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descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
last changeWed, 25 Dec 2024 20:30:34 +0000 (21:30 +0100)
36 hours ago Christian HellerAdd some ytplom compatibility improvements. master
2024-11-05 Christian HellerUpdate mpv config.
2024-11-04 Christian HellerUpgrade Raspi setup.
2024-11-03 Christian HellerImprove Raspi setup.
2024-11-03 Christian HellerImprove Raspi setup.
2024-11-03 Christian HellerMinor fix.
2024-11-03 Christian HellerImprove Raspi setup.
2024-11-02 Christian HellerImprove raspi setup.
2024-10-31 Christian HellerUpdate raspi setup.
2024-10-30 Christian HellerVarious improvements to Raspi setup.
2024-10-30 Christian HellerFor ssh logins to raspi, forward WAYLAND_DISPLAY.
2024-10-30 Christian HellerFix pulseaudio setting.
2024-10-30 Christian HellerUpdate Firefox.
2024-10-30 Christian HellerImprove setup.
2024-10-29 Christian HellerImprove Raspi setup.
2024-10-27 Christian HellerImprove Raspi setup.
36 hours ago master