From c01144241aec26aa6b8fc8c2a6e9bb90136b96c9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2024 02:29:39 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Extend Days test to behavior of Conditions.

 tests/ |  21 -------
 tests/       | 150 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 tests/      |  21 +++++++
 3 files changed, 136 insertions(+), 56 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 7fdd4d4..198df5f 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -42,27 +42,6 @@ class TestsWithDB(TestCaseWithDB):
 class TestsWithServer(TestCaseWithServer):
     """Module tests against our HTTP server/handler (and database)."""
-    @staticmethod
-    def cond_as_dict(id_: int = 1,
-                     is_active: bool = False,
-                     titles: None | list[str] = None,
-                     descriptions: None | list[str] = None
-                     ) -> dict[str, object]:
-        """Return JSON of Condition to expect."""
-        d = {'id': id_,
-             'is_active': is_active,
-             '_versioned': {
-                 'title': {},
-                 'description': {}}}
-        titles = titles if titles else []
-        descriptions = descriptions if descriptions else []
-        assert isinstance(d['_versioned'], dict)
-        for i, title in enumerate(titles):
-            d['_versioned']['title'][i] = title
-        for i, description in enumerate(descriptions):
-            d['_versioned']['description'][i] = description
-        return d
     def test_do_POST_condition(self) -> None:
         """Test POST /condition and its effect on GET /condition[s]."""
         # check empty POST fails
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index e2d0548..5c910ec 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -82,6 +82,10 @@ class TestsWithServer(TestCaseWithServer):
     def todo_as_dict(id_: int = 1,
                      process_id: int = 1,
                      date: str = '2024-01-01',
+                     conditions: None | list[int] = None,
+                     disables: None | list[int] = None,
+                     blockers: None | list[int] = None,
+                     enables: None | list[int] = None
                      ) -> dict[str, object]:
         """Return JSON of Process to expect."""
         # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
@@ -94,10 +98,10 @@ class TestsWithServer(TestCaseWithServer):
              'children': [],
              'parents': [],
              'effort': None,
-             'conditions': [],
-             'disables': [],
-             'enables': [],
-             'blockers': []}
+             'conditions': conditions if conditions else [],
+             'disables': disables if disables else [],
+             'blockers': blockers if blockers else [],
+             'enables': enables if enables else []}
         return d
@@ -120,8 +124,21 @@ class TestsWithServer(TestCaseWithServer):
              '_library': {'Day': TestsWithServer.as_refs([day])}}
         return d
+    def post_day(self, params: str,
+                 form_data: None | dict[str, object] = None,
+                 redir_to: str = '',
+                 status: int = 302,
+                 ) -> None:
+        """POST /day?{params} with form_data."""
+        if not form_data:
+            form_data = {'day_comment': '', 'make_type': ''}
+        target = f'/day?{params}'
+        if not redir_to:
+            redir_to = f'{target}&make_type={form_data["make_type"]}'
+        self.check_post(form_data, target, status, redir_to)
     def test_do_GET_day_basics(self) -> None:
-        """Test GET /day basics."""
+        """Test GET /day basics (no Todos)."""
         # check undefined day
         date = date_in_n_days(0)
         expected = self.get_day_dict(date)
@@ -140,48 +157,111 @@ class TestsWithServer(TestCaseWithServer):
         expected = self.get_day_dict(date)
         self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', expected)
         # check saved day
-        post_day: dict[str, object] = {'day_comment': 'foo', 'make_type': ''}
-        self.check_post(post_day, f'/day?date={date}', 302,
-                        f'/day?date={date}&make_type=')
+        post: dict[str, object] = {'day_comment': 'foo', 'make_type': ''}
+        self.post_day(f'date={date}', post)
         assert isinstance(expected['_library'], dict)
         day = expected['_library']['Day'][date]
-        day['comment'] = post_day['day_comment']
+        day['comment'] = post['day_comment']
         self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', expected)
-        # check GET parameter POST not affecting reply to non-parameter GET
-        post_day['make_type'] = 'foo'
-        self.check_post(post_day, f'/day?date={date}', 302,
-                        f'/day?date={date}&make_type=foo')
+        # check GET parameter of a POST does not affect reply to param-free GET
+        post['make_type'] = 'foo'
+        self.post_day(f'date={date}', post)
         self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', expected)
         expected['make_type'] = 'bar'
         self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}&make_type=bar', expected)
-    def test_do_GET_day_with_todos(self) -> None:
+    def test_do_GET_day_with_todos_flat(self) -> None:
         """Test GET /day displaying posted Todos (no tree structure)."""
