From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2025 18:10:28 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: Refactor tags filtering/display configuration.

Refactor tags filtering/display configuration.

diff --git a/src/ytplom/ b/src/ytplom/
index 443355c..a9e3b8c 100644
--- a/src/ytplom/
+++ b/src/ytplom/
@@ -65,9 +65,7 @@ class Server(ThreadingMixIn, PlomHttpServer):
         super().__init__(_PATH_TEMPLATES, (, config.port),
                          _TaskHandler, *args, **kwargs)
         self.config = config
-        self.player = Player(config.whitelist_tags_display,
-                             config.whitelist_tags_prefilter,
-                             config.needed_tags_prefilter)
+        self.player = Player()
         self.downloads = DownloadsManager()
@@ -266,10 +264,8 @@ class _TaskHandler(PlomHttpHandler):
             elif ((not selected)
                   or (selected.digest != self.server.player.current_digest)):
                 with DbConn() as conn:
-                    selected = VideoFile.get_one_with_whitelist_tags_display(
-                        conn,
-                        self.server.player.current_digest,
-                        self.server.config.whitelist_tags_display)
+                    selected = VideoFile.get_one(
+                            conn, self.server.player.current_digest)
             if last_sent < self.server.player.last_update:
                 last_sent = self.server.player.last_update
                 title, tags, digest = '', '', ''
@@ -294,8 +290,7 @@ class _TaskHandler(PlomHttpHandler):
     def _send_file_data(self) -> None:
         digest = Hash.from_b64(self.path_toks[2])
         with DbConn() as conn:
-            file = VideoFile.get_one_with_whitelist_tags_display(
-                    conn, digest, self.server.config.whitelist_tags_display)
+            file = VideoFile.get_one(conn, digest)
             unused_tags = file.unused_tags(conn)
@@ -312,15 +307,9 @@ class _TaskHandler(PlomHttpHandler):
             files = VideoFile.get_filtered(
-                    self.server.config.needed_tags_prefilter,
-                    self.server.config.whitelist_tags_prefilter,
-                    self.server.config.whitelist_tags_display,
         files.sort(key=lambda t: t.rel_path)
-        for f in files:
-            f.whitelist_tags_display =\
-                    self.server.config.whitelist_tags_display
                                      {'files': files,
                                       'selected': 'files',
diff --git a/src/ytplom/ b/src/ytplom/
index 7f3fc0c..2a27cc9 100644
--- a/src/ytplom/
+++ b/src/ytplom/
@@ -182,6 +182,10 @@ class Config:
         set_attrs_from_dict({k[len(ENVIRON_PREFIX):].lower(): v
                              for k, v in environ.items()
                              if k.isupper() and k.startswith(ENVIRON_PREFIX)})
+        for attr_name in ('needed_tags_prefilter',
+                          'whitelist_tags_prefilter',
+                          'whitelist_tags_display'):
+            setattr(VideoFile, attr_name, getattr(self, attr_name))
 class YoutubeQuery(DbData):
@@ -324,6 +328,10 @@ class VideoFile(DbData):
     rel_path: Path
     digest: Hash
     tags: TagSet
+    # class attributes
+    needed_tags_prefilter: TagSet
+    whitelist_tags_prefilter: TagSet
+    whitelist_tags_display: TagSet
     def __init__(self,
                  digest: Optional[Hash],
@@ -343,7 +351,6 @@ class VideoFile(DbData):
             self.last_update = last_update
         self._hash_on_last_update = hash(self)
-        self.whitelist_tags_display: Optional[TagSet] = None
     def __hash__(self) -> int:
         return hash(f'{self.digest.b64}|{self.rel_path}|{self.flags}|'
@@ -358,15 +365,6 @@ class VideoFile(DbData):
         return super().save(conn)
-    @classmethod
-    def get_one_with_whitelist_tags_display(
-            cls, conn: DbConn, id_: Hash, whitelist_tags_display: TagSet
-            ) -> Self:
-        """Same as .get_one except sets .whitelist_tags_display."""
