 3,
-                           'parent_step_id': 4}
-class TestsWithDB(TestCaseWithDB):
-    """Module tests requiring DB setup."""
-    checked_class = Process
-    def test_remove(self) -> None:
-        """Test removal of Processes and ProcessSteps."""
-        super().test_remove()
-        p1, p2, p3 = Process(None), Process(None), Process(None)
-        for p in [p1, p2, p3]:
-        assert isinstance(p1.id_, int)
-        assert isinstance(p2.id_, int)
-        assert isinstance(p3.id_, int)
-        step = ProcessStep(None, p2.id_, p1.id_, None)
-        p2.set_steps(self.db_conn, [step])
-        step_id = step.id_
-        p2.set_steps(self.db_conn, [])
-        with self.assertRaises(NotFoundException):
-            # check unset ProcessSteps actually cannot be found anymore
-            assert step_id is not None
-            ProcessStep.by_id(self.db_conn, step_id)
-        p1.remove(self.db_conn)
-        step = ProcessStep(None, p2.id_, p3.id_, None)
-        p2.set_steps(self.db_conn, [step])
-        step_id = step.id_
-        # check _can_ remove Process pointed to by ProcessStep.owner_id, and …
-        p2.remove(self.db_conn)
-        with self.assertRaises(NotFoundException):
-            # … being dis-owned eliminates ProcessStep
-            assert step_id is not None
-            ProcessStep.by_id(self.db_conn, step_id)
-class TestsWithDBForProcessStep(TestCaseWithDB):
-    """Module tests requiring DB setup."""
-    checked_class = ProcessStep
-    default_init_kwargs = {'owner_id': 1, 'step_process_id': 2,
-                           'parent_step_id': 3}
-    def setUp(self) -> None:
-        super().setUp()
-        self.p1 = Process(1)
-    def test_remove(self) -> None:
-        """Test .remove and unsetting of owner's .explicit_steps entry."""
-        p2 = Process(2)
-        assert isinstance(self.p1.id_, int)
-        assert isinstance(p2.id_, int)
-        step = ProcessStep(None, self.p1.id_, p2.id_, None)
-        self.p1.set_steps(self.db_conn, [step])
-        step.remove(self.db_conn)
-        self.assertEqual(self.p1.explicit_steps, [])
-        self.check_identity_with_cache_and_db([])
-class ExpectedGetProcess(Expected):
-    """Builder of expectations for GET /processes."""
-    _default_dict = {'is_new': False, 'preset_top_step': None, 'n_todos': 0}
-    _on_empty_make_temp = ('Process', 'proc_as_dict')
-    def __init__(self,
-                 proc_id: int,
-                 *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
-        self._fields = {'process': proc_id, 'steps': []}
-        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-    @staticmethod
-    def stepnode_as_dict(step_id: int,
-                         proc_id: int,
-                         seen: bool = False,
-                         steps: None | list[dict[str, object]] = None,
-                         is_explicit: bool = True,
-                         is_suppressed: bool = False) -> dict[str, object]:
-        # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
-        """Return JSON of ProcessStepNode to expect."""
-        return {'step': step_id,
-                'process': proc_id,
-                'seen': seen,
-                'steps': steps if steps else [],
-                'is_explicit': is_explicit,
-                'is_suppressed': is_suppressed}
-    def recalc(self) -> None:
-        """Update internal dictionary by subclass-specific rules."""
-        super().recalc()
-        self._fields['process_candidates'] = self.as_ids(
-                self.lib_all('Process'))
-        self._fields['condition_candidates'] = self.as_ids(
-                self.lib_all('Condition'))
-        self._fields['owners'] = [
-                s['owner_id'] for s in self.lib_all('ProcessStep')
-                if s['step_process_id'] == self._fields['process']]
-class ExpectedGetProcesses(Expected):
-    """Builder of expectations for GET /processes."""
-    _default_dict = {'sort_by': 'title', 'pattern': ''}
-    def recalc(self) -> None:
-        """Update internal dictionary by subclass-specific rules."""
-        super().recalc()
-        self._fields['processes'] = self.as_ids(self.lib_all('Process'))
-class TestsWithServer(TestCaseWithServer):
-    """Module tests against our HTTP server/handler (and database)."""
-    checked_class = Process
-    def test_fail_POST_process(self) -> None:
-        """Test POST /process and its effect on the database."""
-        valid_post = {'title': '', 'description': '', 'effort': 1.0}
-        # check payloads lacking minimum expecteds
-        self.check_minimal_inputs('/process', valid_post)
-        # check payloads of bad data types
-        self.check_post(valid_post | {'effort': ''}, '/process', 400)
-        # check references to non-existant items
-        self.check_post(valid_post | {'conditions': [1]}, '/process', 404)
-        self.check_post(valid_post | {'disables': [1]}, '/process', 404)
-        self.check_post(valid_post | {'blockers': [1]}, '/process', 404)
-        self.check_post(valid_post | {'enables': [1]}, '/process', 404)
-        self.check_post(valid_post | {'new_top_step': 2}, '/process', 404)
-        # check deletion of non-existant
-        self.check_post({'delete': ''}, '/process?id=1', 404)
-    def test_basic_POST_process(self) -> None:
-        """Test basic GET/POST /process operations."""
-        # check on un-saved
-        exp = ExpectedGetProcess(1)
-        exp.force('process_candidates', [])
-        exp.set('is_new', True)
-        self.check_json_get('/process?id=1', exp)
-        # check on minimal payload post
-        exp = ExpectedGetProcess(1)
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 1)
-        self.check_json_get('/process?id=1', exp)
-        # check boolean 'calendarize'
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'calendarize': True}, 1)
-        self.check_json_get('/process?id=1', exp)
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 1)
-        self.check_json_get('/process?id=1', exp)
-        # check conditions posting
-        for i in range(3):
-            self.post_exp_cond([exp], {}, i+1)
-        p = {'conditions': [1, 2], 'disables': [1],
-             'blockers': [3], 'enables': [2, 3]}
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], p, 1)
-        self.check_json_get('/process?id=1', exp)
-        # check n_todos field
-        self.post_exp_day([], {'new_todo': ['1']}, 1)
-        self.post_exp_day([], {'new_todo': ['1']}, 2)
-        exp.set('n_todos', 2)
-        self.check_json_get('/process?id=1', exp)
-        # check cannot delete if Todos to Process
-        self.check_post({'delete': ''}, '/process?id=1', 500)
-        # check cannot delete if some ProcessStep's .step_process_id
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 2)
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'new_top_step': 2}, 3)
-        self.check_post({'delete': ''}, '/process?id=2', 500)
-        # check successful deletion
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 4)
-        self.check_post({'delete': ''}, '/process?id=4', 302, '/processes')
-        exp = ExpectedGetProcess(4)
-        exp.set('is_new', True)
-        for i in range(3):
-            self.post_exp_cond([exp], {}, i+1)
-            self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, i+1)
-        exp.force('process_candidates', [1, 2, 3])
-        self.check_json_get('/process?id=4', exp)
-    def test_POST_process_steps(self) -> None:
-        """Test behavior of ProcessStep posting."""
-        # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
-        url = '/process?id=1'
-        exp = ExpectedGetProcess(1)
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 1)
-        # post first (top-level) step of proc2 to proc1 by 'step_of' in 2
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'step_of': 1}, 2)
-        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep',
-                    [exp.procstep_as_dict(1, owner_id=1, step_process_id=2)])
-        exp.set('steps', [
-            exp.stepnode_as_dict(
-                step_id=1,
-                proc_id=2)])
-        self.check_json_get(url, exp)
-        # post empty/absent steps list to process, expect clean slate, and old
-        # step to completely disappear
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 1)
-        exp.lib_wipe('ProcessStep')
-        exp.set('steps', [])
-        self.check_json_get(url, exp)
-        # post anew (as only step yet) step of proc2 to proc1 by 'new_top_step'
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'new_top_step': 2}, 1)
-        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep',
-                    [exp.procstep_as_dict(1, owner_id=1, step_process_id=2)])
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'kept_steps': [1]}, 1)
-        step_nodes = [exp.stepnode_as_dict(step_id=1, proc_id=2)]
-        exp.set('steps', step_nodes)
-        self.check_json_get(url, exp)
-        # fail on zero-step recursion
-        p_min = {'title': '', 'description': '', 'effort': 0}
-        self.check_post(p_min | {'new_top_step': 1}, url, 400)
-        self.check_post(p_min | {'step_of': 1}, url, 400)
-        # post sibling steps
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 3)
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'kept_steps': [1], 'new_top_step': 3}, 1)
-        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep',
-                    [exp.procstep_as_dict(2, owner_id=1, step_process_id=3)])
-        step_nodes += [exp.stepnode_as_dict(step_id=2, proc_id=3)]
-        self.check_json_get(url, exp)
-        # # post implicit sub-step via post to proc2
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 4)
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'step_of': [1], 'new_top_step': 4}, 2)
-        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep',
-                    [exp.procstep_as_dict(3, owner_id=2, step_process_id=4)])
-        step_nodes[0]['steps'] = [
-                exp.stepnode_as_dict(step_id=3, proc_id=4, is_explicit=False)]
-        self.check_json_get(url, exp)
-        # post explicit sub-step via post to proc1
-        p = {'kept_steps': [1, 2], 'new_step_to_2': 4}
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], p, 1)
-        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep', [exp.procstep_as_dict(
-            4, owner_id=1, step_process_id=4, parent_step_id=2)])
-        step_nodes[1]['steps'] = [
-                exp.stepnode_as_dict(step_id=4, proc_id=4)]
-        self.check_json_get(url, exp)
-        # to ensure suppressed step nodes are hidden, add new step to proc4,
-        # implicitly adding it as sub-step to the proc4 steps in proc1, but
-        # suppress one of the proc4 occurences there, marking its
-        # .is_suppressed *and* hiding the new step below it
-        p = {'kept_steps': [1, 2, 4], 'suppressed_steps': [3]}
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'step_of': [4]}, 5)
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], p, 1)
-        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep',
-                    [exp.procstep_as_dict(5, owner_id=4, step_process_id=5)])
-        assert isinstance(step_nodes[0]['steps'], list)
-        assert isinstance(step_nodes[1]['steps'], list)
-        step_nodes[0]['steps'][0]['is_suppressed'] = True
-        step_nodes[1]['steps'][0]['steps'] = [
-                exp.stepnode_as_dict(step_id=5, proc_id=5, is_explicit=False)]
-        self.check_json_get(url, exp)
-        # ensure implicit steps' non-top explicit sub-steps are shown
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 6)
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'kept_steps': [5], 'step_of': [1, 2],
-                                      'new_step_to_5': 6}, 4)
-        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep', [exp.procstep_as_dict(
-            6, owner_id=4, parent_step_id=5, step_process_id=6)])
-        step_nodes[1]['steps'][0]['steps'][0]['steps'] = [
-                exp.stepnode_as_dict(step_id=6, proc_id=6, is_explicit=False)]
-        self.check_json_get(url, exp)
-        # try to post sub-step to non-existing sub-step, expect it to become
-        # top-level step instead
-        p['new_step_to_9'] = 5
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], p, 1)
-        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep',
-                    [exp.procstep_as_dict(7, owner_id=1, step_process_id=5)])
-        step_nodes += [
-                exp.stepnode_as_dict(step_id=7, proc_id=5)]
-        self.check_json_get(url, exp)
-        del p['new_step_to_9']
-        assert isinstance(p['kept_steps'], list)
-        p['kept_steps'] += [7]
-        # try to post sub-step to implicit sub-step, expect same result
-        p['new_step_to_5'] = 5
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], p, 1)
-        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep',
-                    [exp.procstep_as_dict(8, owner_id=1, step_process_id=5)])
-        step_nodes += [
-                exp.stepnode_as_dict(step_id=8, proc_id=5)]
-        self.check_json_get(url, exp)
-        del p['new_step_to_5']
-        p['kept_steps'] += [8]
-        # post sub-step to explicit sub-step with implicit sub-step of same
-        # step process ID, expect it to eliminate/replace implicit sub-step
-        p['new_step_to_4'] = 5
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], p, 1)
-        step_nodes[1]['steps'][0]['steps'][0] = exp.stepnode_as_dict(
-                step_id=9, proc_id=5)
-        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep', [exp.procstep_as_dict(
-            9, owner_id=1, parent_step_id=4, step_process_id=5)])
-        self.check_json_get(url, exp)
-        del p['new_step_to_4']
-        p['kept_steps'] += [9]
-        # fail on single-step recursion via top step
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 7)
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'new_top_step': 1}, 7)
-        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep', [exp.procstep_as_dict(
-            10, owner_id=7, step_process_id=1)])
-        p['step_of'] = [7]
-        self.check_post(p_min | p | {'new_top_step': 7}, url, 400)
-        # fail on double-step recursion via top step
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 8)
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'new_top_step': 7}, 8)
-        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep', [exp.procstep_as_dict(
-            11, owner_id=8, step_process_id=7)])
-        self.check_post(p_min | p | {'new_top_step': 8}, url, 400)
-        # fail on single- and double-step recursion via explicit sub-step
-        self.check_post(p_min | p | {'new_step_to_8': 7}, url, 400)
-        self.check_post(p_min | p | {'new_step_to_8': 8}, url, 400)
-    def test_fail_GET_process(self) -> None:
-        """Test invalid GET /process params."""
-        # check for invalid IDs
-        self.check_get_defaults('/process')
-        # check we catch invalid base64
-        self.check_get('/process?title_b64=foo', 400)
-        # check failure on references to unknown processes; we create Process
-        # of ID=1 here so we know the 404 comes from step_to=2 etc. (that tie
-        # the Process displayed by /process to others), not from not finding
-        # the main Process itself
-        self.post_exp_process([], {}, 1)
-        self.check_get('/process?id=1&step_to=2', 404)
-        self.check_get('/process?id=1&has_step=2', 404)
-    def test_GET_processes(self) -> None:
-        """Test GET /processes."""
-        # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
-        # test empty result on empty DB, default-settings on empty params
-        exp = ExpectedGetProcesses()
-        self.check_json_get('/processes', exp)
-        # test on meaningless non-empty params (incl. entirely un-used key),
-        # that 'sort_by' default to 'title' (even if set to something else, as
-        # long as without handler) and 'pattern' get preserved
-        exp.set('pattern', 'bar')
-        url = '/processes?sort_by=foo&pattern=bar&foo=x'
-        self.check_json_get(url, exp)
-        # test non-empty result, automatic (positive) sorting by title
-        for i, t in enumerate([('foo', 'oof', 1.0, []),
-                               ('bar', 'rab', 1.1, [1]),
-                               ('baz', 'zab', 0.9, [1, 2])]):
-            payload = {'title': t[0], 'description': t[1], 'effort': t[2],
-                       'new_top_step': t[3]}
-            self.post_exp_process([exp], payload, i+1)
-        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep',
-                    [exp.procstep_as_dict(1, owner_id=2, step_process_id=1),
-                     exp.procstep_as_dict(2, owner_id=3, step_process_id=1),
-                     exp.procstep_as_dict(3, owner_id=3, step_process_id=2)])
-        exp.set('pattern', '')
-        self.check_filter(exp, 'processes', 'sort_by', 'title', [2, 3, 1])
-        # test other sortings
-        self.check_filter(exp, 'processes', 'sort_by', '-title', [1, 3, 2])
-        self.check_filter(exp, 'processes', 'sort_by', 'effort', [3, 1, 2])
-        self.check_filter(exp, 'processes', 'sort_by', '-effort', [2, 1, 3])
-        self.check_filter(exp, 'processes', 'sort_by', 'steps', [1, 2, 3])
-        self.check_filter(exp, 'processes', 'sort_by', '-steps', [3, 2, 1])
-        self.check_filter(exp, 'processes', 'sort_by', 'owners', [3, 2, 1])
-        self.check_filter(exp, 'processes', 'sort_by', '-owners', [1, 2, 3])
-        # test pattern matching on title
-        exp.set('sort_by', 'title')
-        exp.lib_del('Process', 1)
-        self.check_filter(exp, 'processes', 'pattern', 'ba', [2, 3])
-        # test pattern matching on description
-        exp.lib_wipe('Process')
-        exp.lib_wipe('ProcessStep')
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'description': 'oof', 'effort': 1.0}, 1)
-        self.check_filter(exp, 'processes', 'pattern', 'of', [1])
diff --git a/src/tests/ b/src/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 759bc12..0000000
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-"""Test Todos module."""
-from typing import Any
-from datetime import date as dt_date, timedelta
-from tests.utils import (TestCaseSansDB, TestCaseWithDB, TestCaseWithServer,
-                         Expected, date_and_day_id)
-from plomtask.todos import Todo
-from plomtask.processes import Process
-from plomtask.exceptions import BadFormatException, HandledException
-class TestsWithDB(TestCaseWithDB, TestCaseSansDB):
-    """Tests requiring DB, but not server setup.
-    NB: We subclass TestCaseSansDB too, to run any tests there that due to any
-    Todo requiring a _saved_ Process wouldn't run without a DB.
-    """
-    checked_class = Todo
-    default_init_kwargs = {'process': None, 'is_done': False, 'day_id': 1}
-    def setUp(self) -> None:
-        super().setUp()
-        self.proc = Process(None)
-        self.default_init_kwargs['process'] = self.proc
-    def test_Todo_by_date(self) -> None:
-        """Test findability of Todos by date."""
-        date_1, day_id_1 = date_and_day_id(1)
-        date_2, _ = date_and_day_id(2)
-        t1 = Todo(None, self.proc, False, day_id_1)
-        t2 = Todo(None, self.proc, False, day_id_1)
-        self.assertEqual(Todo.by_date(self.db_conn, date_1), [t1, t2])
-        self.assertEqual(Todo.by_date(self.db_conn, date_2), [])
-        with self.assertRaises(BadFormatException):
-            self.assertEqual(Todo.by_date(self.db_conn, 'foo'), [])
-    def test_Todo_by_date_range_with_limits(self) -> None:
-        """Test .by_date_range_with_limits."""
-        # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
-        f = Todo.by_date_range_with_limits
-        # check illegal ranges
-        legal_range = ('yesterday', 'tomorrow')
-        for i in [0, 1]:
-            for bad_date in ['foo', '2024-02-30', '2024-01-01 12:00:00']:
-                date_range_l = list(legal_range[:])
-                date_range_l[i] = bad_date
-                with self.assertRaises(HandledException):
-                    f(self.db_conn, (date_range_l[0], date_range_l[1]))
-        # check empty, translation of 'yesterday' and 'tomorrow'
-        items, start, end = f(self.db_conn, legal_range)
-        self.assertEqual(items, [])
-        dt_today =
-        dt_yesterday = dt_today + timedelta(days=-1)
-        dt_tomorrow = dt_today + timedelta(days=+1)
-        self.assertEqual(start, dt_yesterday.isoformat())
-        self.assertEqual(end, dt_tomorrow.isoformat())
-        # prepare dated items for non-empty results
-        kwargs = self.default_init_kwargs.copy()
-        todos = []
-        dates_and_day_ids = [date_and_day_id(i) for i in range(5)]
-        for day_id in [t[1] for t in dates_and_day_ids[1:-1]]:
-            kwargs['day_id'] = day_id
-            todos += [Todo(None, **kwargs)]
-        # check ranges still empty before saving
-        date_range = (dates_and_day_ids[1][0], dates_and_day_ids[-2][0])
-        self.assertEqual(f(self.db_conn, date_range)[0], [])
-        # check all objs displayed within interval
-        for todo in todos:
-        self.assertEqual(f(self.db_conn, date_range)[0], todos)
-        # check that only displayed what exists within interval
-        date_range = (dates_and_day_ids[1][0], dates_and_day_ids[-3][0])
-        expected = [todos[0], todos[1]]
-        self.assertEqual(f(self.db_conn, date_range)[0], expected)
-        date_range = (dates_and_day_ids[-2][0], dates_and_day_ids[-1][0])
-        expected = [todos[2]]
-        self.assertEqual(f(self.db_conn, date_range)[0], expected)
-        # check that inverted interval displays nothing
-        date_range = (dates_and_day_ids[-1][0], dates_and_day_ids[0][0])
-        self.assertEqual(f(self.db_conn, date_range)[0], [])
-        # check that "today" is interpreted, and single-element interval
-        kwargs['day_id'] = (dt_today - dt_date(2000, 1, 1)).days
-        todo_today = Todo(None, **kwargs)
-        date_range = ('today', 'today')
-        items, start, end = f(self.db_conn, date_range)
-        self.assertEqual(start, dt_today.isoformat())
-        self.assertEqual(start, end)
-        self.assertEqual(items, [todo_today])
-    def test_Todo_children(self) -> None:
-        """Test Todo.children relations."""
-        todo_1 = Todo(None, self.proc, False, 1)
-        todo_2 = Todo(None, self.proc, False, 1)
-        # check un-saved Todo cannot parent
-        with self.assertRaises(HandledException):
-            todo_1.add_child(todo_2)
-        todo_3 = Todo(None, self.proc, False, 1)
-        # check un-saved Todo cannot be parented
-        with self.assertRaises(HandledException):
-            todo_1.add_child(todo_3)
-class ExpectedGetTodo(Expected):
-    """Builder of expectations for GET /todo."""
-    def __init__(self,
-                 todo_id: int,
-                 *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
-        self._fields = {'todo': todo_id,
-                        'steps_todo_to_process': []}
-        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-    def recalc(self) -> None:
-        """Update internal dictionary by subclass-specific rules."""
-        def walk_steps(step: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
-            if not step['todo']:
-                proc_id = step['process']
-                cands = self.as_ids(
-                        [t for t in todos if proc_id == t['process_id']
-                         and t['id'] in self._fields['todo_candidates']])
-                self._fields['adoption_candidates_for'][str(proc_id)] = cands
-            for child in step['children']:
-                walk_steps(child)
-        super().recalc()
-        self.lib_wipe('Day')
-        todos = self.lib_all('Todo')
-        procs = self.lib_all('Process')
-        conds = self.lib_all('Condition')
-        self._fields['todo_candidates'] = self.as_ids(
-                [t for t in todos if t['id'] != self._fields['todo']])
-        self._fields['process_candidates'] = self.as_ids(procs)
-        self._fields['condition_candidates'] = self.as_ids(conds)
-        self._fields['adoption_candidates_for'] = {}
-        for step in self._fields['steps_todo_to_process']:
-            walk_steps(step)
-    @staticmethod
-    def step_as_dict(node_id: int,
-                     process: int | None = None,
-                     todo: int | None = None,
-                     fillable: bool = False,
-                     children: None | list[dict[str, object]] = None
-                     ) -> dict[str, object]:
-        """Return JSON of TodoOrProcStepsNode to expect."""
-        return {'node_id': node_id,
-                'children': children if children is not None else [],
-                'process': process,
-                'fillable': fillable,
-                'todo': todo}
-class TestsWithServer(TestCaseWithServer):
-    """Tests against our HTTP server/handler (and database)."""
-    checked_class = Todo
-    def test_basic_fail_POST_todo(self) -> None:
-        """Test basic malformed/illegal POST /todo requests."""
-        self.post_exp_process([], {}, 1)
-        # test we cannot just POST into non-existing Todo
-        self.check_post({}, '/todo', 404)
-        self.check_post({}, '/todo?id=FOO', 400)
-        self.check_post({}, '/todo?id=0', 400)
-        self.check_post({}, '/todo?id=1', 404)
-        # test malformed values on existing Todo
-        self.post_exp_day([], {'new_todo': [1]})
-        for name in ['adopt', 'effort', 'make_full', 'make_empty',
-                     'conditions', 'disables', 'blockers', 'enables']:
-            self.check_post({name: 'x'}, '/todo?id=1', 400, '/todo')
-        for prefix in ['make_', '']:
-            for suffix in ['', 'x', '1.1']:
-                self.check_post({'step_filler_to_1': [f'{prefix}{suffix}']},
-                                '/todo?id=1', 400, '/todo')
-        for suffix in ['', 'x', '1.1']:
-            self.check_post({'step_filler_to_{suffix}': ['1']},
-                            '/todo?id=1', 400, '/todo')
-    def test_basic_POST_todo(self) -> None:
-        """Test basic POST /todo manipulations."""
-        exp = ExpectedGetTodo(1)
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'calendarize': 0}, 1)
-        self.post_exp_day([exp], {'new_todo': [1]})
-        # test posting naked entity at first changes nothing
-        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
-        self.check_post({}, '/todo?id=1')
-        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
-        # test posting doneness, comment, calendarization, effort
-        todo_post = {'is_done': 1, 'calendarize': 1,
-                     'comment': 'foo', 'effort': 2.3}
-        self.post_exp_todo([exp], todo_post, 1)
-        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
-        # test implicitly un-setting comment/calendarize/is_done by empty post
-        self.post_exp_todo([exp], {}, 1)
-        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
-        # test effort post can be explicitly unset by "effort":"" post
-        self.check_post({'effort': ''}, '/todo?id=1')
-        exp.lib_get('Todo', 1)['effort'] = None
-        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
-        # test Condition posts
-        c1_post = {'title': 'foo', 'description': 'oof', 'is_active': 0}
-        c2_post = {'title': 'bar', 'description': 'rab', 'is_active': 1}
-        self.post_exp_cond([exp], c1_post, 1)
-        self.post_exp_cond([exp], c2_post, 2)
-        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
-        todo_post = {'conditions': [1], 'disables': [1],
-                     'blockers': [2], 'enables': [2]}
-        self.post_exp_todo([exp], todo_post, 1)
-        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
-    def test_POST_todo_deletion(self) -> None:
-        """Test deletions via POST /todo."""
-        exp = ExpectedGetTodo(1)
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 1)
-        # test failure of deletion on non-existing Todo
-        self.check_post({'delete': ''}, '/todo?id=2', 404, '/')
-        # test deletion of existing Todo
-        self.post_exp_day([exp], {'new_todo': [1]})
-        self.check_post({'delete': ''}, '/todo?id=1', 302, '/')
-        self.check_get('/todo?id=1', 404)
-        exp.lib_del('Todo', 1)
-        # test deletion of adopted Todo
-        self.post_exp_day([exp], {'new_todo': [1]})
-        self.post_exp_day([exp], {'new_todo': [1]})
-        self.check_post({'adopt': 2}, '/todo?id=1')
-        self.check_post({'delete': ''}, '/todo?id=2', 302, '/')
-        exp.lib_del('Todo', 2)
-        self.check_get('/todo?id=2', 404)
-        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
-        # test deletion of adopting Todo
-        self.post_exp_day([exp], {'new_todo': [1]})
-        self.check_post({'adopt': 2}, '/todo?id=1')
-        self.check_post({'delete': ''}, '/todo?id=1', 302, '/')
-        exp.set('todo', 2)
-        exp.lib_del('Todo', 1)
-        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=2', exp)
-        # test cannot delete Todo with comment or effort
-        self.check_post({'comment': 'foo'}, '/todo?id=2')
-        self.check_post({'delete': ''}, '/todo?id=2', 500, '/')
-        self.check_post({'effort': 5}, '/todo?id=2')
-        self.check_post({'delete': ''}, '/todo?id=2', 500, '/')
-        # test deletion via effort < 0, but only if deletable
-        self.check_post({'effort': -1, 'comment': 'foo'}, '/todo?id=2')
-        self.check_post({}, '/todo?id=2')
-        self.check_get('/todo?id=2', 404)
-    def test_POST_todo_adoption(self) -> None:
-        """Test adoption via POST /todo with "adopt"."""
-        # post two Todos to Day, have first adopt second
-        exp = ExpectedGetTodo(1)
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 1)
-        self.post_exp_day([exp], {'new_todo': [1]})
-        self.post_exp_day([exp], {'new_todo': [1]})
-        self.post_exp_todo([exp], {'adopt': 2}, 1)
-        exp.set('steps_todo_to_process', [
-            exp.step_as_dict(node_id=1, process=None, todo=2)])
-        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
-        # test Todo un-adopting by just not sending an adopt
-        self.post_exp_todo([exp], {}, 1)
-        exp.set('steps_todo_to_process', [])
-        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
-        # test fail on trying to adopt non-existing Todo
-        self.check_post({'adopt': 3}, '/todo?id=1', 404)
-        # test cannot self-adopt
-        self.check_post({'adopt': 1}, '/todo?id=1', 400)
-        # test cannot do 1-step circular adoption
-        self.post_exp_todo([exp], {'adopt': 1}, 2)
-        self.check_post({'adopt': 2}, '/todo?id=1', 400)
-        # test cannot do 2-step circular adoption
-        self.post_exp_day([exp], {'new_todo': [1]})
-        self.post_exp_todo([exp], {'adopt': 2}, 3)
-        self.check_post({'adopt': 3}, '/todo?id=1', 400)
-        # test can adopt Todo into ProcessStep chain via its Process (with key
-        # 'step_filler' equivalent to single-element 'adopt' if intable)
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 2)
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 3)
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'new_top_step': [2, 3]}, 1)
-        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep',
-                    [exp.procstep_as_dict(1, owner_id=1, step_process_id=2),
-                     exp.procstep_as_dict(2, owner_id=1, step_process_id=3)])
-        slots = [
-            exp.step_as_dict(node_id=1, process=2, todo=None, fillable=True),
-            exp.step_as_dict(node_id=2, process=3, todo=None, fillable=True)]
-        exp.set('steps_todo_to_process', slots)
-        self.post_exp_day([exp], {'new_todo': [2]})
-        self.post_exp_day([exp], {'new_todo': [3]})
-        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
-        self.post_exp_todo([exp], {'step_filler_to_1': 5, 'adopt': [4]}, 1)
-        exp.lib_get('Todo', 1)['children'] += [5]
-        slots[0]['todo'] = 4
-        slots[1]['todo'] = 5
-        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
-        # test 'ignore' values for 'step_filler' are ignored, and intable
-        # 'step_filler' values are interchangeable with those of 'adopt'
-        todo_post = {'adopt': 5, 'step_filler_to_1': ['ignore', 4]}
-        self.check_post(todo_post, '/todo?id=1')
-        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
-        # test cannot adopt into non-top-level elements of chain, instead
-        # creating new top-level steps when adopting of respective Process
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 4)
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'new_top_step': 4, 'step_of': [1]}, 3)
-        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep',
-                    [exp.procstep_as_dict(3, owner_id=3, step_process_id=4)])
-        slots[1]['children'] = [exp.step_as_dict(
-            node_id=3, process=4, todo=None, fillable=True)]
-        self.post_exp_day([exp], {'new_todo': [4]})
-        self.post_exp_todo([exp], {'adopt': [4, 5, 6]}, 1)
-        slots += [exp.step_as_dict(
-            node_id=4, process=None, todo=6, fillable=False)]
-        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
-    def test_POST_todo_make_empty(self) -> None:
-        """Test creation via POST /todo "step_filler_to"/"make"."""
-        # create chain of Processes
-        exp = ExpectedGetTodo(1)
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 1)
-        for i in range(1, 4):
-            self.post_exp_process([exp], {'new_top_step': i}, i+1)
-        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep',
-                    [exp.procstep_as_dict(1, owner_id=2, step_process_id=1),
-                     exp.procstep_as_dict(2, owner_id=3, step_process_id=2),
-                     exp.procstep_as_dict(3, owner_id=4, step_process_id=3)])
-        # post (childless) Todo of chain end, then make empty on next in line
-        self.post_exp_day([exp], {'new_todo': [4]})
-        slots = [exp.step_as_dict(
-            node_id=1, process=3, todo=None, fillable=True,
-            children=[exp.step_as_dict(
-                node_id=2, process=2, todo=None, fillable=False,
-                children=[exp.step_as_dict(
-                    node_id=3, process=1, todo=None, fillable=False)])])]
-        exp.set('steps_todo_to_process', slots)
-        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
-        self.check_post({'step_filler_to_1': 'make_3'}, '/todo?id=1')
-        exp.set_todo_from_post(2, {'process_id': 3})
-        exp.set_todo_from_post(1, {'process_id': 4, 'children': [2]})
-        slots[0]['todo'] = 2
-        assert isinstance(slots[0]['children'], list)
-        slots[0]['children'][0]['fillable'] = True
-        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
-        # make new top-level Todo without chain implied by its Process
-        self.check_post({'make_empty': 2, 'adopt': [2]}, '/todo?id=1')
-        exp.set_todo_from_post(3, {'process_id': 2})
-        exp.set_todo_from_post(1, {'process_id': 4, 'children': [2, 3]})
-        slots += [exp.step_as_dict(
-            node_id=4, process=None, todo=3, fillable=False)]
-        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
-        # fail on trying to call make_empty on non-existing Process
-        self.check_post({'make_full': 5}, '/todo?id=1', 404)
-    def test_GET_todo(self) -> None:
-        """Test GET /todo response codes."""
-        # test malformed or illegal parameter values
-        self.check_get_defaults('/todo')
-        # test all existing Processes are shown as available
-        exp = ExpectedGetTodo(1)
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 1)
-        self.post_exp_day([exp], {'new_todo': [1]})
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 2)
-        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
-        # test chain of Processes shown as potential step nodes
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 3)
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 4)
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'new_top_step': 2}, 1)
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'new_top_step': 3, 'step_of': [1]}, 2)
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'new_top_step': 4, 'step_of': [2]}, 3)
-        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep', [
-            exp.procstep_as_dict(1, owner_id=1, step_process_id=2),
-            exp.procstep_as_dict(2, owner_id=2, step_process_id=3),
-            exp.procstep_as_dict(3, owner_id=3, step_process_id=4)])
-        slots = [exp.step_as_dict(
-            node_id=1, process=2, todo=None, fillable=True,
-            children=[exp.step_as_dict(
-                node_id=2, process=3, todo=None, fillable=False,
-                children=[exp.step_as_dict(
-                    node_id=3, process=4, todo=None, fillable=False)])])]
-        exp.set('steps_todo_to_process', slots)
-        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
-        # test display of parallel chains
-        proc_steps_post = {'new_top_step': 4, 'kept_steps': [1, 3]}
-        self.post_exp_process([], proc_steps_post, 1)
-        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep', [
-            exp.procstep_as_dict(4, owner_id=1, step_process_id=4)])
-        slots += [exp.step_as_dict(
-            node_id=4, process=4, todo=None, fillable=True)]
-        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
-    def test_POST_todo_doneness_relations(self) -> None:
-        """Test Todo.is_done Condition, adoption relations for /todo POSTs."""
-        self.post_exp_process([], {}, 1)
-        # test Todo with adoptee can only be set done if adoptee is done too
-        self.post_exp_day([], {'new_todo': [1]})
-        self.post_exp_day([], {'new_todo': [1]})
-        self.check_post({'adopt': 2, 'is_done': 1}, '/todo?id=1', 400)
-        self.check_post({'is_done': 1}, '/todo?id=2')
-        self.check_post({'adopt': 2, 'is_done': 1}, '/todo?id=1', 302)
-        # test Todo cannot be set undone with adopted Todo not done yet
-        self.check_post({'is_done': 0}, '/todo?id=2')
-        self.check_post({'adopt': 2, 'is_done': 0}, '/todo?id=1', 400)
-        # test unadoption relieves block
-        self.check_post({'is_done': 0}, '/todo?id=1', 302)
-        # test Condition being set or unset can block doneness setting
-        c1_post = {'title': '', 'description': '', 'is_active': 0}
-        c2_post = {'title': '', 'description': '', 'is_active': 1}
-        self.check_post(c1_post, '/condition', redir='/condition?id=1')
-        self.check_post(c2_post, '/condition', redir='/condition?id=2')
-        self.check_post({'conditions': [1], 'is_done': 1}, '/todo?id=1', 400)
-        self.check_post({'is_done': 1}, '/todo?id=1', 302)
-        self.check_post({'is_done': 0}, '/todo?id=1', 302)
-        self.check_post({'blockers': [2], 'is_done': 1}, '/todo?id=1', 400)
-        self.check_post({'is_done': 1}, '/todo?id=1', 302)
-        # test setting Todo doneness can set/un-set Conditions, but only on
-        # doneness change, not by mere passive state
-        self.check_post({'is_done': 0}, '/todo?id=2', 302)
-        self.check_post({'enables': [1], 'is_done': 1}, '/todo?id=1')
-        self.check_post({'conditions': [1], 'is_done': 1}, '/todo?id=2', 400)
-        self.check_post({'enables': [1], 'is_done': 0}, '/todo?id=1')
-        self.check_post({'enables': [1], 'is_done': 1}, '/todo?id=1')
-        self.check_post({'conditions': [1], 'is_done': 1}, '/todo?id=2')
-        self.check_post({'blockers': [1], 'is_done': 0}, '/todo?id=2', 400)
-        self.check_post({'disables': [1], 'is_done': 1}, '/todo?id=1')
-        self.check_post({'blockers': [1], 'is_done': 0}, '/todo?id=2', 400)
-        self.check_post({'disables': [1]}, '/todo?id=1')
-        self.check_post({'disables': [1], 'is_done': 1}, '/todo?id=1')
-        self.check_post({'blockers': [1]}, '/todo?id=2')
diff --git a/src/tests/ b/src/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index a321806..0000000
--- a/src/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,992 +0,0 @@
-"""Shared test utilities."""
-# pylint: disable=too-many-lines
-from __future__ import annotations
-from datetime import datetime, date as dt_date, timedelta
-from unittest import TestCase
-from typing import Mapping, Any, Callable
-from threading import Thread
-from pathlib import Path
-from http.client import HTTPConnection
-from time import sleep
-from json import loads as json_loads, dumps as json_dumps
-from urllib.parse import urlencode
-from uuid import uuid4
-from os import remove as remove_file
-from pprint import pprint
-from tempfile import gettempdir
-from plomtask.db import DatabaseFile, DatabaseConnection
-from plomtask.http import TaskHandler, TaskServer
-from plomtask.processes import Process, ProcessStep
-from plomtask.conditions import Condition
-from plomtask.days import Day
-from plomtask.todos import Todo
-from plomtask.versioned_attributes import VersionedAttribute, TIMESTAMP_FMT
-from plomtask.exceptions import NotFoundException, HandledException
-_VERSIONED_VALS: dict[str,
-                      list[str] | list[float]] = {'str': ['A', 'B'],
-                                                  'float': [0.3, 1.1]}
-_VALID_TRUES = {True, 'True', 'true', '1', 'on'}
-def dt_date_from_day_id(day_id: int) -> dt_date:
-    """Return of adding day_id days to 2000-01-01."""
-    return dt_date(2000, 1, 1) + timedelta(days=day_id)
-def date_and_day_id(day_id: int) -> tuple[str, int]:
-    """Interpet day_id as n of days since millennium, return (date, day_id)."""
-    return dt_date_from_day_id(day_id).isoformat(), day_id
-class TestCaseAugmented(TestCase):
-    """Tester core providing helpful basic internal decorators and methods."""
-    checked_class: Any
-    default_init_kwargs: dict[str, Any] = {}
-    @staticmethod
-    def _run_on_versioned_attributes(f: Callable[..., None]
-                                     ) -> Callable[..., None]:
-        def wrapper(self: TestCase) -> None:
-            assert isinstance(self, TestCaseAugmented)
-            for attr_name in self.checked_class.to_save_versioned():
-                default = self.checked_class.versioned_defaults[attr_name]
-                owner = self.checked_class(None, **self.default_init_kwargs)
-                attr = getattr(owner, attr_name)
-                to_set = _VERSIONED_VALS[attr.value_type_name]
-                f(self, owner, attr_name, attr, default, to_set)
-        return wrapper
-    @classmethod
-    def _run_if_sans_db(cls, f: Callable[..., None]) -> Callable[..., None]:
-        def wrapper(self: TestCaseSansDB) -> None:
-            if issubclass(cls, TestCaseSansDB):
-                f(self)
-        return wrapper
-    @classmethod
-    def _run_if_with_db_but_not_server(cls,
-                                       f: Callable[..., None]
-                                       ) -> Callable[..., None]:
-        def wrapper(self: TestCaseWithDB) -> None:
-            if issubclass(cls, TestCaseWithDB) and\
-                    not issubclass(cls, TestCaseWithServer):
-                f(self)
-        return wrapper
-    @classmethod
-    def _make_from_defaults(cls, id_: int | None) -> Any:
-        return cls.checked_class(id_, **cls.default_init_kwargs)
-class TestCaseSansDB(TestCaseAugmented):
-    """Tests requiring no DB setup."""
-    _legal_ids: list[int] = [1, 5]
-    _illegal_ids: list[int] = [0]
-    @TestCaseAugmented._run_if_sans_db
-    def test_id_validation(self) -> None:
-        """Test .id_ validation/setting."""
-        for id_ in self._illegal_ids:
-            with self.assertRaises(HandledException):
-                self._make_from_defaults(id_)
-        for id_ in self._legal_ids:
-            obj = self._make_from_defaults(id_)
-            self.assertEqual(obj.id_, id_)
-    @TestCaseAugmented._run_if_sans_db
-    @TestCaseAugmented._run_on_versioned_attributes
-    def test_versioned_set(self,
-                           _: Any,
-                           __: str,
-                           attr: VersionedAttribute,
-                           default: str | float,
-                           to_set: list[str] | list[float]
-                           ) -> None:
-        """Test VersionedAttribute.set() behaves as expected."""
-        attr.set(default)
-        self.assertEqual(list(attr.history.values()), [default])
-        # check same value does not get set twice in a row,
-        # and that not even its timestamp get updated
-        timestamp = list(attr.history.keys())[0]
-        attr.set(default)
-        self.assertEqual(list(attr.history.values()), [default])
-        self.assertEqual(list(attr.history.keys())[0], timestamp)
-        # check that different value _will_ be set/added
-        attr.set(to_set[0])
-        timesorted_vals = [attr.history[t] for
-                           t in sorted(attr.history.keys())]
-        expected = [default, to_set[0]]
-        self.assertEqual(timesorted_vals, expected)
-        # check that a previously used value can be set if not most recent
-        attr.set(default)
-        timesorted_vals = [attr.history[t] for
-                           t in sorted(attr.history.keys())]
-        expected = [default, to_set[0], default]
-        self.assertEqual(timesorted_vals, expected)
-        # again check for same value not being set twice in a row, even for
-        # later items
-        attr.set(to_set[1])
-        timesorted_vals = [attr.history[t] for
-                           t in sorted(attr.history.keys())]
-        expected = [default, to_set[0], default, to_set[1]]
-        self.assertEqual(timesorted_vals, expected)
-        attr.set(to_set[1])
-        self.assertEqual(timesorted_vals, expected)
-    @TestCaseAugmented._run_if_sans_db
-    @TestCaseAugmented._run_on_versioned_attributes
-    def test_versioned_newest(self,
-                              _: Any,
-                              __: str,
-                              attr: VersionedAttribute,
-                              default: str | float,
-                              to_set: list[str] | list[float]
-                              ) -> None:
-        """Test VersionedAttribute.newest."""
-        # check .newest on empty history returns .default
-        self.assertEqual(attr.newest, default)
-        # check newest element always returned
-        for v in [to_set[0], to_set[1]]:
-            attr.set(v)
-            self.assertEqual(attr.newest, v)
-        # check newest element returned even if also early value
-        attr.set(default)
-        self.assertEqual(attr.newest, default)
-    @TestCaseAugmented._run_if_sans_db
-    @TestCaseAugmented._run_on_versioned_attributes
-    def test_versioned_at(self,
-                          _: Any,
-                          __: str,
-                          attr: VersionedAttribute,
-                          default: str | float,
-                          to_set: list[str] | list[float]
-                          ) -> None:
-        """Test .at() returns values nearest to queried time, or default."""
-        # check .at() return default on empty history
-        timestamp_a =
-        self.assertEqual(, default)
-        # check value exactly at timestamp returned
-        attr.set(to_set[0])
-        timestamp_b = list(attr.history.keys())[0]
-        self.assertEqual(, to_set[0])
-        # check earliest value returned if exists, rather than default
-        self.assertEqual(, to_set[0])
-        # check reverts to previous value for timestamps not indexed
-        sleep(0.00001)
-        timestamp_between =
-        sleep(0.00001)
-        attr.set(to_set[1])
-        timestamp_c = sorted(attr.history.keys())[-1]
-        self.assertEqual(, to_set[1])
-        self.assertEqual(, to_set[0])
-        sleep(0.00001)
-        timestamp_after_c =
-        self.assertEqual(, to_set[1])
-class TestCaseWithDB(TestCaseAugmented):
-    """Module tests not requiring DB setup."""
-    _default_ids: tuple[int, int, int] = (1, 2, 3)
-    def setUp(self) -> None:
-        Condition.empty_cache()
-        Day.empty_cache()
-        Process.empty_cache()
-        ProcessStep.empty_cache()
-        Todo.empty_cache()
-        db_path = Path(gettempdir()).joinpath(f'test_db:{uuid4()}')
-        DatabaseFile.create(db_path)
-        self.db_file = DatabaseFile(db_path)
-        self.db_conn = DatabaseConnection(self.db_file)
-    def tearDown(self) -> None:
-        self.db_conn.close()
-        remove_file(self.db_file.path)
-    def _load_from_db(self, id_: int) -> list[object]:
-        db_found: list[object] = []
-        for row in self.db_conn.row_where(self.checked_class.table_name,
-                                          'id', id_):
-            db_found += [self.checked_class.from_table_row(self.db_conn,
-                                                           row)]
-        return db_found
-    def _change_obj(self, obj: object) -> str:
-        attr_name: str = self.checked_class.to_save_simples[-1]
-        attr = getattr(obj, attr_name)
-        new_attr: str | int | float | bool
-        if isinstance(attr, (int, float)):
-            new_attr = attr + 1
-        elif isinstance(attr, str):
-            new_attr = attr + '_'
-        elif isinstance(attr, bool):
-            new_attr = not attr
-        setattr(obj, attr_name, new_attr)
-        return attr_name
-    def check_identity_with_cache_and_db(self, content: list[Any]) -> None:
-        """Test both cache and DB equal content."""
