From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2024 18:18:24 +0000 (+0200)
Subject: Re-organize and extend/improve POST/GET /day tests.

Re-organize and extend/improve POST/GET /day tests.

diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 0b039bf..396fe05 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -106,30 +106,29 @@ class TestsWithServer(TestCaseWithServer):
         return d
-    def todo_node_as_dict(todo_id: int) -> dict[str, object]:
+    def _todo_node_as_dict(todo_id: int) -> dict[str, object]:
         """Return JSON of TodoNode to expect."""
         return {'children': [], 'seen': False, 'todo': todo_id}
-    @staticmethod
-    def GET_day_dict(date: str) -> dict[str, object]:
+    @classmethod
+    def GET_day_dict(cls, date: str) -> dict[str, object]:
         """Return JSON of GET /day to expect."""
         day: dict[str, object] = {'id': date, 'comment': '', 'todos': []}
-        d: dict[str, object]
-        d = {'day': date,
-             'top_nodes': [],
-             'make_type': '',
-             'enablers_for': {},
-             'disablers_for': {},
-             'conditions_present': [],
-             'processes': [],
-             '_library': {'Day': TestsWithServer.as_refs([day])}}
+        d: dict[str, object] = {'day': date,
+                                'top_nodes': [],
+                                'make_type': '',
+                                'enablers_for': {},
+                                'disablers_for': {},
+                                'conditions_present': [],
+                                'processes': [],
+                                '_library': {'Day': cls.as_refs([day])}}
         return d
-    def post_day(self, params: str = '',
-                 form_data: None | dict[str, object] = None,
-                 redir_to: str = '',
-                 status: int = 302,
-                 ) -> None:
+    def _post_day(self, params: str = '',
+                  form_data: None | dict[str, object] = None,
+                  redir_to: str = '',
+                  status: int = 302,
+                  ) -> None:
         """POST /day?{params} with form_data."""
         if not form_data:
             form_data = {'day_comment': '', 'make_type': ''}
@@ -139,12 +138,12 @@ class TestsWithServer(TestCaseWithServer):
         self.check_post(form_data, target, status, redir_to)
-    def post_batch(list_of_args: list[list[object]],
-                   names_of_simples: list[str],
-                   names_of_versioneds: list[str],
-                   f_as_dict: Callable[..., dict[str, object]],
-                   f_to_post: Callable[..., None | dict[str, object]]
-                   ) -> list[dict[str, object]]:
+    def _post_batch(list_of_args: list[list[object]],
+                    names_of_simples: list[str],
+                    names_of_versioneds: list[str],
+                    f_as_dict: Callable[..., dict[str, object]],
+                    f_to_post: Callable[..., None | dict[str, object]]
+                    ) -> list[dict[str, object]]:
         """Post expected=f_as_dict(*args) as input to f_to_post, for many."""
         expecteds = []
         for args in list_of_args:
@@ -159,82 +158,6 @@ class TestsWithServer(TestCaseWithServer):
             f_to_post(expected['id'], post)
         return expecteds
-    def post_cond(self, id_: int, form_data: dict[str, object]) -> None:
-        """POST Condition of id_ with form_data."""
-        self.check_post(form_data, f'/condition?id={id_}', 302)
-    def test_do_GET_day_with_processes_and_todos(self) -> None:
-        """Test GET /day displaying Processes and Todos."""