-        vf = cls.get_one(conn, id_)
-        vf.whitelist_tags_display = whitelist_tags_display
-        return vf
     def get_by_yt_id(cls, conn: DbConn, yt_id: YoutubeId) -> Self:
         """Return VideoFile of .yt_id."""
@@ -380,37 +378,26 @@ class VideoFile(DbData):
     def get_filtered(cls,
                      conn: DbConn,
                      filter_path: FilterStr,
-                     needed_tags_dark: TagSet,
                      needed_tags_seen: TagSet,
-                     whitelist_tags_filter: TagSet,
-                     whitelist_tags_display: TagSet,
                      show_absent: bool = False
                      ) -> list[Self]:
         """Return cls.get_all matching provided filter criteria."""
-        files = [f for f in cls.get_all(conn)
-                 if (show_absent or f.present)
-                 and str(filter_path).lower() in str(f.rel_path).lower()
-                 and (needed_tags_dark.are_all_in(f.tags)
-                      or not whitelist_tags_filter.all_also_in(f.tags).empty)
-                 and needed_tags_seen.whitelisted(whitelist_tags_display
-                                                  ).are_all_in(f.tags)]
-        for f in files:
-            f.whitelist_tags_display = whitelist_tags_display
-        return files
+        return [
+            f for f in cls.get_all(conn)
+            if (show_absent or f.present)
+            and str(filter_path).lower() in str(f.rel_path).lower()
+            and (cls.needed_tags_prefilter.are_all_in(f.tags)
+                 or not cls.whitelist_tags_prefilter.all_also_in(f.tags).empty)
+            and needed_tags_seen.whitelisted(cls.whitelist_tags_display
+                                             ).are_all_in(f.tags)]
     def tags_showable(self) -> TagSet:
         """Show .tags passing .whitelist_tags_display, if latter set."""
-        if self.whitelist_tags_display is None:
-            raise HandledException(
-                    'canot show display-whitelisted tags on unset whitelist')
         return self.tags.whitelisted(self.whitelist_tags_display)
     def unused_tags(self, conn: DbConn) -> TagSet:
         """Return tags used among other VideoFiles, not in self."""
-        if self.whitelist_tags_display is None:
-            raise HandledException(
-                    'canot show display-whitelisted tags on unset whitelist')
         tags = TagSet()
         for file in self.get_all(conn):
@@ -531,18 +518,9 @@ class Player:
     _idx: int
     last_update: DatetimeStr
-    def __init__(self,
-                 whitelist_tags_display: TagSet,
-                 whitelist_tags_prefilter: TagSet,
-                 needed_tags_prefilter: TagSet,
-                 ) -> None:
-        # filters setup
+    def __init__(self) -> None:
         self.filter_path = FilterStr('')
         self.needed_tags = TagSet()
-        self._whitelist_tags_prefilter = whitelist_tags_prefilter
-        self._whitelist_tags_display = whitelist_tags_display
-        self._needed_tags_prefilter = needed_tags_prefilter
-        # actual playlist and player setup
         self._mpv: Optional[MPV] = None
         self._monitoring_kill: bool = False
         self._kill_queue: Queue = Queue()
@@ -628,15 +606,8 @@ class Player:
     def load_files_and_mpv(self) -> None:
         """Collect filtered files into playlist, shuffle, start player."""
         with DbConn() as conn:
-            known_files = {
-                f.full_path: f for f
-                in VideoFile.get_filtered(
-                        conn,
-                        self.filter_path,
-                        self._needed_tags_prefilter,
-                        self.needed_tags,
-                        self._whitelist_tags_prefilter,
-                        self._whitelist_tags_display)}
+            known_files = {f.full_path: f for f in VideoFile.get_filtered(
+                conn, self.filter_path, self.needed_tags)}
         self.playlist = [known_files[p] for p in PATH_DOWNLOADS.iterdir()
                          if p in known_files
                          and p.is_file()