From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2019 23:39:34 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: Add start of ncurses client.

Add start of ncurses client.

diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5312e3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import curses
+import plom_socket_io
+import socket
+import threading
+ASCII_printable = ' !"#$%&\'\(\)*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX'\
+                  'YZ[\\]^_\`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~'
+def recv_loop(server_output):
+    for msg in plom_socket_io.recv(s):
+        while len(server_output) > 0:
+            pass
+        server_output += [msg]
+class Widget:
+    def __init__(self, content, tui, start, size):
+ = tui
+        self.content = content
+        self.start = start
+ = curses.newwin(1, 1, self.start[0], self.start[1])
+        self.size_def = size  # store for re-calling .size on SIGWINCH
+        self.size = size
+        self.update = True
+    @property
+    def size(self):
+        return
+    @size.setter
+    def size(self, size):
+        """Set window size. Size be y,x tuple. If y or x None, use legal max."""
+        n_lines, n_cols = size
+        if n_lines is None:
+            n_lines =[0] - self.start[0]
+        if n_cols is None:
+            n_cols =[1] - self.start[1]
+, n_cols)
+    def __len__(self):
+        return[0] *[1]
+    def safe_write(self, string):
+        if len(string) < len(self):
+  , 0, string)
+        else:  # workaround to <>
+            cut = string[:len(self) - 1]
+  [0] - 1, self.size[1] - 2,
+                           string[len(self) - 1])
+  [0] - 1, self.size[1] - 2, " ")
+  , 0, cut)
+    def draw(self):
+        if self.content is not None:
+            self.safe_write(''.join(self.content))
+    def draw_and_refresh(self):
+        self.draw()
+class LogWidget(Widget):
+    def draw(self):
+        line_width = self.size[1]
+        to_join = []
+        for line in self.content:
+            to_pad = line_width - (len(line) % line_width)
+            if to_pad == line_width:
+                to_pad = 0
+            to_join += [line + ' '*to_pad]
+        self.safe_write(''.join(to_join))
+class MapWidget(Widget):
+    def draw(self):
+        from datetime import datetime
+        with open('log', 'a') as f:
+            f.write(str( + ' TRIGGERED ' + str(len(self)) + '\n')
+        self.safe_write('#'*len(self))
+class TUI:
+    def __init__(self, server_output):
+        self.server_output = server_output
+        curses.wrapper(self.loop)
+    def setup_screen(self, stdscr):
+        self.stdscr = stdscr
+        self.stdscr.refresh()  # will be called by getkey else, clearing screen
+        self.stdscr.timeout(10)
+        self.stdscr.addstr(0, 0, 'SEND:')
+    def loop(self, stdscr):
+        self.setup_screen(stdscr)
+        curses.curs_set(False)  # hide cursor
+        to_send = []
+        log = []
+        edit_line = Widget(to_send, self, (0, 6), (1, 14))
+        log_display = LogWidget(log, self, (1, 0), (None, 20))
+        map_view = MapWidget(None, self, (0, 20), (None, None))
+        map_view.update = True
+        widgets = [edit_line, log_display, map_view]
+        do_update = True
+        while True:
+            if do_update:
+                for w in widgets:
+                    w.draw_and_refresh()
+                do_update = False
+            try:
+                key = self.stdscr.getkey()
+                do_update = True
+                if len(key) == 1 and key in ASCII_printable and \
+                        len(to_send) < len(edit_line):
+                    to_send += [key]
+                elif key == 'KEY_BACKSPACE':
+                    to_send[:] = to_send[:-1]
+                elif key == '\n':
+                    plom_socket_io.send(s, ''.join(to_send))
+                    to_send[:] = []
+                elif key == 'KEY_RESIZE':
+                    curses.endwin()
+                    self.setup_screen(curses.initscr())
+                    for w in widgets:
+                        w.size = w.size_def
+                else:
+                    do_update = False
+            except curses.error:
+                pass
+            if len(self.server_output) > 0:
+                log[:0] = [self.server_output[0]]
+                self.server_output[:] = []
+                do_update = True
+server_output = []
+s = socket.create_connection(('', 5000))
+t = threading.Thread(target=recv_loop, args=(server_output,))
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6e22d00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import urwid
+import plom_socket_io
+import socket
+import threading
+from parser import ArgError, Parser
+import game_common
+class MapSquare(game_common.Map):
+    def list_terrain_to_lines(self, terrain_as_list):
+        terrain = ''.join(terrain_as_list)
+        map_lines = []
+        start_cut = 0
+        while start_cut < len(terrain):
+            limit = start_cut + self.size[1]
+            map_lines += [terrain[start_cut:limit]]
+            start_cut = limit
+        return map_lines
+class MapHex(game_common.Map):
+    def list_terrain_to_lines(self, terrain_as_list):
+        new_terrain_list = [' ']
+        x = 0
+        y = 0
+        for c in terrain_as_list:
+            new_terrain_list += [c, ' ']
+            x += 1
+            if x == self.size[1]:
+                new_terrain_list += ['\n']
+                x = 0
+                y += 1
+                if y % 2 == 0:
+                    new_terrain_list += [' ']
+        return ''.join(new_terrain_list).split('\n')
+map_manager = game_common.MapManager(globals())
+class World(game_common.World):
+    def __init__(self, game, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Extend original with local classes and empty default map.
