From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2024 00:25:23 +0000 (+0200)
Subject: Add most basic Todo family relations.

Add most basic Todo family relations.

diff --git a/plomtask/ b/plomtask/
index 91c3224..e65164a 100644
--- a/plomtask/
+++ b/plomtask/
@@ -146,10 +146,10 @@ class TaskHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
                     ParamsParser) -> str:
         """Show single Todo of ?id=."""
         id_ = params.get_int_or_none('id')
-        if id_ is None:
-            raise NotFoundException('Todo of ID not found.')
         todo = Todo.by_id(conn, id_)
-        return self.server.jinja.get_template('todo.html').render(todo=todo)
+        candidates = Todo.by_date(conn,
+        return self.server.jinja.get_template('todo.html').render(
+                todo=todo, candidates=candidates)
     def do_GET_process(self, conn: DatabaseConnection,
                        params: ParamsParser) -> str:
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ class TaskHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
             postvars = parse_qs(,
                                 keep_blank_values=True, strict_parsing=True)
             form_data = PostvarsParser(postvars)
-            if site in ('day', 'process'):
+            if site in ('day', 'process', 'todo'):
                 getattr(self, f'do_POST_{site}')(conn, params, form_data)
@@ -200,6 +200,17 @@ class TaskHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
             todo = Todo(None, process, False, day)
+    def do_POST_todo(self, conn: DatabaseConnection, params: ParamsParser,
+                     form_data: PostvarsParser) -> None:
+        """Update Todo and its children."""
+        id_ = params.get_int_or_none('id')
+        todo = Todo.by_id(conn, id_)
+        child_id = form_data.get_int_or_none('adopt')
+        if child_id is not None:
+            child = Todo.by_id(conn, child_id)
+            todo.add_child(child)
     def do_POST_process(self, conn: DatabaseConnection, params: ParamsParser,
                         form_data: PostvarsParser) -> None:
         """Update or insert Process of ?id= and fields defined in postvars."""
diff --git a/plomtask/ b/plomtask/
index f1d98ad..7faea73 100644
--- a/plomtask/
+++ b/plomtask/
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ from sqlite3 import Row
 from plomtask.db import DatabaseConnection
 from plomtask.days import Day
 from plomtask.processes import Process
-from plomtask.exceptions import NotFoundException
+from plomtask.exceptions import (NotFoundException, BadFormatException,
+                                 HandledException)
 class Todo:
@@ -16,6 +17,7 @@ class Todo:
         self.process = process
         self.is_done = is_done = day
+        self.children: list[Todo] = []
     def from_table_row(cls, db_conn: DatabaseConnection, row: Row) -> Todo:
@@ -29,15 +31,23 @@ class Todo:
         return todo
-    def by_id(cls, db_conn: DatabaseConnection, id_: int) -> Todo:
-        """Get Todo of .id_=id_ – from DB cache if possible."""
+    def by_id(cls, db_conn: DatabaseConnection, id_: int | None) -> Todo:
+        """Get Todo of .id_=id_ and children (from DB cache if possible)."""
         if id_ in db_conn.cached_todos.keys():
             todo = db_conn.cached_todos[id_]
-            assert isinstance(todo, Todo)
-            return todo
-        for row in db_conn.exec('SELECT * FROM todos WHERE id = ?', (id_,)):
-            return cls.from_table_row(db_conn, row)
-        raise NotFoundException(f'Todo of ID not found: {id_}')
+        else:
+            todo = None
+            for row in db_conn.exec('SELECT * FROM todos WHERE id = ?',
+                                    (id_,)):
+                todo = cls.from_table_row(db_conn, row)
+                break
+            if todo is None:
+                raise NotFoundException(f'Todo of ID not found: {id_}')
+            for row in db_conn.exec('SELECT child FROM todo_children '
+                                    'WHERE parent = ?', (id_,)):
+                todo.children += [cls.by_id(db_conn, row[0])]
+        assert isinstance(todo, Todo)
+        return todo
     def by_date(cls, db_conn: DatabaseConnection, date: str) -> list[Todo]:
@@ -47,8 +57,24 @@ class Todo:
             todos += [cls.by_id(db_conn, row[0])]
         return todos
+    def add_child(self, child: Todo) -> None:
+        """Add child to self.children, guard against recursion"""
+        def walk_steps(node: Todo) -> None:
+            if node.id_ == self.id_:
+                raise BadFormatException('bad child choice causes recursion')
+            for child in node.children:
+                walk_steps(child)
+        if self.id_ is None:
+            raise HandledException('Can only add children to saved Todos.')
+        if child.id_ is None:
+            raise HandledException('Can only add saved children to Todos.')
+        if child in self.children:
+            raise BadFormatException('cannot adopt same child twice')
+        walk_steps(child)
+        self.children += [child]
     def save(self, db_conn: DatabaseConnection) -> None:
-        """Write self to DB and its cache."""
+        """Write self and children to DB and its cache."""
         if self.process.id_ is None:
             raise NotFoundException('Process of Todo without ID (not saved?)')
         cursor = db_conn.exec('REPLACE INTO todos VALUES (?,?,?,?)',
@@ -57,3 +83,8 @@ class Todo:
         self.id_ = cursor.lastrowid
         assert self.id_ is not None
         db_conn.cached_todos[self.id_] = self
+        db_conn.exec('DELETE FROM todo_children WHERE parent = ?',
+                     (self.id_,))
+        for child in self.children:
+            db_conn.exec('INSERT INTO todo_children VALUES (?, ?)',
+                         (self.id_, child.id_))
diff --git a/scripts/init.sql b/scripts/init.sql
index 6dca372..9f39305 100644
--- a/scripts/init.sql
+++ b/scripts/init.sql
@@ -35,6 +35,13 @@ CREATE TABLE process_titles (
 CREATE TABLE processes (
+CREATE TABLE todo_children (
+    parent INTEGER NOT NULL,
+    child INTEGER NOT NULL,
+    PRIMARY KEY (parent, child),
+    FOREIGN KEY (parent) REFERENCES todos(id),
+    FOREIGN KEY (child) REFERENCES todos(id)
     process_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
diff --git a/templates/day.html b/templates/day.html
index 44fd90d..0953d52 100644
--- a/templates/day.html
+++ b/templates/day.html
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
 {% extends 'base.html' %}
+{% macro todo_with_children(todo, indent) %}
+<li>{% for i in range(indent) %}+{% endfor %}<a href="todo?id={{todo.id_}}">{{todo.process.title.newest|e}}</a>
+{% for child in todo.children %}
+{{ todo_with_children(child, indent+1) }}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endmacro %}
 {% block content %}
 <h3>{{}} / {{day.weekday}}</h3>
@@ -17,7 +24,7 @@ add todo: <input name="new_todo" list="processes" autocomplete="off" />
 {% for todo in todos %}
-<li><a href="todo?id={{todo.id_}}">{{todo.process.title.newest|e}}</a>
+{{ todo_with_children(todo, 0) }}
 {% endfor %}
 {% endblock %}
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index db4ad9c..7ae6b64 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ from tests.utils import TestCaseWithDB, TestCaseWithServer
 from plomtask.todos import Todo
 from plomtask.days import Day
 from plomtask.processes import Process
-from plomtask.exceptions import NotFoundException
+from plomtask.exceptions import (NotFoundException, BadFormatException,
+                                 HandledException)
 class TestsWithDB(TestCaseWithDB):
@@ -38,6 +39,26 @@ class TestsWithDB(TestCaseWithDB):
         self.assertEqual(Todo.by_date(self.db_conn,, [])
         self.assertEqual(Todo.by_date(self.db_conn, 'foo'), [])
+    def test_Todo_children(self) -> None:
+        """Test Todo.children relations."""
+        day = Day('2024-01-01')
+        process = Process(None)
+        process.save_without_steps(self.db_conn)
+        todo_1 = Todo(None, process, False, day)
+        todo_2 = Todo(None, process, False, day)
+        with self.assertRaises(HandledException):
+            todo_1.add_child(todo_2)
+        with self.assertRaises(HandledException):
+            todo_1.add_child(todo_2)
+        todo_1.add_child(todo_2)
+        todo_retrieved = Todo.by_id(self.db_conn, todo_1.id_)
+        self.assertEqual(todo_retrieved.children, [todo_2])
+        with self.assertRaises(BadFormatException):
+            todo_2.add_child(todo_1)
     def test_Todo_singularity(self) -> None:
         """Test pointers made for single object keep pointing to it."""
         day = Day('2024-01-01')
@@ -57,7 +78,7 @@ class TestsWithDB(TestCaseWithDB):
 class TestsWithServer(TestCaseWithServer):
     """Tests against our HTTP server/handler (and database)."""
-    def test_do_POST_todo(self) -> None:
+    def test_do_POST_day(self) -> None:
         """Test Todo posting of POST /day."""
         form_data = {'title': '', 'description': '', 'effort': 1}
         self.check_post(form_data, '/process?id=', 302, '/')
@@ -83,6 +104,36 @@ class TestsWithServer(TestCaseWithServer):
         self.assertEqual(todo1.process.id_, process2.id_)
         self.assertEqual(todo1.is_done, False)
+    def test_do_POST_todo(self) -> None:
+        """Test POST /todo."""
+        form_data = {'title': '', 'description': '', 'effort': 1}
+        self.check_post(form_data, '/process', 302, '/')
+        form_data = {'comment': '', 'new_todo': 1}
+        self.check_post(form_data, '/day?date=2024-01-01', 302, '/')
+        form_data = {}
+        self.check_post(form_data, '/todo=', 404)
+        self.check_post(form_data, '/todo?id=', 404)
+        self.check_post(form_data, '/todo?id=FOO', 400)
+        self.check_post(form_data, '/todo?id=0', 404)
+        self.check_post(form_data, '/todo?id=1', 302, '/')
+        todo1 = Todo.by_date(self.db_conn, '2024-01-01')[0]
+        self.assertEqual(todo1.children, [])
+        form_data = {'adopt': 'foo'}
+        self.check_post(form_data, '/todo?id=1', 400)
+        form_data = {'adopt': 1}
+        self.check_post(form_data, '/todo?id=1', 400)
+        form_data = {'adopt': 2}
+        self.check_post(form_data, '/todo?id=1', 404)
+        form_data = {'comment': '', 'new_todo': 1}
+        self.check_post(form_data, '/day?date=2024-01-01', 302, '/')
+        form_data = {'adopt': 2}
+        self.check_post(form_data, '/todo?id=1', 302, '/')
+        self.db_conn.cached_todos = {}
+        todo1 = Todo.by_date(self.db_conn, '2024-01-01')[0]
+        todo2 = Todo.by_date(self.db_conn, '2024-01-01')[1]
+        self.assertEqual(todo1.children, [todo2])
+        self.check_post(form_data, '/todo?id=1', 400, '/')
     def test_do_GET_todo(self) -> None:
         """Test GET /todo response codes."""
         form_data = {'title': '', 'description': '', 'effort': 1}