-        # check GET with two Todos and Processes
+        # post two Todos of differing processes and check their display
         date = '2024-01-01'
-        post_day: dict[str, object] = {'day_comment': '', 'make_type': ''}
-        self.check_post(post_day, f'/day?date={date}', 302,
-                        f'/day?date={date}&make_type=')
+        self.post_day(f'date={date}')
         expected = self.get_day_dict(date)
-        self.post_process(1)
+        post_proc1 = {'title': 'foo', 'description': 'oof', 'effort': 1.1}
         post_proc2 = {'title': 'bar', 'description': 'rab', 'effort': 0.9}
-        self.post_process(2, post_proc2)
-        post_day['new_todo'] = [1, 2]
-        self.check_post(post_day, f'/day?date={date}', 302,
-                        f'/day?date={date}&make_type=')
-        proc1 = self.proc_as_dict(1, 'foo', 'foo', 1.1)
-        proc2 = self.proc_as_dict(2, 'bar', 'rab', 0.9)
+        procs: list[dict[str, object]] = [{}, {}]
+        for i, post in enumerate([post_proc1, post_proc2]):
+            self.post_process(i+1, post)
+            assert isinstance(post['title'], str)
+            assert isinstance(post['description'], str)
+            assert isinstance(post['effort'], float)
+            procs[i] = self.proc_as_dict(i+1, post['title'],
+                                         post['description'], post['effort'])
+        post_day: dict[str, object]
+        post_day = {'day_comment': '', 'make_type': '', 'new_todo': [1, 2]}
+        self.post_day(f'date={date}', post_day)
         assert isinstance(expected['_library'], dict)
-        expected['_library']['Process'] = self.as_refs([proc1, proc2])
-        expected['processes'] = self.as_id_list([proc1, proc2])
-        t1 = self.todo_as_dict(1, 1, date)
-        t2 = self.todo_as_dict(2, 2, date)
-        expected['_library']['Todo'] = self.as_refs([t1, t2])
-        day = expected['_library']['Day'][date]
-        day['todos'] = self.as_id_list([t1, t2])
-        n1 = self.todo_node_as_dict(1)
-        n2 = self.todo_node_as_dict(2)
-        expected['top_nodes'] = [n1, n2]
+        expected['_library']['Process'] = self.as_refs(procs)
+        expected['processes'] = self.as_id_list(procs)
+        todos = [self.todo_as_dict(1, 1, date), self.todo_as_dict(2, 2, date)]
+        expected['_library']['Todo'] = self.as_refs(todos)
+        expected['_library']['Day'][date]['todos'] = self.as_id_list(todos)
+        nodes = [self.todo_node_as_dict(1), self.todo_node_as_dict(2)]
+        expected['top_nodes'] = nodes
+        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', expected)
+        # add a comment to one Todo and set the other's doneness and effort
+        post_day['new_todo'] = []
+        post_day['todo_id'] = [1, 2]
+        post_day['done'] = [2]
+        post_day['comment'] = ['FOO', '']
+        post_day['effort'] = ['2.3', '']
+        self.post_day(f'date={date}', post_day)
+        expected['_library']['Todo']['1']['comment'] = 'FOO'
+        expected['_library']['Todo']['1']['effort'] = 2.3
+        expected['_library']['Todo']['2']['is_done'] = True
+        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', expected)
+    def test_do_GET_day_with_conditions(self) -> None:
+        """Test GET /day displaying Conditions and their relations."""