+        We need the empty default map because we draw the map widget
+        on any update, even before we actually receive map data.
+        """
+        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ = game
+        self.map_ ='Hex')()
+class Game(game_common.CommonCommandsMixin):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.map_manager = map_manager
+ = World(self)
+        self.log_text = ''
+    def log(self, msg):
+        """Prefix msg plus newline to self.log_text."""
+        self.log_text = msg + '\n' + self.log_text
+    def symbol_for_type(self, type_):
+        symbol = '?'
+        if type_ == 'human':
+            symbol = '@'
+        elif type_ == 'monster':
+            symbol = 'm'
+        return symbol
+    def cmd_LAST_PLAYER_TASK_RESULT(self, msg):
+        if msg != "success":
+            self.log_text = msg + '\n' + self.log_text
+    cmd_LAST_PLAYER_TASK_RESULT.argtypes = 'string'
+    def cmd_TURN_FINISHED(self, n):
+        """Do nothing. (This may be extended later.)"""
+        pass
+    cmd_TURN_FINISHED.argtypes = 'int:nonneg'
+    def cmd_NEW_TURN(self, n):
+        """Set self.turn to n, empty self.things."""
+ = n
+ = []
+    cmd_NEW_TURN.argtypes = 'int:nonneg'
+    def cmd_VISIBLE_MAP_LINE(self, y, terrain_line):
+, terrain_line)
+    cmd_VISIBLE_MAP_LINE.argtypes = 'int:nonneg string'
+class WidgetManager:
+    def __init__(self, socket, game):
+        """Set up all urwid widgets we want on the screen."""
+ = game
+        edit_widget = self.EditToSocketWidget(socket, 'SEND: ')
+        self.map_widget = self.MapWidget()
+        self.turn_widget = urwid.Text('')
+        self.log_widget = urwid.Text('')
+        edit_map = urwid.AttrMap(edit_widget, 'foo')
+        turn_map = urwid.AttrMap(self.turn_widget, 'bar')
+        log_map = urwid.AttrMap(self.log_widget, 'baz')
+        widget_pile = urwid.Pile([('pack', edit_map),
+                                  ('pack', urwid.Divider()),
+                                  ('pack', turn_map),
+                                  ('pack', urwid.Divider()),
+                                  ('pack', log_map),
+                                  urwid.SolidFill(fill_char=' ')])
+ = urwid.Columns([(20, widget_pile), self.map_widget],
+                                       dividechars=1)
+        self.palette = [('foo', 'white', 'dark red'),
+                        ('bar', 'white', 'dark blue'),
+                        ('baz', 'white', 'dark green')]
+    def draw_map(self):
+        """Draw map view from .game.map_.terrain, .game.things."""
+        terrain_as_list = list([:])
+        for t in
+            pos_i =
+            terrain_as_list[pos_i] =
+        return
+        #text =
+        #new_map_text = []
+        #for char in text:
+        #    if char == '.':
+        #        new_map_text += [('foo', char)]
+        #    elif char in {'x', 'X', '#'}:
+        #        new_map_text += [('bar', char)]
+        #    elif char in {'@', 'm'}:
+        #        new_map_text += [('baz', char)]
+        #    else:
+        #        new_map_text += [char]
+        #return new_map_text
+    def update(self):
+        """Redraw all non-edit widgets."""
+        self.turn_widget.set_text('TURN: ' + str(
+        self.log_widget.set_text(
+        self.map_widget.text = self.draw_map()
+        self.map_widget._invalidate()
+    class EditToSocketWidget(urwid.Edit):
+        """Extends urwid.Edit with socket to send input on 'enter' to."""
+        def __init__(self, socket, *args, **kwargs):
+            super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+            self.socket = socket
+        def keypress(self, size, key):
+            """Extend super(): on Enter, send .edit_text, and empty it."""
