From: Christian Heller <> Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2023 01:39:59 +0000 (+0100) Subject: Improve todo accounting. X-Git-Url:;h=53b84307929582af2aaeac2247cc57db4a7bedf4;p=misc Improve todo accounting. --- diff --git a/ b/ index 22e36a3..36cca98 100755 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -46,13 +46,13 @@ booking_html = """ </table></p> """ add_form_header = """<form method="POST" action="{{action|e}}"> -<input type="submit" name="check" value="check" /> -<input type="submit" name="revert" value="revert" /> +<input type="submit" name="check" value="check" tabindex="5" /> +<input type="submit" name="revert" value="revert" tabindex="5" /> """ add_form_footer = """ <input type="hidden" name="start" value={{start}} /> <input type="hidden" name="end" value={{end}} /> -<input type="submit" name="save" value="save!"> +<input type="submit" name="save" value="save!" tabindex="5" > </form> """ add_free_html = """<br /> @@ -62,27 +62,27 @@ add_free_html = """<br /> </textarea> """ add_structured_html = """ -<input type="submit" name="add_taxes" value="add taxes" /> -<input type="submit" name="add_taxes2" value="add taxes2" /> -<input type="submit" name="add_sink" value="add sink" /> -<input name="replace_from" /> -<input type="submit" name="replace" value="-> replace ->" /> -<input name="replace_to" /> -<input type="submit" name="add_mirror" value="add mirror" /> +<input type="submit" name="add_taxes" value="add taxes" tabindex="5" /> +<input type="submit" name="add_taxes2" value="add taxes2" tabindex="5" /> +<input type="submit" name="add_sink" value="add sink" tabindex="5" /> +<input name="replace_from" tabindex="5" /> +<input type="submit" name="replace" value="-> replace ->" tabindex="5" /> +<input name="replace_to" tabindex="5" /> +<input type="submit" name="add_mirror" value="add mirror" tabindex="5" /> <br /> -<input name="date" value="{{date|e}}" size=9 /> -<input name="description" value="{{desc|e}}" list="descriptions" /> -<textarea name="line_0_comment" rows=1 cols=20>{{head_comment|e}}</textarea> -<input type="submit" name="line_0_add" value="[+]" /> +<input name="date" value="{{date|e}}" size=9 tabindex="3" /> +<input name="description" value="{{desc|e}}" list="descriptions" tabindex="3" /> +<textarea name="line_0_comment" rows=1 cols=20 tabindex="3" >{{head_comment|e}}</textarea> +<input type="submit" name="line_0_add" value="[+]" tabindex="5" /> <br /> {% for line in booking_lines %} -<input name="line_{{line.i}}_account" value="{{line.acc|e}}" size=40 list="accounts" /> -<input type="number" name="line_{{line.i}}_amount" step=0.01 value="{{line.amt}}" size=10 /> -<input name="line_{{line.i}}_currency" value="{{line.curr|e}}" size=3 list="currencies" /> -<input type="submit" name="line_{{line.i}}_delete" value="[x]" /> -<input type="submit" name="line_{{line.i}}_delete_after" value="[XX]" /> -<input type="submit" name="line_{{line.i}}_add" value="[+]" /> -<textarea name="line_{{line.i}}_comment" rows=1 cols={% if line.comm_cols %}{{line.comm_cols}}{% else %}20{% endif %}>{{line.comment|e}}</textarea> +<input name="line_{{line.i}}_account" value="{{line.acc|e}}" size=40 list="accounts" tabindex="3" /> +<input type="number" name="line_{{line.i}}_amount" step=0.01 value="{{line.amt}}" size=10 tabindex="3" /> +<input name="line_{{line.i}}_currency" value="{{line.curr|e}}" size=3 list="currencies" tabindex="5" /> +<input type="submit" name="line_{{line.i}}_delete" value="[x]" tabindex="5" /> +<input type="submit" name="line_{{line.i}}_delete_after" value="[XX]" tabindex="5" /> +<input type="submit" name="line_{{line.i}}_add" value="[+]" tabindex="5" /> +<textarea name="line_{{line.i}}_comment" rows=1 cols={% if line.comm_cols %}{{line.comm_cols}}{% else %}20{% endif %} tabindex="3">{{line.comment|e}}</textarea> <br /> {% endfor %} {% for name, items in datalist_sets.items() %} diff --git a/ b/ index 6cade91..46108a8 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -4,198 +4,21 @@ from uuid import uuid4 from datetime import datetime, timedelta from urllib.parse import parse_qs from jinja2 import Template +from jinja2 import Environment as JinjaEnv, FileSystemLoader as JinjaFSLoader from urllib.parse import urlparse db_path = '/home/plom/org/todo_new.json' -# db_path = '/home/plom/public_repos/misc/todo_new.json' server_port = 8082 DATE_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d' - -html_head = """ -<style> -body { font-family: monospace; } -table.alternating tr:nth-child(even) { - background-color: #f2f2f2; -} -table.alternating tr:nth-child(odd) { - background-color: #ffffff; -} -th, td { text-align: left; vertical_align: top; border-bottom: 1px dotted black; } -td details { display: inline } -td.input { width: 100%; } -td.number { text-align: right; } -td.checkbox { width: 0.1em; height: 0.1em; padding: 0em; text-align: center; } -tr.week_row td { height: 0.1em; border: 0px; background-color: black; } -tr.day_row td { background-color: #f2f2f2 } -input { font-family: monospace; padding: 0em; margin: 0em; } -input[type="number"] { font-family: monospace; text-align: right; } -input[type="text"] { width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; } -</style> -<body> -tasks: <a href="{{db.prefix}}/tasks">list</a> <a href="{{db.prefix}}/add_task">add</a> | day: -<a href="{{db.prefix}}/day?hide_unchosen=0&hide_done=0">choose tasks</a> -<a href="{{db.prefix}}/day?hide_unchosen=1&hide_done=1">do tasks</a> -| <a href="{{db.prefix}}/calendar">calendar</a> -| <a href="{{db.prefix}}/unset_cookie">unset cookie</a> -<hr /> -""" -form_footer = '\n</form>' -form_header_tmpl = """ -<form action="{{action|e}}" method="POST"> -""" -calendar_tmpl = """ -<p> -from: <input name="start" {% if start_date %}value="{{ start_date }}"{% endif %} placeholder="{{ today }}" /> -to: <input name="end" {% if end_date %}value="{{ end_date }}"{% endif %} placeholder="2030-12-31" /> -<input type="submit" value="OK" /> -</p> -<table> -{% for date, day in days.items() | sort() %} -{% if day.weekday == "Mo" %}<tr class="week_row"><td colspan=3></td></tr>{% endif %} -<tr class="day_row"><td colspan=3><a href="{{db.prefix}}/day?selected_date={{date}}&hide_unchosen=1">{{ day.weekday }} {{ date }}</a> |{{ '%04.1f' % day.todos_sum|round(2) }}| {{ day.comment|e }}</td></tr> -{% for task, todo in day.todos.items() | sort(attribute='1.title', reverse=True) %} -{% if todo.visible %} -<tr><td class="checkbox">{% if todo.done %}â{% else %} {% endif %}</td><td><a href="{{db.prefix}}/todo?task={{ todo.task.id_ }}&date={{ date }}">{%if "cancelled" in todo.tags%}<s>{% endif %}{% if "deadline" in todo.tags %}DEADLINE: {% endif %}{{ todo.title|e }}{%if "cancelled" in todo.tags%}</s>{% endif %}</a></td><td>{{ todo.comment|e }}</td></tr> -{% endif %} -{% endfor %} -{% endfor %} -</table> -""" -todo_tmpl = """ -<h3>todo</h3> -<input type="hidden" name="task_uuid" value="{{ todo.task.id_ }}" /> -<input type="hidden" name="date" value="{{ }}" /> -<table> -<tr><th>task</th><td><a href="{{db.prefix}}/task?id={{ todo.task.id_ }}">{{ todo.task.title|e }}</a></td></tr> -<tr><th>default weight</th><td>{{ todo.default_weight }}</td></tr> -<tr><th>day</th><td>{{ }}</td></tr> -<tr><th>day weight</th><td class="input"><input type="number" name="day_weight" step=0.1 size=8 value="{{ todo.day_weight }}" /></td></tr> -<tr><th>comment</th><td class="input"><input type="text" name="comment" value="{{todo.comment|e}}" /></td></tr> -<tr><th>done</th><td class="input"><input type="checkbox" name="done" {% if todo.done %}checked{% endif %}/></td></tr> -<tr><th>day tags</th> -<td> -{% for tag in db.t_tags | sort %} -{% if tag in todo.task.tags %} â{% else %}<input type="checkbox" name="day_tag_{{tag|e}}"{% if tag in todo.day_tags %} checked{% endif %}/>{% endif %} {{ tag }}<br /> -{% endfor %} -add: <input name="day_tags_joined" type="text" value="" > -</td> -</tr> -</table> -<input type="submit" value="update" /> -""" -task_tmpl = """ -<h3>task</h3> -<input type="hidden" name="id" value="{{ task.id_ }}" /> -<table> -<tr><th>title</th><td class="input"><input name="title" type="text" value="{{ task.title|e }}" /><details><summary>history</summary><ul>{% for k,v in task.title_history.items() | sort(attribute='0', reverse=True) %}<li>{{ k }}: {{ v|e }}{% endfor %}</ul></details></td></tr> -<tr><th>default weight</th><td class="input"><input type="number" name="default_weight" value="{{ task.default_weight }}" step=0.1 size=8 required /><details><summary>history</summary><ul>{% for k,v in task.default_weight_history.items() | sort(attribute='0', reverse=True) %}<li>{{ k }}: {{ v|e }}{% endfor %}</ul></details></td></tr> -<tr><th>tags</th> -<td> -{% for tag in db.t_tags | sort %} -<input type="checkbox" name="tag_{{tag|e}}"{% if tag in task.tags %} checked{% endif %}/> {{ tag }}<br /> -{% endfor %} -add: <input name="tags_joined" type="text" value="" ><br /> -<details><summary>history</summary><ul>{% for k,v in task.tags_history.items() | sort(attribute='0', reverse=True) %}<li>{{ k }}: {{ v|e }}{% endfor %}</ul></details> -</td></tr> -</table> -<input type="submit" value="update" /> -""" -day_tmpl = """ -<p> -<input name="hide_unchosen" type="checkbox" {% if db.hide_unchosen %}checked{% endif %} /> hide unchosen <input name="hide_done" type="checkbox" {% if db.hide_done %}checked{% endif %} /> hide done | -<a href="{{db.prefix}}/day?selected_date={{prev_date}}">prev</a> <a href="{{db.prefix}}/day?selected_date={{next_date}}">next</a> | -<input type="hidden" name="original_selected_date" value="{{ db.selected_date }}" /> -date: <input name="new_selected_date" value="{{ db.selected_date }}" size=10 /> | -{{ db.selected_day.todos_sum|round(2) }} ({{ db.selected_day.todos_sum2|round(2)}}) | -comment: <input name="day_comment" value="{{ db.selected_day.comment|e }}"> -</p> - -<table class="alternating"> -<tr><th>task</th><th class="checkbox">choose?</th><th class="checkbox">done?</th><th>weight</th><th>edit?</th><th>day tags</th><th>comment</th></tr> -{% for uuid, t in db.tasks.items() | sort(attribute='1.title') %} -{% if t.visible and (uuid not in db.selected_day.todos.keys() or db.selected_day.todos[uuid].visible) %} -<tr> -<input name="t_uuid" value="{{ uuid }}" type="hidden" > -<td><details><summary>] <a href="{{db.prefix}}/task?id={{ uuid }}" />{{ t.current_title|e }}</a></summary>tags: {% for tag in t.tags | sort %}<a href="{{db.prefix}}/day?t_and={{tag|e}}">{{ tag }}</a> {% endfor %}</details></td> -{% if uuid in db.selected_day.todos.keys() %} -<td class="checkbox"><input name="choose" type="checkbox" value="{{ uuid }}" checked></td> -<td class="checkbox"><input name="done" type="checkbox" value="{{ uuid }}" {% if db.selected_day.todos[uuid].done %}checked{% endif %}></td> -<td class="checkbox"><input name="day_weight" type="number" step=0.1 size=8 value="{% if db.selected_day.todos[uuid].day_weight is not none %}{{ db.selected_day.todos[uuid].day_weight }}{% endif %}" placeholder={{ t.current_default_weight }} ></td> -<td><a href="{{db.prefix}}/todo?task={{uuid}}&date={{ db.selected_date }}">edit</a></td> -<td>{% for tag in db.selected_day.todos[uuid].day_tags | sort %}<a href="{{db.prefix}}/tags?t_and={{tag|e}}">{{ tag }}</a> {% endfor %}</td> -<td>{{ db.selected_day.todos[uuid].comment|e }}</td> -{% else %} -<td class="checkbox"><input name="choose" type="checkbox" value="{{ uuid }}"</td> -<td class="checkbox"><input name="done" type="checkbox" value="{{ uuid }}"></td> -<td class="checkbox"><input name="day_weight" type="number" step=0.1 size=8 placeholder={{ t.current_default_weight }} ></td> -<td></td> -<td></td> -<td></td> -{% endif %} -</tr> -{% endif %} -{% endfor %} -</table> -<input type="submit" value="OK"> -""" -tag_filters_tmpl = """ -<p style="float: left; margin-right: 1em;"> -<input type="submit" value="OK"> -</p> -<p> -mandatory tags: -{% for and_filter in db.t_filter_and %} -<select name="t_and"> -<option></option> -{% for tag in db.t_tags | sort %} -<option value="{{tag|e}}" {% if and_filter == tag %}selected{% endif %}>{{tag|e}}</option> -{% endfor %} -</select> -{% endfor %} -<select name="t_and"> -<option></option> -{% for tag in db.t_tags | sort %} -<option value="{{tag|e}}">{{tag|e}}</option> -{% endfor %} -</select> -<br /> -forbidden tags: -{% for not_filter in db.t_filter_not %} -<select name="t_not"> -<option></option> -{% for tag in db.t_tags | sort %} -<option value="{{tag|e}}" {% if not_filter == tag %}selected{% endif %}>{{tag|e}}</option> -{% endfor %} -</select> -{% endfor %} -<select name="t_not"> -<option></option> -{% for tag in db.t_tags | sort %} -<option value="{{tag|e}}">{{tag|e}}</option> -{% endfor %} -</select> -</p> -""" -tasks_tmpl = """ -<table class="alternating"> -<tr><th>default<br />weight</th><th>task</th><th>tags</th></tr> -{% for uuid, t in db.tasks.items() | sort(attribute='1.title') %} -{% if t.visible %} -<tr> -<td class="number">{{ t.default_weight }}</a></td> -<td><a href="{{db.prefix}}/task?id={{ uuid }}" />{{ t.title|e }}</a></td> -<td>{% for tag in t.tags | sort %}<a href="{{db.prefix}}/tags?t_and={{tag|e}}">{{ tag }}</a> {% endfor %}</td> -{% endif %} -{% endfor %} -</table> -""" +j2env = JinjaEnv(loader=JinjaFSLoader('todo_templates')) class Task: - def __init__(self, db, title_history=None, tags_history=None, default_weight_history=None): + def __init__(self, db, title_history=None, tags_history=None, default_weight_history=None, links_history=None): self.db = db self.title_history = title_history if title_history else {} self.tags_history = tags_history if tags_history else {} self.default_weight_history = default_weight_history if default_weight_history else {} + self.links_history = links_history if links_history else {} self.visible = True def _set_with_history(self, history, value): @@ -209,11 +32,27 @@ class Task: @classmethod def from_dict(cls, db, d): - return cls( - db, - d['title_history'], - {k: set(v) for k, v in d['tags_history'].items()}, - d['default_weight_history']) + if 'links_history' in d.keys(): + return cls( + db, + d['title_history'], + {k: set(v) for k, v in d['tags_history'].items()}, + d['default_weight_history'], + {k: set(v) for k, v in d['links_history'].items()}) + else: + return cls( + db, + d['title_history'], + {k: set(v) for k, v in d['tags_history'].items()}, + d['default_weight_history']) + + def to_dict(self): + return { + 'title_history': self.title_history, + 'default_weight_history': self.default_weight_history, + 'tags_history': {k: list(v) for k,v in self.tags_history.items()}, + 'links_history': {k: list(v) for k,v in self.links_history.items()}, + } @property def default_weight(self): @@ -263,22 +102,13 @@ class Task: def tags(self, tags): self._set_with_history(self.tags_history, set(tags)) - # @property - # def tags_joined(self): - # return ';'.join(sorted(list(self.tags))) - - # @tags_joined.setter - # def tags_joined(self, tags_string): - # tags = set() - # for tag in [tag.strip() for tag in tags_string.split(';') if tag.strip() != '']: - # tags.add(tag) - # self.tags = tags + @property + def links(self): + return self._last_of_history(self.links_history, set()) - def to_dict(self): - return { - 'title_history': self.title_history, - 'tags_history': {k: list(v) for k,v in self.tags_history.items()}, - 'default_weight_history': self.default_weight_history} + @links.setter + def links(self, links): + self._set_with_history(self.links_history, set(links)) @property def id_(self): @@ -374,17 +204,6 @@ class Todo: def title(self): return self.task.title_at( - # @property - # def day_tags_joined(self): - # return ';'.join(sorted(list(self.day_tags))) - - # @day_tags_joined.setter - # def day_tags_joined(self, tags_string): - # tags = set() - # for tag in [tag.strip() for tag in tags_string.split(';') if tag.strip() != '']: - # tags.add(tag) - # self.day_tags = tags - @property def tags(self): return self.day_tags | self.task.tags @@ -431,8 +250,8 @@ class TodoDB(PlomDB): def to_dict(self): d = { - 't_filter_and': self.t_filter_and, - 't_filter_not': self.t_filter_not, + # 't_filter_and': self.t_filter_and, + # 't_filter_not': self.t_filter_not, 'tasks': {}, 'days': {} } @@ -483,7 +302,7 @@ class TodoDB(PlomDB): prev_date_str = prev_date.strftime(DATE_FORMAT) next_date = current_date + timedelta(days=1) next_date_str = next_date.strftime(DATE_FORMAT) - return Template(form_header_tmpl + tag_filters_tmpl + day_tmpl + form_footer).render(db=self, action=self.prefix+'/day', prev_date=prev_date_str, next_date=next_date_str) + return j2env.get_template('day.html').render(db=self, action=self.prefix+'/day', prev_date=prev_date_str, next_date=next_date_str) def show_calendar(self, start_date_str, end_date_str): self.t_filter_and = ['calendar'] @@ -505,11 +324,11 @@ class TodoDB(PlomDB): else: days_to_show[current_date] = self.days[current_date] days_to_show[current_date].weekday = datetime.strptime(current_date, DATE_FORMAT).strftime('%A')[:2] - return Template(form_header_tmpl + calendar_tmpl + form_footer).render(db=self, days=days_to_show, action=self.prefix+'/calendar', today=str([:10], start_date=start_date_str, end_date=end_date_str) + return j2env.get_template('calendar.html').render(db=self, days=days_to_show, action=self.prefix+'/calendar', today=str([:10], start_date=start_date_str, end_date=end_date_str) def show_todo(self, task_uuid, selected_date): todo = self.days[selected_date].todos[task_uuid] - return Template(form_header_tmpl + todo_tmpl + form_footer).render(db=self, todo=todo, action=self.prefix+'/todo') + return j2env.get_template('todo.html').render(db=self, todo=todo, action=self.prefix+'/todo') def update_todo_mini(self, task_uuid, date, day_weight, done): if task_uuid in self.days[date].todos.keys(): @@ -520,33 +339,39 @@ class TodoDB(PlomDB): todo.done = done return todo + def collect_tags(self, tags_joined, tags_checked): + tags = set() + for tag in [tag.strip() for tag in tags_joined.split(';') if tag.strip() != '']: + tags.add(tag) + for tag in tags_checked: + tags.add(tag) + return tags + def update_todo(self, task_uuid, date, day_weight, done, comment, day_tags_joined, day_tags_checked): todo = self.update_todo_mini(task_uuid, date, day_weight, done) todo.comment = comment - day_tags = set() - for tag in [tag.strip() for tag in day_tags_joined.split(';') if tag.strip() != '']: - day_tags.add(tag) - for tag in day_tags_checked: - day_tags.add(tag) - todo.day_tags = day_tags + todo.day_tags = self.collect_tags(day_tags_joined, day_tags_checked) def show_task(self, id_): task = self.tasks[id_] if id_ else self.add_task() - return Template(form_header_tmpl + task_tmpl + form_footer).render(db=self, task=task, action=self.prefix+'/task') + return j2env.get_template('task.html').render(db=self, task=task, action=self.prefix+'/task') - def update_task(self, id_, title, default_weight, tags_joined, tags_checked): + def update_task(self, id_, title, default_weight, tags_joined, tags_checked, links): task = self.tasks[id_] if id_ in self.tasks.keys() else self.add_task(id_) task.title = title task.default_weight = float(default_weight) if len(default_weight) > 0 else None - tags = set() - for tag in [tag.strip() for tag in tags_joined.split(';') if tag.strip() != '']: - tags.add(tag) - for tag in tags_checked: - tags.add(tag) - task.tags = tags + task.tags = self.collect_tags(tags_joined, tags_checked) + task.links = links + for link in links: + print("DEBUG DEBUG", links) + borrowed_links = self.tasks[link].links + print("DEBUG DEBUG brorowed1", borrowed_links) + borrowed_links.add(id_) + print("DEBUG DEBUG brorowed2", borrowed_links) + self.tasks[link].links = borrowed_links def show_tasks(self): - return Template(form_header_tmpl + tag_filters_tmpl + tasks_tmpl + form_footer).render(db=self, action=self.prefix+'/tasks') + return j2env.get_template('tasks.html').render(db=self, action=self.prefix+'/tasks') @@ -576,7 +401,28 @@ class TodoHandler(PlomHandler): postvars = parse_qs(, keep_blank_values=1) parsed_url = urlparse(self.path) db = TodoDB(prefix=app_config['prefix']) + params_to_encode = [] + if 't_and' in postvars.keys(): + for target in postvars['t_and']: + if len(target) > 0 and not target in db.t_filter_and: + db.t_filter_and += [target] + if len(db.t_filter_and) == 0: + params_to_encode += [('t_and', '-')] + if 't_not' in postvars.keys(): + for target in postvars['t_not']: + if len(target) > 0 and not target in db.t_filter_not: + db.t_filter_not += [target] + if len(db.t_filter_not) == 0: + params_to_encode += [('t_not', '-')] + params_to_encode += [('t_and', f) for f in db.t_filter_and] + [('t_not', f) for f in db.t_filter_not] + def collect_checked(prefix, postvars): + tags_checked = [] + for k in postvars.keys(): + if k.startswith(prefix): + tags_checked += [k[len(prefix):]] + return tags_checked + if parsed_url.path == app_config['prefix'] + '/calendar': start = postvars['start'][0] if len(postvars['start'][0]) > 0 else '-' end = postvars['end'][0] if len(postvars['end'][0]) > 0 else '-' @@ -585,69 +431,40 @@ class TodoHandler(PlomHandler): elif parsed_url.path == app_config['prefix'] + '/todo': task_uuid = postvars['task_uuid'][0] date = postvars['date'][0] - tags_checked = [] - prefix = 'day_tag_' - for k in postvars.keys(): - if k.startswith(prefix): - tags_checked += [k[len(prefix):]] - db.update_todo(task_uuid, date, postvars['day_weight'][0], 'done' in postvars.keys(), postvars['comment'][0], postvars['day_tags_joined'][0], tags_checked) + db.update_todo(task_uuid, date, postvars['day_weight'][0], 'done' in postvars.keys(), postvars['comment'][0], postvars['joined_day_tags'][0], collect_checked('day_tag_', postvars)) homepage = f'{app_config["prefix"]}/todo?task={task_uuid}&date={date}' elif parsed_url.path == app_config['prefix'] + '/task': + encoded_params = urlencode(params_to_encode) id_ = postvars['id'][0] - tags_checked = [] - prefix = 'tag_' - for k in postvars.keys(): - if k.startswith(prefix): - tags_checked += [k[len(prefix):]] - db.update_task(id_, postvars['title'][0], postvars['default_weight'][0], postvars['tags_joined'][0], tags_checked) - homepage = f'{app_config["prefix"]}/task?id={id_}' + if 'title' in postvars.keys(): + db.update_task(id_, postvars['title'][0], postvars['default_weight'][0], postvars['joined_tags'][0], collect_checked('tag_', postvars), collect_checked('link_', postvars)) + homepage = f'{app_config["prefix"]}/task?id={id_}&{encoded_params}' - elif parsed_url.path in {app_config['prefix'] + '/tasks', app_config['prefix'] + '/day'}: - data = [] - for target in postvars['t_and']: - if len(target) > 0 and not target in db.t_filter_and: - db.t_filter_and += [target] - if len(db.t_filter_and) == 0: - data += [('t_and', '-')] - for target in postvars['t_not']: - if len(target) > 0 and not target in db.t_filter_not: - db.t_filter_not += [target] - if len(db.t_filter_not) == 0: - data += [('t_not', '-')] - data += [('t_and', f) for f in db.t_filter_and] + [('t_not', f) for f in db.t_filter_not] - if parsed_url.path == app_config['prefix'] + '/tasks': - encoded_params = urlencode(data) - homepage = f'{app_config["prefix"]}/tasks?{encoded_params}' - - elif parsed_url.path == app_config['prefix'] + '/day': - db.hide_unchosen = 'hide_unchosen' in postvars.keys() - db.hide_done = 'hide_done' in postvars.keys() - data += [('hide_unchosen', int(db.hide_unchosen))] + [('hide_done', int(db.hide_done))] - - db.selected_date = postvars['original_selected_date'][0] - new_selected_date = postvars['new_selected_date'][0] - try: - datetime.strptime(new_selected_date, DATE_FORMAT) - except ValueError: - raise PlomException(f'{app_config["prefix"]} bad date string: {new_selected_date}') - if new_selected_date != db.selected_date: - db.change_selected_days_date(new_selected_date) - if 't_uuid' in postvars.keys(): - for i, uuid in enumerate(postvars['t_uuid']): - t = db.tasks[uuid] - if uuid in db.selected_day.todos.keys() and ((not 'choose' in postvars) or uuid not in postvars['choose']): - del db.selected_day.todos[uuid] - if 'choose' in postvars.keys(): - for i, uuid in enumerate(postvars['t_uuid']): - if uuid in postvars['choose']: - done = 'done' in postvars and uuid in postvars['done'] - db.update_todo_mini(uuid, db.selected_date, postvars['day_weight'][i], done) - if 'day_comment' in postvars.keys(): - db.selected_day.comment = postvars['day_comment'][0] - data += [('selected_date', db.selected_date)] - encoded_params = urlencode(data) - homepage = f'{app_config["prefix"]}/day?{encoded_params}' + elif parsed_url.path == app_config['prefix'] + '/tasks': + encoded_params = urlencode(params_to_encode) + homepage = f'{app_config["prefix"]}/tasks?{encoded_params}' + + elif parsed_url.path == app_config['prefix'] + '/day': + if 'expect_unchosen_done' in postvars.keys(): + params_to_encode += [('hide_unchosen', int('hide_unchosen' in postvars.keys()))] + [('hide_done', int('hide_done' in postvars.keys()))] + if 'selected_date' in postvars.keys(): + db.selected_date = postvars['selected_date'][0] + if 't_uuid' in postvars.keys(): + for i, uuid in enumerate(postvars['t_uuid']): + t = db.tasks[uuid] + if uuid in db.selected_day.todos.keys() and ((not 'choose' in postvars) or uuid not in postvars['choose']): + del db.selected_day.todos[uuid] + if 'choose' in postvars.keys(): + for i, uuid in enumerate(postvars['t_uuid']): + if uuid in postvars['choose']: + done = 'done' in postvars and uuid in postvars['done'] + db.update_todo_mini(uuid, db.selected_date, postvars['day_weight'][i], done) + if 'day_comment' in postvars.keys(): + db.selected_day.comment = postvars['day_comment'][0] + params_to_encode += [('selected_date', db.selected_date)] + encoded_params = urlencode(params_to_encode) + homepage = f'{app_config["prefix"]}/day?{encoded_params}' db.write() self.redirect(homepage) @@ -671,6 +488,7 @@ class TodoHandler(PlomHandler): if selected_date is None and 'selected_date' in cookie_db.keys(): selected_date = cookie_db['selected_date'] cookie_db['selected_date'] = selected_date + if parsed_url.path in {app_config['prefix'] + '/day', app_config['prefix'] + '/tasks', app_config['prefix'] + '/task'}: t_filter_and = params.get('t_and', None) if t_filter_and is None and 't_and' in cookie_db.keys(): t_filter_and = cookie_db['t_and'] @@ -737,10 +555,9 @@ class TodoHandler(PlomHandler): end_date = None cookie_db['calendar_end'] = end_date page = db.show_calendar(start_date, end_date) - header = Template(html_head).render(db=db, prefix=app_config['prefix'], date=selected_date) if parsed_url.path != app_config['prefix'] + '/unset_cookie': self.set_cookie(app_config['cookie_name'], app_config['cookie_path'], cookie_db) - self.send_HTML(header + page) + self.send_HTML(page) if __name__ == "__main__": diff --git a/todo_templates/base.html b/todo_templates/base.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..882c727 --- /dev/null +++ b/todo_templates/base.html @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +<style> +body { font-family: monospace; } +input { font-family: monospace; padding: 0em; margin: 0em; } +{% block css %} +{% endblock %} +</style> +<body> +tasks: <a href="{{db.prefix}}/tasks">list</a> <a href="{{db.prefix}}/add_task">add</a> | day: +<a href="{{db.prefix}}/day?hide_unchosen=0&hide_done=0">choose tasks</a> +<a href="{{db.prefix}}/day?hide_unchosen=1&hide_done=1">do tasks</a> +| <a href="{{db.prefix}}/calendar">calendar</a> +| <a href="{{db.prefix}}/unset_cookie">unset cookie</a> +<hr /> +{% block content %} +{% endblock %} diff --git a/todo_templates/calendar.html b/todo_templates/calendar.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8f0aa8e --- /dev/null +++ b/todo_templates/calendar.html @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +{% extends 'base.html' %} +{% block css %} +tr.week_row td { height: 0.1em; background-color: black; } +tr.day_row td { background-color: #f2f2f2 } +td.checkbox { width: 0.1em; height: 0.1em; padding: 0em; text-align: center; } +{% endblock %} +{% block content %} +<form action="{{action|e}}" method="POST"> +<p> +from: <input name="start" {% if start_date %}value="{{ start_date }}"{% endif %} placeholder="{{ today }}" /> +to: <input name="end" {% if end_date %}value="{{ end_date }}"{% endif %} placeholder="2030-12-31" /> +<input type="submit" value="OK" /> +</p> +<table> +{% for date, day in days.items() | sort() %} +{% if day.weekday == 'Mo' %}<tr class="week_row"><td colspan=3></td></tr>{% endif %} +<tr class="day_row"><td colspan=3><a href="{{db.prefix}}/day?selected_date={{date}}&hide_unchosen=1">{{ day.weekday }} {{ date }}</a> |{{ '%04.1f' % day.todos_sum|round(2) }}| {{ day.comment|e }}</td></tr> +{% for task, todo in day.todos.items() | sort(attribute='1.title', reverse=True) %} +{% if todo.visible %} +<tr><td class="checkbox">{% if todo.done %}â{% else %} {% endif %}</td><td><a href="{{db.prefix}}/todo?task={{ todo.task.id_ }}&date={{ date }}">{%if "cancelled" in todo.tags%}<s>{% endif %}{% if "deadline" in todo.tags %}DEADLINE: {% endif %}{{ todo.title|e }}{%if "cancelled" in todo.tags%}</s>{% endif %}</a></td><td>{{ todo.comment|e }}</td></tr> +{% endif %} +{% endfor %} +{% endfor %} +</table> +</form> +{% endblock %} + diff --git a/todo_templates/day.html b/todo_templates/day.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5c63670 --- /dev/null +++ b/todo_templates/day.html @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +{% extends 'base.html' %} +{% block css %} +table.alternating tr:nth-child(even) { + background-color: #f2f2f2; +} +table.alternating tr:nth-child(odd) { + background-color: #ffffff; +} +td.checkbox, td.number { height: 0.1em; padding: 0em; text-align: center; } +td.checkbox { width: 0.1em } +td button { height: 1.5em; padding: 0em; margin: 0em } +td details { display: inline } +input[type="number"] { text-align: right; } +{% endblock %} +{% block content %} +<form action="{{action|e}}" method="POST"> +{% include 'tagfilters.html' %} +<p> +<input name="expect_unchosen_done" type="hidden" value="1"/> +<input name="hide_unchosen" type="checkbox" {% if db.hide_unchosen %}checked{% endif %} /> hide unchosen <input name="hide_done" type="checkbox" {% if db.hide_done %}checked{% endif %} /> hide done +</p> +</form> + +<form id="form_to_watch" action="{{action|e}}" method="POST"> +<h3>edit day</h3> +<p> +<a href="{{db.prefix}}/day?selected_date={{prev_date}}">prev</a> | {{db.selected_date}} | <a href="{{db.prefix}}/day?selected_date={{next_date}}">next</a> | +{{ db.selected_day.todos_sum|round(2) }} ({{ db.selected_day.todos_sum2|round(2)}}) | +comment: <input name="day_comment" value="{{ db.selected_day.comment|e }}"> +<input type="submit" value="update"> +<input type="hidden" name="selected_date" value="{{ db.selected_date }}" /> +</p> +<table class="alternating"> +<tr><th>task</th><th class="checkbox">choose?</th><th class="checkbox">done?</th><th>weight</th><th>edit?</th><th>day tags</th><th>comment</th></tr> +{% for uuid, t in db.tasks.items() | sort(attribute='1.title') %} +{% if t.visible and (uuid not in db.selected_day.todos.keys() or db.selected_day.todos[uuid].visible) %} +<tr> +<input name="t_uuid" value="{{ uuid }}" type="hidden" > +<td><details><summary>] <a href="{{db.prefix}}/task?id={{ uuid }}" />{{ t.current_title|e }}</a></summary>tags: {% for tag in t.tags | sort %}<a href="{{db.prefix}}/day?t_and={{tag|e}}">{{ tag }}</a> {% endfor %}</details></td> +{% if uuid in db.selected_day.todos.keys() %} +<td class="checkbox"><input name="choose" type="checkbox" value="{{ uuid }}" checked></td> +<td class="checkbox"><input name="done" type="checkbox" value="{{ uuid }}" {% if db.selected_day.todos[uuid].done %}checked{% endif %}></td> +<td class="number"><input class="day_weight_input" name="day_weight" type="number" step=0.1 size=8 value="{% if db.selected_day.todos[uuid].day_weight is not none %}{{ db.selected_day.todos[uuid].day_weight }}{% endif %}" placeholder={{ t.current_default_weight }} ></td> +<td><a href="{{db.prefix}}/todo?task={{uuid}}&date={{ db.selected_date }}">edit</a></td> +<td>{% for tag in db.selected_day.todos[uuid].day_tags | sort %}<a href="{{db.prefix}}/tags?t_and={{tag|e}}">{{ tag }}</a> {% endfor %}</td> +<td>{{ db.selected_day.todos[uuid].comment|e }}</td> +{% else %} +<td class="checkbox"><input name="choose" type="checkbox" value="{{ uuid }}"</td> +<td class="checkbox"><input name="done" type="checkbox" value="{{ uuid }}"></td> +<td class="number"><input name="day_weight" type="number" step=0.1 size=8 placeholder={{ t.current_default_weight }} ></td> +<td></td> +<td></td> +<td></td> +{% endif %} +</tr> +{% endif %} +{% endfor %} +</table> +<input type="submit" value="update"> +</form> +<script> +var day_weight_inputs = document.getElementsByClassName("day_weight_input"); +for (let i = 0; i < day_weight_inputs.length; i++) { + let input = day_weight_inputs[i]; + let button = document.createElement('button'); + button.innerHTML = '+1Ã'; + button.onclick = function(event) { + event.preventDefault(); + if (input.value) { + input.value = parseFloat(input.value) + parseFloat(input.placeholder); + } else { + input.value = parseFloat(input.placeholder); + } + input.value = parseFloat(input.value).toFixed(1); + }; + input.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', button); +} +</script> +{% include 'watch_form.html' %} +{% endblock %} diff --git a/todo_templates/tagfilters.html b/todo_templates/tagfilters.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3f784ea --- /dev/null +++ b/todo_templates/tagfilters.html @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +<p style="float: left; margin-right: 1em;"> +<input type="submit" value="filter"> +</p> +<p> +mandatory tags: +{% for and_filter in db.t_filter_and %} +<select name="t_and"> +<option></option> +{% for tag in db.t_tags | sort %} +<option value="{{tag|e}}" {% if and_filter == tag %}selected{% endif %}>{{tag|e}}</option> +{% endfor %} +</select> +{% endfor %} +<select name="t_and"> +<option></option> +{% for tag in db.t_tags | sort %} +<option value="{{tag|e}}">{{tag|e}}</option> +{% endfor %} +</select> +<br /> +forbidden tags: +{% for not_filter in db.t_filter_not %} +<select name="t_not"> +<option></option> +{% for tag in db.t_tags | sort %} +<option value="{{tag|e}}" {% if not_filter == tag %}selected{% endif %}>{{tag|e}}</option> +{% endfor %} +</select> +{% endfor %} +<select name="t_not"> +<option></option> +{% for tag in db.t_tags | sort %} +<option value="{{tag|e}}">{{tag|e}}</option> +{% endfor %} +</select> +</p> + diff --git a/todo_templates/task.html b/todo_templates/task.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..56d0abe --- /dev/null +++ b/todo_templates/task.html @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +{% extends 'base.html' %} +{% block css %} +th, td { vertical-align: top; text-align: left} +td.input { width: 100%; } +td.checkbox { width: 0.1em; height: 0.1em; padding: 0em; text-align: center; } +input[type="number"] { text-align: right; } +input[type="text"] { width: 100% } +textarea { width: 100% }; +{% endblock %} +{% block content %} +<form id="form_to_watch" action="{{action|e}}" method="POST"> +<h3>edit task</h3> +<input type="hidden" name="id" value="{{ task.id_ }}" /> +<table> +<tr><th>title</th><td class="input"><input name="title" type="text" value="{{ task.title|e }}" /><details><summary>history</summary><ul>{% for k,v in task.title_history.items() | sort(attribute='0', reverse=True) %}<li>{{ k }}: {{ v|e }}{% endfor %}</ul></details></td></tr> +<tr><th>default weight</th><td class="input"><input type="number" name="default_weight" value="{{ task.default_weight }}" step=0.1 size=8 required /><details><summary>history</summary><ul>{% for k,v in task.default_weight_history.items() | sort(attribute='0', reverse=True) %}<li>{{ k }}: {{ v|e }}{% endfor %}</ul></details></td></tr> +<tr><th>tags</th> +<td> +{% for tag in db.t_tags | sort %} +<input type="checkbox" name="tag_{{tag|e}}"{% if tag in task.tags %} checked{% endif %}/> {{ tag }}<br /> +{% endfor %} +add: <input name="joined_tags" type="text" value="" ><br /> +<details><summary>history</summary><ul>{% for k,v in task.tags_history.items() | sort(attribute='0', reverse=True) %}<li>{{ k }}: {{ v|e }}{% endfor %}</ul></details> +</td></tr> +<tr><th>links</th> +<td> +{% for other_task_id, other_task in db.tasks.items() | sort(attribute='1.title') %} +{% if task.id_ != other_task_id and other_task.visible and other_task_id in task.links %} +<input name="link_{{other_task_id}}" type="checkbox" checked /> <a href="{{db.prefix}}/task?id={{ other_task_id }}">{{ other_task.title|e }}</a><br /> +{% endif %} +{% endfor %} +{% for other_task_id, other_task in db.tasks.items() | sort(attribute='1.title') %} +{% if task.id_ != other_task_id and other_task.visible and not other_task_id in task.links %} +<input name="link_{{other_task_id}}" type="checkbox"/> <a href="{{db.prefix}}/task?id={{ other_task_id }}">{{ other_task.title|e }}</a><br /> +{% endif %} +{% endfor %} +</td> +</tr> +</table> +<input type="submit" value="update" /> +</form> +<form action="{{action|e}}" method="POST"> +<input type="hidden" name="id" value="{{ task.id_ }}" /> +{% include 'tagfilters.html' %} +</form> +{% include 'watch_form.html' %} +{% endblock %} diff --git a/todo_templates/tasks.html b/todo_templates/tasks.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..34976eb --- /dev/null +++ b/todo_templates/tasks.html @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +{% extends 'base.html' %} +{% block css %} +table.alternating tr:nth-child(even) { + background-color: #f2f2f2; +} +table.alternating tr:nth-child(odd) { + background-color: #ffffff; +} +td.number { text-align: right; } +{% endblock %} +{% block content %} +<form action="{{action|e}}" method="POST"> +{% include 'tagfilters.html' %} +</form> +<table class="alternating"> +<tr><th>default<br />weight</th><th>task</th><th>tags</th></tr> +{% for uuid, t in db.tasks.items() | sort(attribute='1.title') %} +{% if t.visible %} +<tr> +<td class="number">{{ t.default_weight }}</a></td> +<td><a href="{{db.prefix}}/task?id={{ uuid }}" />{{ t.title|e }}</a></td> +<td>{% for tag in t.tags | sort %}<a href="{{db.prefix}}/tasks?t_and={{tag|e}}">{{ tag }}</a> {% endfor %}</td> +{% endif %} +{% endfor %} +</table> +{% endblock %} + diff --git a/todo_templates/todo.html b/todo_templates/todo.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b3926da --- /dev/null +++ b/todo_templates/todo.html @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +{% extends 'base.html' %} +{% block css %} +th, td { vertical-align: top; text-align: left} +td.input { width: 100%; } +td.checkbox { width: 0.1em; height: 0.1em; padding: 0em; text-align: center; } +input[type="number"] { text-align: right; } +input[type="text"] { width: 100% } +textarea { width: 100% }; +{% endblock %} +{% block content %} +<form action="{{action|e}}" method="POST"> +<h3>edit todo</h3> +<input type="hidden" name="task_uuid" value="{{ todo.task.id_ }}" /> +<input type="hidden" name="date" value="{{ }}" /> +<table> +<tr><th>task</th><td><a href="{{db.prefix}}/task?id={{ todo.task.id_ }}">{{ todo.task.title|e }}</a></td></tr> +<tr><th>default weight</th><td>{{ todo.default_weight }}</td></tr> +<tr><th>day</th><td>{{ }}</td></tr> +<tr><th>day weight</th><td class="input"><input type="number" name="day_weight" step=0.1 size=8 value="{{ todo.day_weight }}" /></td></tr> +<tr><th>comment</th><td class="input"><textarea name="comment">{{todo.comment|e}}</textarea></td></tr> +<tr><th>done</th><td class="input"><input type="checkbox" name="done" {% if todo.done %}checked{% endif %}/></td></tr> +<tr><th>day tags</th> +<td> +{% for tag in db.t_tags | sort %} +{% if tag in todo.task.tags %} â{% else %}<input type="checkbox" name="day_tag_{{tag|e}}"{% if tag in todo.day_tags %} checked{% endif %}/>{% endif %} {{ tag }}<br /> +{% endfor %} +add: <input name="joined_day_tags" type="text" value="" > +</td> +</tr> +</table> +<input type="submit" value="update" /> +</form> +{% endblock %} diff --git a/todo_templates/watch_form.html b/todo_templates/watch_form.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..979c1da --- /dev/null +++ b/todo_templates/watch_form.html @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +<script> + var formHasChanged = false; + var submitted = false; + var form_to_watch = document.getElementById('form_to_watch'); + form_to_watch.addEventListener('input', function() { + formHasChanged = true; + }); + form_to_watch.addEventListener('submit', function() { + submitted = true; + }); + window.addEventListener('beforeunload', function(event) { + if (formHasChanged && !submitted) { + var confirmationMessage = 'You have unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to leave?'; + event.returnValue = confirmationMessage; + return confirmationMessage; + } + }); +</script> +