From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2016 10:30:22 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: TCE: Minor refactorings, fixes; AI: treat unknown fields as eatable.
X-Git-Tag: tce~26

TCE: Minor refactorings, fixes; AI: treat unknown fields as eatable.

diff --git a/libplomrogue.c b/libplomrogue.c
index 68d3431..5fd86f8 100644
--- a/libplomrogue.c
+++ b/libplomrogue.c
@@ -567,6 +567,23 @@ extern uint8_t dijkstra_map()
+/* 7DRL/TCE addition: Init AI score map to all-eatable unknown fields. */
+extern uint8_t TCE_init_score_map()
+    uint32_t map_size = maplength * maplength;
+    score_map = malloc(map_size * sizeof(uint16_t));
+    if (!score_map)
+    {
+        return 1;
+    }
+    uint32_t i = 0;
+    for (; i < map_size; i++)
+    {
+        score_map[i] = UINT16_MAX - 1;
+    }
+    return 0;
 /* 7DRL/TCE addition: movement cost map setting. */
 static uint8_t * TCE_move_cost_map = NULL;
 extern uint8_t TCE_set_movement_cost_map(char * mem_map)
@@ -627,7 +644,7 @@ extern uint8_t TCE_dijkstra_map_with_movement_cost()
             uint16_t score = score_map[pos];
             uint8_t mov_cost = TCE_move_cost_map[pos];
-            if (mov_cost > 0 && score > i_scans)
+            if (score <= max_score && mov_cost > 0 && score > i_scans)
                 get_neighbor_scores(pos, max_score, neighbors);
                 min_neighbor = max_score;
@@ -735,7 +752,16 @@ extern void write_score_map()
         for (x = 0; x < maplength; x++)
-            fprintf(f, "%2X", score_map[y * maplength + x] % 256);
+            uint32_t pos = y * maplength + x;
+            uint16_t val = score_map[pos];
+            if (val == UINT16_MAX)
+            {
+                fprintf(f, " Z");
+            } else if (val == UINT16_MAX - 1) {
+                fprintf(f, " Y");
+            } else {
+                fprintf(f, "%2X", score_map[pos] % 256);
+            }
         fprintf(f, "\n");
diff --git a/plugins/server/ b/plugins/server/
index b97328d..082a05b 100644
--- a/plugins/server/
+++ b/plugins/server/
@@ -490,7 +490,9 @@ def get_dir_to_target(t, target):
             raise RuntimeError("No score map allocated for set_map_score().")
     def set_movement_cost_map():
-        memmap = c_pointer_to_bytearray(t["T_MEMMAP"])
+        copy_memmap = t["T_MEMMAP"][:]
+        copy_memmap.replace(b' ', b'4')
+        memmap = c_pointer_to_bytearray(copy_memmap)
         if libpr.TCE_set_movement_cost_map(memmap):
             raise RuntimeError("No movement cost map allocated for "
@@ -520,20 +522,25 @@ def get_dir_to_target(t, target):
             return exists(pos for pos in range(mapsize)
                            if t["T_MEMMAP"][pos] == ord("0")
                            if t["fovmap"] != ord("v"))
-        elif target == "space" and t["T_MEMMAP"] and t["fovmap"]:
+        elif target == "space_big" and t["T_MEMMAP"] and t["fovmap"]:
             return exists(pos for pos in range(mapsize)
                           if ord("0") <= t["T_MEMMAP"][pos] <= ord("2")
                           if (t["fovmap"] != ord("v")
                               or world_db["terrain_fullness"](pos) < 5))
         elif target in {"hunt", "flee"} and t["fovmap"]:
             return exists(Thing for
-                          Thing in animates_in_fov(world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]))
+                          Thing in animates_in_fov(world_db["MAP_LENGTH"])) \
+                or exists(pos for pos in range(mapsize)
+                          if world_db["soundmap"][pos] > ord("0")
+                          if t["fovmap"][pos] != ord("v"))
         return False
     def init_score_map():
-        test = libpr.init_score_map()
-        set_movement_cost_map()
         mapsize = world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] ** 2
+        test = libpr.TCE_init_score_map()
+        [set_map_score(pos, 65535) for pos in range(mapsize)
+         if chr(t["T_MEMMAP"][pos]) in "5-"]
+        set_movement_cost_map()
         if test:
             raise RuntimeError("Malloc error in init_score_map().")
         if target == "food" and t["T_MEMMAP"]:
@@ -558,6 +565,9 @@ def get_dir_to_target(t, target):
         elif target in {"hunt", "flee"}:
             [set_map_score(Thing["pos"], 0) for
              Thing in animates_in_fov(world_db["MAP_LENGTH"])]
+            [set_map_score(pos, 0) for pos in range(mapsize)
+             if world_db["soundmap"][pos] > ord("0")
+             if t["fovmap"][pos] != ord("v")]
     def rand_target_dir(neighbors, cmp, dirs):
         candidates = []
@@ -686,19 +696,19 @@ def ai(t):
             elif need[0] in {"safe_pee", "safe_drop"}:
                 action_name = need[0][len("safe_"):]
-                if world_db["terrain_fullness"](t["pos"]) < 4:
+                if world_db["terrain_fullness"](t["pos"]) <= 3:
                     t["T_COMMAND"] = thing_action_id(action_name)
-                else:
-                    test = world_db["get_dir_to_target"](t, "space")
-                    if test[0]:
-                        if (not test[1] < 5) and \
-                                world_db["terrain_fullness"](t["pos"]) < 5:
-                            t["T_COMMAND"] = thing_action_id(action_name)
-                        return
-                    if t["T_STOMACH"] < 32 and \
-                            world_db["get_dir_to_target"](t, "food")[0]:
+                test = world_db["get_dir_to_target"](t, "space")
+                if test[0]:
+                    if test[1] < 5:
+                    elif world["terrain_fullness"](t["pos"]) < 5:
+                        t["T_COMMAND"] = thing_action_id(action_name)
+                    return
+                if t["T_STOMACH"] < 32 and \
+                        world_db["get_dir_to_target"](t, "food")[0]:
+                    return
             if need[0] in {"fluid_certain", "fluid_potential", "food"}:
                 if world_db["get_dir_to_target"](t, need[0])[0]: