From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2023 01:07:20 +0000 (+0200)
Subject: Improvge


diff --git a/ b/
index 5610293..a1b31eb 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -25,6 +25,104 @@ def apply_booking_to_account_balances(account_sums, account, currency, amount):
         account_sums[account][currency] += amount
+def add_taxes(lines):
+    import decimal
+    bookings, _ = parse_lines(lines.copy())
+    _, account_sums = bookings_to_account_tree(bookings)
+    expenses_so_far = -1 * account_sums['Assets']['€']
+    needed_income_before_krankenkasse = expenses_so_far
+    ESt_this_month = 0
+    left_over = needed_income_before_krankenkasse - ESt_this_month
+    too_low = 0
+    too_high = 2 * needed_income_before_krankenkasse 
+    E0 = 10908
+    E1 = 15999 
+    E2 = 62809 
+    E3 = 277825 
+    while True:
+        zvE = 12 * needed_income_before_krankenkasse
+        if zvE < E0:
+            ESt = decimal.Decimal(0)
+        elif zvE < E1:
+            y = (zvE - E0)/10000
+            ESt = (decimal.Decimal(979.18) * y + 1400) * y
+        elif zvE < E2:
+            y = (zvE - E1)/10000
+            ESt = (decimal.Decimal(192.59) * y + 2397) * y + decimal.Decimal(966.53)
+        elif zvE < E3:
+            ESt = decimal.Decimal(0.42) * (zvE - decimal.Decimal(62809))  + decimal.Decimal(16405.54)
+        else: 
+            ESt = decimal.Decimal(0.45) * (zvE - decimal.Decimal(277825)) + decimal.Decimal(106713.52) 
+        ESt_this_month = ESt / 12
+        left_over = needed_income_before_krankenkasse - ESt_this_month
+        if abs(left_over - expenses_so_far) < 0.1:
+            break
+        elif left_over < expenses_so_far:
+            too_low = needed_income_before_krankenkasse
+        elif left_over > expenses_so_far:
+            too_high = needed_income_before_krankenkasse
+        needed_income_before_krankenkasse = too_low + (too_high - too_low)/2
+    line_income_tax = f'  Reserves:Einkommenssteuer  {ESt_this_month:.2f}€ ; expenses so far: {expenses_so_far:.2f}€; zvE: {zvE:.2f}€; ESt total: {ESt:.2f}€; needed before Krankenkasse: {needed_income_before_krankenkasse:.2f}€'
+    kk_minimum_income = 1096.67 
+    kk_factor = decimal.Decimal(0.189) 
+    kk_minimum_tax = decimal.Decimal(207.27)
+    # kk_minimum_income = 1131.67 
+    # kk_factor = decimal.Decimal(0.191) 
+    # kk_minimum_tax = decimal.Decimal(216.15)
+    # kk_factor = decimal.Decimal(0.197) 
+    # kk_minimum_tax = decimal.Decimal(222.94)
+    kk_add = max(0, kk_factor * needed_income_before_krankenkasse - kk_minimum_tax)
+    line_kk_minimum = f'  Reserves:Month:Krankenkassendefaultbeitrag  {kk_minimum_tax:.2f}€  ; assed minimum income {kk_minimum_income:.2f}€ * {kk_factor:.3f}'
+    line_kk_add = f'  Reserves:Month:Krankenkassenbeitragswachstum {kk_add:.2f}€  ; max(0, {kk_factor:.3f} * {needed_income_before_krankenkasse:.2f}€ - {kk_minimum_tax:.2f}€)'
+    final_minus = expenses_so_far + ESt_this_month + kk_minimum_tax + kk_add 
+    line_finish = f'  Assets  -{final_minus:.2f}€'
+    return [line_income_tax, line_kk_minimum, line_kk_add, line_finish]
+def bookings_to_account_tree(bookings):
+    account_sums = {}
+    for booking in bookings:
+        for account, changes in booking.account_changes.items():
+            for currency, amount in changes.items():
+                apply_booking_to_account_balances(account_sums, account, currency, amount)
+    account_tree = {}
+    def collect_branches(account_name, path):
+        node = account_tree
+        path_copy = path[:]
+        while len(path_copy) > 0:
+            step = path_copy.pop(0)
+            node = node[step]
+        toks = account_name.split(":", maxsplit=1)
+        parent = toks[0]
+        if parent in node.keys():
+            child = node[parent]
+        else:
+            child = {}
+            node[parent] = child
+        if len(toks) == 2:
+            k, v = collect_branches(toks[1], path + [parent])
+            if k not in child.keys():
+                child[k] = v
+            else:
+                child[k].update(v)
+        return parent, child
+    for account_name in sorted(account_sums.keys()):
+        k, v = collect_branches(account_name, [])
+        if k not in account_tree.keys():
+            account_tree[k] = v
+        else:
+            account_tree[k].update(v)
+    def collect_totals(parent_path, tree_node):
+        for k, v in tree_node.items():
+            child_path = parent_path + ":" + k
+            for currency, amount in collect_totals(child_path, v).items():
+                apply_booking_to_account_balances(account_sums, parent_path, currency, amount)
+        return account_sums[parent_path]
+    for account_name in account_tree.keys():
+        account_sums[account_name] = collect_totals(account_name, account_tree[account_name])
+    return account_tree, account_sums
 def parse_lines(lines):
     import datetime
     import decimal
@@ -55,7 +153,7 @@ def parse_lines(lines):
         # if non-empty line, first get comment if any, and commit to DB
         split_by_comment = stripped_line.split(sep=";", maxsplit=1)
         if len(split_by_comment) == 2:
-            comments[i] = split_by_comment[1]
+            comments[i] = split_by_comment[1].lstrip()
         # if pre-comment empty: if inside_booking, this must be a comment-only line so we keep it for later ledger-output to capture those comments; otherwise, no more to process for this line
         non_comment = split_by_comment[0].rstrip()
         if non_comment.rstrip() == '':
@@ -224,7 +322,7 @@ class Database:
         self.comments += ret[1]
     def get_lines(self, start, end):
-        return db.real_lines[start:end]
+        return self.real_lines[start:end]
     def replace(self, start, end, lines):
         import shutil
@@ -255,6 +353,14 @@ class Database:
 class MyServer(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
     header = """<html>
 <meta charset="UTF-8">
+body { color: #000000; }
+table { margin-bottom: 2em; }
+th, td { text-align: left } { font-family: monospace; text-align: right; }
+.comment { font-style: italic; color: #777777; }
+.full_line_comment { display: block; white-space: nowrap; width: 0; }
 <a href="/ledger">ledger</a>
 <a href="/balance">balance</a>
@@ -265,27 +371,31 @@ class MyServer(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
     footer = "</body>\n<html>"
     def do_POST(self):
+        db = Database()
         length = int(self.headers['content-length'])
         postvars = parse_qs(, keep_blank_values=1)
         parsed_url = urlparse(self.path)
         if '/add_structured' == parsed_url.path:
-            n_lines = int(len(postvars) / 4) 
-            date = postvars['date'][0] 
+            date = postvars['date'][0]
             description = postvars['description'][0]
             start_comment = postvars['line_0_comment'][0]
             lines = [f'{date} {description} ; {start_comment}']
-            for i in range(1, n_lines):
+            i = 1
+            while f'line_{i}_comment' in postvars.keys():
                 account = postvars[f'line_{i}_account'][0]
                 amount = postvars[f'line_{i}_amount'][0]
                 currency = postvars[f'line_{i}_currency'][0]
                 comment = postvars[f'line_{i}_comment'][0]
+                i += 1
                 new_main = f'{account} {amount} {currency}'
                 if '' == new_main.rstrip() == comment.rstrip():  # don't write empty lines
                 new_line = new_main
                 if comment.rstrip() != '':
                     new_line += f' ; {comment}'
-                lines += [new_line] 
+                lines += [new_line]
+            if 'add_income_tax' in postvars.keys():
+                lines += add_taxes(lines)
         elif '/add_free' == parsed_url.path:
             lines = postvars['booking'][0].splitlines()
         start = int(postvars['start'][0])
@@ -297,7 +407,10 @@ class MyServer(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
                 db.replace(start, end, lines)
-            self.send_header('Location', '/')
+            redir_url = '/'
+            if 'add_income_tax' in postvars.keys():
+                redir_url = f'/add_structured?start={start}&end={start+len(lines)-1}'
+            self.send_header('Location', redir_url)
         except HandledException as e:
@@ -332,47 +445,8 @@ class MyServer(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
         self.wfile.write(bytes(page, "utf-8"))
     def balance_as_html(self, db):
-        account_sums = {}
-        for booking in db.bookings:
-            for account, changes in booking.account_changes.items():
-                for currency, amount in changes.items():
-                    apply_booking_to_account_balances(account_sums, account, currency, amount)
-        account_tree = {}
-        def collect_branches(account_name, path):
-            node = account_tree
-            path_copy = path[:]
-            while len(path_copy) > 0:
-                step = path_copy.pop(0)
-                node = node[step]
-            toks = account_name.split(":", maxsplit=1)
-            parent = toks[0]
-            if parent in node.keys():
-                child = node[parent]
-            else:
-                child = {}
-                node[parent] = child
-            if len(toks) == 2:
-                k, v = collect_branches(toks[1], path + [parent])
-                if k not in child.keys():