-        date = '2024-01-01'
-        # check Processes get displayed in ['processes'] and ['_library']
-        procs_data = [[1, 'foo', 'oof', 1.1], [2, 'bar', 'rab', 0.9]]
-        procs_expected = self.post_batch(procs_data, [],
-                                         ['title', 'description', 'effort'],
-                                         self.proc_as_dict, self.post_process)
-        expected = self.GET_day_dict(date)
-        assert isinstance(expected['_library'], dict)
-        expected['processes'] = self.as_id_list(procs_expected)
-        expected['_library']['Process'] = self.as_refs(procs_expected)
-        self.post_day(f'date={date}')
-        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', expected)
-        # post Todos of either process and check their display
-        post_day: dict[str, object]
-        post_day = {'day_comment': '', 'make_type': '', 'new_todo': [1, 2]}
-        todos = [self.todo_as_dict(1, 1, date), self.todo_as_dict(2, 2, date)]
-        expected['_library']['Todo'] = self.as_refs(todos)
-        expected['_library']['Day'][date]['todos'] = self.as_id_list(todos)
-        nodes = [self.todo_node_as_dict(1), self.todo_node_as_dict(2)]
-        expected['top_nodes'] = nodes
-        self.post_day(f'date={date}', post_day)
-        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', expected)
-        # add a comment to one Todo and set the other's doneness and effort
-        post_day['new_todo'] = []
-        post_day['todo_id'] = [1, 2]
-        post_day['done'] = [2]
-        post_day['comment'] = ['FOO', '']
-        post_day['effort'] = ['2.3', '']
-        expected['_library']['Todo']['1']['comment'] = 'FOO'
-        expected['_library']['Todo']['1']['effort'] = 2.3
-        expected['_library']['Todo']['2']['is_done'] = True
-        self.post_day(f'date={date}', post_day)
-        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', expected)
-    def test_do_GET_day_with_conditions(self) -> None:
-        """Test GET /day displaying Conditions and their relations."""
-        # add Process with Conditions and their Todos, check display
-        conds_data = [[1, False, ['A'], ['a']], [2, True, ['B'], ['b']]]
-        conds_expected = self.post_batch(conds_data, ['is_active'],
-                                         ['title', 'description'],
-                                         self.cond_as_dict, self.post_cond)
-        cond_names = ['conditions', 'disables', 'blockers', 'enables']
-        procs_data = [[1, 'foo', 'oof', 1.1, [1], [1], [2], [2]],
-                      [2, 'bar', 'rab', 0.9, [2], [2], [1], [1]]]
-        procs_expected = self.post_batch(procs_data, cond_names,
-                                         ['title', 'description', 'effort'],
-                                         self.proc_as_dict, self.post_process)
-        date = '2024-01-01'
-        expected = self.GET_day_dict(date)
-        assert isinstance(expected['_library'], dict)
-        expected['processes'] = self.as_id_list(procs_expected)
-        expected['_library']['Process'] = self.as_refs(procs_expected)
-        expected['_library']['Condition'] = self.as_refs(conds_expected)
-        self.post_day(f'date={date}')
-        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', expected)
-        # add Todos in relation to Conditions, check consequences
-        post_day: dict[str, object]
-        post_day = {'day_comment': '', 'make_type': '', 'new_todo': [1, 2]}
-        todos = [self.todo_as_dict(1, 1, date, [1], [1], [2], [2]),
-                 self.todo_as_dict(2, 2, date, [2], [2], [1], [1])]
-        expected['_library']['Todo'] = self.as_refs(todos)
-        expected['_library']['Day'][date]['todos'] = self.as_id_list(todos)
-        nodes = [self.todo_node_as_dict(1), self.todo_node_as_dict(2)]
-        expected['top_nodes'] = nodes
-        expected['disablers_for'] = {'1': [1], '2': [2]}
-        expected['enablers_for'] = {'1': [2], '2': [1]}
-        expected['conditions_present'] = self.as_id_list(conds_expected)
-        self.post_day(f'date={date}', post_day)
-        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', expected)
     def test_do_GET_calendar(self) -> None:
         """Test /calendar response codes, and / redirect."""
         self.check_get('/calendar', 200)
@@ -265,7 +188,7 @@ class TestsWithServer(TestCaseWithServer):
         self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', expected)
         # … not even when part of a POST request
         post: dict[str, object] = {'day_comment': '', 'make_type': 'foo'}
-        self.post_day(f'date={date}', post)
+        self._post_day(f'date={date}', post)
         self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', expected)
     def test_fail_POST_day(self) -> None:
@@ -344,3 +267,74 @@ class TestsWithServer(TestCaseWithServer):
             assert isinstance(expected['_library'], dict)
             expected['_library']['Day'][date]['comment'] = test_str
             self.check_json_get(post_url, expected)
+    def test_GET_day_with_processes_and_todos(self) -> None:
+        """Test GET /day displaying Processes and Todos (no trees)."""