+        # add Process with Conditions and their Todos, check display
+        # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
+        post_cond1 = {'title': 'A', 'description': '', 'is_active': False}
+        post_cond2 = {'title': 'B', 'description': '', 'is_active': True}
+        conds: list[dict[str, object]] = [{}, {}]
+        for i, post in enumerate([post_cond1, post_cond2]):
+            self.check_post(post, f'/condition?id={i+1}', 302)
+            assert isinstance(post['is_active'], bool)
+            assert isinstance(post['title'], str)
+            assert isinstance(post['description'], str)
+            conds[i] = self.cond_as_dict(i+1, post['is_active'],
+                                         [post['title']],
+                                         [post['description']])
+        post_proc1 = {'title': 'foo', 'description': 'oof', 'effort': 1.1}
+        post_proc2 = {'title': 'bar', 'description': 'rab', 'effort': 0.9}
+        procs: list[dict[str, object]] = [{}, {}]
+        names_input = ('condition', 'disables', 'blocker', 'enables')
+        names_output = ('conditions', 'disables', 'blockers', 'enables')
+        cond_vals = ((1, 1, 2, 2), (2, 2, 1, 1))
+        for i, post in enumerate([post_proc1, post_proc2]):
+            assert isinstance(post['title'], str)
+            assert isinstance(post['description'], str)
+            assert isinstance(post['effort'], float)
+            procs[i] = self.proc_as_dict(i+1, post['title'],
+                                         post['description'], post['effort'])
+            for j, name_input in enumerate(names_input):
+                post[name_input] = [cond_vals[i][j]]
+                procs[i][names_output[j]] = [cond_vals[i][j]]
+            self.post_process(i+1, post)
+        date = '2024-01-01'
+        expected = self.get_day_dict(date)
+        expected['processes'] = self.as_id_list(procs)
+        assert isinstance(expected['_library'], dict)
+        expected['_library']['Process'] = self.as_refs(procs)
+        expected['_library']['Condition'] = self.as_refs(conds)
+        self.post_day(f'date={date}')
+        self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', expected)
+        # add Todos in relation to Conditions, check consequences
+        post_day: dict[str, object]
+        post_day = {'day_comment': '', 'make_type': '', 'new_todo': [1, 2]}
+        self.post_day(f'date={date}', post_day)
+        todos = [self.todo_as_dict(1, 1, date, [1], [1], [2], [2]),
+                 self.todo_as_dict(2, 2, date, [2], [2], [1], [1])]
+        expected['_library']['Todo'] = self.as_refs(todos)
+        expected['_library']['Day'][date]['todos'] = self.as_id_list(todos)
+        nodes = [self.todo_node_as_dict(1), self.todo_node_as_dict(2)]
+        expected['top_nodes'] = nodes
+        expected['disablers_for'] = {'1': [1], '2': [2]}
+        expected['enablers_for'] = {'1': [2], '2': [1]}
+        expected['conditions_present'] = self.as_id_list(conds)
         self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', expected)
     def test_do_GET(self) -> None:
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index b115793..e0b4e5f 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -345,6 +345,27 @@ class TestCaseWithServer(TestCaseWithDB):
             refs[str(item['id'])] = item
         return refs
+    @staticmethod
+    def cond_as_dict(id_: int = 1,
+                     is_active: bool = False,
+                     titles: None | list[str] = None,
+                     descriptions: None | list[str] = None
+                     ) -> dict[str, object]:
+        """Return JSON of Condition to expect."""
+        d = {'id': id_,
+             'is_active': is_active,
+             '_versioned': {
+                 'title': {},
+                 'description': {}}}
+        titles = titles if titles else []
+        descriptions = descriptions if descriptions else []
+        assert isinstance(d['_versioned'], dict)
+        for i, title in enumerate(titles):
+            d['_versioned']['title'][i] = title
+        for i, description in enumerate(descriptions):
+            d['_versioned']['description'][i] = description
+        return d
     def proc_as_dict(id_: int = 1,
                      title: str = 'A',