-                    child[k] = v
-                else:
-                    child[k].update(v)
-            return parent, child
-        for account_name in sorted(account_sums.keys()):
-            k, v = collect_branches(account_name, [])
-            if k not in account_tree.keys():
-                account_tree[k] = v
-            else:
-                account_tree[k].update(v)
-        def collect_totals(parent_path, tree_node):
-            for k, v in tree_node.items():
-                child_path = parent_path + ":" + k
-                for currency, amount in collect_totals(child_path, v).items():
-                    apply_booking_to_account_balances(account_sums, parent_path, currency, amount)
-            return account_sums[parent_path]
-        for account_name in account_tree.keys():
-            account_sums[account_name] = collect_totals(account_name, account_tree[account_name])
         lines = []
+        account_tree, account_sums = bookings_to_account_tree(db.bookings)
         def print_subtree(lines, indent, node, subtree, path):
             line = f"{indent}{node}"
             n_tabs = 5 - (len(line) // 8)
@@ -394,31 +468,58 @@ class MyServer(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
         content = "\n".join(lines)
         return f"<pre>{content}</pre>"
+    # def ledger_as_html(self, db):
+    #     lines = []
+    #     line_sep = '<br />'
+    #     for comment in db.comments:
+    #         line = f' ; {comment}' if comment != '' else ''
+    #         lines += [line + line_sep]
+    #     for booking in db.bookings:
+    #         i = booking.start_line
+    #         suffix = lines[i]
+    #         lines[i] = f'<p>{booking.date_string} {booking.description}{suffix}'
+    #         for booking_line in booking.lines[1:]:
+    #             i += 1
+    #             if booking_line == '':
+    #                 continue
+    #             suffix = f' {lines[i]}' if len(lines[i]) > 0 else ''
+    #             value = f' {booking_line[1]} {booking_line[2]}' if booking_line[1] else ''
+    #             lines[i] = f'{booking_line[0]}{value}{suffix}'
+    #         lines[i] = lines[i][:-len(line_sep)] + f"""</p>
+# edit :
+# <a h ref="/add_structured?start={booking.start_line}&end={i+1}">structured</a>
+# / <a  href="/add_free?start={booking.start_line}&end={i+1}">free</a>
+# | co py:
+# <a h ref="/copy_structured?start={booking.start_line}&end={i+1}">structured</a>
+# / <a  href="/copy_free?start={booking.start_line}&end={i+1}">free</a>
+# <br  />"""
+#          return '\n'.join(lines)
     def ledger_as_html(self, db):
         lines = []
-        line_sep = '<br />'
         for comment in db.comments:
-            line = f' ; {comment}' if comment != '' else ''
-            lines += [line + line_sep]
+            lines += [f'<span class="comment">{comment}</span>' if comment != '' else '']
         for booking in db.bookings:
             i = booking.start_line
-            suffix = lines[i]
-            lines[i] = f'<p>{booking.date_string} {booking.description}{suffix}'
+            booking_end = booking.start_line + len(booking.lines)
+            lines[i] = f"""{booking.date_string} {booking.description} {lines[i]}
+[edit: <a href="/add_structured?start={booking.start_line}&end={booking_end}">structured</a> 
+/ <a href="/add_free?start={booking.start_line}&end={booking_end}">free</a> 
+| copy:<a href="/copy_structured?start={booking.start_line}&end={booking_end}">structured</a>
+/ <a href="/copy_free?start={booking.start_line}&end={booking_end}">free</a>]
             for booking_line in booking.lines[1:]:
                 i += 1
                 if booking_line == '':
+                    lines[i] = f'<tr><td><div class="full_line_comment">{lines[i]}</div></td></tr>'
-                suffix = f' {lines[i]}' if len(lines[i]) > 0 else ''
-                value = f' {booking_line[1]} {booking_line[2]}' if booking_line[1] else ''
-                lines[i] = f'{booking_line[0]}{value}{suffix}'
-            lines[i] = lines[i][:-len(line_sep)] + f"""</p>
-<a href="/add_structured?start={booking.start_line}&end={i+1}">structured</a>
-/ <a href="/add_free?start={booking.start_line}&end={i+1}">free</a>
-| copy:
-<a href="/copy_structured?start={booking.start_line}&end={i+1}">structured</a>
-/ <a href="/copy_free?start={booking.start_line}&end={i+1}">free</a>
-<br />"""
+                comment = f' {lines[i]}' if len(lines[i]) > 0 else ''
+                money = ''
+                if booking_line[1]:
+                    money = f'{booking_line[1]} {booking_line[2]}'
+                account = booking_line[0] 
+                lines[i] = f'<tr><td>{booking_line[0]}</td><td class="money">{money}</td><td>{comment}</td></tr>'
+            lines[i] = lines[i] + "\n" + '</table>'
         return '\n'.join(lines)
     def header_add_form(self, action):
@@ -430,7 +531,7 @@ edit:
         return f"""
 <input type="hidden" name="start" value={start} />
 <input type="hidden" name="end" value={end} />
-<input type="submit">
+<input type="submit" name="default">
     def add_free(self, db, start=0, end=0, copy=False):
@@ -439,47 +540,47 @@ edit:
     def add_structured(self, db, start=0, end=0, bonus_lines=10, copy=False):
         import datetime
-        lines = db.get_lines(start, end) 
-        bookings, comments = parse_lines(lines) 
+        lines = db.get_lines(start, end)
+        bookings, comments = parse_lines(lines)
         if len(bookings) > 1:
             raise HandledException('can only edit single Booking')
-        input_lines = ''
         last_line = 0
-        def inpu(name, val="", datalist=""):
-            val = val if val is not None else "" 
+        def inpu(name, val="", datalist="", input_type='text'):
+            val = val if val is not None else ""
             safe_val = html.escape(str(val))
             datalist_string = '' if datalist == '' else f'list="{datalist}"'
-            return f'<input name="{name}" value="{safe_val}" {datalist_string}/>'
+            return f'<input type="{input_type}" name="{name}" value="{safe_val}" {datalist_string}/>'
+        input_lines = inpu('add_income_tax', 'add income tax', '', 'submit') + '<br />'
         today = str([:10]
         if len(bookings) == 0:
-            input_lines += f'{inpu("date", today)} {inpu("description", "", "descriptions")} ; {inpu("line_0_comment")}<br />' 
-            last_line = 1 
+            input_lines += f'{inpu("date", today)} {inpu("description", "", "descriptions")} ; {inpu("line_0_comment")}<br />'
+            last_line = 1
             booking = bookings[0]
-            last_line = len(comments) 
+            last_line = len(comments)
             date_string = today if copy else booking.date_string
-            input_lines += f'{inpu("date", date_string)} {inpu("description", booking.description, "descriptions")} ; {inpu("line_0_comment", comments[0])}<br />' 
+            input_lines += f'{inpu("date", date_string)} {inpu("description", booking.description, "descriptions")} ; {inpu("line_0_comment", comments[0])}<br />'
             for i in range(1, len(comments)):
                 account = amount = currency = ''
                 if i < len(booking.lines) and booking.lines[i] != '':
                     account = booking.lines[i][0]
                     amount = booking.lines[i][1]
                     currency = booking.lines[i][2]
-                input_lines += f'{inpu(f"line_{i}_account", account, "accounts")} {inpu(f"line_{i}_amount", amount)} {inpu(f"line_{i}_currency", currency, "currencies")} ; {inpu(f"line_{i}_comment", comments[i])}<br />' 
+                input_lines += f'{inpu(f"line_{i}_account", account, "accounts")} {inpu(f"line_{i}_amount", amount)} {inpu(f"line_{i}_currency", currency, "currencies")} ; {inpu(f"line_{i}_comment", comments[i])}<br />'
         for j in range(bonus_lines):
-            i = j + last_line 
+            i = j + last_line
             input_lines += f'{inpu(f"line_{i}_account", "", "accounts")} {inpu(f"line_{i}_amount", "", "amounts")} {inpu(f"line_{i}_currency", "", "currencies")} ; {inpu(f"line_{i}_comment")}<br />'
-        datalist_sets = {'descriptions': set(), 'accounts': set(), 'currencies': set()} 
+        datalist_sets = {'descriptions': set(), 'accounts': set(), 'currencies': set()}
         for b in db.bookings:
-            datalist_sets['descriptions'].add(b.description) 
-            for account, moneys in b.account_changes.items(): 
+            datalist_sets['descriptions'].add(b.description)
+            for account, moneys in b.account_changes.items():
                 for currency in moneys.keys():
         def build_datalist(name):
-            datalist = f'<datalist id="{name}">' + "\n" 
+            datalist = f'<datalist id="{name}">' + "\n"
             for item in datalist_sets[name]:
-                safe_item = html.escape(item) 
+                safe_item = html.escape(item)
                 datalist += f'<option value="{safe_item}">{safe_item}</option>' + "\n"
             return f"{datalist}</datalist>\n"
         datalists = build_datalist('descriptions')
@@ -488,8 +589,7 @@ edit:
         return f'{self.header_add_form("add_structured")}{input_lines}{datalists}{self.footer_add_form(start, end, copy)}'
-db = Database()
-if __name__ == "__main__":     
+if __name__ == "__main__":    
     webServer = HTTPServer((hostName, serverPort), MyServer)
     print(f"Server started http://{hostName}:{serverPort}")