-        expected_cache = {}
-        for item in content:
-            expected_cache[item.id_] = item
-        self.assertEqual(self.checked_class.get_cache(), expected_cache)
-        hashes_content = [hash(x) for x in content]
-        db_found: list[Any] = []
-        for item in content:
-            db_found += self._load_from_db(item.id_)
-        hashes_db_found = [hash(x) for x in db_found]
-        self.assertEqual(sorted(hashes_content), sorted(hashes_db_found))
-    @TestCaseAugmented._run_if_with_db_but_not_server
-    @TestCaseAugmented._run_on_versioned_attributes
-    def test_saving_versioned_attributes(self,
-                                         owner: Any,
-                                         attr_name: str,
-                                         attr: VersionedAttribute,
-                                         _: str | float,
-                                         to_set: list[str] | list[float]
-                                         ) -> None:
-        """Test storage and initialization of versioned attributes."""
-        def retrieve_attr_vals(attr: VersionedAttribute) -> list[object]:
-            attr_vals_saved: list[object] = []
-            for row in self.db_conn.row_where(attr.table_name, 'parent',
-                                              owner.id_):
-                attr_vals_saved += [row[2]]
-            return attr_vals_saved
-        attr.set(to_set[0])
-        # check that without no rows in DB
-        rows = self.db_conn.row_where(attr.table_name, 'parent', owner.id_)
-        self.assertEqual([], rows)
-        # fail saving attributes on non-saved owner
-        with self.assertRaises(NotFoundException):
-        # check created entries as expected in attr table
-        attr_vals_saved = retrieve_attr_vals(attr)
-        self.assertEqual([to_set[0]], attr_vals_saved)
-        # check changing attr val without save affects owner in memory …
-        attr.set(to_set[1])
-        cmp_attr = getattr(owner, attr_name)
-        self.assertEqual(to_set, list(cmp_attr.history.values()))
-        self.assertEqual(cmp_attr.history, attr.history)
-        # … but does not yet affect DB
-        attr_vals_saved = retrieve_attr_vals(attr)
-        self.assertEqual([to_set[0]], attr_vals_saved)
-        # check individual also stores new val to DB
-        attr_vals_saved = retrieve_attr_vals(attr)
-        self.assertEqual(to_set, attr_vals_saved)
-    @TestCaseAugmented._run_if_with_db_but_not_server
-    def test_saving_and_caching(self) -> None:
-        """Test effects of .cache() and .save()."""
-        id1 = self._default_ids[0]
-        # check failure to cache without ID (if None-ID input possible)
-        obj0 = self._make_from_defaults(None)
-        with self.assertRaises(HandledException):
-            obj0.cache()
-        # check mere object init itself doesn't even store in cache
-        obj1 = self._make_from_defaults(id1)
-        self.assertEqual(self.checked_class.get_cache(), {})
-        # check .cache() fills cache, but not DB
-        obj1.cache()
-        self.assertEqual(self.checked_class.get_cache(), {id1: obj1})
-        found_in_db = self._load_from_db(id1)
-        self.assertEqual(found_in_db, [])
-        # check .save() sets ID, updates cache, and fills DB
-        # (expect ID to be set to id1, despite obj1 already having that as ID:
-        # it's generated by cursor.lastrowid on the DB table, and with obj1
-        # not written there, obj2 should get it first!)
-        obj2 = self._make_from_defaults(None)
-        self.assertEqual(self.checked_class.get_cache(), {id1: obj2})
-        # NB: we'll only compare hashes because obj2 itself disappears on
-        # .from_table_row-triggered database reload
-        obj2_hash = hash(obj2)
-        found_in_db += self._load_from_db(id1)
-        self.assertEqual([hash(o) for o in found_in_db], [obj2_hash])
-        # check we cannot overwrite obj2 with obj1 despite its same ID,
-        # since it has disappeared now
-        with self.assertRaises(HandledException):
-    @TestCaseAugmented._run_if_with_db_but_not_server
-    def test_by_id(self) -> None:
-        """Test .by_id()."""
-        id1, id2, _ = self._default_ids
-        # check failure if not yet saved
-        obj1 = self._make_from_defaults(id1)
-        with self.assertRaises(NotFoundException):
-            self.checked_class.by_id(self.db_conn, id1)
-        # check identity of cached and retrieved
-        obj1.cache()
-        self.assertEqual(obj1, self.checked_class.by_id(self.db_conn, id1))
-        # check identity of saved and retrieved
-        obj2 = self._make_from_defaults(id2)
-        self.assertEqual(obj2, self.checked_class.by_id(self.db_conn, id2))
-    @TestCaseAugmented._run_if_with_db_but_not_server
-    def test_by_id_or_create(self) -> None:
-        """Test .by_id_or_create."""
-        # check .by_id_or_create fails if wrong class
-        if not self.checked_class.can_create_by_id:
-            with self.assertRaises(HandledException):
-                self.checked_class.by_id_or_create(self.db_conn, None)
-            return
-        # check ID input of None creates, on saving, ID=1,2,…
-        for n in range(2):
-            item = self.checked_class.by_id_or_create(self.db_conn, None)
-            self.assertEqual(item.id_, None)
-            self.assertEqual(item.id_, n+1)
-        # check .by_id_or_create acts like normal instantiation (sans saving)
-        id_ = self._default_ids[2]
-        item = self.checked_class.by_id_or_create(self.db_conn, id_)
-        self.assertEqual(item.id_, id_)
-        with self.assertRaises(NotFoundException):
-            self.checked_class.by_id(self.db_conn, item.id_)
-        self.assertEqual(self.checked_class(item.id_), item)
-    @TestCaseAugmented._run_if_with_db_but_not_server
-    def test_from_table_row(self) -> None:
-        """Test .from_table_row() properly reads in class directly from DB."""
-        obj = self._make_from_defaults(self._default_ids[0])
-        for row in self.db_conn.row_where(self.checked_class.table_name,
-                                          'id', obj.id_):
-            # check .from_table_row reproduces state saved, no matter if obj
-            # later changed (with caching even)
-            # NB: we'll only compare hashes because obj itself disappears on
-            # .from_table_row-triggered database reload
-            hash_original = hash(obj)
-            attr_name = self._change_obj(obj)
-            obj.cache()
-            to_cmp = getattr(obj, attr_name)
-            retrieved = self.checked_class.from_table_row(self.db_conn, row)
-            self.assertNotEqual(to_cmp, getattr(retrieved, attr_name))
-            self.assertEqual(hash_original, hash(retrieved))
-            # check cache contains what .from_table_row just produced
-            self.assertEqual({retrieved.id_: retrieved},
-                             self.checked_class.get_cache())
-    @TestCaseAugmented._run_if_with_db_but_not_server
-    @TestCaseAugmented._run_on_versioned_attributes
-    def test_versioned_history_from_row(self,
-                                        owner: Any,
-                                        _: str,
-                                        attr: VersionedAttribute,
-                                        default: str | float,
-                                        to_set: list[str] | list[float]
-                                        ) -> None:
-        """"Test VersionedAttribute.history_from_row() knows its DB rows."""
-        attr.set(to_set[0])
-        attr.set(to_set[1])
-        # make empty VersionedAttribute, fill from rows, compare to owner's
-        for row in self.db_conn.row_where(owner.table_name, 'id', owner.id_):
-            loaded_attr = VersionedAttribute(owner, attr.table_name, default)
-            for row in self.db_conn.row_where(attr.table_name, 'parent',
-                                              owner.id_):
-                loaded_attr.history_from_row(row)
-            self.assertEqual(len(attr.history.keys()),
-                             len(loaded_attr.history.keys()))
-            for timestamp, value in attr.history.items():
-                self.assertEqual(value, loaded_attr.history[timestamp])
-    @TestCaseAugmented._run_if_with_db_but_not_server
-    def test_all(self) -> None:
-        """Test .all() and its relation to cache and savings."""
-        id1, id2, id3 = self._default_ids
-        item1 = self._make_from_defaults(id1)
-        item2 = self._make_from_defaults(id2)
-        item3 = self._make_from_defaults(id3)
-        # check .all() returns empty list on un-cached items
-        self.assertEqual(self.checked_class.all(self.db_conn), [])
-        # check that all() shows only cached/saved items
-        item1.cache()
-        self.assertEqual(sorted(self.checked_class.all(self.db_conn)),
-                         sorted([item1, item3]))
-        self.assertEqual(sorted(self.checked_class.all(self.db_conn)),
-                         sorted([item1, item2, item3]))
-    @TestCaseAugmented._run_if_with_db_but_not_server
-    def test_singularity(self) -> None:
-        """Test pointers made for single object keep pointing to it."""
-        id1 = self._default_ids[0]
-        obj = self._make_from_defaults(id1)
-        # change object, expect retrieved through .by_id to carry change
-        attr_name = self._change_obj(obj)
-        new_attr = getattr(obj, attr_name)
-        retrieved = self.checked_class.by_id(self.db_conn, id1)
-        self.assertEqual(new_attr, getattr(retrieved, attr_name))
-    @TestCaseAugmented._run_if_with_db_but_not_server
-    @TestCaseAugmented._run_on_versioned_attributes
-    def test_versioned_singularity(self,
-                                   owner: Any,
-                                   attr_name: str,
-                                   attr: VersionedAttribute,
-                                   _: str | float,
-                                   to_set: list[str] | list[float]
-                                   ) -> None:
-        """Test singularity of VersionedAttributes on saving."""
-        # change obj, expect retrieved through .by_id to carry change
-        attr.set(to_set[0])
-        retrieved = self.checked_class.by_id(self.db_conn, owner.id_)
-        attr_retrieved = getattr(retrieved, attr_name)
-        self.assertEqual(attr.history, attr_retrieved.history)
-    @TestCaseAugmented._run_if_with_db_but_not_server
-    def test_remove(self) -> None:
-        """Test .remove() effects on DB and cache."""
-        obj = self._make_from_defaults(self._default_ids[0])
-        # check removal only works after saving
-        with self.assertRaises(HandledException):
-            obj.remove(self.db_conn)
-        obj.remove(self.db_conn)
-        # check access to obj fails after removal
-        with self.assertRaises(HandledException):
-            print(obj.id_)
-        # check DB and cache now empty
-        self.check_identity_with_cache_and_db([])
-class Expected:
-    """Builder of (JSON-like) dict to compare against responses of test server.
-    Collects all items and relations we expect expressed in the server's JSON
-    responses and puts them into the proper json.dumps-friendly dict structure,
-    accessibla via .as_dict, to compare them in TestsWithServer.check_json_get.
-    On its own provides for .as_dict output only {"_library": …}, initialized
-    from .__init__ and to be directly manipulated via the .lib* methods.
-    Further structures of the expected response may be added and kept
-    up-to-date by subclassing .__init__, .recalc, and .d.
-    NB: Lots of expectations towards server behavior will be made explicit here
-    (or in the subclasses) rather than in the actual TestCase methods' code.
-    """
-    _default_dict: dict[str, Any]
-    _forced: dict[str, Any]
-    _fields: dict[str, Any]
-    _on_empty_make_temp: tuple[str, str]
-    def __init__(self) -> None:
-        for name in ['_default_dict', '_fields', '_forced']:
-            if not hasattr(self, name):
-                setattr(self, name, {})
-        self._lib: dict[str, dict[int, dict[str, Any]]] = {}
-        for k, v in self._default_dict.items():
-            if k not in self._fields:
-                self._fields[k] = v
-    def recalc(self) -> None:
-        """Update internal dictionary by subclass-specific rules."""
-        todos = self.lib_all('Todo')
-        for todo in todos:
-            todo['parents'] = []
-        for todo in todos:
-            for child_id in todo['children']:
-                self.lib_get('Todo', child_id)['parents'] += [todo['id']]
-            todo['children'].sort()
-        procsteps = self.lib_all('ProcessStep')
-        procs = self.lib_all('Process')
-        for proc in procs:
-            proc['explicit_steps'] = [s['id'] for s in procsteps
-                                      if s['owner_id'] == proc['id']]
-    @property
-    def as_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
-        """Return dict to compare against test server JSON responses."""
-        make_temp = False
-        if hasattr(self, '_on_empty_make_temp'):
-            category, dicter = getattr(self, '_on_empty_make_temp')
-            id_ = self._fields[category.lower()]
-            make_temp = not bool(self.lib_get(category, id_))
-            if make_temp:
-                self.lib_set(category, [getattr(self, dicter)(id_)])
-        self.recalc()
-        d = {'_library': self._lib}
-        for k, v in self._fields.items():
-            # we expect everything sortable to be sorted
-            if isinstance(v, list) and k not in self._forced:
-                # NB: if we don't test for v being list, sorted() on an empty
-                # dict may return an empty list
-                try:
-                    v = sorted(v)
-                except TypeError:
-                    pass
-            d[k] = v
-        for k, v in self._forced.items():
-            d[k] = v
-        if make_temp:
-            json = json_dumps(d)
-            id_ = id_ if id_ is not None else -1
-            self.lib_del(category, id_)
-            d = json_loads(json)
-        return d
-    def lib_get(self, category: str, id_: int) -> dict[str, Any]:
-        """From library, return item of category and id_, or empty dict."""
-        if category in self._lib and id_ in self._lib[category]:
-            return self._lib[category][id_]
-        return {}
-    def lib_all(self, category: str) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
-        """From library, return items of category, or [] if none."""
-        if category in self._lib:
-            return list(self._lib[category].values())
-        return []
-    def lib_set(self, category: str, items: list[dict[str, object]]) -> None:
-        """Update library for category with items."""
-        if category not in self._lib:
-            self._lib[category] = {}
-        for item in items:
-            id_ = item['id'] if item['id'] is not None else -1
-            assert isinstance(id_, int)
-            self._lib[category][id_] = item
-    def lib_del(self, category: str, id_: int) -> None:
-        """Remove category element of id_ from library."""
-        del self._lib[category][id_]
-        if 0 == len(self._lib[category]):
-            del self._lib[category]
-    def lib_wipe(self, category: str) -> None:
-        """Remove category from library."""
-        if category in self._lib:
-            del self._lib[category]
-    def set(self, field_name: str, value: object) -> None:
-        """Set top-level .as_dict field."""
-        self._fields[field_name] = value
-    def force(self, field_name: str, value: object) -> None:
-        """Set ._forced field to ensure value in .as_dict."""
-        self._forced[field_name] = value
-    @staticmethod
-    def as_ids(items: list[dict[str, Any]]) -> list[int]:
-        """Return list of only 'id' fields of items."""
-        return [item['id'] for item in items]
-    @staticmethod
-    def day_as_dict(id_: int, comment: str = '') -> dict[str, object]:
-        """Return JSON of Day to expect."""
-        return {'id': id_, 'comment': comment, 'todos': []}
-    def set_day_from_post(self, id_: int, d: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
-        """Set Day of id_ in library based on POST dict d."""
-        day = self.day_as_dict(id_)
-        for k, v in d.items():
-            if 'day_comment' == k:
-                day['comment'] = v
-            elif 'new_todo' == k:
-                next_id = 1
-                for todo in self.lib_all('Todo'):
-                    if next_id <= todo['id']:
-                        next_id = todo['id'] + 1
-                for proc_id in sorted([id_ for id_ in v if id_]):
-                    todo = self.todo_as_dict(next_id, proc_id, id_)
-                    self.lib_set('Todo', [todo])
-                    next_id += 1
-            elif 'done' == k:
-                for todo_id in v:
-                    self.lib_get('Todo', todo_id)['is_done'] = True
-            elif 'todo_id' == k:
-                for i, todo_id in enumerate(v):
-                    t = self.lib_get('Todo', todo_id)
-                    if 'comment' in d:
-                        t['comment'] = d['comment'][i]
-                    if 'effort' in d:
-                        effort = d['effort'][i] if d['effort'][i] else None
-                        t['effort'] = effort
-        self.lib_set('Day', [day])
-    @staticmethod
-    def cond_as_dict(id_: int = 1,
-                     is_active: bool = False,
-                     title: None | str = None,
-                     description: None | str = None,
-                     ) -> dict[str, object]:
-        """Return JSON of Condition to expect."""
-        versioned: dict[str, dict[str, object]]
-        versioned = {'title': {}, 'description': {}}
-        if title is not None:
-            versioned['title']['0'] = title
-        if description is not None:
-            versioned['description']['0'] = description
-        return {'id': id_, 'is_active': is_active, '_versioned': versioned}
-    def set_cond_from_post(self, id_: int, d: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
-        """Set Condition of id_ in library based on POST dict d."""
-        if 'delete' in d:
-            self.lib_del('Condition', id_)
-            return
-        cond = self.lib_get('Condition', id_)
-        if cond:
-            cond['is_active'] = 'is_active' in d and\
-                    d['is_active'] in _VALID_TRUES
-            for category in ['title', 'description']:
-                history = cond['_versioned'][category]
-                if len(history) > 0:
-                    last_i = sorted([int(k) for k in history.keys()])[-1]
-                    if d[category] != history[str(last_i)]:
-                        history[str(last_i + 1)] = d[category]
-                else:
-                    history['0'] = d[category]
-        else:
-            cond = self.cond_as_dict(id_, **d)
-        self.lib_set('Condition', [cond])
-    @staticmethod
-    def todo_as_dict(id_: int = 1,
-                     process_id: int = 1,
-                     day_id: int = 1,
-                     conditions: None | list[int] = None,
-                     disables: None | list[int] = None,
-                     blockers: None | list[int] = None,
-                     enables: None | list[int] = None,
-                     calendarize: bool = False,
-                     comment: str = '',
-                     is_done: bool = False,
-                     effort: float | None = None,
-                     children: list[int] | None = None,
-                     parents: list[int] | None = None,
-                     ) -> dict[str, object]:
-        """Return JSON of Todo to expect."""
-        # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
-        d = {'id': id_,
-             'day_id': day_id,
-             'process_id': process_id,
-             'is_done': is_done,
-             'calendarize': calendarize,
-             'comment': comment,
-             'children': children if children else [],
-             'parents': parents if parents else [],
-             'effort': effort,
-             'conditions': conditions if conditions else [],
-             'disables': disables if disables else [],
-             'blockers': blockers if blockers else [],
-             'enables': enables if enables else []}
-        return d
-    def set_todo_from_post(self, id_: int, d: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
-        """Set Todo of id_ in library based on POST dict d."""
-        corrected_kwargs: dict[str, Any] = {
-                'children': [], 'is_done': 0, 'calendarize': 0, 'comment': ''}
-        for k, v in d.items():
-            if k.startswith('step_filler_to_'):
-                continue
-            if 'adopt' == k:
-                new_children = v if isinstance(v, list) else [v]
-                corrected_kwargs['children'] += new_children
-                continue
-            if k in {'is_done', 'calendarize'} and v in _VALID_TRUES:
-                v = True
-            corrected_kwargs[k] = v
-        todo = self.lib_get('Todo', id_)
-        if todo:
-            for k, v in corrected_kwargs.items():
-                todo[k] = v
-        else:
-            todo = self.todo_as_dict(id_, **corrected_kwargs)
-        self.lib_set('Todo', [todo])
-    @staticmethod
-    def procstep_as_dict(id_: int,
-                         owner_id: int,
-                         step_process_id: int,
-                         parent_step_id: int | None = None
-                         ) -> dict[str, object]:
-        """Return JSON of ProcessStep to expect."""
-        return {'id': id_,
-                'owner_id': owner_id,
-                'step_process_id': step_process_id,
-                'parent_step_id': parent_step_id}
-    @staticmethod
-    def proc_as_dict(id_: int = 1,
-                     title: None | str = None,
-                     description: None | str = None,
-                     effort: None | float = None,
-                     conditions: None | list[int] = None,
-                     disables: None | list[int] = None,
-                     blockers: None | list[int] = None,
-                     enables: None | list[int] = None,
-                     explicit_steps: None | list[int] = None,
-                     suppressed_steps: None | list[int] = None
-                     ) -> dict[str, object]:
-        """Return JSON of Process to expect."""
-        # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
-        versioned: dict[str, dict[str, object]]
-        versioned = {'title': {}, 'description': {}, 'effort': {}}
-        if title is not None:
-            versioned['title']['0'] = title
-        if description is not None:
-            versioned['description']['0'] = description
-        if effort is not None:
-            versioned['effort']['0'] = effort
-        d = {'id': id_,
-             'calendarize': False,
-             'suppressed_steps': suppressed_steps if suppressed_steps else [],
-             'explicit_steps': explicit_steps if explicit_steps else [],
-             '_versioned': versioned,
-             'conditions': conditions if conditions else [],
-             'disables': disables if disables else [],
-             'enables': enables if enables else [],
-             'blockers': blockers if blockers else []}
-        return d
-    def set_proc_from_post(self, id_: int, d: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
-        """Set Process of id_ in library based on POST dict d."""
-        proc = self.lib_get('Process', id_)
-        if proc:
-            for category in ['title', 'description', 'effort']:
-                history = proc['_versioned'][category]
-                if len(history) > 0:
-                    last_i = sorted([int(k) for k in history.keys()])[-1]
-                    if d[category] != history[str(last_i)]:
-                        history[str(last_i + 1)] = d[category]
-                else:
-                    history['0'] = d[category]
-        else:
-            proc = self.proc_as_dict(id_,
-                                     d['title'], d['description'], d['effort'])
-        ignore = {'title', 'description', 'effort', 'new_top_step', 'step_of',
-                  'kept_steps'}
-        proc['calendarize'] = False
-        for k, v in d.items():
-            if k in ignore\
-                    or k.startswith('step_') or k.startswith('new_step_to'):
-                continue
-            if k in {'calendarize'} and v in _VALID_TRUES:
-                v = True
-            elif k in {'suppressed_steps', 'explicit_steps', 'conditions',
-                       'disables', 'enables', 'blockers'}:
-                if not isinstance(v, list):
-                    v = [v]
-            proc[k] = v
-        self.lib_set('Process', [proc])
-class TestCaseWithServer(TestCaseWithDB):
-    """Module tests against our HTTP server/handler (and database)."""
-    def setUp(self) -> None:
-        super().setUp()
-        self.httpd = TaskServer(self.db_file, ('localhost', 0), TaskHandler)
-        self.server_thread = Thread(target=self.httpd.serve_forever)
-        self.server_thread.daemon = True
-        self.server_thread.start()
-        self.conn = HTTPConnection(str(self.httpd.server_address[0]),
-                                   self.httpd.server_address[1])
-        self.httpd.render_mode = 'json'
-    def tearDown(self) -> None:
-        self.httpd.shutdown()
-        self.httpd.server_close()
-        self.server_thread.join()
-        super().tearDown()
-    def post_exp_cond(self,
-                      exps: list[Expected],
-                      payload: dict[str, object],
-                      id_: int = 1,
-                      post_to_id: bool = True,
-                      redir_to_id: bool = True
-                      ) -> None:
-        """POST /condition(s), appropriately update Expecteds."""
-        # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
-        target = f'/condition?id={id_}' if post_to_id else '/condition'
-        redir = f'/condition?id={id_}' if redir_to_id else '/conditions'
-        if 'title' not in payload:
-            payload['title'] = 'foo'
-        if 'description' not in payload:
-            payload['description'] = 'foo'
-        self.check_post(payload, target, redir=redir)
-        for exp in exps:
-            exp.set_cond_from_post(id_, payload)
-    def post_exp_day(self,
-                     exps: list[Expected],
-                     payload: dict[str, Any],
-                     day_id: int = 1
-                     ) -> None:
-        """POST /day, appropriately update Expecteds."""
-        if 'make_type' not in payload:
-            payload['make_type'] = 'empty'
-        if 'day_comment' not in payload:
-            payload['day_comment'] = ''
-        date = dt_date_from_day_id(day_id).isoformat()
-        target = f'/day?date={date}'
-        redir_to = f'{target}&make_type={payload["make_type"]}'
-        self.check_post(payload, target, 302, redir_to)
-        for exp in exps:
-            exp.set_day_from_post(day_id, payload)
-    def post_exp_process(self,
-                         exps: list[Expected],
-                         payload: dict[str, Any],
-                         id_: int,
-                         ) -> dict[str, object]:
-        """POST /process, appropriately update Expecteds."""
-        if 'title' not in payload:
-            payload['title'] = 'foo'
-        if 'description' not in payload:
-            payload['description'] = 'foo'
-        if 'effort' not in payload:
-            payload['effort'] = 1.1
-        self.check_post(payload, f'/process?id={id_}',
-                        redir=f'/process?id={id_}')
-        for exp in exps:
-            exp.set_proc_from_post(id_, payload)
-        return payload
-    def post_exp_todo(self,
-                      exps: list[Expected],
-                      payload: dict[str, Any],
-                      id_: int,
-                      ) -> None:
-        """POST /todo, appropriately updated Expecteds."""
-        self.check_post(payload, f'/todo?id={id_}')
-        for exp in exps:
-            exp.set_todo_from_post(id_, payload)
-    def check_filter(self, exp: Expected, category: str, key: str,
-                     val: str, list_ids: list[int]) -> None:
-        """Check GET /{category}?{key}={val} sorts to list_ids."""
-        # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
-        exp.set(key, val)
-        exp.force(category, list_ids)
-        self.check_json_get(f'/{category}?{key}={val}', exp)
-    def check_redirect(self, target: str) -> None:
-        """Check that self.conn answers with a 302 redirect to target."""
-        response = self.conn.getresponse()
-        self.assertEqual(response.status, 302)
-        self.assertEqual(response.getheader('Location'), target)
-    def check_get(self, target: str, expected_code: int) -> None:
-        """Check that a GET to target yields expected_code."""
-        self.conn.request('GET', target)
-        self.assertEqual(self.conn.getresponse().status, expected_code)
-    def check_minimal_inputs(self,
-                             url: str,
-                             minimal_inputs: dict[str, Any]
-                             ) -> None:
-        """Check that url 400's unless all of minimal_inputs provided."""
-        for to_hide in minimal_inputs.keys():
-            to_post = {k: v for k, v in minimal_inputs.items() if k != to_hide}
-            self.check_post(to_post, url, 400)
-    def check_post(self, data: Mapping[str, object], target: str,
-                   expected_code: int = 302, redir: str = '') -> None:
-        """Check that POST of data to target yields expected_code."""
-        encoded_form_data = urlencode(data, doseq=True).encode('utf-8')
-        headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
-                   'Content-Length': str(len(encoded_form_data))}
-        self.conn.request('POST', target,
-                          body=encoded_form_data, headers=headers)
-        if 302 == expected_code:
-            redir = target if redir == '' else redir
-            self.check_redirect(redir)
-        else:
-            self.assertEqual(self.conn.getresponse().status, expected_code)
-    def check_get_defaults(self,
-                           path: str,
-                           default_id: str = '1',
-                           id_name: str = 'id'
-                           ) -> None:
-        """Some standard model paths to test."""
-        nonexist_status = 200 if self.checked_class.can_create_by_id else 404
-        self.check_get(path, nonexist_status)
-        self.check_get(f'{path}?{id_name}=', 400)
-        self.check_get(f'{path}?{id_name}=foo', 400)
-        self.check_get(f'/{path}?{id_name}=0', 400)
-        self.check_get(f'{path}?{id_name}={default_id}', nonexist_status)
-    def check_json_get(self, path: str, expected: Expected) -> None:
-        """Compare JSON on GET path with expected.
-        To simplify comparison of VersionedAttribute histories, transforms
-        timestamp keys of VersionedAttribute history keys into (strings of)
-        integers counting chronologically forward from 0.
-        """
-        def rewrite_history_keys_in(item: Any) -> Any:
-            if isinstance(item, dict):
-                if '_versioned' in item.keys():
-                    for category in item['_versioned']:
-                        vals = item['_versioned'][category].values()
-                        history = {}
-                        for i, val in enumerate(vals):
-                            history[str(i)] = val
-                        item['_versioned'][category] = history
-                for category in list(item.keys()):
-                    rewrite_history_keys_in(item[category])
-            elif isinstance(item, list):
-                item[:] = [rewrite_history_keys_in(i) for i in item]
-            return item
-        def walk_diffs(path: str, cmp1: object, cmp2: object) -> None:
-            # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
-            def warn(intro: str, val: object) -> None:
-                if isinstance(val, (str, int, float)):
-                    print(intro, val)
-                else:
-                    print(intro)
-                    pprint(val)
-            if cmp1 != cmp2:
-                if isinstance(cmp1, dict) and isinstance(cmp2, dict):
-                    for k, v in cmp1.items():
-                        if k not in cmp2:
-                            warn(f'DIFF {path}: retrieved lacks {k}', v)
-                        elif v != cmp2[k]:
-                            walk_diffs(f'{path}:{k}', v, cmp2[k])
-                    for k in [k for k in cmp2.keys() if k not in cmp1]:
-                        warn(f'DIFF {path}: expected lacks retrieved\'s {k}',
-                             cmp2[k])
-                elif isinstance(cmp1, list) and isinstance(cmp2, list):
-                    for i, v1 in enumerate(cmp1):
-                        if i >= len(cmp2):
-                            warn(f'DIFF {path}[{i}] retrieved misses:', v1)
-                        elif v1 != cmp2[i]:
-                            walk_diffs(f'{path}[{i}]', v1, cmp2[i])
-                    if len(cmp2) > len(cmp1):
-                        for i, v2 in enumerate(cmp2[len(cmp1):]):
-                            warn(f'DIFF {path}[{len(cmp1)+i}] misses:', v2)
-                else:
-                    warn(f'DIFF {path} – for expected:', cmp1)
-                    warn('… and for retrieved:', cmp2)
-        self.conn.request('GET', path)
-        response = self.conn.getresponse()
-        self.assertEqual(response.status, 200)
-        retrieved = json_loads(
-        rewrite_history_keys_in(retrieved)
-        # to convert ._lib int keys to str
-        cmp = json_loads(json_dumps(expected.as_dict))
-        try:
-            self.assertEqual(cmp, retrieved)
-        except AssertionError as e:
-            print('EXPECTED:')
-            pprint(cmp)
-            print('RETRIEVED:')
-            pprint(retrieved)
-            walk_diffs('', cmp, retrieved)
-            raise e
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index 0000000..b35dc6e
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+"""Test Conditions module."""
+from typing import Any
+from tests.utils import (TestCaseSansDB, TestCaseWithDB, TestCaseWithServer,
+                         Expected)
+from plomtask.conditions import Condition
+class TestsSansDB(TestCaseSansDB):
+    """Tests requiring no DB setup."""
+    checked_class = Condition
+class TestsWithDB(TestCaseWithDB):
+    """Tests requiring DB, but not server setup."""
+    checked_class = Condition
+    default_init_kwargs = {'is_active': 0}
+class ExpectedGetConditions(Expected):
+    """Builder of expectations for GET /conditions."""
+    _default_dict = {'sort_by': 'title', 'pattern': ''}
+    def recalc(self) -> None:
+        """Update internal dictionary by subclass-specific rules."""
+        super().recalc()
+        self._fields['conditions'] = self.as_ids(self.lib_all('Condition'))
+class ExpectedGetCondition(Expected):
+    """Builder of expectations for GET /condition."""
+    _default_dict = {'is_new': False}
+    _on_empty_make_temp = ('Condition', 'cond_as_dict')
+    def __init__(self, id_: int | None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
+        self._fields = {'condition': id_}
+        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+    def recalc(self) -> None:
+        """Update internal dictionary by subclass-specific rules."""
+        super().recalc()
+        for p_field, c_field in [('conditions', 'enabled_processes'),
+                                 ('disables', 'disabling_processes'),
+                                 ('blockers', 'disabled_processes'),
+                                 ('enables', 'enabling_processes')]:
+            self._fields[c_field] = self.as_ids([
+                p for p in self.lib_all('Process')
+                if self._fields['condition'] in p[p_field]])
+class TestsWithServer(TestCaseWithServer):
+    """Module tests against our HTTP server/handler (and database)."""
+    checked_class = Condition
+    def test_fail_POST_condition(self) -> None:
+        """Test malformed/illegal POST /condition requests."""
+        # check incomplete POST payloads
+        valid_payload = {'title': '', 'description': ''}
+        self.check_minimal_inputs('/condition', valid_payload)
+        # check valid POST payload on bad paths
+        self.check_post(valid_payload, '/condition?id=foo', 400)
+        # check cannot delete depended-upon Condition
+        self.post_exp_cond([], {})
+        for key in ('conditions', 'blockers', 'enables', 'disables'):
+            self.post_exp_process([], {key: [1]}, 1)
+            self.check_post({'delete': ''}, '/condition?id=1', 500)
+        self.post_exp_process([], {}, 1)
+        self.post_exp_day([], {'new_todo': '1'})
+        for key in ('conditions', 'blockers', 'enables', 'disables'):
+            self.post_exp_todo([], {key: [1]}, 1)
+            self.check_post({'delete': ''}, '/condition?id=1', 500)
+    def test_POST_condition(self) -> None:
+        """Test (valid) POST /condition and its effect on GET /condition[s]."""
+        url_single, url_all = '/condition?id=1', '/conditions'
+        exp_single, exp_all = ExpectedGetCondition(1), ExpectedGetConditions()
+        all_exps = [exp_single, exp_all]
+        # test valid POST's effect on single /condition and full /conditions
+        self.post_exp_cond(all_exps, {}, post_to_id=False)
+        self.check_json_get(url_single, exp_single)
+        self.check_json_get(url_all, exp_all)
+        # test (no) effect of invalid POST to existing Condition on /condition
+        self.check_post({}, url_single, 400)
+        self.check_json_get(url_single, exp_single)
+        # test effect of POST changing title, description, and activeness
+        self.post_exp_cond(all_exps, {'title': 'bar', 'description': 'oof',
+                                      'is_active': 1})
+        self.check_json_get(url_single, exp_single)
+        # test POST sans 'is_active' setting it negative
+        self.post_exp_cond(all_exps, {})
+        self.check_json_get(url_single, exp_single)
+        # test deletion POST's effect, both to return id=1 into empty single,
+        # full /conditions into empty list
+        self.check_json_get(url_single, exp_single)
+        self.post_exp_cond(all_exps, {'delete': ''}, redir_to_id=False)
+        exp_single.set('is_new', True)
+        self.check_json_get(url_single, exp_single)
+        self.check_json_get(url_all, exp_all)
+    def test_GET_condition(self) -> None:
+        """More GET /condition testing, especially for Process relations."""
+        # check expected default status codes
+        self.check_get_defaults('/condition')
+        # check 'is_new' set if id= absent or pointing to not-yet-existing ID
+        exp = ExpectedGetCondition(None)
+        exp.set('is_new', True)
+        self.check_json_get('/condition', exp)
+        exp = ExpectedGetCondition(1)
+        exp.set('is_new', True)
+        self.check_json_get('/condition?id=1', exp)
+        # make Condition and two Processes that among them establish all
+        # possible ConditionsRelations to it, check /condition displays all
+        exp = ExpectedGetCondition(1)
+        self.post_exp_cond([exp], {}, post_to_id=False)
+        for i, p in enumerate([('conditions', 'disables'),
+                               ('enables', 'blockers')]):
+            self.post_exp_process([exp], {k: [1] for k in p}, i+1)
+        self.check_json_get('/condition?id=1', exp)
+    def test_GET_conditions(self) -> None:
+        """Test GET /conditions."""
+        # test empty result on empty DB, default-settings on empty params
+        exp = ExpectedGetConditions()
+        self.check_json_get('/conditions', exp)
+        # test 'sort_by' default to 'title' (even if set to something else, as
+        # long as without handler) and 'pattern' get preserved
+        exp.set('pattern', 'bar')
+        self.check_json_get('/conditions?sort_by=foo&pattern=bar&foo=x', exp)
+        exp.set('pattern', '')
+        # test non-empty result, automatic (positive) sorting by title
+        post_cond1 = {'is_active': 0, 'title': 'foo', 'description': 'oof'}
+        post_cond2 = {'is_active': 0, 'title': 'bar', 'description': 'rab'}
+        post_cond3 = {'is_active': 1, 'title': 'baz', 'description': 'zab'}
+        for i, post in enumerate([post_cond1, post_cond2, post_cond3]):
+            self.post_exp_cond([exp], post, i+1, post_to_id=False)
+        self.check_filter(exp, 'conditions', 'sort_by', 'title', [2, 3, 1])
+        # test other sortings
+        self.check_filter(exp, 'conditions', 'sort_by', '-title', [1, 3, 2])
+        self.check_filter(exp, 'conditions', 'sort_by', 'is_active', [1, 2, 3])
+        self.check_filter(exp, 'conditions', 'sort_by', '-is_active',
+                          [3, 2, 1])
+        exp.set('sort_by', 'title')
+        # test pattern matching on title
+        exp.lib_del('Condition', 1)
+        self.check_filter(exp, 'conditions', 'pattern', 'ba', [2, 3])
+        # test pattern matching on description
+        exp.lib_wipe('Condition')
+        exp.set_cond_from_post(1, post_cond1)
+        self.check_filter(exp, 'conditions', 'pattern', 'of', [1])
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+"""Test Days module."""
+from datetime import date as dt_date, datetime, timedelta
+from typing import Any
+from tests.utils import (TestCaseSansDB, TestCaseWithDB, TestCaseWithServer,
+                         Expected, date_and_day_id, dt_date_from_day_id)
+from import date_in_n_days as tested_date_in_n_days
+from plomtask.days import Day
+# Simply the ISO format for dates as used in, but for testing
+# purposes we state our expectations here independently and explicitly
+def _testing_date_in_n_days(n: int) -> str:
+    """Return in ISO format / TEST_DATE_FORMAT date from today + n days.
+    As with TESTING_DATE_FORMAT, we assume this equal the original's code
+    at, but want to state our expectations
+    explicitly to rule out importing issues from the original.
+    """
+    date = + timedelta(days=n)
+    return date.strftime(TESTING_DATE_FORMAT)
+def _days_n_for_date(date: str) -> int:
+    return (dt_date.fromisoformat(date) - dt_date(2000, 1, 1)).days
+class TestsSansDB(TestCaseSansDB):
+    """Days module tests not requiring DB setup."""
+    checked_class = Day
+    def test_date_in_n_days(self) -> None:
+        """Test dating.date_in_n_days"""
+        for n in [-100, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 1000]:
+            date = + timedelta(days=n)
+            self.assertEqual(tested_date_in_n_days(n),
+                             date.strftime(TESTING_DATE_FORMAT))
+    def test_Day_date_weekday_neighbor_dates(self) -> None:
+        """Test Day's date parsing and neighbourhood resolution."""
+        self.assertEqual(dt_date(2000, 1, 2).isoformat(), Day(1).date)
+        self.assertEqual(dt_date(2001, 1, 2).isoformat(), Day(367).date)
+        self.assertEqual('Sunday', Day(1).weekday)
+        self.assertEqual('March', Day(75).month_name)
+        self.assertEqual('2000-12-31', Day(366).prev_date)
+        self.assertEqual('2001-03-01', Day(424).next_date)
+class TestsWithDB(TestCaseWithDB):
+    """Tests requiring DB, but not server setup."""
+    checked_class = Day
+    def test_Day_with_filled_gaps(self) -> None:
+        """Test .with_filled_gaps."""
+        day_ids = [n + 1 for n in range(9)]
+        dt_dates = [dt_date_from_day_id(id_) for id_ in day_ids]
+        def expect_within_full_range_as_commented(
+                range_indexes: tuple[int, int],
+                indexes_to_provide: list[int]
+                 ) -> None:
+            start_i, end_i = range_indexes
+            days_expected = [Day(n) for n in day_ids]
+            to_remove = []
+            for idx in indexes_to_provide:
+                days_expected[idx] = Day(day_ids[idx], '#')
+                days_expected[idx].save(self.db_conn)
+                to_remove += [days_expected[idx]]
+            days_expected = days_expected[start_i:end_i+1]
+            days_result = Day.with_filled_gaps(
+                    self.db_conn, dt_dates[start_i], dt_dates[end_i])
+            self.assertEqual(days_result, days_expected)
+            for day in to_remove:
+                day.remove(self.db_conn)
+        # check provided Days recognizable in (full-range) interval
+        expect_within_full_range_as_commented((0, 8), [0, 4, 8])
+        # check limited range, but limiting Days provided
+        expect_within_full_range_as_commented((2, 6), [2, 5, 6])
+        # check Days within range but beyond provided Days also filled in
+        expect_within_full_range_as_commented((1, 7), [2, 5])
+        # check provided Days beyond range ignored
+        expect_within_full_range_as_commented((3, 5), [1, 2, 4, 6, 7])
+        # check inversion of start_date and end_date returns empty list
+        expect_within_full_range_as_commented((5, 3), [2, 4, 6])
+        # check empty provision still creates filler elements in interval
+        expect_within_full_range_as_commented((3, 5), [])
+        # check single-element selection creating only filler beyond provided
+        expect_within_full_range_as_commented((1, 1), [2, 4, 6])
+        # check (un-saved) filler Days don't show up in cache or DB
+        day = Day(day_ids[3])
+        Day.with_filled_gaps(self.db_conn, dt_dates[0], dt_dates[-1])
+        self.check_identity_with_cache_and_db([day])
+class ExpectedGetCalendar(Expected):
+    """Builder of expectations for GET /calendar."""
+    def __init__(self, start: int, end: int, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any
+                 ) -> None:
+        today_dt =
+        today_iso = today_dt.isoformat()
+        self._fields = {
+                'start': (today_dt + timedelta(days=start)).isoformat(),
+                'end': (today_dt + timedelta(days=end)).isoformat(),
+                'today': today_iso}
+        self._fields['days'] = [
+                _days_n_for_date(today_iso) + i for i in range(start, end+1)]
+        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        for day_id in self._fields['days']:
+            self.lib_set('Day', [self.day_as_dict(day_id)])
+class ExpectedGetDay(Expected):
+    """Builder of expectations for GET /day."""
+    _default_dict = {'make_type': 'full'}
+    _on_empty_make_temp = ('Day', 'day_as_dict')
+    def __init__(self, day_id: int, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
+        self._fields = {'day': day_id}
+        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+    def recalc(self) -> None:
+        super().recalc()
+        todos = [t for t in self.lib_all('Todo')
+                 if t['day_id'] == self._fields['day']]
+        self.lib_get('Day', self._fields['day'])['todos'] = self.as_ids(todos)
+        self._fields['top_nodes'] = [
+                {'children': [], 'seen': 0, 'todo': todo['id']}
+                for todo in todos]
+        for todo in todos:
+            proc = self.lib_get('Process', todo['process_id'])
+            for title in ['conditions', 'enables', 'blockers', 'disables']:
+                todo[title] = proc[title]
+        conds_present = set()
+        for todo in todos:
+            for title in ['conditions', 'enables', 'blockers', 'disables']:
+                for cond_id in todo[title]:
+                    conds_present.add(cond_id)
+        self._fields['conditions_present'] = list(conds_present)
+        for prefix in ['en', 'dis']:
+            blers = {}
+            for cond_id in conds_present:
+                blers[cond_id] = self.as_ids(
+                        [t for t in todos if cond_id in t[f'{prefix}ables']])
+            self._fields[f'{prefix}ablers_for'] = blers
+        self._fields['processes'] = self.as_ids(self.lib_all('Process'))
+class TestsWithServer(TestCaseWithServer):
+    """Tests against our HTTP server/handler (and database)."""
+    checked_class = Day
+    def test_basic_GET_day(self) -> None:
+        """Test basic (no Processes/Conditions/Todos) GET /day basics."""
+        # check illegal date parameters
+        self.check_get_defaults('/day', '2024-01-01', 'date')
+        self.check_get('/day?date=2024-02-30', 400)
+        # check undefined day
+        today_iso =
+        exp = ExpectedGetDay(_days_n_for_date(today_iso))
+        self.check_json_get('/day', exp)
+        # check defined day with make_type parameter
+        date, day_id = date_and_day_id(1)
+        exp = ExpectedGetDay(day_id)
+        exp.set('make_type', 'bar')
+        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}&make_type=bar', exp)
+        # check parsing of 'yesterday', 'today', 'tomorrow'
+        for name, dist in [('yesterday', -1), ('today', 0), ('tomorrow', +1)]:
+            exp = ExpectedGetDay(_days_n_for_date(today_iso) + dist)
+            self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={name}', exp)
+    def test_fail_POST_day(self) -> None:
+        """Test malformed/illegal POST /day requests."""
+        # check payloads lacking minimum expecteds
+        url = '/day?date=2024-01-01'
+        minimal_post = {'make_type': '', 'day_comment': ''}
+        self.check_minimal_inputs(url, minimal_post)
+        # to next check illegal new_todo values, we need an actual Process
+        self.post_exp_process([], {}, 1)
+        # check illegal new_todo values
+        self.check_post(minimal_post | {'new_todo': ['foo']}, url, 400)
+        self.check_post(minimal_post | {'new_todo': [1, 2]}, url, 404)
+        # to next check illegal old_todo inputs, we need to first post Todo
+        self.check_post(minimal_post | {'new_todo': [1]}, url, 302,
+                        '/day?date=2024-01-01&make_type=')
+        # check illegal old_todo inputs (equal list lengths though)
+        post = minimal_post | {'comment': ['foo'], 'effort': [3.3],
+                               'done': [], 'todo_id': [1]}
+        self.check_post(post, url, 302, '/day?date=2024-01-01&make_type=')
+        post['todo_id'] = [2]  # reference to non-existant Process
+        self.check_post(post, url, 404)
+        post['todo_id'] = ['a']
+        self.check_post(post, url, 400)
+        post['todo_id'] = [1]
+        post['done'] = ['foo']
+        self.check_post(post, url, 400)
+        post['done'] = [2]  # reference to non-posted todo_id
+        self.check_post(post, url, 400)
+        post['done'] = []
+        post['effort'] = ['foo']
+        self.check_post(post, url, 400)
+        post['effort'] = [None]
+        self.check_post(post, url, 400)
+        post['effort'] = [3.3]
+        # check illegal old_todo inputs: unequal list lengths
+        post['comment'] = []
+        self.check_post(post, url, 400)
+        post['comment'] = ['foo', 'foo']
+        self.check_post(post, url, 400)
+        post['comment'] = ['foo']
+        post['effort'] = []
+        self.check_post(post, url, 400)
+        post['effort'] = [3.3, 3.3]
+        self.check_post(post, url, 400)
+        post['effort'] = [3.3]
+        post['todo_id'] = [1, 1]
+        self.check_post(post, url, 400)
+        post['todo_id'] = [1]
+        # # check valid POST payload on bad paths
+        self.check_post(post, '/day', 400)
+        self.check_post(post, '/day?date=', 400)
+        self.check_post(post, '/day?date=foo', 400)
+    def test_basic_POST_day(self) -> None:
+        """Test basic (no Processes/Conditions/Todos) POST /day.
+        Check POST requests properly parse 'today', 'tomorrow', 'yesterday',
+        and actual date strings; store 'day_comment'; preserve 'make_type'
+        setting in redirect even if nonsensical; and allow '' as 'new_todo'.
+        """
+        for name, dist, test_str in [('2024-01-01', None, 'a'),
+                                     ('today', 0, 'b'),
+                                     ('yesterday', -1, 'c'),
+                                     ('tomorrow', +1, 'd')]:
+            date = name if dist is None else _testing_date_in_n_days(dist)
+            post = {'day_comment': test_str, 'make_type': f'x:{test_str}',
+                    'new_todo': ['', '']}
+            post_url = f'/day?date={name}'
+            redir_url = f'{post_url}&make_type={post["make_type"]}'
+            self.check_post(post, post_url, 302, redir_url)
+            day_id = _days_n_for_date(date)
+            exp = ExpectedGetDay(day_id)
+            exp.set_day_from_post(day_id, post)
+            self.check_json_get(post_url, exp)
+    def test_GET_day_with_processes_and_todos(self) -> None:
+        """Test GET /day displaying Processes and Todos (no trees)."""
+        date, day_id = date_and_day_id(1)
+        exp = ExpectedGetDay(day_id)
+        # check Processes get displayed in ['processes'] and ['_library'],
+        # even without any Todos referencing them
+        proc_posts = [{'title': 'foo', 'description': 'oof', 'effort': 1.1},
+                      {'title': 'bar', 'description': 'rab', 'effort': 0.9}]
+        for i, proc_post in enumerate(proc_posts):
+            self.post_exp_process([exp], proc_post, i+1)
+        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', exp)
+        # post Todos of either Process and check their display
+        self.post_exp_day([exp], {'new_todo': [1, 2]})
+        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', exp)
+        # test malformed Todo manipulation posts
+        post_day = {'day_comment': '', 'make_type': '', 'comment': [''],
+                    'new_todo': [], 'done': [1], 'effort': [2.3]}
+        self.check_post(post_day, f'/day?date={date}', 400)  # no todo_id
+        post_day['todo_id'] = [2]  # not identifying Todo refered by done
+        self.check_post(post_day, f'/day?date={date}', 400)
+        post_day['todo_id'] = [1, 2]  # imply range beyond that of effort etc.
+        self.check_post(post_day, f'/day?date={date}', 400)
+        post_day['comment'] = ['FOO', '']
+        self.check_post(post_day, f'/day?date={date}', 400)
+        post_day['effort'] = [2.3, '']
+        post_day['comment'] = ['']
+        self.check_post(post_day, f'/day?date={date}', 400)
+        # add a comment to one Todo and set the other's doneness and effort
+        post_day['comment'] = ['FOO', '']
+        self.post_exp_day([exp], post_day)
+        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', exp)
+        # invert effort and comment between both Todos
+        # (cannot invert doneness, /day only collects positive setting)
+        post_day['comment'] = ['', 'FOO']
+        post_day['effort'] = ['', 2.3]
+        self.post_exp_day([exp], post_day)
+        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', exp)
+    def test_POST_day_todo_make_types(self) -> None:
+        """Test behavior of POST /todo on 'make_type'='full' and 'empty'."""
+        date, day_id = date_and_day_id(1)
+        exp = ExpectedGetDay(day_id)
+        # create two Processes, with second one step of first one
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 2)
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'new_top_step': 2}, 1)
+        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep', [
+            exp.procstep_as_dict(1, owner_id=1, step_process_id=2)])
+        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', exp)
+        # post Todo of adopting Process, with make_type=full
+        self.post_exp_day([exp], {'make_type': 'full', 'new_todo': [1]})
+        exp.lib_get('Todo', 1)['children'] = [2]
+        exp.lib_set('Todo', [exp.todo_as_dict(2, 2)])
+        top_nodes = [{'todo': 1,
+                      'seen': 0,
+                      'children': [{'todo': 2,
+                                    'seen': 0,
+                                    'children': []}]}]
+        exp.force('top_nodes', top_nodes)
+        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', exp)
+        # post another Todo of adopting Process, expect to adopt existing
+        self.post_exp_day([exp], {'make_type': 'full', 'new_todo': [1]})
+        exp.lib_set('Todo', [exp.todo_as_dict(3, 1, children=[2])])
+        top_nodes += [{'todo': 3,
+                       'seen': 0,
+                       'children': [{'todo': 2,
+                                     'seen': 1,
+                                     'children': []}]}]
+        exp.force('top_nodes', top_nodes)
+        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', exp)
+        # post another Todo of adopting Process, no adopt with make_type=empty
+        self.post_exp_day([exp], {'make_type': 'empty', 'new_todo': [1]})
+        exp.lib_set('Todo', [exp.todo_as_dict(4, 1)])
+        top_nodes += [{'todo': 4,
+                       'seen': 0,
+                       'children': []}]
+        exp.force('top_nodes', top_nodes)
+        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', exp)
+    def test_POST_day_new_todo_order_commutative(self) -> None:
+        """Check that order of 'new_todo' values in POST /day don't matter."""
+        date, day_id = date_and_day_id(1)
+        exp = ExpectedGetDay(day_id)
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 2)
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'new_top_step': 2}, 1)
+        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep', [
+            exp.procstep_as_dict(1, owner_id=1, step_process_id=2)])
+        # make-full-day-post batch of Todos of both Processes in one order …,
+        self.post_exp_day([exp], {'make_type': 'full', 'new_todo': [1, 2]})
+        top_nodes: list[dict[str, Any]] = [{'todo': 1,
+                                            'seen': 0,
+                                            'children': [{'todo': 2,
+                                                          'seen': 0,
+                                                          'children': []}]}]
+        exp.force('top_nodes', top_nodes)
+        exp.lib_get('Todo', 1)['children'] = [2]
+        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', exp)
+        # … and then in the other, expecting same node tree / relations
+        exp.lib_del('Day', day_id)
+        date, day_id = date_and_day_id(2)
+        exp.set('day', day_id)
+        day_post = {'make_type': 'full', 'new_todo': [2, 1]}
+        self.post_exp_day([exp], day_post, day_id)
+        exp.lib_del('Todo', 1)
+        exp.lib_del('Todo', 2)
+        top_nodes[0]['todo'] = 3  # was: 1
+        top_nodes[0]['children'][0]['todo'] = 4  # was: 2
+        exp.lib_get('Todo', 3)['children'] = [4]
+        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', exp)
+    def test_POST_day_todo_deletion_by_negative_effort(self) -> None:
+        """Test POST /day removal of Todos by setting negative effort."""
+        date, day_id = date_and_day_id(1)
+        exp = ExpectedGetDay(day_id)
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 1)
+        self.post_exp_day([exp], {'new_todo': [1]})
+        # check cannot remove Todo if commented
+        self.post_exp_day([exp],
+                          {'todo_id': [1], 'comment': ['foo'], 'effort': [-1]})
+        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', exp)
+        # check *can* remove Todo while getting done
+        self.post_exp_day([exp],
+                          {'todo_id': [1], 'comment': [''], 'effort': [-1],
+                           'done': [1]})
+        exp.lib_del('Todo', 1)
+        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', exp)
+    def test_GET_day_with_conditions(self) -> None:
+        """Test GET /day displaying Conditions and their relations."""
+        date, day_id = date_and_day_id(1)
+        exp = ExpectedGetDay(day_id)
+        # check non-referenced Conditions not shown
+        cond_posts = [{'is_active': 0, 'title': 'A', 'description': 'a'},
+                      {'is_active': 1, 'title': 'B', 'description': 'b'}]
+        for i, cond_post in enumerate(cond_posts):
+            self.check_post(cond_post, f'/condition?id={i+1}')
+        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', exp)
+        # add Processes with Conditions, check Conditions now shown
+        for i, (c1, c2) in enumerate([(1, 2), (2, 1)]):
+            post = {'conditions': [c1], 'disables': [c1],
+                    'blockers': [c2], 'enables': [c2]}
+            self.post_exp_process([exp], post, i+1)
+        for i, cond_post in enumerate(cond_posts):
+            exp.set_cond_from_post(i+1, cond_post)
+        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', exp)
+        # add Todos in relation to Conditions, check consequence relations
+        self.post_exp_day([exp], {'new_todo': [1, 2]})
+        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', exp)
+    def test_GET_calendar(self) -> None:
+        """Test GET /calendar responses based on various inputs, DB states."""
+        # check illegal date range delimiters
+        self.check_get('/calendar?start=foo', 400)
+        self.check_get('/calendar?end=foo', 400)
+        # check default range for expected selection/order without saved days
+        exp = ExpectedGetCalendar(-1, 366)
+        self.check_json_get('/calendar', exp)
+        self.check_json_get('/calendar?start=&end=', exp)
+        # check with named days as delimiters
+        exp = ExpectedGetCalendar(-1, +1)
+        self.check_json_get('/calendar?start=yesterday&end=tomorrow', exp)
+        # check zero-element range
+        exp = ExpectedGetCalendar(+1, 0)
+        self.check_json_get('/calendar?start=tomorrow&end=today', exp)
+        # check saved day shows up in results, proven by its comment
+        start_date = _testing_date_in_n_days(-5)
+        date = _testing_date_in_n_days(-2)
+        end_date = _testing_date_in_n_days(+5)
+        exp = ExpectedGetCalendar(-5, +5)
+        self.post_exp_day([exp],
+                          {'day_comment': 'foo'}, _days_n_for_date(date))
+        url = f'/calendar?start={start_date}&end={end_date}'
+        self.check_json_get(url, exp)
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+"""Miscellaneous tests."""
+from typing import Callable
+from unittest import TestCase
+from tests.utils import TestCaseWithServer
+from plomtask.http import InputsParser
+from plomtask.exceptions import BadFormatException
+class TestsSansServer(TestCase):
+    """Tests that do not require DB setup or a server."""
+    def _test_parser(self,
+                     method: Callable,
+                     serialized: str,
+                     expected: object,
+                     method_args: list[object],
+                     fails: bool = False
+                     ) -> None:
+        # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
+        parser = InputsParser(serialized)
+        if fails:
+            with self.assertRaises(BadFormatException):
+                method(parser, *method_args)
+        else:
+            self.assertEqual(expected, method(parser, *method_args))
+    def test_InputsParser_get_str_or_fail(self) -> None:
+        """Test InputsParser.get_str."""
+        m = InputsParser.get_str_or_fail
+        self._test_parser(m, '', 0, ['foo'], fails=True)
+        self._test_parser(m, '', 'bar', ['foo', 'bar'])
+        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=', '', ['foo'])
+        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=', '', ['foo', 'bar'])
+        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=baz', 'baz', ['foo', 'bar'])
+        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=baz&foo=quux', 'baz', ['foo', 'bar'])
+        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=baz,quux', 'baz,quux', ['foo', 'bar'])
+    def test_InputsParser_get_str(self) -> None:
+        """Test InputsParser.get_str."""
+        m = InputsParser.get_str
+        self._test_parser(m, '', None, ['foo'])
+        self._test_parser(m, '', 'bar', ['foo', 'bar'])
+        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=', '', ['foo'])
+        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=', '', ['foo', 'bar'])
+        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=baz', 'baz', ['foo', 'bar'])
+        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=baz&foo=quux', 'baz', ['foo', 'bar'])
+        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=baz,quux', 'baz,quux', ['foo', 'bar'])
+    def test_InputsParser_get_all_of_key_prefixed(self) -> None:
+        """Test InputsParser.get_all_of_key_prefixed."""
+        m = InputsParser.get_all_of_key_prefixed
+        self._test_parser(m, '', {}, [''])
+        self._test_parser(m, '', {}, ['foo'])
+        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=bar', {'foo': ['bar']}, [''])
+        self._test_parser(m, 'x=y&x=z', {'': ['y', 'z']}, ['x'])
+        self._test_parser(m, 'xx=y&xx=Z', {'x': ['y', 'Z']}, ['x'])
+        self._test_parser(m, 'xx=y', {}, ['xxx'])
+        self._test_parser(m, 'xxx=x&xxy=y&xyy=z', {'x': ['x'], 'y': ['y']},
+                          ['xx'])
+    def test_InputsParser_get_int_or_none(self) -> None:
+        """Test InputsParser.get_int_or_none."""
+        m = InputsParser.get_int_or_none
+        self._test_parser(m, '', None, ['foo'])
+        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=', None, ['foo'])
+        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=0', 0, ['foo'])
+        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=None', 0, ['foo'], fails=True)
+        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=0.1', 0, ['foo'], fails=True)
+        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=23', 23, ['foo'])
+    def test_InputsParser_get_float_or_fail(self) -> None:
+        """Test InputsParser.get_float_or_fail."""
+        m = InputsParser.get_float_or_fail
+        self._test_parser(m, '', 0, ['foo'], fails=True)
+        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=', 0, ['foo'], fails=True)
+        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=bar', 0, ['foo'], fails=True)
+        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=0', 0, ['foo'])
+        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=0.1', 0.1, ['foo'])
+        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=1.23&foo=456', 1.23, ['foo'])
+    def test_InputsParser_get_bool(self) -> None:
+        """Test InputsParser.get_bool."""
+        m = InputsParser.get_bool
+        self._test_parser(m, '', 0, ['foo'])
+        self._test_parser(m, 'val=foo', 0, ['foo'])
+        self._test_parser(m, 'val=True', 0, ['foo'])
+        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=', 0, ['foo'])
+        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=None', 0, ['foo'])
+        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=0', 0, ['foo'])
+        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=bar', 0, ['foo'])
+        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=bar&foo=baz', 0, ['foo'])
+        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=False', 0, ['foo'])
+        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=true', 1, ['foo'])
+        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=True', 1, ['foo'])
+        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=1', 1, ['foo'])
+        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=on', 1, ['foo'])
+    def test_InputsParser_get_all_str(self) -> None:
+        """Test InputsParser.get_all_str."""
+        m = InputsParser.get_all_str
+        self._test_parser(m, '', [], ['foo'])
+        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=', [''], ['foo'])
+        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=bar', ['bar'], ['foo'])
+        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=bar&foo=baz', ['bar', 'baz'], ['foo'])
+    def test_InputsParser_get_all_int(self) -> None:
+        """Test InputsParser.get_all_int."""
+        m = InputsParser.get_all_int
+        self._test_parser(m, '', [], ['foo'])
+        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=', [], ['foo'])
+        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=', 0, ['foo', True], fails=True)
+        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=0', [0], ['foo'])
+        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=0&foo=17', [0, 17], ['foo'])
+        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=0.1&foo=17', 0, ['foo'], fails=True)
+        self._test_parser(m, 'foo=None&foo=17', 0, ['foo'], fails=True)
+class TestsWithServer(TestCaseWithServer):
+    """Tests against our HTTP server/handler (and database)."""
+    def test_do_GET(self) -> None:
+        """Test GET / redirect, and unknown targets failing."""
+        self.conn.request('GET', '/')
+        self.check_redirect('/day')
+        self.check_get('/foo', 404)
+    def test_do_POST(self) -> None:
+        """Test POST to / and other unknown targets failing."""
+        self.check_post({}, '/', 404)
+        self.check_post({}, '/foo', 404)
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+"""Test Processes module."""
+from typing import Any
+from tests.utils import (TestCaseSansDB, TestCaseWithDB, TestCaseWithServer,
+                         Expected)
+from plomtask.processes import Process, ProcessStep
+from plomtask.exceptions import NotFoundException
+class TestsSansDB(TestCaseSansDB):
+    """Module tests not requiring DB setup."""
+    checked_class = Process
+class TestsSansDBProcessStep(TestCaseSansDB):
+    """Module tests not requiring DB setup."""
+    checked_class = ProcessStep
+    default_init_kwargs = {'owner_id': 2, 'step_process_id': 3,
+                           'parent_step_id': 4}
+class TestsWithDB(TestCaseWithDB):
+    """Module tests requiring DB setup."""
+    checked_class = Process
+    def test_remove(self) -> None:
+        """Test removal of Processes and ProcessSteps."""
+        super().test_remove()
+        p1, p2, p3 = Process(None), Process(None), Process(None)
+        for p in [p1, p2, p3]:
+        assert isinstance(p1.id_, int)
+        assert isinstance(p2.id_, int)
+        assert isinstance(p3.id_, int)
+        step = ProcessStep(None, p2.id_, p1.id_, None)
+        p2.set_steps(self.db_conn, [step])
+        step_id = step.id_
+        p2.set_steps(self.db_conn, [])
+        with self.assertRaises(NotFoundException):
+            # check unset ProcessSteps actually cannot be found anymore
+            assert step_id is not None
+            ProcessStep.by_id(self.db_conn, step_id)
+        p1.remove(self.db_conn)
+        step = ProcessStep(None, p2.id_, p3.id_, None)
+        p2.set_steps(self.db_conn, [step])
+        step_id = step.id_
+        # check _can_ remove Process pointed to by ProcessStep.owner_id, and …
+        p2.remove(self.db_conn)
+        with self.assertRaises(NotFoundException):
+            # … being dis-owned eliminates ProcessStep
+            assert step_id is not None
+            ProcessStep.by_id(self.db_conn, step_id)
+class TestsWithDBForProcessStep(TestCaseWithDB):
+    """Module tests requiring DB setup."""
+    checked_class = ProcessStep
+    default_init_kwargs = {'owner_id': 1, 'step_process_id': 2,
+                           'parent_step_id': 3}
+    def setUp(self) -> None:
+        super().setUp()
+        self.p1 = Process(1)
+    def test_remove(self) -> None:
+        """Test .remove and unsetting of owner's .explicit_steps entry."""
+        p2 = Process(2)
+        assert isinstance(self.p1.id_, int)
+        assert isinstance(p2.id_, int)
+        step = ProcessStep(None, self.p1.id_, p2.id_, None)
+        self.p1.set_steps(self.db_conn, [step])
+        step.remove(self.db_conn)
+        self.assertEqual(self.p1.explicit_steps, [])
+        self.check_identity_with_cache_and_db([])
+class ExpectedGetProcess(Expected):
+    """Builder of expectations for GET /processes."""
+    _default_dict = {'is_new': False, 'preset_top_step': None, 'n_todos': 0}
+    _on_empty_make_temp = ('Process', 'proc_as_dict')
+    def __init__(self,
+                 proc_id: int,
+                 *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
+        self._fields = {'process': proc_id, 'steps': []}
+        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+    @staticmethod
+    def stepnode_as_dict(step_id: int,
+                         proc_id: int,
+                         seen: bool = False,
+                         steps: None | list[dict[str, object]] = None,
+                         is_explicit: bool = True,
+                         is_suppressed: bool = False) -> dict[str, object]:
+        # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
+        """Return JSON of ProcessStepNode to expect."""
+        return {'step': step_id,
+                'process': proc_id,
+                'seen': seen,
+                'steps': steps if steps else [],
+                'is_explicit': is_explicit,
+                'is_suppressed': is_suppressed}
+    def recalc(self) -> None:
+        """Update internal dictionary by subclass-specific rules."""
+        super().recalc()
+        self._fields['process_candidates'] = self.as_ids(
+                self.lib_all('Process'))
+        self._fields['condition_candidates'] = self.as_ids(
+                self.lib_all('Condition'))
+        self._fields['owners'] = [
+                s['owner_id'] for s in self.lib_all('ProcessStep')
+                if s['step_process_id'] == self._fields['process']]
+class ExpectedGetProcesses(Expected):
+    """Builder of expectations for GET /processes."""
+    _default_dict = {'sort_by': 'title', 'pattern': ''}
+    def recalc(self) -> None:
+        """Update internal dictionary by subclass-specific rules."""
+        super().recalc()
+        self._fields['processes'] = self.as_ids(self.lib_all('Process'))
+class TestsWithServer(TestCaseWithServer):
+    """Module tests against our HTTP server/handler (and database)."""
+    checked_class = Process
+    def test_fail_POST_process(self) -> None:
+        """Test POST /process and its effect on the database."""
+        valid_post = {'title': '', 'description': '', 'effort': 1.0}
+        # check payloads lacking minimum expecteds
+        self.check_minimal_inputs('/process', valid_post)
+        # check payloads of bad data types
+        self.check_post(valid_post | {'effort': ''}, '/process', 400)
+        # check references to non-existant items
+        self.check_post(valid_post | {'conditions': [1]}, '/process', 404)
+        self.check_post(valid_post | {'disables': [1]}, '/process', 404)
+        self.check_post(valid_post | {'blockers': [1]}, '/process', 404)
+        self.check_post(valid_post | {'enables': [1]}, '/process', 404)
+        self.check_post(valid_post | {'new_top_step': 2}, '/process', 404)
+        # check deletion of non-existant
+        self.check_post({'delete': ''}, '/process?id=1', 404)
+    def test_basic_POST_process(self) -> None:
+        """Test basic GET/POST /process operations."""
+        # check on un-saved
+        exp = ExpectedGetProcess(1)
+        exp.force('process_candidates', [])
+        exp.set('is_new', True)
+        self.check_json_get('/process?id=1', exp)
+        # check on minimal payload post
+        exp = ExpectedGetProcess(1)
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 1)
+        self.check_json_get('/process?id=1', exp)
+        # check boolean 'calendarize'
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'calendarize': True}, 1)
+        self.check_json_get('/process?id=1', exp)
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 1)
+        self.check_json_get('/process?id=1', exp)
+        # check conditions posting
+        for i in range(3):
+            self.post_exp_cond([exp], {}, i+1)
+        p = {'conditions': [1, 2], 'disables': [1],
+             'blockers': [3], 'enables': [2, 3]}
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], p, 1)
+        self.check_json_get('/process?id=1', exp)
+        # check n_todos field
+        self.post_exp_day([], {'new_todo': ['1']}, 1)
+        self.post_exp_day([], {'new_todo': ['1']}, 2)
+        exp.set('n_todos', 2)
+        self.check_json_get('/process?id=1', exp)
+        # check cannot delete if Todos to Process
+        self.check_post({'delete': ''}, '/process?id=1', 500)
+        # check cannot delete if some ProcessStep's .step_process_id
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 2)
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'new_top_step': 2}, 3)
+        self.check_post({'delete': ''}, '/process?id=2', 500)
+        # check successful deletion
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 4)
+        self.check_post({'delete': ''}, '/process?id=4', 302, '/processes')
+        exp = ExpectedGetProcess(4)
+        exp.set('is_new', True)
+        for i in range(3):
+            self.post_exp_cond([exp], {}, i+1)
+            self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, i+1)
+        exp.force('process_candidates', [1, 2, 3])
+        self.check_json_get('/process?id=4', exp)
+    def test_POST_process_steps(self) -> None:
+        """Test behavior of ProcessStep posting."""
+        # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
+        url = '/process?id=1'
+        exp = ExpectedGetProcess(1)
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 1)
+        # post first (top-level) step of proc2 to proc1 by 'step_of' in 2
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'step_of': 1}, 2)
+        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep',
+                    [exp.procstep_as_dict(1, owner_id=1, step_process_id=2)])
+        exp.set('steps', [
+            exp.stepnode_as_dict(
+                step_id=1,
+                proc_id=2)])
+        self.check_json_get(url, exp)
+        # post empty/absent steps list to process, expect clean slate, and old
+        # step to completely disappear
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 1)
+        exp.lib_wipe('ProcessStep')
+        exp.set('steps', [])
+        self.check_json_get(url, exp)
+        # post anew (as only step yet) step of proc2 to proc1 by 'new_top_step'
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'new_top_step': 2}, 1)
+        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep',
+                    [exp.procstep_as_dict(1, owner_id=1, step_process_id=2)])
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'kept_steps': [1]}, 1)
+        step_nodes = [exp.stepnode_as_dict(step_id=1, proc_id=2)]
+        exp.set('steps', step_nodes)
+        self.check_json_get(url, exp)
+        # fail on zero-step recursion
+        p_min = {'title': '', 'description': '', 'effort': 0}
+        self.check_post(p_min | {'new_top_step': 1}, url, 400)
+        self.check_post(p_min | {'step_of': 1}, url, 400)
+        # post sibling steps
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 3)
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'kept_steps': [1], 'new_top_step': 3}, 1)
+        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep',
+                    [exp.procstep_as_dict(2, owner_id=1, step_process_id=3)])
+        step_nodes += [exp.stepnode_as_dict(step_id=2, proc_id=3)]
+        self.check_json_get(url, exp)
+        # # post implicit sub-step via post to proc2
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 4)
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'step_of': [1], 'new_top_step': 4}, 2)
+        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep',
+                    [exp.procstep_as_dict(3, owner_id=2, step_process_id=4)])
+        step_nodes[0]['steps'] = [
+                exp.stepnode_as_dict(step_id=3, proc_id=4, is_explicit=False)]
+        self.check_json_get(url, exp)
+        # post explicit sub-step via post to proc1
+        p = {'kept_steps': [1, 2], 'new_step_to_2': 4}
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], p, 1)
+        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep', [exp.procstep_as_dict(
+            4, owner_id=1, step_process_id=4, parent_step_id=2)])
+        step_nodes[1]['steps'] = [
+                exp.stepnode_as_dict(step_id=4, proc_id=4)]
+        self.check_json_get(url, exp)
+        # to ensure suppressed step nodes are hidden, add new step to proc4,
+        # implicitly adding it as sub-step to the proc4 steps in proc1, but
+        # suppress one of the proc4 occurences there, marking its
+        # .is_suppressed *and* hiding the new step below it
+        p = {'kept_steps': [1, 2, 4], 'suppressed_steps': [3]}
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'step_of': [4]}, 5)
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], p, 1)
+        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep',
+                    [exp.procstep_as_dict(5, owner_id=4, step_process_id=5)])
+        assert isinstance(step_nodes[0]['steps'], list)
+        assert isinstance(step_nodes[1]['steps'], list)
+        step_nodes[0]['steps'][0]['is_suppressed'] = True
+        step_nodes[1]['steps'][0]['steps'] = [
+                exp.stepnode_as_dict(step_id=5, proc_id=5, is_explicit=False)]
+        self.check_json_get(url, exp)
+        # ensure implicit steps' non-top explicit sub-steps are shown
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 6)
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'kept_steps': [5], 'step_of': [1, 2],
+                                      'new_step_to_5': 6}, 4)
+        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep', [exp.procstep_as_dict(
+            6, owner_id=4, parent_step_id=5, step_process_id=6)])
+        step_nodes[1]['steps'][0]['steps'][0]['steps'] = [
+                exp.stepnode_as_dict(step_id=6, proc_id=6, is_explicit=False)]
+        self.check_json_get(url, exp)
+        # try to post sub-step to non-existing sub-step, expect it to become
+        # top-level step instead
+        p['new_step_to_9'] = 5
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], p, 1)
+        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep',
+                    [exp.procstep_as_dict(7, owner_id=1, step_process_id=5)])
+        step_nodes += [
+                exp.stepnode_as_dict(step_id=7, proc_id=5)]
+        self.check_json_get(url, exp)
+        del p['new_step_to_9']
+        assert isinstance(p['kept_steps'], list)
+        p['kept_steps'] += [7]
+        # try to post sub-step to implicit sub-step, expect same result
+        p['new_step_to_5'] = 5
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], p, 1)
+        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep',
+                    [exp.procstep_as_dict(8, owner_id=1, step_process_id=5)])
+        step_nodes += [
+                exp.stepnode_as_dict(step_id=8, proc_id=5)]
+        self.check_json_get(url, exp)
+        del p['new_step_to_5']
+        p['kept_steps'] += [8]
+        # post sub-step to explicit sub-step with implicit sub-step of same
+        # step process ID, expect it to eliminate/replace implicit sub-step
+        p['new_step_to_4'] = 5
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], p, 1)
+        step_nodes[1]['steps'][0]['steps'][0] = exp.stepnode_as_dict(
+                step_id=9, proc_id=5)
+        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep', [exp.procstep_as_dict(
+            9, owner_id=1, parent_step_id=4, step_process_id=5)])
+        self.check_json_get(url, exp)
+        del p['new_step_to_4']
+        p['kept_steps'] += [9]
+        # fail on single-step recursion via top step
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 7)
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'new_top_step': 1}, 7)
+        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep', [exp.procstep_as_dict(
+            10, owner_id=7, step_process_id=1)])
+        p['step_of'] = [7]
+        self.check_post(p_min | p | {'new_top_step': 7}, url, 400)
+        # fail on double-step recursion via top step
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 8)
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'new_top_step': 7}, 8)
+        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep', [exp.procstep_as_dict(
+            11, owner_id=8, step_process_id=7)])
+        self.check_post(p_min | p | {'new_top_step': 8}, url, 400)
+        # fail on single- and double-step recursion via explicit sub-step
+        self.check_post(p_min | p | {'new_step_to_8': 7}, url, 400)
+        self.check_post(p_min | p | {'new_step_to_8': 8}, url, 400)
+    def test_fail_GET_process(self) -> None:
+        """Test invalid GET /process params."""
+        # check for invalid IDs
+        self.check_get_defaults('/process')
+        # check we catch invalid base64
+        self.check_get('/process?title_b64=foo', 400)
+        # check failure on references to unknown processes; we create Process
+        # of ID=1 here so we know the 404 comes from step_to=2 etc. (that tie
+        # the Process displayed by /process to others), not from not finding
+        # the main Process itself
+        self.post_exp_process([], {}, 1)
+        self.check_get('/process?id=1&step_to=2', 404)
+        self.check_get('/process?id=1&has_step=2', 404)
+    def test_GET_processes(self) -> None:
+        """Test GET /processes."""
+        # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
+        # test empty result on empty DB, default-settings on empty params
+        exp = ExpectedGetProcesses()
+        self.check_json_get('/processes', exp)
+        # test on meaningless non-empty params (incl. entirely un-used key),
+        # that 'sort_by' default to 'title' (even if set to something else, as
+        # long as without handler) and 'pattern' get preserved
+        exp.set('pattern', 'bar')
+        url = '/processes?sort_by=foo&pattern=bar&foo=x'
+        self.check_json_get(url, exp)
+        # test non-empty result, automatic (positive) sorting by title
+        for i, t in enumerate([('foo', 'oof', 1.0, []),
+                               ('bar', 'rab', 1.1, [1]),
+                               ('baz', 'zab', 0.9, [1, 2])]):
+            payload = {'title': t[0], 'description': t[1], 'effort': t[2],
+                       'new_top_step': t[3]}
+            self.post_exp_process([exp], payload, i+1)
+        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep',
+                    [exp.procstep_as_dict(1, owner_id=2, step_process_id=1),
+                     exp.procstep_as_dict(2, owner_id=3, step_process_id=1),
+                     exp.procstep_as_dict(3, owner_id=3, step_process_id=2)])
+        exp.set('pattern', '')
+        self.check_filter(exp, 'processes', 'sort_by', 'title', [2, 3, 1])
+        # test other sortings
+        self.check_filter(exp, 'processes', 'sort_by', '-title', [1, 3, 2])
+        self.check_filter(exp, 'processes', 'sort_by', 'effort', [3, 1, 2])
+        self.check_filter(exp, 'processes', 'sort_by', '-effort', [2, 1, 3])
+        self.check_filter(exp, 'processes', 'sort_by', 'steps', [1, 2, 3])
+        self.check_filter(exp, 'processes', 'sort_by', '-steps', [3, 2, 1])
+        self.check_filter(exp, 'processes', 'sort_by', 'owners', [3, 2, 1])
+        self.check_filter(exp, 'processes', 'sort_by', '-owners', [1, 2, 3])
+        # test pattern matching on title
+        exp.set('sort_by', 'title')
+        exp.lib_del('Process', 1)
+        self.check_filter(exp, 'processes', 'pattern', 'ba', [2, 3])
+        # test pattern matching on description
+        exp.lib_wipe('Process')
+        exp.lib_wipe('ProcessStep')
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'description': 'oof', 'effort': 1.0}, 1)
+        self.check_filter(exp, 'processes', 'pattern', 'of', [1])
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..759bc12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+"""Test Todos module."""
+from typing import Any
+from datetime import date as dt_date, timedelta
+from tests.utils import (TestCaseSansDB, TestCaseWithDB, TestCaseWithServer,
+                         Expected, date_and_day_id)
+from plomtask.todos import Todo
+from plomtask.processes import Process
+from plomtask.exceptions import BadFormatException, HandledException
+class TestsWithDB(TestCaseWithDB, TestCaseSansDB):
+    """Tests requiring DB, but not server setup.
+    NB: We subclass TestCaseSansDB too, to run any tests there that due to any
+    Todo requiring a _saved_ Process wouldn't run without a DB.
+    """
+    checked_class = Todo
+    default_init_kwargs = {'process': None, 'is_done': False, 'day_id': 1}
+    def setUp(self) -> None:
+        super().setUp()
+        self.proc = Process(None)
+        self.default_init_kwargs['process'] = self.proc
+    def test_Todo_by_date(self) -> None:
+        """Test findability of Todos by date."""
+        date_1, day_id_1 = date_and_day_id(1)
+        date_2, _ = date_and_day_id(2)
+        t1 = Todo(None, self.proc, False, day_id_1)
+        t2 = Todo(None, self.proc, False, day_id_1)
+        self.assertEqual(Todo.by_date(self.db_conn, date_1), [t1, t2])
+        self.assertEqual(Todo.by_date(self.db_conn, date_2), [])
+        with self.assertRaises(BadFormatException):
+            self.assertEqual(Todo.by_date(self.db_conn, 'foo'), [])
+    def test_Todo_by_date_range_with_limits(self) -> None:
+        """Test .by_date_range_with_limits."""
+        # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
+        f = Todo.by_date_range_with_limits
+        # check illegal ranges
+        legal_range = ('yesterday', 'tomorrow')
+        for i in [0, 1]:
+            for bad_date in ['foo', '2024-02-30', '2024-01-01 12:00:00']:
+                date_range_l = list(legal_range[:])
+                date_range_l[i] = bad_date
+                with self.assertRaises(HandledException):
+                    f(self.db_conn, (date_range_l[0], date_range_l[1]))
+        # check empty, translation of 'yesterday' and 'tomorrow'
+        items, start, end = f(self.db_conn, legal_range)
+        self.assertEqual(items, [])
+        dt_today =
+        dt_yesterday = dt_today + timedelta(days=-1)
+        dt_tomorrow = dt_today + timedelta(days=+1)
+        self.assertEqual(start, dt_yesterday.isoformat())
+        self.assertEqual(end, dt_tomorrow.isoformat())
+        # prepare dated items for non-empty results
+        kwargs = self.default_init_kwargs.copy()
+        todos = []
+        dates_and_day_ids = [date_and_day_id(i) for i in range(5)]
+        for day_id in [t[1] for t in dates_and_day_ids[1:-1]]:
+            kwargs['day_id'] = day_id
+            todos += [Todo(None, **kwargs)]
+        # check ranges still empty before saving
+        date_range = (dates_and_day_ids[1][0], dates_and_day_ids[-2][0])
+        self.assertEqual(f(self.db_conn, date_range)[0], [])
+        # check all objs displayed within interval
+        for todo in todos:
+        self.assertEqual(f(self.db_conn, date_range)[0], todos)
+        # check that only displayed what exists within interval
+        date_range = (dates_and_day_ids[1][0], dates_and_day_ids[-3][0])
+        expected = [todos[0], todos[1]]
+        self.assertEqual(f(self.db_conn, date_range)[0], expected)
+        date_range = (dates_and_day_ids[-2][0], dates_and_day_ids[-1][0])
+        expected = [todos[2]]
+        self.assertEqual(f(self.db_conn, date_range)[0], expected)
+        # check that inverted interval displays nothing
+        date_range = (dates_and_day_ids[-1][0], dates_and_day_ids[0][0])
+        self.assertEqual(f(self.db_conn, date_range)[0], [])
+        # check that "today" is interpreted, and single-element interval
+        kwargs['day_id'] = (dt_today - dt_date(2000, 1, 1)).days
+        todo_today = Todo(None, **kwargs)
+        date_range = ('today', 'today')
+        items, start, end = f(self.db_conn, date_range)
+        self.assertEqual(start, dt_today.isoformat())
+        self.assertEqual(start, end)
+        self.assertEqual(items, [todo_today])
+    def test_Todo_children(self) -> None:
+        """Test Todo.children relations."""
+        todo_1 = Todo(None, self.proc, False, 1)
+        todo_2 = Todo(None, self.proc, False, 1)
+        # check un-saved Todo cannot parent
+        with self.assertRaises(HandledException):
+            todo_1.add_child(todo_2)
+        todo_3 = Todo(None, self.proc, False, 1)
+        # check un-saved Todo cannot be parented
+        with self.assertRaises(HandledException):
+            todo_1.add_child(todo_3)
+class ExpectedGetTodo(Expected):
+    """Builder of expectations for GET /todo."""
+    def __init__(self,
+                 todo_id: int,
+                 *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
+        self._fields = {'todo': todo_id,
+                        'steps_todo_to_process': []}
+        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+    def recalc(self) -> None:
+        """Update internal dictionary by subclass-specific rules."""
+        def walk_steps(step: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
+            if not step['todo']:
+                proc_id = step['process']
+                cands = self.as_ids(
+                        [t for t in todos if proc_id == t['process_id']
+                         and t['id'] in self._fields['todo_candidates']])
+                self._fields['adoption_candidates_for'][str(proc_id)] = cands
+            for child in step['children']:
+                walk_steps(child)
+        super().recalc()
+        self.lib_wipe('Day')
+        todos = self.lib_all('Todo')
+        procs = self.lib_all('Process')
+        conds = self.lib_all('Condition')
+        self._fields['todo_candidates'] = self.as_ids(
+                [t for t in todos if t['id'] != self._fields['todo']])
+        self._fields['process_candidates'] = self.as_ids(procs)
+        self._fields['condition_candidates'] = self.as_ids(conds)
+        self._fields['adoption_candidates_for'] = {}
+        for step in self._fields['steps_todo_to_process']:
+            walk_steps(step)
+    @staticmethod
+    def step_as_dict(node_id: int,
+                     process: int | None = None,
+                     todo: int | None = None,
+                     fillable: bool = False,
+                     children: None | list[dict[str, object]] = None
+                     ) -> dict[str, object]:
+        """Return JSON of TodoOrProcStepsNode to expect."""
+        return {'node_id': node_id,
+                'children': children if children is not None else [],
+                'process': process,
+                'fillable': fillable,
+                'todo': todo}
+class TestsWithServer(TestCaseWithServer):
+    """Tests against our HTTP server/handler (and database)."""
+    checked_class = Todo
+    def test_basic_fail_POST_todo(self) -> None:
+        """Test basic malformed/illegal POST /todo requests."""
+        self.post_exp_process([], {}, 1)
+        # test we cannot just POST into non-existing Todo
+        self.check_post({}, '/todo', 404)
+        self.check_post({}, '/todo?id=FOO', 400)
+        self.check_post({}, '/todo?id=0', 400)
+        self.check_post({}, '/todo?id=1', 404)
+        # test malformed values on existing Todo
+        self.post_exp_day([], {'new_todo': [1]})
+        for name in ['adopt', 'effort', 'make_full', 'make_empty',
+                     'conditions', 'disables', 'blockers', 'enables']:
+            self.check_post({name: 'x'}, '/todo?id=1', 400, '/todo')
+        for prefix in ['make_', '']:
+            for suffix in ['', 'x', '1.1']:
+                self.check_post({'step_filler_to_1': [f'{prefix}{suffix}']},
+                                '/todo?id=1', 400, '/todo')
+        for suffix in ['', 'x', '1.1']:
+            self.check_post({'step_filler_to_{suffix}': ['1']},
+                            '/todo?id=1', 400, '/todo')
+    def test_basic_POST_todo(self) -> None:
+        """Test basic POST /todo manipulations."""
+        exp = ExpectedGetTodo(1)
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'calendarize': 0}, 1)
+        self.post_exp_day([exp], {'new_todo': [1]})
+        # test posting naked entity at first changes nothing
+        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
+        self.check_post({}, '/todo?id=1')
+        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
+        # test posting doneness, comment, calendarization, effort
+        todo_post = {'is_done': 1, 'calendarize': 1,
+                     'comment': 'foo', 'effort': 2.3}
+        self.post_exp_todo([exp], todo_post, 1)
+        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
+        # test implicitly un-setting comment/calendarize/is_done by empty post
+        self.post_exp_todo([exp], {}, 1)
+        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
+        # test effort post can be explicitly unset by "effort":"" post
+        self.check_post({'effort': ''}, '/todo?id=1')
+        exp.lib_get('Todo', 1)['effort'] = None
+        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
+        # test Condition posts
+        c1_post = {'title': 'foo', 'description': 'oof', 'is_active': 0}
+        c2_post = {'title': 'bar', 'description': 'rab', 'is_active': 1}
+        self.post_exp_cond([exp], c1_post, 1)
+        self.post_exp_cond([exp], c2_post, 2)
+        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
+        todo_post = {'conditions': [1], 'disables': [1],
+                     'blockers': [2], 'enables': [2]}
+        self.post_exp_todo([exp], todo_post, 1)
+        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
+    def test_POST_todo_deletion(self) -> None:
+        """Test deletions via POST /todo."""
+        exp = ExpectedGetTodo(1)
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 1)
+        # test failure of deletion on non-existing Todo
+        self.check_post({'delete': ''}, '/todo?id=2', 404, '/')
+        # test deletion of existing Todo
+        self.post_exp_day([exp], {'new_todo': [1]})
+        self.check_post({'delete': ''}, '/todo?id=1', 302, '/')
+        self.check_get('/todo?id=1', 404)
+        exp.lib_del('Todo', 1)
+        # test deletion of adopted Todo
+        self.post_exp_day([exp], {'new_todo': [1]})
+        self.post_exp_day([exp], {'new_todo': [1]})
+        self.check_post({'adopt': 2}, '/todo?id=1')
+        self.check_post({'delete': ''}, '/todo?id=2', 302, '/')
+        exp.lib_del('Todo', 2)
+        self.check_get('/todo?id=2', 404)
+        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
+        # test deletion of adopting Todo
+        self.post_exp_day([exp], {'new_todo': [1]})
+        self.check_post({'adopt': 2}, '/todo?id=1')
+        self.check_post({'delete': ''}, '/todo?id=1', 302, '/')
+        exp.set('todo', 2)
+        exp.lib_del('Todo', 1)
+        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=2', exp)
+        # test cannot delete Todo with comment or effort
+        self.check_post({'comment': 'foo'}, '/todo?id=2')
+        self.check_post({'delete': ''}, '/todo?id=2', 500, '/')
+        self.check_post({'effort': 5}, '/todo?id=2')
+        self.check_post({'delete': ''}, '/todo?id=2', 500, '/')
+        # test deletion via effort < 0, but only if deletable
+        self.check_post({'effort': -1, 'comment': 'foo'}, '/todo?id=2')
+        self.check_post({}, '/todo?id=2')
+        self.check_get('/todo?id=2', 404)
+    def test_POST_todo_adoption(self) -> None:
+        """Test adoption via POST /todo with "adopt"."""
+        # post two Todos to Day, have first adopt second
+        exp = ExpectedGetTodo(1)
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 1)
+        self.post_exp_day([exp], {'new_todo': [1]})
+        self.post_exp_day([exp], {'new_todo': [1]})
+        self.post_exp_todo([exp], {'adopt': 2}, 1)
+        exp.set('steps_todo_to_process', [
+            exp.step_as_dict(node_id=1, process=None, todo=2)])
+        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
+        # test Todo un-adopting by just not sending an adopt
+        self.post_exp_todo([exp], {}, 1)
+        exp.set('steps_todo_to_process', [])
+        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
+        # test fail on trying to adopt non-existing Todo
+        self.check_post({'adopt': 3}, '/todo?id=1', 404)
+        # test cannot self-adopt
+        self.check_post({'adopt': 1}, '/todo?id=1', 400)
+        # test cannot do 1-step circular adoption
+        self.post_exp_todo([exp], {'adopt': 1}, 2)
+        self.check_post({'adopt': 2}, '/todo?id=1', 400)
+        # test cannot do 2-step circular adoption
+        self.post_exp_day([exp], {'new_todo': [1]})
+        self.post_exp_todo([exp], {'adopt': 2}, 3)
+        self.check_post({'adopt': 3}, '/todo?id=1', 400)
+        # test can adopt Todo into ProcessStep chain via its Process (with key
+        # 'step_filler' equivalent to single-element 'adopt' if intable)
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 2)
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 3)
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'new_top_step': [2, 3]}, 1)
+        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep',
+                    [exp.procstep_as_dict(1, owner_id=1, step_process_id=2),
+                     exp.procstep_as_dict(2, owner_id=1, step_process_id=3)])
+        slots = [
+            exp.step_as_dict(node_id=1, process=2, todo=None, fillable=True),
+            exp.step_as_dict(node_id=2, process=3, todo=None, fillable=True)]
+        exp.set('steps_todo_to_process', slots)
+        self.post_exp_day([exp], {'new_todo': [2]})
+        self.post_exp_day([exp], {'new_todo': [3]})
+        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
+        self.post_exp_todo([exp], {'step_filler_to_1': 5, 'adopt': [4]}, 1)
+        exp.lib_get('Todo', 1)['children'] += [5]
+        slots[0]['todo'] = 4
+        slots[1]['todo'] = 5
+        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
+        # test 'ignore' values for 'step_filler' are ignored, and intable
+        # 'step_filler' values are interchangeable with those of 'adopt'
+        todo_post = {'adopt': 5, 'step_filler_to_1': ['ignore', 4]}
+        self.check_post(todo_post, '/todo?id=1')
+        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
+        # test cannot adopt into non-top-level elements of chain, instead
+        # creating new top-level steps when adopting of respective Process
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 4)
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'new_top_step': 4, 'step_of': [1]}, 3)
+        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep',
+                    [exp.procstep_as_dict(3, owner_id=3, step_process_id=4)])
+        slots[1]['children'] = [exp.step_as_dict(
+            node_id=3, process=4, todo=None, fillable=True)]
+        self.post_exp_day([exp], {'new_todo': [4]})
+        self.post_exp_todo([exp], {'adopt': [4, 5, 6]}, 1)
+        slots += [exp.step_as_dict(
+            node_id=4, process=None, todo=6, fillable=False)]
+        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
+    def test_POST_todo_make_empty(self) -> None:
+        """Test creation via POST /todo "step_filler_to"/"make"."""
+        # create chain of Processes
+        exp = ExpectedGetTodo(1)
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 1)
+        for i in range(1, 4):
+            self.post_exp_process([exp], {'new_top_step': i}, i+1)
+        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep',
+                    [exp.procstep_as_dict(1, owner_id=2, step_process_id=1),
+                     exp.procstep_as_dict(2, owner_id=3, step_process_id=2),
+                     exp.procstep_as_dict(3, owner_id=4, step_process_id=3)])
+        # post (childless) Todo of chain end, then make empty on next in line
+        self.post_exp_day([exp], {'new_todo': [4]})
+        slots = [exp.step_as_dict(
+            node_id=1, process=3, todo=None, fillable=True,
+            children=[exp.step_as_dict(
+                node_id=2, process=2, todo=None, fillable=False,
+                children=[exp.step_as_dict(
+                    node_id=3, process=1, todo=None, fillable=False)])])]
+        exp.set('steps_todo_to_process', slots)
+        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
+        self.check_post({'step_filler_to_1': 'make_3'}, '/todo?id=1')
+        exp.set_todo_from_post(2, {'process_id': 3})
+        exp.set_todo_from_post(1, {'process_id': 4, 'children': [2]})
+        slots[0]['todo'] = 2
+        assert isinstance(slots[0]['children'], list)
+        slots[0]['children'][0]['fillable'] = True
+        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
+        # make new top-level Todo without chain implied by its Process
+        self.check_post({'make_empty': 2, 'adopt': [2]}, '/todo?id=1')
+        exp.set_todo_from_post(3, {'process_id': 2})
+        exp.set_todo_from_post(1, {'process_id': 4, 'children': [2, 3]})
+        slots += [exp.step_as_dict(
+            node_id=4, process=None, todo=3, fillable=False)]
+        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
+        # fail on trying to call make_empty on non-existing Process
+        self.check_post({'make_full': 5}, '/todo?id=1', 404)
+    def test_GET_todo(self) -> None:
+        """Test GET /todo response codes."""
+        # test malformed or illegal parameter values
+        self.check_get_defaults('/todo')
+        # test all existing Processes are shown as available
+        exp = ExpectedGetTodo(1)
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 1)
+        self.post_exp_day([exp], {'new_todo': [1]})
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 2)
+        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
+        # test chain of Processes shown as potential step nodes
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 3)
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 4)
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'new_top_step': 2}, 1)
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'new_top_step': 3, 'step_of': [1]}, 2)
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'new_top_step': 4, 'step_of': [2]}, 3)
+        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep', [
+            exp.procstep_as_dict(1, owner_id=1, step_process_id=2),
+            exp.procstep_as_dict(2, owner_id=2, step_process_id=3),
+            exp.procstep_as_dict(3, owner_id=3, step_process_id=4)])
+        slots = [exp.step_as_dict(
+            node_id=1, process=2, todo=None, fillable=True,
+            children=[exp.step_as_dict(
+                node_id=2, process=3, todo=None, fillable=False,
+                children=[exp.step_as_dict(
+                    node_id=3, process=4, todo=None, fillable=False)])])]
+        exp.set('steps_todo_to_process', slots)
+        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
+        # test display of parallel chains
+        proc_steps_post = {'new_top_step': 4, 'kept_steps': [1, 3]}
+        self.post_exp_process([], proc_steps_post, 1)
+        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep', [
+            exp.procstep_as_dict(4, owner_id=1, step_process_id=4)])
+        slots += [exp.step_as_dict(
+            node_id=4, process=4, todo=None, fillable=True)]
+        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
+    def test_POST_todo_doneness_relations(self) -> None:
+        """Test Todo.is_done Condition, adoption relations for /todo POSTs."""
+        self.post_exp_process([], {}, 1)
+        # test Todo with adoptee can only be set done if adoptee is done too
+        self.post_exp_day([], {'new_todo': [1]})
+        self.post_exp_day([], {'new_todo': [1]})
+        self.check_post({'adopt': 2, 'is_done': 1}, '/todo?id=1', 400)
+        self.check_post({'is_done': 1}, '/todo?id=2')
+        self.check_post({'adopt': 2, 'is_done': 1}, '/todo?id=1', 302)
+        # test Todo cannot be set undone with adopted Todo not done yet
+        self.check_post({'is_done': 0}, '/todo?id=2')
+        self.check_post({'adopt': 2, 'is_done': 0}, '/todo?id=1', 400)
+        # test unadoption relieves block
+        self.check_post({'is_done': 0}, '/todo?id=1', 302)
+        # test Condition being set or unset can block doneness setting
+        c1_post = {'title': '', 'description': '', 'is_active': 0}
+        c2_post = {'title': '', 'description': '', 'is_active': 1}
+        self.check_post(c1_post, '/condition', redir='/condition?id=1')
+        self.check_post(c2_post, '/condition', redir='/condition?id=2')
+        self.check_post({'conditions': [1], 'is_done': 1}, '/todo?id=1', 400)
+        self.check_post({'is_done': 1}, '/todo?id=1', 302)
+        self.check_post({'is_done': 0}, '/todo?id=1', 302)
+        self.check_post({'blockers': [2], 'is_done': 1}, '/todo?id=1', 400)
+        self.check_post({'is_done': 1}, '/todo?id=1', 302)
+        # test setting Todo doneness can set/un-set Conditions, but only on
+        # doneness change, not by mere passive state
+        self.check_post({'is_done': 0}, '/todo?id=2', 302)
+        self.check_post({'enables': [1], 'is_done': 1}, '/todo?id=1')
+        self.check_post({'conditions': [1], 'is_done': 1}, '/todo?id=2', 400)
+        self.check_post({'enables': [1], 'is_done': 0}, '/todo?id=1')
+        self.check_post({'enables': [1], 'is_done': 1}, '/todo?id=1')
+        self.check_post({'conditions': [1], 'is_done': 1}, '/todo?id=2')
+        self.check_post({'blockers': [1], 'is_done': 0}, '/todo?id=2', 400)
+        self.check_post({'disables': [1], 'is_done': 1}, '/todo?id=1')
+        self.check_post({'blockers': [1], 'is_done': 0}, '/todo?id=2', 400)
+        self.check_post({'disables': [1]}, '/todo?id=1')
+        self.check_post({'disables': [1], 'is_done': 1}, '/todo?id=1')
+        self.check_post({'blockers': [1]}, '/todo?id=2')
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..071ad1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,1007 @@
+"""Shared test utilities."""
+# pylint: disable=too-many-lines
+# included
+from __future__ import annotations
+from datetime import datetime, date as dt_date, timedelta
+from http.client import HTTPConnection
+from json import loads as json_loads, dumps as json_dumps
+from os import remove as remove_file
+from pathlib import Path
+from pprint import pprint
+from sys import path as sys_path
+from tempfile import gettempdir
+from threading import Thread
+from time import sleep
+from typing import Mapping, Any, Callable
+from unittest import TestCase
+from urllib.parse import urlencode
+from uuid import uuid4
+# ourselves; since we're outside repo's ./src, tell Python to look in there
+NAME_SRC_DIR = 'src'
+sys_path[0:0] = [NAME_SRC_DIR]
+# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
+from plomtask.db import DatabaseFile, DatabaseConnection  # noqa: E402
+from plomtask.http import TaskHandler, TaskServer  # noqa: E402
+from plomtask.processes import Process, ProcessStep  # noqa: E402
+from plomtask.conditions import Condition  # noqa: E402
+from plomtask.days import Day  # noqa: E402
+from plomtask.todos import Todo  # noqa: E402
+from plomtask.versioned_attributes import (  # noqa: E402
+        VersionedAttribute, TIMESTAMP_FMT)
+from plomtask.exceptions import (  # noqa: E402
+        NotFoundException, HandledException)
+# to look for schema file in ./src/migrations rather than ./migrations
+DatabaseFile.path_schema = Path(NAME_SRC_DIR
+                                ).joinpath(DatabaseFile.path_schema)
+_VERSIONED_VALS: dict[str,
+                      list[str] | list[float]] = {'str': ['A', 'B'],
+                                                  'float': [0.3, 1.1]}
+_VALID_TRUES = {True, 'True', 'true', '1', 'on'}
+def dt_date_from_day_id(day_id: int) -> dt_date:
+    """Return of adding day_id days to 2000-01-01."""
+    return dt_date(2000, 1, 1) + timedelta(days=day_id)
+def date_and_day_id(day_id: int) -> tuple[str, int]:
+    """Interpet day_id as n of days since millennium, return (date, day_id)."""
+    return dt_date_from_day_id(day_id).isoformat(), day_id
+class TestCaseAugmented(TestCase):
+    """Tester core providing helpful basic internal decorators and methods."""
+    checked_class: Any
+    default_init_kwargs: dict[str, Any] = {}
+    @staticmethod
+    def _run_on_versioned_attributes(f: Callable[..., None]
+                                     ) -> Callable[..., None]:
+        def wrapper(self: TestCase) -> None:
+            assert isinstance(self, TestCaseAugmented)
+            for attr_name in self.checked_class.to_save_versioned():
+                default = self.checked_class.versioned_defaults[attr_name]
+                owner = self.checked_class(None, **self.default_init_kwargs)
+                attr = getattr(owner, attr_name)
+                to_set = _VERSIONED_VALS[attr.value_type_name]
+                f(self, owner, attr_name, attr, default, to_set)
+        return wrapper
+    @classmethod
+    def _run_if_sans_db(cls, f: Callable[..., None]) -> Callable[..., None]:
+        def wrapper(self: TestCaseSansDB) -> None:
+            if issubclass(cls, TestCaseSansDB):
+                f(self)
+        return wrapper
+    @classmethod
+    def _run_if_with_db_but_not_server(cls,
+                                       f: Callable[..., None]
+                                       ) -> Callable[..., None]:
+        def wrapper(self: TestCaseWithDB) -> None:
+            if issubclass(cls, TestCaseWithDB) and\
+                    not issubclass(cls, TestCaseWithServer):
+                f(self)
+        return wrapper
+    @classmethod
+    def _make_from_defaults(cls, id_: int | None) -> Any:
+        return cls.checked_class(id_, **cls.default_init_kwargs)
+class TestCaseSansDB(TestCaseAugmented):
+    """Tests requiring no DB setup."""
+    _legal_ids: list[int] = [1, 5]
+    _illegal_ids: list[int] = [0]
+    @TestCaseAugmented._run_if_sans_db
+    def test_id_validation(self) -> None:
+        """Test .id_ validation/setting."""
+        for id_ in self._illegal_ids:
+            with self.assertRaises(HandledException):
+                self._make_from_defaults(id_)
+        for id_ in self._legal_ids:
+            obj = self._make_from_defaults(id_)
+            self.assertEqual(obj.id_, id_)
+    @TestCaseAugmented._run_if_sans_db
+    @TestCaseAugmented._run_on_versioned_attributes
+    def test_versioned_set(self,
+                           _: Any,
+                           __: str,
+                           attr: VersionedAttribute,
+                           default: str | float,
+                           to_set: list[str] | list[float]
+                           ) -> None:
+        """Test VersionedAttribute.set() behaves as expected."""
+        attr.set(default)
+        self.assertEqual(list(attr.history.values()), [default])
+        # check same value does not get set twice in a row,
+        # and that not even its timestamp get updated
+        timestamp = list(attr.history.keys())[0]
+        attr.set(default)
+        self.assertEqual(list(attr.history.values()), [default])
+        self.assertEqual(list(attr.history.keys())[0], timestamp)
+        # check that different value _will_ be set/added
+        attr.set(to_set[0])
+        timesorted_vals = [attr.history[t] for
+                           t in sorted(attr.history.keys())]
+        expected = [default, to_set[0]]
+        self.assertEqual(timesorted_vals, expected)
+        # check that a previously used value can be set if not most recent
+        attr.set(default)
+        timesorted_vals = [attr.history[t] for
+                           t in sorted(attr.history.keys())]
+        expected = [default, to_set[0], default]
+        self.assertEqual(timesorted_vals, expected)
+        # again check for same value not being set twice in a row, even for
+        # later items
+        attr.set(to_set[1])
+        timesorted_vals = [attr.history[t] for
+                           t in sorted(attr.history.keys())]
+        expected = [default, to_set[0], default, to_set[1]]
+        self.assertEqual(timesorted_vals, expected)
+        attr.set(to_set[1])
+        self.assertEqual(timesorted_vals, expected)
+    @TestCaseAugmented._run_if_sans_db
+    @TestCaseAugmented._run_on_versioned_attributes
+    def test_versioned_newest(self,
+                              _: Any,
+                              __: str,
+                              attr: VersionedAttribute,
+                              default: str | float,
+                              to_set: list[str] | list[float]
+                              ) -> None:
+        """Test VersionedAttribute.newest."""
+        # check .newest on empty history returns .default
+        self.assertEqual(attr.newest, default)
+        # check newest element always returned
+        for v in [to_set[0], to_set[1]]:
+            attr.set(v)
+            self.assertEqual(attr.newest, v)
+        # check newest element returned even if also early value
+        attr.set(default)
+        self.assertEqual(attr.newest, default)
+    @TestCaseAugmented._run_if_sans_db
+    @TestCaseAugmented._run_on_versioned_attributes
+    def test_versioned_at(self,
+                          _: Any,
+                          __: str,
+                          attr: VersionedAttribute,
+                          default: str | float,
+                          to_set: list[str] | list[float]
+                          ) -> None:
+        """Test .at() returns values nearest to queried time, or default."""
+        # check .at() return default on empty history
+        timestamp_a =
+        self.assertEqual(, default)
+        # check value exactly at timestamp returned
+        attr.set(to_set[0])
+        timestamp_b = list(attr.history.keys())[0]
+        self.assertEqual(, to_set[0])
+        # check earliest value returned if exists, rather than default
+        self.assertEqual(, to_set[0])
+        # check reverts to previous value for timestamps not indexed
+        sleep(0.00001)
+        timestamp_between =
+        sleep(0.00001)
+        attr.set(to_set[1])
+        timestamp_c = sorted(attr.history.keys())[-1]
+        self.assertEqual(, to_set[1])
+        self.assertEqual(, to_set[0])
+        sleep(0.00001)
+        timestamp_after_c =
+        self.assertEqual(, to_set[1])
+class TestCaseWithDB(TestCaseAugmented):
+    """Module tests not requiring DB setup."""
+    _default_ids: tuple[int, int, int] = (1, 2, 3)
+    def setUp(self) -> None:
+        Condition.empty_cache()
+        Day.empty_cache()
+        Process.empty_cache()
+        ProcessStep.empty_cache()
+        Todo.empty_cache()
+        db_path = Path(gettempdir()).joinpath(f'test_db:{uuid4()}')
+        DatabaseFile.create(db_path)
+        self.db_file = DatabaseFile(db_path)
+        self.db_conn = DatabaseConnection(self.db_file)
+    def tearDown(self) -> None:
+        self.db_conn.close()
+        remove_file(self.db_file.path)
+    def _load_from_db(self, id_: int) -> list[object]:
+        db_found: list[object] = []
+        for row in self.db_conn.row_where(self.checked_class.table_name,
+                                          'id', id_):
+            db_found += [self.checked_class.from_table_row(self.db_conn,
+                                                           row)]
+        return db_found
+    def _change_obj(self, obj: object) -> str:
+        attr_name: str = self.checked_class.to_save_simples[-1]
+        attr = getattr(obj, attr_name)
+        new_attr: str | int | float | bool
+        if isinstance(attr, (int, float)):
+            new_attr = attr + 1
+        elif isinstance(attr, str):
+            new_attr = attr + '_'
+        elif isinstance(attr, bool):
+            new_attr = not attr
+        setattr(obj, attr_name, new_attr)
+        return attr_name
+    def check_identity_with_cache_and_db(self, content: list[Any]) -> None:
+        """Test both cache and DB equal content."""
+        expected_cache = {}
+        for item in content:
+            expected_cache[item.id_] = item
+        self.assertEqual(self.checked_class.get_cache(), expected_cache)
+        hashes_content = [hash(x) for x in content]
+        db_found: list[Any] = []
+        for item in content:
+            db_found += self._load_from_db(item.id_)
+        hashes_db_found = [hash(x) for x in db_found]
+        self.assertEqual(sorted(hashes_content), sorted(hashes_db_found))
+    @TestCaseAugmented._run_if_with_db_but_not_server
+    @TestCaseAugmented._run_on_versioned_attributes
+    def test_saving_versioned_attributes(self,
+                                         owner: Any,
+                                         attr_name: str,
+                                         attr: VersionedAttribute,
+                                         _: str | float,
+                                         to_set: list[str] | list[float]
+                                         ) -> None:
+        """Test storage and initialization of versioned attributes."""
+        def retrieve_attr_vals(attr: VersionedAttribute) -> list[object]:
+            attr_vals_saved: list[object] = []
+            for row in self.db_conn.row_where(attr.table_name, 'parent',
+                                              owner.id_):
+                attr_vals_saved += [row[2]]
+            return attr_vals_saved
+        attr.set(to_set[0])
+        # check that without no rows in DB
+        rows = self.db_conn.row_where(attr.table_name, 'parent', owner.id_)
+        self.assertEqual([], rows)
+        # fail saving attributes on non-saved owner
+        with self.assertRaises(NotFoundException):
+        # check created entries as expected in attr table
+        attr_vals_saved = retrieve_attr_vals(attr)
+        self.assertEqual([to_set[0]], attr_vals_saved)
+        # check changing attr val without save affects owner in memory …
+        attr.set(to_set[1])
+        cmp_attr = getattr(owner, attr_name)
+        self.assertEqual(to_set, list(cmp_attr.history.values()))
+        self.assertEqual(cmp_attr.history, attr.history)
+        # … but does not yet affect DB
+        attr_vals_saved = retrieve_attr_vals(attr)
+        self.assertEqual([to_set[0]], attr_vals_saved)
+        # check individual also stores new val to DB
+        attr_vals_saved = retrieve_attr_vals(attr)
+        self.assertEqual(to_set, attr_vals_saved)
+    @TestCaseAugmented._run_if_with_db_but_not_server
+    def test_saving_and_caching(self) -> None:
+        """Test effects of .cache() and .save()."""
+        id1 = self._default_ids[0]
+        # check failure to cache without ID (if None-ID input possible)
+        obj0 = self._make_from_defaults(None)
+        with self.assertRaises(HandledException):
+            obj0.cache()
+        # check mere object init itself doesn't even store in cache
+        obj1 = self._make_from_defaults(id1)
+        self.assertEqual(self.checked_class.get_cache(), {})
+        # check .cache() fills cache, but not DB
+        obj1.cache()
+        self.assertEqual(self.checked_class.get_cache(), {id1: obj1})
+        found_in_db = self._load_from_db(id1)
+        self.assertEqual(found_in_db, [])
+        # check .save() sets ID, updates cache, and fills DB
+        # (expect ID to be set to id1, despite obj1 already having that as ID:
+        # it's generated by cursor.lastrowid on the DB table, and with obj1
+        # not written there, obj2 should get it first!)
+        obj2 = self._make_from_defaults(None)
+        self.assertEqual(self.checked_class.get_cache(), {id1: obj2})
+        # NB: we'll only compare hashes because obj2 itself disappears on
+        # .from_table_row-triggered database reload
+        obj2_hash = hash(obj2)
+        found_in_db += self._load_from_db(id1)
+        self.assertEqual([hash(o) for o in found_in_db], [obj2_hash])
+        # check we cannot overwrite obj2 with obj1 despite its same ID,
+        # since it has disappeared now
+        with self.assertRaises(HandledException):
+    @TestCaseAugmented._run_if_with_db_but_not_server
+    def test_by_id(self) -> None:
+        """Test .by_id()."""
+        id1, id2, _ = self._default_ids
+        # check failure if not yet saved
+        obj1 = self._make_from_defaults(id1)
+        with self.assertRaises(NotFoundException):
+            self.checked_class.by_id(self.db_conn, id1)
+        # check identity of cached and retrieved
+        obj1.cache()
+        self.assertEqual(obj1, self.checked_class.by_id(self.db_conn, id1))
+        # check identity of saved and retrieved
+        obj2 = self._make_from_defaults(id2)
+        self.assertEqual(obj2, self.checked_class.by_id(self.db_conn, id2))
+    @TestCaseAugmented._run_if_with_db_but_not_server
+    def test_by_id_or_create(self) -> None:
+        """Test .by_id_or_create."""
+        # check .by_id_or_create fails if wrong class
+        if not self.checked_class.can_create_by_id:
+            with self.assertRaises(HandledException):
+                self.checked_class.by_id_or_create(self.db_conn, None)
+            return
+        # check ID input of None creates, on saving, ID=1,2,…
+        for n in range(2):
+            item = self.checked_class.by_id_or_create(self.db_conn, None)
+            self.assertEqual(item.id_, None)
+            self.assertEqual(item.id_, n+1)
+        # check .by_id_or_create acts like normal instantiation (sans saving)
+        id_ = self._default_ids[2]
+        item = self.checked_class.by_id_or_create(self.db_conn, id_)
+        self.assertEqual(item.id_, id_)
+        with self.assertRaises(NotFoundException):
+            self.checked_class.by_id(self.db_conn, item.id_)
+        self.assertEqual(self.checked_class(item.id_), item)
+    @TestCaseAugmented._run_if_with_db_but_not_server
+    def test_from_table_row(self) -> None:
+        """Test .from_table_row() properly reads in class directly from DB."""
+        obj = self._make_from_defaults(self._default_ids[0])
+        for row in self.db_conn.row_where(self.checked_class.table_name,
+                                          'id', obj.id_):
+            # check .from_table_row reproduces state saved, no matter if obj
+            # later changed (with caching even)
+            # NB: we'll only compare hashes because obj itself disappears on
+            # .from_table_row-triggered database reload
+            hash_original = hash(obj)
+            attr_name = self._change_obj(obj)
+            obj.cache()
+            to_cmp = getattr(obj, attr_name)
+            retrieved = self.checked_class.from_table_row(self.db_conn, row)
+            self.assertNotEqual(to_cmp, getattr(retrieved, attr_name))
+            self.assertEqual(hash_original, hash(retrieved))
+            # check cache contains what .from_table_row just produced
+            self.assertEqual({retrieved.id_: retrieved},
+                             self.checked_class.get_cache())
+    @TestCaseAugmented._run_if_with_db_but_not_server
+    @TestCaseAugmented._run_on_versioned_attributes
+    def test_versioned_history_from_row(self,
+                                        owner: Any,
+                                        _: str,
+                                        attr: VersionedAttribute,
+                                        default: str | float,
+                                        to_set: list[str] | list[float]
+                                        ) -> None:
+        """"Test VersionedAttribute.history_from_row() knows its DB rows."""
+        attr.set(to_set[0])
+        attr.set(to_set[1])
+        # make empty VersionedAttribute, fill from rows, compare to owner's
+        for row in self.db_conn.row_where(owner.table_name, 'id', owner.id_):
+            loaded_attr = VersionedAttribute(owner, attr.table_name, default)
+            for row in self.db_conn.row_where(attr.table_name, 'parent',
+                                              owner.id_):
+                loaded_attr.history_from_row(row)
+            self.assertEqual(len(attr.history.keys()),
+                             len(loaded_attr.history.keys()))
+            for timestamp, value in attr.history.items():
+                self.assertEqual(value, loaded_attr.history[timestamp])
+    @TestCaseAugmented._run_if_with_db_but_not_server
+    def test_all(self) -> None:
+        """Test .all() and its relation to cache and savings."""
+        id1, id2, id3 = self._default_ids
+        item1 = self._make_from_defaults(id1)
+        item2 = self._make_from_defaults(id2)
+        item3 = self._make_from_defaults(id3)
+        # check .all() returns empty list on un-cached items
+        self.assertEqual(self.checked_class.all(self.db_conn), [])
+        # check that all() shows only cached/saved items
+        item1.cache()
+        self.assertEqual(sorted(self.checked_class.all(self.db_conn)),
+                         sorted([item1, item3]))
+        self.assertEqual(sorted(self.checked_class.all(self.db_conn)),
+                         sorted([item1, item2, item3]))
+    @TestCaseAugmented._run_if_with_db_but_not_server
+    def test_singularity(self) -> None:
+        """Test pointers made for single object keep pointing to it."""
+        id1 = self._default_ids[0]
+        obj = self._make_from_defaults(id1)
+        # change object, expect retrieved through .by_id to carry change
+        attr_name = self._change_obj(obj)
+        new_attr = getattr(obj, attr_name)
+        retrieved = self.checked_class.by_id(self.db_conn, id1)
+        self.assertEqual(new_attr, getattr(retrieved, attr_name))
+    @TestCaseAugmented._run_if_with_db_but_not_server
+    @TestCaseAugmented._run_on_versioned_attributes
+    def test_versioned_singularity(self,
+                                   owner: Any,
+                                   attr_name: str,
+                                   attr: VersionedAttribute,
+                                   _: str | float,
+                                   to_set: list[str] | list[float]
+                                   ) -> None:
+        """Test singularity of VersionedAttributes on saving."""
+        # change obj, expect retrieved through .by_id to carry change
+        attr.set(to_set[0])
+        retrieved = self.checked_class.by_id(self.db_conn, owner.id_)
+        attr_retrieved = getattr(retrieved, attr_name)
+        self.assertEqual(attr.history, attr_retrieved.history)
+    @TestCaseAugmented._run_if_with_db_but_not_server
+    def test_remove(self) -> None:
+        """Test .remove() effects on DB and cache."""
+        obj = self._make_from_defaults(self._default_ids[0])
+        # check removal only works after saving
+        with self.assertRaises(HandledException):
+            obj.remove(self.db_conn)
+        obj.remove(self.db_conn)
+        # check access to obj fails after removal
+        with self.assertRaises(HandledException):
+            print(obj.id_)
+        # check DB and cache now empty
+        self.check_identity_with_cache_and_db([])
+class Expected:
+    """Builder of (JSON-like) dict to compare against responses of test server.
+    Collects all items and relations we expect expressed in the server's JSON
+    responses and puts them into the proper json.dumps-friendly dict structure,
+    accessibla via .as_dict, to compare them in TestsWithServer.check_json_get.
+    On its own provides for .as_dict output only {"_library": …}, initialized
+    from .__init__ and to be directly manipulated via the .lib* methods.
+    Further structures of the expected response may be added and kept
+    up-to-date by subclassing .__init__, .recalc, and .d.
+    NB: Lots of expectations towards server behavior will be made explicit here
+    (or in the subclasses) rather than in the actual TestCase methods' code.
+    """
+    _default_dict: dict[str, Any]
+    _forced: dict[str, Any]
+    _fields: dict[str, Any]
+    _on_empty_make_temp: tuple[str, str]
+    def __init__(self) -> None:
+        for name in ['_default_dict', '_fields', '_forced']:
+            if not hasattr(self, name):
+                setattr(self, name, {})
+        self._lib: dict[str, dict[int, dict[str, Any]]] = {}
+        for k, v in self._default_dict.items():
+            if k not in self._fields:
+                self._fields[k] = v
+    def recalc(self) -> None:
+        """Update internal dictionary by subclass-specific rules."""
+        todos = self.lib_all('Todo')
+        for todo in todos:
+            todo['parents'] = []
+        for todo in todos:
+            for child_id in todo['children']:
+                self.lib_get('Todo', child_id)['parents'] += [todo['id']]
+            todo['children'].sort()
+        procsteps = self.lib_all('ProcessStep')
+        procs = self.lib_all('Process')
+        for proc in procs:
+            proc['explicit_steps'] = [s['id'] for s in procsteps
+                                      if s['owner_id'] == proc['id']]
+    @property
+    def as_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
+        """Return dict to compare against test server JSON responses."""
+        make_temp = False
+        if hasattr(self, '_on_empty_make_temp'):
+            category, dicter = getattr(self, '_on_empty_make_temp')
+            id_ = self._fields[category.lower()]
+            make_temp = not bool(self.lib_get(category, id_))
+            if make_temp:
+                self.lib_set(category, [getattr(self, dicter)(id_)])
+        self.recalc()
+        d = {'_library': self._lib}
+        for k, v in self._fields.items():
+            # we expect everything sortable to be sorted
+            if isinstance(v, list) and k not in self._forced:
+                # NB: if we don't test for v being list, sorted() on an empty
+                # dict may return an empty list
+                try:
+                    v = sorted(v)
+                except TypeError:
+                    pass
+            d[k] = v
+        for k, v in self._forced.items():
+            d[k] = v
+        if make_temp:
+            json = json_dumps(d)
+            id_ = id_ if id_ is not None else -1
+            self.lib_del(category, id_)
+            d = json_loads(json)
+        return d
+    def lib_get(self, category: str, id_: int) -> dict[str, Any]:
+        """From library, return item of category and id_, or empty dict."""
+        if category in self._lib and id_ in self._lib[category]:
+            return self._lib[category][id_]
+        return {}
+    def lib_all(self, category: str) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
+        """From library, return items of category, or [] if none."""
+        if category in self._lib:
+            return list(self._lib[category].values())
+        return []
+    def lib_set(self, category: str, items: list[dict[str, object]]) -> None:
+        """Update library for category with items."""
+        if category not in self._lib:
+            self._lib[category] = {}
+        for item in items:
+            id_ = item['id'] if item['id'] is not None else -1
+            assert isinstance(id_, int)
+            self._lib[category][id_] = item
+    def lib_del(self, category: str, id_: int) -> None:
+        """Remove category element of id_ from library."""
+        del self._lib[category][id_]
+        if 0 == len(self._lib[category]):
+            del self._lib[category]
+    def lib_wipe(self, category: str) -> None:
+        """Remove category from library."""
+        if category in self._lib:
+            del self._lib[category]
+    def set(self, field_name: str, value: object) -> None:
+        """Set top-level .as_dict field."""
+        self._fields[field_name] = value
+    def force(self, field_name: str, value: object) -> None:
+        """Set ._forced field to ensure value in .as_dict."""
+        self._forced[field_name] = value
+    @staticmethod
+    def as_ids(items: list[dict[str, Any]]) -> list[int]:
+        """Return list of only 'id' fields of items."""
+        return [item['id'] for item in items]
+    @staticmethod
+    def day_as_dict(id_: int, comment: str = '') -> dict[str, object]:
+        """Return JSON of Day to expect."""
+        return {'id': id_, 'comment': comment, 'todos': []}
+    def set_day_from_post(self, id_: int, d: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
+        """Set Day of id_ in library based on POST dict d."""
+        day = self.day_as_dict(id_)
+        for k, v in d.items():
+            if 'day_comment' == k:
+                day['comment'] = v
+            elif 'new_todo' == k:
+                next_id = 1
+                for todo in self.lib_all('Todo'):
+                    if next_id <= todo['id']:
+                        next_id = todo['id'] + 1
+                for proc_id in sorted([id_ for id_ in v if id_]):
+                    todo = self.todo_as_dict(next_id, proc_id, id_)
+                    self.lib_set('Todo', [todo])
+                    next_id += 1
+            elif 'done' == k:
+                for todo_id in v:
+                    self.lib_get('Todo', todo_id)['is_done'] = True
+            elif 'todo_id' == k:
+                for i, todo_id in enumerate(v):
+                    t = self.lib_get('Todo', todo_id)
+                    if 'comment' in d:
+                        t['comment'] = d['comment'][i]
+                    if 'effort' in d:
+                        effort = d['effort'][i] if d['effort'][i] else None
+                        t['effort'] = effort
+        self.lib_set('Day', [day])
+    @staticmethod
+    def cond_as_dict(id_: int = 1,
+                     is_active: bool = False,
+                     title: None | str = None,
+                     description: None | str = None,
+                     ) -> dict[str, object]:
+        """Return JSON of Condition to expect."""
+        versioned: dict[str, dict[str, object]]
+        versioned = {'title': {}, 'description': {}}
+        if title is not None:
+            versioned['title']['0'] = title
+        if description is not None:
+            versioned['description']['0'] = description
+        return {'id': id_, 'is_active': is_active, '_versioned': versioned}
+    def set_cond_from_post(self, id_: int, d: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
+        """Set Condition of id_ in library based on POST dict d."""
+        if 'delete' in d:
+            self.lib_del('Condition', id_)
+            return
+        cond = self.lib_get('Condition', id_)
+        if cond:
+            cond['is_active'] = 'is_active' in d and\
+                    d['is_active'] in _VALID_TRUES
+            for category in ['title', 'description']:
+                history = cond['_versioned'][category]
+                if len(history) > 0:
+                    last_i = sorted([int(k) for k in history.keys()])[-1]
+                    if d[category] != history[str(last_i)]:
+                        history[str(last_i + 1)] = d[category]
+                else:
+                    history['0'] = d[category]
+        else:
+            cond = self.cond_as_dict(id_, **d)
+        self.lib_set('Condition', [cond])
+    @staticmethod
+    def todo_as_dict(id_: int = 1,
+                     process_id: int = 1,
+                     day_id: int = 1,
+                     conditions: None | list[int] = None,
+                     disables: None | list[int] = None,
+                     blockers: None | list[int] = None,
+                     enables: None | list[int] = None,
+                     calendarize: bool = False,
+                     comment: str = '',
+                     is_done: bool = False,
+                     effort: float | None = None,
+                     children: list[int] | None = None,
+                     parents: list[int] | None = None,
+                     ) -> dict[str, object]:
+        """Return JSON of Todo to expect."""
+        # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
+        d = {'id': id_,
+             'day_id': day_id,
+             'process_id': process_id,
+             'is_done': is_done,
+             'calendarize': calendarize,
+             'comment': comment,
+             'children': children if children else [],
+             'parents': parents if parents else [],
+             'effort': effort,
+             'conditions': conditions if conditions else [],
+             'disables': disables if disables else [],
+             'blockers': blockers if blockers else [],
+             'enables': enables if enables else []}
+        return d
+    def set_todo_from_post(self, id_: int, d: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
+        """Set Todo of id_ in library based on POST dict d."""
+        corrected_kwargs: dict[str, Any] = {
+                'children': [], 'is_done': 0, 'calendarize': 0, 'comment': ''}
+        for k, v in d.items():
+            if k.startswith('step_filler_to_'):
+                continue
+            if 'adopt' == k:
+                new_children = v if isinstance(v, list) else [v]
+                corrected_kwargs['children'] += new_children
+                continue
+            if k in {'is_done', 'calendarize'} and v in _VALID_TRUES:
+                v = True
+            corrected_kwargs[k] = v
+        todo = self.lib_get('Todo', id_)
+        if todo:
+            for k, v in corrected_kwargs.items():
+                todo[k] = v
+        else:
+            todo = self.todo_as_dict(id_, **corrected_kwargs)
+        self.lib_set('Todo', [todo])
+    @staticmethod
+    def procstep_as_dict(id_: int,
+                         owner_id: int,
+                         step_process_id: int,
+                         parent_step_id: int | None = None
+                         ) -> dict[str, object]:
+        """Return JSON of ProcessStep to expect."""
+        return {'id': id_,
+                'owner_id': owner_id,
+                'step_process_id': step_process_id,
+                'parent_step_id': parent_step_id}
+    @staticmethod
+    def proc_as_dict(id_: int = 1,
+                     title: None | str = None,
+                     description: None | str = None,
+                     effort: None | float = None,
+                     conditions: None | list[int] = None,
+                     disables: None | list[int] = None,
+                     blockers: None | list[int] = None,
+                     enables: None | list[int] = None,
+                     explicit_steps: None | list[int] = None,
+                     suppressed_steps: None | list[int] = None
+                     ) -> dict[str, object]:
+        """Return JSON of Process to expect."""
+        # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
+        versioned: dict[str, dict[str, object]]
+        versioned = {'title': {}, 'description': {}, 'effort': {}}
+        if title is not None:
+            versioned['title']['0'] = title
+        if description is not None:
+            versioned['description']['0'] = description
+        if effort is not None:
+            versioned['effort']['0'] = effort
+        d = {'id': id_,
+             'calendarize': False,
+             'suppressed_steps': suppressed_steps if suppressed_steps else [],
+             'explicit_steps': explicit_steps if explicit_steps else [],
+             '_versioned': versioned,
+             'conditions': conditions if conditions else [],
+             'disables': disables if disables else [],
+             'enables': enables if enables else [],
+             'blockers': blockers if blockers else []}
+        return d
+    def set_proc_from_post(self, id_: int, d: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
+        """Set Process of id_ in library based on POST dict d."""
+        proc = self.lib_get('Process', id_)
+        if proc:
+            for category in ['title', 'description', 'effort']:
+                history = proc['_versioned'][category]
+                if len(history) > 0:
+                    last_i = sorted([int(k) for k in history.keys()])[-1]
+                    if d[category] != history[str(last_i)]:
+                        history[str(last_i + 1)] = d[category]
+                else:
+                    history['0'] = d[category]
+        else:
+            proc = self.proc_as_dict(id_,
+                                     d['title'], d['description'], d['effort'])
+        ignore = {'title', 'description', 'effort', 'new_top_step', 'step_of',
+                  'kept_steps'}
+        proc['calendarize'] = False
+        for k, v in d.items():
+            if k in ignore\
+                    or k.startswith('step_') or k.startswith('new_step_to'):
+                continue
+            if k in {'calendarize'} and v in _VALID_TRUES:
+                v = True
+            elif k in {'suppressed_steps', 'explicit_steps', 'conditions',
+                       'disables', 'enables', 'blockers'}:
+                if not isinstance(v, list):
+                    v = [v]
+            proc[k] = v
+        self.lib_set('Process', [proc])
+class TestCaseWithServer(TestCaseWithDB):
+    """Module tests against our HTTP server/handler (and database)."""
+    def setUp(self) -> None:
+        super().setUp()
+        self.httpd = TaskServer(self.db_file, ('localhost', 0), TaskHandler)
+        self.server_thread = Thread(target=self.httpd.serve_forever)
+        self.server_thread.daemon = True
+        self.server_thread.start()
+        self.conn = HTTPConnection(str(self.httpd.server_address[0]),
+                                   self.httpd.server_address[1])
+        self.httpd.render_mode = 'json'
+    def tearDown(self) -> None:
+        self.httpd.shutdown()
+        self.httpd.server_close()
+        self.server_thread.join()
+        super().tearDown()
+    def post_exp_cond(self,
+                      exps: list[Expected],
+                      payload: dict[str, object],
+                      id_: int = 1,
+                      post_to_id: bool = True,
+                      redir_to_id: bool = True
+                      ) -> None:
+        """POST /condition(s), appropriately update Expecteds."""
+        # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
+        target = f'/condition?id={id_}' if post_to_id else '/condition'
+        redir = f'/condition?id={id_}' if redir_to_id else '/conditions'
+        if 'title' not in payload:
+            payload['title'] = 'foo'
+        if 'description' not in payload:
+            payload['description'] = 'foo'
+        self.check_post(payload, target, redir=redir)
+        for exp in exps:
+            exp.set_cond_from_post(id_, payload)
+    def post_exp_day(self,
+                     exps: list[Expected],
+                     payload: dict[str, Any],
+                     day_id: int = 1
+                     ) -> None:
+        """POST /day, appropriately update Expecteds."""
+        if 'make_type' not in payload:
+            payload['make_type'] = 'empty'
+        if 'day_comment' not in payload:
+            payload['day_comment'] = ''
+        date = dt_date_from_day_id(day_id).isoformat()
+        target = f'/day?date={date}'
+        redir_to = f'{target}&make_type={payload["make_type"]}'
+        self.check_post(payload, target, 302, redir_to)
+        for exp in exps:
+            exp.set_day_from_post(day_id, payload)
+    def post_exp_process(self,
+                         exps: list[Expected],
+                         payload: dict[str, Any],
+                         id_: int,
+                         ) -> dict[str, object]:
+        """POST /process, appropriately update Expecteds."""
+        if 'title' not in payload:
+            payload['title'] = 'foo'
+        if 'description' not in payload:
+            payload['description'] = 'foo'
+        if 'effort' not in payload:
+            payload['effort'] = 1.1
+        self.check_post(payload, f'/process?id={id_}',
+                        redir=f'/process?id={id_}')
+        for exp in exps:
+            exp.set_proc_from_post(id_, payload)
+        return payload
+    def post_exp_todo(self,
+                      exps: list[Expected],
+                      payload: dict[str, Any],
+                      id_: int,
+                      ) -> None:
+        """POST /todo, appropriately updated Expecteds."""
+        self.check_post(payload, f'/todo?id={id_}')
+        for exp in exps:
+            exp.set_todo_from_post(id_, payload)
+    def check_filter(self, exp: Expected, category: str, key: str,
+                     val: str, list_ids: list[int]) -> None:
+        """Check GET /{category}?{key}={val} sorts to list_ids."""
+        # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
+        exp.set(key, val)
+        exp.force(category, list_ids)
+        self.check_json_get(f'/{category}?{key}={val}', exp)
+    def check_redirect(self, target: str) -> None:
+        """Check that self.conn answers with a 302 redirect to target."""
+        response = self.conn.getresponse()
+        self.assertEqual(response.status, 302)
+        self.assertEqual(response.getheader('Location'), target)
+    def check_get(self, target: str, expected_code: int) -> None:
+        """Check that a GET to target yields expected_code."""
+        self.conn.request('GET', target)
+        self.assertEqual(self.conn.getresponse().status, expected_code)
+    def check_minimal_inputs(self,
+                             url: str,
+                             minimal_inputs: dict[str, Any]
+                             ) -> None:
+        """Check that url 400's unless all of minimal_inputs provided."""
+        for to_hide in minimal_inputs.keys():
+            to_post = {k: v for k, v in minimal_inputs.items() if k != to_hide}
+            self.check_post(to_post, url, 400)
+    def check_post(self, data: Mapping[str, object], target: str,
+                   expected_code: int = 302, redir: str = '') -> None:
+        """Check that POST of data to target yields expected_code."""
+        encoded_form_data = urlencode(data, doseq=True).encode('utf-8')
+        headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+                   'Content-Length': str(len(encoded_form_data))}
+        self.conn.request('POST', target,
+                          body=encoded_form_data, headers=headers)
+        if 302 == expected_code:
+            redir = target if redir == '' else redir
+            self.check_redirect(redir)
+        else:
+            self.assertEqual(self.conn.getresponse().status, expected_code)
+    def check_get_defaults(self,
+                           path: str,
+                           default_id: str = '1',
+                           id_name: str = 'id'
+                           ) -> None:
+        """Some standard model paths to test."""
+        nonexist_status = 200 if self.checked_class.can_create_by_id else 404
+        self.check_get(path, nonexist_status)
+        self.check_get(f'{path}?{id_name}=', 400)
+        self.check_get(f'{path}?{id_name}=foo', 400)
+        self.check_get(f'/{path}?{id_name}=0', 400)
+        self.check_get(f'{path}?{id_name}={default_id}', nonexist_status)
+    def check_json_get(self, path: str, expected: Expected) -> None:
+        """Compare JSON on GET path with expected.
+        To simplify comparison of VersionedAttribute histories, transforms
+        timestamp keys of VersionedAttribute history keys into (strings of)
+        integers counting chronologically forward from 0.
+        """
+        def rewrite_history_keys_in(item: Any) -> Any:
+            if isinstance(item, dict):
+                if '_versioned' in item.keys():
+                    for category in item['_versioned']:
+                        vals = item['_versioned'][category].values()
+                        history = {}
+                        for i, val in enumerate(vals):
+                            history[str(i)] = val
+                        item['_versioned'][category] = history
+                for category in list(item.keys()):
+                    rewrite_history_keys_in(item[category])
+            elif isinstance(item, list):
+                item[:] = [rewrite_history_keys_in(i) for i in item]
+            return item
+        def walk_diffs(path: str, cmp1: object, cmp2: object) -> None:
+            # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
+            def warn(intro: str, val: object) -> None:
+                if isinstance(val, (str, int, float)):
+                    print(intro, val)
+                else:
+                    print(intro)
+                    pprint(val)
+            if cmp1 != cmp2:
+                if isinstance(cmp1, dict) and isinstance(cmp2, dict):
+                    for k, v in cmp1.items():
+                        if k not in cmp2:
+                            warn(f'DIFF {path}: retrieved lacks {k}', v)
+                        elif v != cmp2[k]:
+                            walk_diffs(f'{path}:{k}', v, cmp2[k])
+                    for k in [k for k in cmp2.keys() if k not in cmp1]:
+                        warn(f'DIFF {path}: expected lacks retrieved\'s {k}',
+                             cmp2[k])
+                elif isinstance(cmp1, list) and isinstance(cmp2, list):
+                    for i, v1 in enumerate(cmp1):
+                        if i >= len(cmp2):
+                            warn(f'DIFF {path}[{i}] retrieved misses:', v1)
+                        elif v1 != cmp2[i]:
+                            walk_diffs(f'{path}[{i}]', v1, cmp2[i])
+                    if len(cmp2) > len(cmp1):
+                        for i, v2 in enumerate(cmp2[len(cmp1):]):
+                            warn(f'DIFF {path}[{len(cmp1)+i}] misses:', v2)
+                else:
+                    warn(f'DIFF {path} – for expected:', cmp1)
+                    warn('… and for retrieved:', cmp2)
+        self.conn.request('GET', path)
+        response = self.conn.getresponse()
+        self.assertEqual(response.status, 200)
+        retrieved = json_loads(
+        rewrite_history_keys_in(retrieved)
+        # to convert ._lib int keys to str
+        cmp = json_loads(json_dumps(expected.as_dict))
+        try:
+            self.assertEqual(cmp, retrieved)
+        except AssertionError as e:
+            print('EXPECTED:')
+            pprint(cmp)
+            print('RETRIEVED:')
+            pprint(retrieved)
+            walk_diffs('', cmp, retrieved)
+            raise e