+        date = '2024-01-01'
+        # check Processes get displayed in ['processes'] and ['_library']
+        procs_data = [[1, 'foo', 'oof', 1.1], [2, 'bar', 'rab', 0.9]]
+        procs_expected = self._post_batch(procs_data, [],
+                                          ['title', 'description', 'effort'],
+                                          self.proc_as_dict, self.post_process)
+        expected = self.GET_day_dict(date)
+        assert isinstance(expected['_library'], dict)
+        expected['processes'] = self.as_id_list(procs_expected)
+        expected['_library']['Process'] = self.as_refs(procs_expected)
+        self._post_day(f'date={date}')
+        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', expected)
+        # post Todos of either process and check their display
+        post_day: dict[str, object]
+        post_day = {'day_comment': '', 'make_type': '', 'new_todo': [1, 2]}
+        todos = [self.todo_as_dict(1, 1, date), self.todo_as_dict(2, 2, date)]
+        expected['_library']['Todo'] = self.as_refs(todos)
+        expected['_library']['Day'][date]['todos'] = self.as_id_list(todos)
+        nodes = [self._todo_node_as_dict(1), self._todo_node_as_dict(2)]
+        expected['top_nodes'] = nodes
+        self._post_day(f'date={date}', post_day)
+        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', expected)
+        # add a comment to one Todo and set the other's doneness and effort
+        post_day = {'day_comment': '', 'make_type': '', 'new_todo': [],
+                    'todo_id': [1, 2], 'done': [2], 'comment': ['FOO', ''],
+                    'effort': [2.3, '']}
+        expected['_library']['Todo']['1']['comment'] = 'FOO'
+        expected['_library']['Todo']['1']['effort'] = 2.3
+        expected['_library']['Todo']['2']['is_done'] = True
+        self._post_day(f'date={date}', post_day)
+        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', expected)
+    def test_GET_day_with_conditions(self) -> None:
+        """Test GET /day displaying Conditions and their relations."""
+        date = '2024-01-01'
+        # add Process with Conditions and their Todos, check display
+        conds_data = [[1, False, ['A'], ['a']], [2, True, ['B'], ['b']]]
+        conds_expected = self._post_batch(
+                conds_data, ['is_active'], ['title', 'description'],
+                self.cond_as_dict,
+                lambda x, y: self.check_post(y, f'/condition?id={x}', 302))
+        cond_names = ['conditions', 'disables', 'blockers', 'enables']
+        procs_data = [[1, 'foo', 'oof', 1.1, [1], [1], [2], [2]],
+                      [2, 'bar', 'rab', 0.9, [2], [2], [1], [1]]]
+        procs_expected = self._post_batch(procs_data, cond_names,
+                                          ['title', 'description', 'effort'],
+                                          self.proc_as_dict, self.post_process)
+        expected = self.GET_day_dict(date)
+        assert isinstance(expected['_library'], dict)
+        expected['processes'] = self.as_id_list(procs_expected)
+        expected['_library']['Process'] = self.as_refs(procs_expected)
+        expected['_library']['Condition'] = self.as_refs(conds_expected)
+        self._post_day(f'date={date}')
+        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', expected)
+        # add Todos in relation to Conditions, check consequences
+        post_day: dict[str, object]
+        post_day = {'day_comment': '', 'make_type': '', 'new_todo': [1, 2]}
+        todos = [self.todo_as_dict(1, 1, date, [1], [1], [2], [2]),
+                 self.todo_as_dict(2, 2, date, [2], [2], [1], [1])]
+        expected['_library']['Todo'] = self.as_refs(todos)
+        expected['_library']['Day'][date]['todos'] = self.as_id_list(todos)
+        nodes = [self._todo_node_as_dict(1), self._todo_node_as_dict(2)]
+        expected['top_nodes'] = nodes
+        expected['disablers_for'] = {'1': [1], '2': [2]}
+        expected['enablers_for'] = {'1': [2], '2': [1]}
+        expected['conditions_present'] = self.as_id_list(conds_expected)
+        self._post_day(f'date={date}', post_day)
+        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', expected)