From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Mon, 13 May 2019 03:27:11 +0000 (+0200)
Subject: Add basic neural networking experiments.

Add basic neural networking experiments.

diff --git a/neural/ b/neural/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8af59f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/neural/
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+def step(x):
+    step = 0  # If 0.5, we need no bias for AND and OR; if 0, none for NOT.
+              # With learning, the bias will slowly balance any choice.
+    if x >= step:
+        return 1
+    else:
+        return 0
+def result(inputs):
+    s = 0
+    perceptron['inputs'] = inputs[:]
+    for i in range(len(inputs)):
+        s += inputs[i] * perceptron['weights'][i]
+    return step(s + perceptron['bias'])
+# identity
+#training_set = [((0,), 0),
+#                ((1,), 1)]
+# NOT
+#training_set = [((0,), 1),
+#                ((1,), 0)]
+# AND
+#training_set = [((0,0), 0),
+#                ((1,0), 0),
+#                ((0,1), 0),
+#                ((1,1), 1)]
+# OR
+#training_set = [((0,0), 0),
+#                ((1,0), 1),
+#                ((0,1), 1),
+#                ((1,1), 1)]
+# NOT (with one irrelevant column)
+#training_set = [((0,0), 1),
+#                ((1,0), 0),
+#                ((0,1), 1),
+#                ((1,1), 0)]
+# XOR (will fail, as Minsky/Papert say)
+#training_set = [((0,0), 0),
+#                ((1,0), 1),
+#                ((0,1), 1),
+#                ((1,1), 0)]
+# 1 if above f(x)=x line, else 0
+training_set = [((0,1), 1),
+                ((2,3), 1),
+                ((1,1), 0),
+                ((2,2), 0)]
+# 1 if above f(x)=x**2, else 0 (will fail: no linear separability)
+#training_set = [((2,4), 0),
+#                ((2,5), 1),
+#                ((3,9), 0),
+#                ((3,10), 1)]
+perceptron = {'weights': [0 for i in range(len(training_set[0][0]))],
+              'bias': 0}
+adaption_size = 0.1
+for i in range(100):
+    print()
+    go_on = False
+    for element in training_set:
+        inputs = element[0]
+        target = element[1]
+        result_ = result(inputs)
+        print("inputs %s target %s result %s correctness %5s weights %s bias %s" % (inputs, target, result_, target==result_, perceptron['weights'], perceptron['bias']))
+        if target != result_:
+            go_on=True
+        perceptron['bias'] += adaption_size * (target - result_)
+        for i in range(len(perceptron['weights'])):
+            perceptron['weights'][i] += adaption_size * (target - result_) * perceptron['inputs'][i]
+    if not go_on:
+        break
+if go_on:
+    print('COULD NOT SOLVE.')
+    print('SUCCESS')
diff --git a/neural/ b/neural/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f438c7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/neural/
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+import random
+def sigmoid(x):
+    import math
+    return 1 / (1 + math.exp(-x))
+def d_sigmoid(x):
+    return sigmoid(x) * (1 - sigmoid(x))
+def result(inputs):
+    end_node['inputs'] = inputs[:]
+    s = 0
+    for i in range(len(inputs)):
+        s += inputs[i] * end_node['weights'][i]
+    end_node['weighted_biased_input'] = s + end_node['bias']
+    end_node['sigmoid_output'] = sigmoid(end_node['weighted_biased_input'])
+    return end_node['sigmoid_output']
+def backprop(end_result, target, cost):
+    d_cost_over_sigmoid_output = 2*(end_result - target)
+    for i in range(len(end_node['weights'])):
+        d_weighted_biased_input_over_weight = end_node['inputs'][i]
+        d_sigmoid_output_over_weighted_biased_input = d_sigmoid(end_node['weighted_biased_input'])
+        d_cost_over_weight = d_cost_over_sigmoid_output * d_sigmoid_output_over_weighted_biased_input * d_weighted_biased_input_over_weight
+        end_node['weights'][i] -= d_cost_over_weight
+    d_cost_over_bias = d_cost_over_sigmoid_output
+    end_node['bias'] -= d_cost_over_bias
+# identity
+training_set = [((0,), 0),
+                ((1,), 1)]
+# NOT
+#training_set = [((0,), 1),
+#                ((1,), 0)]
+# AND
+#training_set = [((0,0), 0),
+#                ((1,0), 0),
+#                ((0,1), 0),
+#                ((1,1), 1)]
+# OR
+#training_set = [((0,0), 0),
+#                ((1,0), 1),
+#                ((0,1), 1),
+#                ((1,1), 1)]
+# NOT (with one irrelevant column)
+#training_set = [((0,0), 1),
+#                ((1,0), 0),
+#                ((0,1), 1),
+#                ((1,1), 0)]
+# XOR (will fail)
+#training_set = [((0,0), 0),
+#                ((1,0), 1),
+#                ((0,1), 1),
+#                ((1,1), 0)]
+# 1 if above f(x)=x line, else 0
+#training_set = [((0,1), 1),
+#                ((2,3), 1),
+#                ((1,1), 0),
+#                ((2,2), 0)]
+# 1 if above f(x)=x**2, else 0 (will fail: no linear separability)
+#training_set = [((2,4), 0),
+#                ((2,5), 1),
+#                ((3,9), 0),
+#                ((3,10), 1)]
+end_node = {'weights': [random.random() for i in range(len(training_set[0][0]))],
+            'bias': random.random()}
+n_training_runs = 100
+for i in range(n_training_runs):
+    print()
+    for element in training_set:
+        inputs = element[0]
+        target = element[1]
+        result_ = result(inputs)
+        cost = (result_ - target)**2
+        formatted_weights = []
+        for w in end_node['weights']:
+            formatted_weights += ['%1.3f' % w]
+        print("inputs %s target %s result %0.9f cost %0.9f weights [%s] bias %1.3f" % (inputs, target, result_, cost, ','.join(formatted_weights), end_node['bias']))
+        backprop(result_, target, cost)