From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2024 01:58:36 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: Refactor download stuff into DownloadsDb class.

Refactor download stuff into DownloadsDb class.

diff --git a/ b/
index f61a415..c1a4238 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ ProseText = NewType('ProseText', str)
 SqlText = NewType('SqlText', str)
 AmountDownloads = NewType('AmountDownloads', int)
 PlayerUpdateId = NewType('PlayerUpdateId', str)
-DownloadsDb: TypeAlias = dict[VideoId, PathStr]
+DownloadsIndex: TypeAlias = dict[VideoId, PathStr]
 TemplateContext: TypeAlias = dict[
         str, None | bool | PlayerUpdateId | Optional[PathStr] | VideoId
         | QueryText | QuotaCost | 'VideoData' | list['VideoData']
@@ -100,8 +100,6 @@ CREATE TABLE quota_costs (
-to_download: list[VideoId] = []
 class DatabaseConnection:
     """Wrapped sqlite3.Connection."""
@@ -409,12 +407,76 @@ class Player:
-class PlayerServer(HTTPServer):
-    """Extension of HTTPServer providing for .player inclusion."""
+class DownloadsDb:
+    """Collections downloading-related stuff."""
+    def __init__(self) -> None:
+        self._to_download: list[VideoId] = []
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
+    @staticmethod
+    def _id_from_filename(path: PathStr,
+                          double_split: bool = False
+                          ) -> VideoId:
+        before_ext = splitext(path)[0]
+        if double_split:
+            before_ext = splitext(before_ext)[0]
+        return VideoId(before_ext.split('[')[-1].split(']')[0])
+    @property
+    def ids_to_paths(self) -> DownloadsIndex:
+        """Return mapping of VideoIds to paths of files downloaded to them."""
+        ids_to_paths = {}
+        for path in [PathStr(e.path) for e
+                     in scandir(PATH_DIR_DOWNLOADS) if isfile(e.path)]:
+            ids_to_paths[self._id_from_filename(path)] = PathStr(path)
+        return ids_to_paths
+    @property
+    def ids_unfinished(self) -> set[VideoId]:
+        """Return set of IDs of videos awaiting or currently in download."""
+        in_temp_dir = []
+        for path in [PathStr(e.path) for e
+                     in scandir(PATH_DIR_TEMP) if isfile(e.path)]:
+            in_temp_dir += [self._id_from_filename(path)]
+        return set(self._to_download + in_temp_dir)
+    def clean_unfinished(self) -> None:
+        """Empty temp directory of unfinished downloads."""
+        for e in [e for e in scandir(PATH_DIR_TEMP) if isfile(e.path)]:
+            print(f'removing unfinished download: {e.path}')
+            os_remove(e.path)
+    def queue_download(self, video_id: VideoId) -> None:
+        """Add video_id to download queue *if* not already processed."""
+        pre_existing = self.ids_unfinished | set(self._to_download
+                                                 + list(self.ids_to_paths))
+        if video_id not in pre_existing:
+            self._to_download += [video_id]
+    def _download_next(self) -> None:
+        if self._to_download:
+            video_id = self._to_download.pop(0)
+            with YoutubeDL(YT_DL_PARAMS) as ydl:
+      [f'{YOUTUBE_URL_PREFIX}{video_id}'])
+    def download_loop(self) -> None:
+        """Keep iterating through download queue for new download tasks."""
+        while True:
+            sleep(0.5)
+            self._download_next()
+class Server(HTTPServer):
+    """Extension of HTTPServer providing for Player and DownloadsDb."""
+    def __init__(self,
+                 player: Player,
+                 downloads_db: DownloadsDb,
+                 *args, **kwargs
+                 ) -> None:
         super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-        self.player = Player()
+        self.player = player
+        self.downloads = downloads_db
 def ensure_expected_dirs_and_files() -> None:
@@ -428,40 +490,9 @@ def ensure_expected_dirs_and_files() -> None:
             raise Exception(msg)
-def clean_unfinished_downloads() -> None:
-    """Empty temp directory of unfinished downloads."""
-    for e in [e for e in scandir(PATH_DIR_TEMP) if isfile(e.path)]:
-        print(f'removing unfinished download: {e.path}')
-        os_remove(e.path)
-def run_server() -> None:
-    """Run PlayerServer on TaskHandler, handle KeyboardInterrupt as exit."""
