From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2023 03:08:41 +0000 (+0200)
Subject: Add mail_sync.

Add mail_sync.

diff --git a/bookworm/home_files/user/ b/bookworm/home_files/user/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7d96256
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bookworm/home_files/user/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+set -e
+# Ensure directories exist for all "dir:*" tags.
+for tag in $(notmuch search --output=tags '*'); do
+    if [ ! $(echo "${tag}" | cut -c-4) = "dir:" ]; then
+        continue
+    fi
+    target_dir="${basedir}"$(echo "${tag}" | cut -c5-)"/cur/"
+    if [ ! -d "${target_dir}" ]; then
+        echo "Directory ${target_dir} does not exist."
+        exit 1
+    fi
+# Ensure all "dir:*"-tagged mails are in proper directories,
+# remove all "dir:*" tags.
+for tag in $(notmuch search --output=tags '*'); do
+    if [ ! $(echo "${tag}" | cut -c-4) = "dir:" ]; then
+        continue
+    fi
+    target_dir="${basedir}"$(echo "${tag}" | cut -c5-)"/cur/"
+    for f in $(notmuch search --output=files tag:"${tag}"); do
+	 echo DEBUG0 $f
+         new_name=$(basename "${f}" | sed -e 's/,U=[0-9]*//')
+	 echo DEBUG0 $new_name
+         target_path="${target_dir}${new_name}"
+	 echo DEBUG0 $target_path
+         if [ ! "${target_path}" = "${f}" ]; then
+             echo "Moving ${f} to ${target_path}."
+             mv "${f}" "${target_path}"
+	     # NOTE: if we encounter an error here of ${f} not being findable, run "notmuch reindex tag:${tag}" to fix 
+         fi
+    done
+    notmuch tag -"${tag}" tag:"${tag}"
+# Remove all "deleted"-tagged files from maildirs.
+notmuch search --output=files tag:deleted | while read f; do
+    echo "Deleting ${f}"
+    rm "${f}"
+# Sync changes back to server and update notmuch index.
+mbsync -a
+notmuch new