From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2015 04:18:32 +0000 (+0200)
Subject: Update notes on requirements, portability, dependencies, installation.
X-Git-Tag: tce~329

Update notes on requirements, portability, dependencies, installation.

diff --git a/README b/README
index ac0e0a3..a6d9302 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -25,20 +25,25 @@ start over in a new world, simply delete this file.
 System requirements / installation / running the game
-The game is expected to run on Linux systems that contain the ncurses library.
-(It may also work on other Unix-like systems with ncurses, who knows. See
-<> for OS
-X compatibility.) Do the following steps:
+The game is expected to run:
+- on Unix systems with a vt100-like terminal environment (xterm will do)
+- that contain the ncurses library
+- and Python3 (version >= 3.2.3).
+To build it, this is furthermore necessary:
+- gcc (version >= 4.7.2); some llvm masked as gcc was tested successfully on OSX
+- libc library headers (libc6-dev?)
+- ncurses library headers (libncurses5-dev?)
+To build and start, do the following steps:
-$ git clone
-$ cd plomrogue
 $ ./redo
 $ ./roguelike
-(If you got a redo build system installed and in your $PATH, you could also do a
-simple "redo" instead of "./redo". The ./redo script calls a simple partial
-shell script implementation of redo stored below build/redo_scripts/, written by
-Nils Dagsson Moskopp a.k.a. erlehmann.)
+If you got a version of djb's redo build system installed and in your $PATH,
+you could also do a simple "redo" instead of "./redo". The ./redo script calls a
+simple partial shell script implementation of redo stored below
+./build/redo_scripts/, written by Nils Dagsson Moskopp a.k.a. erlehmann.)
 ./redo generates two executables ./roguelike-server and ./roguelike-client.
 ./roguelike is a pre-existing shell script that merely executes both of them,
diff --git a/redo b/redo
index 51f7aff..f2eef67 100755
--- a/redo
+++ b/redo
@@ -13,10 +13,6 @@
 # build/redo_scripts/. For details on this version, see:
 # - <>
 # - <>
-# This "redo" implementation may experience trouble on OS X systems, see
-# <> for a
-# workaround.
 # Some tests first: for gcc, and certain necessary header files. (This is not
 # strictly the responsibility of a mere redo wrapper. But those using a