-    server = PlayerServer(('localhost', HTTP_PORT), TaskHandler)
-    print(f'running at port {HTTP_PORT}')
-    try:
-        server.serve_forever()
-    except KeyboardInterrupt:
-        print('aborted due to keyboard interrupt; '
-              'repeat to end download thread too')
-    server.server_close()
-def download_thread() -> None:
-    """Keep iterating through to_download for IDs, download their videos."""
-    while True:
-        sleep(0.5)
-        try:
-            video_id: VideoId = to_download.pop(0)
-        except IndexError:
-            continue
-        with YoutubeDL(YT_DL_PARAMS) as ydl:
-  [f'{YOUTUBE_URL_PREFIX}{video_id}'])
 class TaskHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
     """Handler for GET and POST requests to our server."""
-    server: PlayerServer
+    server: Server
     def _send_http(self,
                    content: bytes = b'',
@@ -585,25 +616,6 @@ class TaskHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
         html = tmpl.render(**tmpl_ctx)
         self._send_http(bytes(html, 'utf8'))
-    def _make_downloads_db(self) -> tuple[DownloadsDb, list[VideoId]]:
-        def id_from_filename(path: PathStr, double_split: bool = False
-                             ) -> VideoId:
-            before_ext = splitext(path)[0]
-            if double_split:
-                before_ext = splitext(before_ext)[0]
-            return VideoId(before_ext.split('[')[-1].split(']')[0])
-        downloads_db = {}
-        for path in [PathStr(e.path) for e
-                     in scandir(PATH_DIR_DOWNLOADS) if isfile(e.path)]:
-            downloads_db[id_from_filename(path)] = PathStr(path)
-        unfinished = []
-        for path in [PathStr(e.path) for e
-                     in scandir(PATH_DIR_TEMP) if isfile(e.path)]:
-            unfinished += [id_from_filename(path)]
-        return downloads_db, unfinished
     def _send_thumbnail(self, filename: PathStr) -> None:
         path_thumbnail = path_join(PATH_DIR_THUMBNAILS, filename)
         if not path_exists(path_thumbnail):
@@ -613,14 +625,13 @@ class TaskHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
         self._send_http(img, [('Content-type', 'image/jpg')])
     def _send_or_download_video(self, video_id: VideoId) -> None:
-        downloads_db, unfinished = self._make_downloads_db()
-        if video_id in downloads_db:
-            with open(downloads_db[video_id], 'rb') as video_file:
+        if video_id in self.server.downloads.ids_to_paths:
+            with open(self.server.downloads.ids_to_paths[video_id],
+                      'rb') as video_file:
                 video =
-        if video_id not in to_download + unfinished:
-            to_download.append(video_id)
+        self.server.downloads.queue_download(video_id)
         self._send_http(headers=[('Location', f'/video_about/{video_id}')],
@@ -651,18 +662,18 @@ class TaskHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
         except NotFoundException:
             video_data = VideoData(video_id)
-        downloads_db, unfinished = self._make_downloads_db()
                 {'video_data': video_data,
-                 'is_temp': video_id in to_download + unfinished,
-                 'file_path': downloads_db.get(video_id, None),
+                 'is_temp': video_id in self.server.downloads.ids_unfinished,
+                 'file_path': self.server.downloads.ids_to_paths.get(video_id,
+                                                                     None),
                  'youtube_prefix': YOUTUBE_URL_PREFIX,
                  'queries': linked_queries})
     def _send_videos_index(self) -> None:
         videos = [(id_, PathStr(basename(path)))
-                  for id_, path in self._make_downloads_db()[0].items()]
+                  for id_, path in self.server.downloads.ids_to_paths.items()]
         videos.sort(key=lambda t: t[1])
         self._send_rendered_template(NAME_TEMPLATE_VIDEOS, {'videos': videos})
@@ -694,8 +705,22 @@ class TaskHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
                  'tuples': tuples})
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+def run():
+    """Create DownloadsDb, Player, run server loop."""
+    downloads_db = DownloadsDb()
+    downloads_db.clean_unfinished()
-    clean_unfinished_downloads()
-    Thread(target=download_thread, daemon=False).start()
-    run_server()
+    Thread(target=downloads_db.download_loop, daemon=False).start()
+    server = Server(Player(), downloads_db, ('localhost', HTTP_PORT),
+                    TaskHandler)
+    print(f'running at port {HTTP_PORT}')
+    try:
+        server.serve_forever()
+    except KeyboardInterrupt:
+        print('aborted due to keyboard interrupt; '
+              'repeat to end download thread too')
+    server.server_close()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    run()