From: Christian Heller
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2023 02:52:06 +0000 (+0200)
Subject: Improve
diff --git a/ b/
index 60bbf64..80ca0f6 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ def apply_booking_to_account_balances(account_sums, account, currency, amount):
def add_taxes(lines):
import decimal
- bookings, _ = parse_lines(lines.copy())
+ bookings, _ = parse_lines(lines)
_, account_sums = bookings_to_account_tree(bookings)
expenses_so_far = -1 * account_sums['Assets']['â¬']
needed_income_before_krankenkasse = expenses_so_far
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ def parse_lines(lines):
start_line = 0
bookings = []
comments = []
- lines += [''] # to ensure a booking-ending last line
+ lines = lines.copy() + [''] # to ensure a booking-ending last line
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
prefix = f"line {i}"
# we start with the case of an utterly empty line
@@ -376,13 +376,22 @@ input[type=number] { text-align: right; font-family: monospace; }
length = int(self.headers['content-length'])
postvars = parse_qs(, keep_blank_values=1)
parsed_url = urlparse(self.path)
- if '/add_structured' == parsed_url.path:
+ lines = []
+ add_empty_line = None
+ if '/add_structured' == parsed_url.path and not 'revert' in postvars.keys():
date = postvars['date'][0]
description = postvars['description'][0]
start_comment = postvars['line_0_comment'][0]
lines = [f'{date} {description} ; {start_comment}']
- i = 1
+ if 'line_0_add' in postvars.keys():
+ add_empty_line = 0
+ i = j = 1
while f'line_{i}_comment' in postvars.keys():
+ if f'line_{i}_delete' in postvars.keys():
+ i += 1
+ continue
+ if f'line_{i}_add' in postvars.keys():
+ add_empty_line = j
account = postvars[f'line_{i}_account'][0]
amount = postvars[f'line_{i}_amount'][0]
currency = postvars[f'line_{i}_currency'][0]
@@ -391,30 +400,38 @@ input[type=number] { text-align: right; font-family: monospace; }
new_main = f'{account} {amount} {currency}'
if '' == new_main.rstrip() == comment.rstrip(): # don't write empty lines
+ j += 1
new_line = new_main
if comment.rstrip() != '':
new_line += f' ; {comment}'
lines += [new_line]
- if 'add_income_tax' in postvars.keys():
+ if 'add_taxes' in postvars.keys():
lines += add_taxes(lines)
elif '/add_free' == parsed_url.path:
lines = postvars['booking'][0].splitlines()
+ lines += [''] # to ensure Booking-ending last line
start = int(postvars['start'][0])
end = int(postvars['end'][0])
_, _ = parse_lines(lines)
- if start == end == 0:
- db.append(lines)
+ if 'save' in postvars.keys():
+ if start == end == 0:
+ db.append(lines)
+ else:
+ db.replace(start, end, lines)
+ self.send_response(301)
+ redir_url = '/'
+ self.send_header('Location', redir_url)
+ self.end_headers()
- db.replace(start, end, lines)
- self.send_response(301)
- redir_url = '/'
- if 'add_income_tax' in postvars.keys():
- redir_url = f'/add_structured?start={start}&end={start+len(lines)-1}'
- self.send_header('Location', redir_url)
- self.end_headers()
+ page = self.header + self.add_structured(db, start, end, temp_lines=lines, add_empty_line=add_empty_line) + self.footer
+ self.send_response(200)
+ self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html")
+ self.end_headers()
+ self.wfile.write(bytes(page, "utf-8"))
except HandledException as e:
+ self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html")
page = f'{self.header}ERROR: {e}{self.footer}'
self.wfile.write(bytes(page, "utf-8"))
@@ -429,7 +446,7 @@ input[type=number] { text-align: right; font-family: monospace; }
params = parse_qs(parsed_url.query)
start = int(params.get('start', ['0'])[0])
end = int(params.get('end', ['0'])[0])
- bonus_lines = int(params.get('bonus_lines', ['0'])[0])
+ # bonus_lines = int(params.get('bonus_lines', ['0'])[0])
if parsed_url.path == '/balance':
page += self.balance_as_html(db)
elif parsed_url.path == '/add_free':
@@ -476,7 +493,7 @@ input[type=number] { text-align: right; font-family: monospace; }
for booking in db.bookings:
i = booking.start_line
booking_end = booking.start_line + len(booking.lines)
- lines[i] = f"""{booking.date_string} {booking.description} {lines[i]}
+ lines[i] = f"""{booking.date_string} {booking.description} {lines[i]}
[edit: structured
/ free
| copy:structured
@@ -493,7 +510,7 @@ input[type=number] { text-align: right; font-family: monospace; }
money = f'{booking_line[1]} {booking_line[2]}'
account = booking_line[0]
lines[i] = f'
{booking_line[0]} | {money} | {comment} |
- lines[i] = lines[i] + "\n" + ''
+ lines[i] = lines[i] + "\n" + '
return '\n'.join(lines)
def header_add_form(self, action):
@@ -505,10 +522,10 @@ input[type=number] { text-align: right; font-family: monospace; }
return f"""
- def textarea(self, name, lines, min_rows=1, min_cols=80):
+ def textarea(self, name, lines, min_rows=1, min_cols=20):
safe_content = html.escape(''.join(lines))
n_rows = max(min_rows, len(lines))
n_cols = min_cols
@@ -518,15 +535,18 @@ input[type=number] { text-align: right; font-family: monospace; }
def add_free(self, db, start=0, end=0, copy=False):
lines = db.get_lines(start, end)
- return f'{self.header_add_form("add_free")}{self.textarea("booking",lines,10)}{self.footer_add_form(start, end, copy)}'
+ return f'{self.header_add_form("add_free")}{self.textarea("booking",lines,10,80)}{self.footer_add_form(start, end, copy)}'
- def add_structured(self, db, start=0, end=0, bonus_lines=10, copy=False):
+ def add_structured(self, db, start=0, end=0, copy=False, temp_lines=[], add_empty_line=None):
import datetime
- lines = db.get_lines(start, end)
+ lines = temp_lines if len(''.join(temp_lines)) > 0 else db.get_lines(start, end)
bookings, comments = parse_lines(lines)
if len(bookings) > 1:
raise HandledException('can only edit single Booking')
- last_line = 0
+ if add_empty_line is not None:
+ comments = comments[:add_empty_line+1] + [''] + comments[add_empty_line+1:]
+ booking = bookings[0]
+ booking.lines = booking.lines[:add_empty_line+1] + [''] + booking.lines[add_empty_line+1:]
def inpu(name, val="", datalist="", input_type='text', size=-1):
val = val if val is not None else ""
safe_val = html.escape(str(val))
@@ -534,26 +554,27 @@ input[type=number] { text-align: right; font-family: monospace; }
number_step = '' if input_type != 'number' else ' step=0.01'
size_string = '' if size < 0 else f' size={size}'
return f''
- input_lines = inpu('add_income_tax', 'add income tax', '', 'submit') + '
+ input_lines = inpu('check', 'check', '', 'submit') +\
+ inpu('revert', 'revert', '', 'submit') +\
+ inpu('add_taxes', 'add taxes', '', 'submit') +\
+ '
today = str([:10]
if len(bookings) == 0:
- input_lines += f'{inpu("date", today, size=9)} {inpu("description", "", "descriptions")} ; {inpu("line_0_comment")}
- last_line = 1
+ input_lines += f'{inpu("date", today, size=9)} {inpu("description", "", "descriptions")} ; {inpu("line_0_comment")} {inpu(f"line_0_add", "[+]", "", "submit")}
+ for i in range(1, 3):
+ input_lines += f'{inpu(f"line_{i}_account", "", "accounts", size=40)} {inpu(f"line_{i}_amount", "", "", "number", size=10)} {inpu(f"line_{i}_currency", "", "currencies", size=3)} ; {self.textarea(f"line_{i}_comment", "")} {inpu(f"line_{i}_delete", "[x]", "", "submit")} {inpu(f"line_{i}_add", "[+]", "", "submit")}
booking = bookings[0]
last_line = len(comments)
date_string = today if copy else booking.date_string
- input_lines += f'{inpu("date", date_string, size=9)} {inpu("description", booking.description, "descriptions")} ; {self.textarea("line_0_comment", [comments[0]])}
+ input_lines += f'{inpu("date", date_string, size=9)} {inpu("description", booking.description, "descriptions")} ; {self.textarea("line_0_comment", [comments[0]])} {inpu(f"line_0_add", "[+]", "", "submit")}
for i in range(1, len(comments)):
account = amount = currency = ''
if i < len(booking.lines) and booking.lines[i] != '':
account = booking.lines[i][0]
amount = booking.lines[i][1]
currency = booking.lines[i][2]
- input_lines += f'{inpu(f"line_{i}_account", account, "accounts", size=40)} {inpu(f"line_{i}_amount", amount, "", "number", size=10)} {inpu(f"line_{i}_currency", currency, "currencies", size=3)} ; {self.textarea(f"line_{i}_comment", [comments[i]])}
- for j in range(bonus_lines):
- i = j + last_line
- input_lines += f'{inpu(f"line_{i}_account", "", "accounts", size=40)} {inpu(f"line_{i}_amount", "", "", "number", size=10)} {inpu(f"line_{i}_currency", "", "currencies", size=3)} ; {self.textarea(f"line_{i}_comment", [""])}
+ input_lines += f'{inpu(f"line_{i}_account", account, "accounts", size=40)} {inpu(f"line_{i}_amount", amount, "", "number", size=10)} {inpu(f"line_{i}_currency", currency, "currencies", size=3)} ; {self.textarea(f"line_{i}_comment", [comments[i]])} {inpu(f"line_{i}_delete", "[x]", "", "submit")} {inpu(f"line_{i}_add", "[+]", "", "submit")}
datalist_sets = {'descriptions': set(), 'accounts': set(), 'currencies': set()}
for b in db.bookings: