From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2024 05:33:05 +0000 (+0200)
Subject: Simplify POST /process form field structure.

Simplify POST /process form field structure.

diff --git a/plomtask/ b/plomtask/
index 475f87f..fa04579 100644
--- a/plomtask/
+++ b/plomtask/
@@ -711,51 +711,43 @@ class TaskHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
     def do_POST_process(self, process: Process) -> str:
         """Update or insert Process of ?id= and fields defined in postvars."""
         # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
-        # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
-            title = self._form_data.get_str('title')
-            description = self._form_data.get_str('description')
-            effort = self._form_data.get_float('effort')
+            versioned = {'title': self._form_data.get_str('title'),
+                         'description': self._form_data.get_str('description'),
+                         'effort': self._form_data.get_float('effort')}
         except NotFoundException as e:
             raise BadFormatException from e
-        conditions = self._form_data.get_all_int('conditions')
-        blockers = self._form_data.get_all_int('blockers')
-        enables = self._form_data.get_all_int('enables')
-        disables = self._form_data.get_all_int('disables')
+        cond_rels = [self._form_data.get_all_int(s) for s
+                     in ['conditions', 'blockers', 'enables', 'disables']]
         calendarize = self._form_data.get_bool('calendarize')
-        suppresses = self._form_data.get_all_int('suppresses')
         step_of = self._form_data.get_all_str('step_of')
-        keep_steps = self._form_data.get_all_int('keep_step')
-        step_ids = self._form_data.get_all_int('steps')
+        suppresses = self._form_data.get_all_int('suppresses')
+        step_ids = self._form_data.get_all_int('kept_steps')
         new_top_steps = self._form_data.get_all_str('new_top_step')
-        step_process_id_to = {}
-        step_parent_id_to = {}
         new_steps_to = {}
         for step_id in step_ids:
             name = f'new_step_to_{step_id}'
             new_steps_to[step_id] = self._form_data.get_all_int(name)
-        for step_id in keep_steps:
-            name = f'step_{step_id}_process_id'
-            step_process_id_to[step_id] = self._form_data.get_int(name)
-            name = f'step_{step_id}_parent_id'
-            step_parent_id_to[step_id] = self._form_data.get_int_or_none(name)
-        process.title.set(title)
-        process.description.set(description)
-        process.effort.set(effort)
-        process.set_condition_relations(
-                self.conn, conditions, blockers, enables, disables)
+        for k, v in versioned.items():
+            getattr(process, k).set(v)
+        process.set_condition_relations(self.conn, *cond_rels)
         process.calendarize = calendarize
         assert isinstance(process.id_, int)
+        # set relations to, and if non-existant yet: create, other Processes
+        # 1. owners (upwards)
+        owners_to_set = []
+        new_owner_title = None
+        for owner_identifier in step_of:
+            try:
+                owners_to_set += [int(owner_identifier)]
+            except ValueError:
+                new_owner_title = owner_identifier
+        process.set_owners(self.conn, owners_to_set)
+        # 2. owneds (downwards)
         new_step_title = None
-        steps: list[ProcessStep] = []
-        for step_id in keep_steps:
-            if step_id not in step_ids:
-                raise BadFormatException('trying to keep unknown step')
-            step = ProcessStep(step_id, process.id_,
-                               step_process_id_to[step_id],
-                               step_parent_id_to[step_id])
-            steps += [step]
+        steps: list[ProcessStep] = [ProcessStep.by_id(self.conn, step_id)
+                                    for step_id in step_ids]
         for step_id in step_ids:
             new = [ProcessStep(None, process.id_, step_process_id, step_id)
                    for step_process_id in new_steps_to[step_id]]
@@ -769,14 +761,7 @@ class TaskHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
                 new_step_title = step_identifier
         process.set_steps(self.conn, steps)
         process.set_step_suppressions(self.conn, suppresses)
-        owners_to_set = []
-        new_owner_title = None
-        for owner_identifier in step_of:
-            try:
-                owners_to_set += [int(owner_identifier)]
-            except ValueError:
-                new_owner_title = owner_identifier
-        process.set_owners(self.conn, owners_to_set)
+        # encode titles for potentially newly created Processes up or down
         params = f'id={process.id_}'
         if new_step_title:
             title_b64_encoded = b64encode(new_step_title.encode()).decode()
diff --git a/templates/process.html b/templates/process.html
index 7bb503e..a4029dc 100644
--- a/templates/process.html
+++ b/templates/process.html
@@ -17,14 +17,12 @@ details[open] > summary::after {
-{% macro step_with_steps(step_id, step_node, indent) %}
+{% macro step_with_steps(step_node, indent) %}
-<input type="hidden" name="steps" value="{{step_id}}" />
+<input type="hidden" name="steps" value="{{step_node.step.id_}}" />
 {% if step_node.is_explicit %}
-<input type="checkbox" name="keep_step" value="{{step_id}}" checked />
-<input type="hidden" name="step_{{step_id}}_process_id" value="{{step_node.process.id_}}" />
-<input type="hidden" name="step_{{step_id}}_parent_id" value="{{step_node.parent_id or ''}}" />
+<input type="checkbox" name="kept_steps" value="{{step_node.step.id_}}" checked />
 {% endif %}
@@ -60,8 +58,8 @@ details[open] > summary::after {
 {% endif %}
 {% if step_node.is_explicit or not step_node.seen %}
-{% for substep_id, substep in step_node.steps.items() %}
-{{ step_with_steps(substep_id, substep, indent+1) }}
+{% for substep in step_node.steps %}
+{{ step_with_steps(substep, indent+1) }}
 {% endfor %}
 {% endif %}
 {% endmacro %}
@@ -116,8 +114,8 @@ edit process of ID {{process.id_}}
 {% if steps %}
-{% for step_id, step_node in steps.items() %}
-{{ step_with_steps(step_id, step_node, 0) }}
+{% for step_node in steps %}
+{{ step_with_steps(step_node, 0) }}
 {% endfor %}
 {% endif %}
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 45497a6..9affa84 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -346,72 +346,56 @@ class TestsWithServer(TestCaseWithServer):
     def test_POST_process_steps(self) -> None:
         """Test behavior of ProcessStep posting."""
         # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
+        url = '/process?id=1'
         exp = ExpectedGetProcess(1)
         self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 1)
-        # post first (top-level) step of proc 2 to proc 1 by 'new_top_step'
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 2)
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'new_top_step': 2}, 1)
+        # post first (top-level) step of proc 2 to proc 1 by 'step_of' in 2
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'step_of': 1}, 2)
         exp.lib_set('ProcessStep', [exp.procstep_as_dict(1, 1, 2)])
         exp.set('steps', [exp.stepnode_as_dict(1)])
-        self.check_json_get('/process?id=1', exp)
+        self.check_json_get(url, exp)
         # post empty/absent steps list to process, expect clean slate, and old
         # step to completely disappear
         self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 1)
         exp.set('steps', [])
-        self.check_json_get('/process?id=1', exp)
-        # post new step of proc2 to proc1 by 'keep_step', 'steps', and its deps
-        post = {'step_1_process_id': 2, 'step_1_parent_id': '', 'steps': [1]}
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], post | {'keep_step': [1]}, 1)
+        self.check_json_get(url, exp)
+        # post new step of proc2 to proc1 by 'new_top_step'
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'new_top_step': 2}, 1)
         exp.lib_set('ProcessStep', [exp.procstep_as_dict(1, 1, 2)])
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'kept_steps': [1]}, 1)
         exp.set('steps', [exp.stepnode_as_dict(1)])
-        self.check_json_get('/process?id=1', exp)
-        # fail with invalid or missing 'steps' dependencies
-        p_min = {'title': '', 'description': '', 'effort': 0}
-        p = p_min | {'step_1_process_id': 2, 'steps': [1], 'keep_step': [1]}
-        self.check_post(p | {'step_1_parent_id': 'foo'}, '/process?id=1', 400)
-        p = p_min | {'step_1_parent_id': '', 'steps': [1], 'keep_step': [1]}
-        self.check_post(p | {'step_1_process_id': 'foo'}, '/process?id=1', 400)
-        self.check_post(p, '/process?id=1', 400)
-        # treat valid steps data without 'keep_step' like posting emptiness
-        p = {'step_1_process_id': 2, 'step_1_parent_id': '', 'steps': [1]}
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], post, 1)
-        exp.lib_wipe('ProcessStep')
-        exp.set('steps', [])
-        self.check_json_get('/process?id=1', exp)
-        # fail when refering in 'keep_step' to step not in 'steps'
-        p = p_min | p
-        self.check_post(p | {'keep_step': [2]}, '/process?id=1', 400)
-        # expect failure independently of what parent/proc_id keys exist
-        p['step_2_process_id'], p['step_2_parent_id'] = 3, None
-        self.check_post(p | {'keep_step': [2]}, '/process?id=1', 400)
+        self.check_json_get(url, exp)
         # fail on single- and multi-step recursion
-        self.check_post(p | {'new_top_step': 1}, '/process?id=1', 400)
+        p_min = {'title': '', 'description': '', 'effort': 0}
+        self.check_post(p_min | {'new_top_step': 1}, url, 400)
+        self.check_post(p_min | {'step_of': 1}, url, 400)
         self.post_exp_process([exp], {'new_top_step': 1}, 2)
-        self.check_post(p | {'new_top_step': 2}, '/process?id=1', 400)
-        # post sibling steps
+        self.check_post(p_min | {'step_of': 2, 'new_top_step': 2}, url, 400)
         self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 3)
-        p = {'step_1_process_id': 3, 'steps': [1], 'keep_step': [1]}
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], p | {'new_top_step': 3}, 1)
-        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep', [exp.procstep_as_dict(1, 1, 3),
-                                    exp.procstep_as_dict(2, 1, 3)])
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'step_of': 3}, 4)
+        self.check_post(p_min | {'new_top_step': 3, 'step_of': 4}, url, 400)
+        # post sibling steps
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 4)
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'new_top_step': 4}, 1)
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'kept_steps': [1], 'new_top_step': 4}, 1)
+        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep', [exp.procstep_as_dict(1, 1, 4),
+                                    exp.procstep_as_dict(2, 1, 4)])
         exp.set('steps', [exp.stepnode_as_dict(1), exp.stepnode_as_dict(2)])
-        self.check_json_get('/process?id=1', exp)
+        self.check_json_get(url, exp)
         # post sub-step chain
-        p = {'step_1_process_id': 3, 'step_2_process_id': 3,
-             'steps': [1, 2], 'keep_step': [1, 2]}
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], p | {'new_step_to_2': 3}, 1)
-        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep', [exp.procstep_as_dict(3, 1, 3, 2)])
+        p = {'kept_steps': [1, 2], 'new_step_to_2': 4}
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], p, 1)
+        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep', [exp.procstep_as_dict(3, 1, 4, 2)])
         exp.set('steps', [exp.stepnode_as_dict(1),
                           exp.stepnode_as_dict(2, steps=[
-        self.check_json_get('/process?id=1', exp)
-        p['steps'], p['keep_step'] = [1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]
-        p['step_3_process_id'] = 3
-        # fail post sub-step that would cause recursion
-        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'new_top_step': 1}, 2)
-        exp.lib_set('ProcessStep', [exp.procstep_as_dict(4, 2, 1)])
-        self.check_post(p_min | p | {'new_step_to_2': 2}, '/process?id=1', 400)
+        self.check_json_get(url, exp)
+        # fail posting sub-step that would cause recursion
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 6)
+        self.post_exp_process([exp], {'new_top_step': 6}, 5)
+        p = p_min | {'kept_steps': [1, 2, 3], 'new_step_to_2': 5, 'step_of': 6}
+        self.check_post(p, url, 400)
     def test_GET(self) -> None:
         """Test /process and /processes response codes."""
@@ -455,8 +439,7 @@ class TestsWithServer(TestCaseWithServer):
         self.post_exp_process([exp], proc2_post | {'new_top_step': [1]}, 2)
         proc3_post = {'title': 'baz', 'description': 'zab', 'effort': 0.9}
         self.post_exp_process([exp], proc3_post | {'new_top_step': [1]}, 3)
-        proc3_post = proc3_post | {'new_top_step': [2], 'keep_step': [2],
-                                   'steps': [2], 'step_2_process_id': 1}
+        proc3_post = proc3_post | {'new_top_step': [2], 'kept_steps': [2]}
         self.post_exp_process([exp], proc3_post, 3)
         exp.lib_set('ProcessStep', [exp.procstep_as_dict(1, 2, 1),
                                     exp.procstep_as_dict(2, 3, 1),
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 41adca9..752e289 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -523,8 +523,7 @@ class TestsWithServer(TestCaseWithServer):
         exp.set('steps_todo_to_process', [step1_proc2])
         self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
         # test display of parallel chains
-        proc_steps_post = {'new_top_step': 4, 'keep_step': [1],
-                           'step_1_process_id': 2, 'steps': [1, 4]}
+        proc_steps_post = {'new_top_step': 4, 'kept_steps': [1, 3]}
         self.post_exp_process([], proc_steps_post, 1)
         step4_proc4 = exp.step_as_dict(4, [], 4, fillable=True)
         exp.lib_set('ProcessStep', [exp.procstep_as_dict(4, 1, 4, None)])
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 3d86163..df3feea 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -826,7 +826,7 @@ class Expected:
             proc = self.proc_as_dict(id_,
                                      d['title'], d['description'], d['effort'])
         ignore = {'title', 'description', 'effort', 'new_top_step', 'step_of',
-                  'keep_step', 'steps'}
+                  'kept_steps'}
         for k, v in d.items():
             if k in ignore\
                     or k.startswith('step_') or k.startswith('new_step_to'):