+            if key != 'enter':
+                return super().keypress(size, key)
+            plom_socket_io.send(self.socket, self.edit_text)
+            self.edit_text = ''
+    class MapWidget(urwid.Widget):
+        _sizing = frozenset(['box'])
+        text = ['']
+        def render(self, size, focus=False):
+            maxcol, maxrow = size
+            content = []
+            for y in range(len(self.text)):
+                if y < maxrow:
+                    line = self.text[y]
+                    if len(line) < maxcol:
+                        line = line + '0' * (maxcol - len(line))
+                    else:
+                        line = line[:maxcol]
+                    content += [line.encode('utf-8')]
+            padding_y = maxrow - len(content)
+            if padding_y > 0:
+                for y in range(padding_y):
+                    content += ['0'.encode('utf-8') * maxcol]
+            return urwid.TextCanvas(content)
+class PlomRogueClient:
+    def __init__(self, game, socket):
+        """Build client urwid interface around socket communication.
+        Sets up all widgets for writing to the socket and representing data
+        from it. Sending via a WidgetManager.EditToSocket widget is
+        straightforward; polling the socket for input from the server in
+        parallel to the urwid main loop not so much:
+        The urwid developers warn against sharing urwid resources among
+        threads, so having a socket polling thread for writing to an urwid
+        widget while other widgets are handled in other threads would be
+        dangerous. Urwid developers recommend using urwid's watch_pipe
+        mechanism instead: using a pipe from non-urwid threads into a single
+        urwid thread. We use self.recv_loop_thread to poll the socket, therein
+        write socket.recv output to an object that is then linked to by
+        self.server_output (which is known to the urwid thread), then use the
+        pipe to urwid to trigger it pulling new data from self.server_output to
+        handle via self.handle_input. (We *could* pipe socket.recv output
+        directly, but then we get complicated buffering situations here as well
+        as in the urwid code that receives the pipe output. It's easier to just
+        tell the urwid code where it finds full new server messages to handle.)
+        """
+ = game
+        self.parser = Parser(
+        self.socket = socket
+        self.widget_manager = WidgetManager(self.socket,
+        self.server_output = []
+        self.urwid_loop = urwid.MainLoop(,
+                                         self.widget_manager.palette)
+        self.urwid_pipe_write_fd = self.urwid_loop.watch_pipe(self.
+                                                              handle_input)
+        self.recv_loop_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.recv_loop)
+    def handle_input(self, trigger):
+        """On input from recv_loop thread, parse and enact commands.
+        Serves as a receiver to urwid's watch_pipe mechanism, with trigger the
+        data that a pipe defined by watch_pipe delivers. To avoid buffering
+        trouble, we don't care for that data beyond the fact that its receival
+        triggers this function: The sender is to write the data it wants to
+        deliver into the container referenced by self.server_output, and just
+        pipe the trigger to inform us about this.
+        If the message delivered is 'BYE', quits Urwid. Otherwise tries to
+        parse it as a command, and enact it. In all cases but the 'BYE', calls
+        self.widget_manager.update.
+        """
+        msg = self.server_output[0]
+        if msg == 'BYE':
+            raise urwid.ExitMainLoop()
+        try:
+            command = self.parser.parse(msg)
+            if command is None:
+      'UNHANDLED INPUT: ' + msg)
+            else:
+                command()
+        except ArgError as e:
+  'ARGUMENT ERROR: ' + msg + '\n' + str(e))
+        self.widget_manager.update()
+        del self.server_output[0]
+    def recv_loop(self):
+        """Loop to receive messages from socket, deliver them to urwid thread.
+        Waits for self.server_output to become empty (this signals that the
+        input handler is finished / ready to receive new input), then writes
+        finished message from socket to self.server_output, then sends a single
+        b' ' through self.urwid_pipe_write_fd to trigger the input handler.
+        """
+        import os
+        for msg in plom_socket_io.recv(self.socket):
+            while len(self.server_output) > 0:  # Wait until self.server_output
+                pass                            # is emptied by input handler.
+            self.server_output += [msg]
+            os.write(self.urwid_pipe_write_fd, b' ')
+    def run(self):
+        """Run in parallel urwid_loop and recv_loop threads."""
+        self.recv_loop_thread.start()
+        self.recv_loop_thread.join()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    game = Game()
+    s = socket.create_connection(('', 5000))
+    p = PlomRogueClient(game, s)
+    s.close()
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index 6e22d00..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-import urwid
-import plom_socket_io
-import socket
-import threading
-from parser import ArgError, Parser
-import game_common
-class MapSquare(game_common.Map):
-    def list_terrain_to_lines(self, terrain_as_list):
-        terrain = ''.join(terrain_as_list)
-        map_lines = []
-        start_cut = 0
-        while start_cut < len(terrain):
-            limit = start_cut + self.size[1]
-            map_lines += [terrain[start_cut:limit]]
-            start_cut = limit
-        return map_lines
-class MapHex(game_common.Map):
-    def list_terrain_to_lines(self, terrain_as_list):
-        new_terrain_list = [' ']
-        x = 0
-        y = 0
-        for c in terrain_as_list:
-            new_terrain_list += [c, ' ']
-            x += 1
-            if x == self.size[1]:
-                new_terrain_list += ['\n']
-                x = 0
-                y += 1
-                if y % 2 == 0:
-                    new_terrain_list += [' ']
-        return ''.join(new_terrain_list).split('\n')
-map_manager = game_common.MapManager(globals())
-class World(game_common.World):
-    def __init__(self, game, *args, **kwargs):
-        """Extend original with local classes and empty default map.
-        We need the empty default map because we draw the map widget
-        on any update, even before we actually receive map data.
-        """
-        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- = game
-        self.map_ ='Hex')()
-class Game(game_common.CommonCommandsMixin):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.map_manager = map_manager
- = World(self)
-        self.log_text = ''
-    def log(self, msg):
-        """Prefix msg plus newline to self.log_text."""
-        self.log_text = msg + '\n' + self.log_text
-    def symbol_for_type(self, type_):
-        symbol = '?'
-        if type_ == 'human':
-            symbol = '@'
-        elif type_ == 'monster':
-            symbol = 'm'
-        return symbol
-    def cmd_LAST_PLAYER_TASK_RESULT(self, msg):
-        if msg != "success":
-            self.log_text = msg + '\n' + self.log_text
-    cmd_LAST_PLAYER_TASK_RESULT.argtypes = 'string'
-    def cmd_TURN_FINISHED(self, n):
-        """Do nothing. (This may be extended later.)"""
-        pass
-    cmd_TURN_FINISHED.argtypes = 'int:nonneg'
-    def cmd_NEW_TURN(self, n):
-        """Set self.turn to n, empty self.things."""
- = n
- = []
-    cmd_NEW_TURN.argtypes = 'int:nonneg'
-    def cmd_VISIBLE_MAP_LINE(self, y, terrain_line):
-, terrain_line)
-    cmd_VISIBLE_MAP_LINE.argtypes = 'int:nonneg string'
-class WidgetManager:
-    def __init__(self, socket, game):
-        """Set up all urwid widgets we want on the screen."""
- = game
-        edit_widget = self.EditToSocketWidget(socket, 'SEND: ')
-        self.map_widget = self.MapWidget()
-        self.turn_widget = urwid.Text('')
-        self.log_widget = urwid.Text('')
-        edit_map = urwid.AttrMap(edit_widget, 'foo')
-        turn_map = urwid.AttrMap(self.turn_widget, 'bar')
-        log_map = urwid.AttrMap(self.log_widget, 'baz')
-        widget_pile = urwid.Pile([('pack', edit_map),
-                                  ('pack', urwid.Divider()),
-                                  ('pack', turn_map),
-                                  ('pack', urwid.Divider()),
-                                  ('pack', log_map),
-                                  urwid.SolidFill(fill_char=' ')])
- = urwid.Columns([(20, widget_pile), self.map_widget],
-                                       dividechars=1)
-        self.palette = [('foo', 'white', 'dark red'),
-                        ('bar', 'white', 'dark blue'),
-                        ('baz', 'white', 'dark green')]
-    def draw_map(self):
-        """Draw map view from .game.map_.terrain, .game.things."""
-        terrain_as_list = list([:])
-        for t in
-            pos_i =
-            terrain_as_list[pos_i] =
-        return
-        #text =
-        #new_map_text = []
-        #for char in text:
-        #    if char == '.':
-        #        new_map_text += [('foo', char)]
-        #    elif char in {'x', 'X', '#'}:
-        #        new_map_text += [('bar', char)]
-        #    elif char in {'@', 'm'}:
-        #        new_map_text += [('baz', char)]
-        #    else:
-        #        new_map_text += [char]
-        #return new_map_text
-    def update(self):
-        """Redraw all non-edit widgets."""
-        self.turn_widget.set_text('TURN: ' + str(
-        self.log_widget.set_text(
-        self.map_widget.text = self.draw_map()
-        self.map_widget._invalidate()
-    class EditToSocketWidget(urwid.Edit):
-        """Extends urwid.Edit with socket to send input on 'enter' to."""
-        def __init__(self, socket, *args, **kwargs):
-            super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-            self.socket = socket
-        def keypress(self, size, key):
-            """Extend super(): on Enter, send .edit_text, and empty it."""
-            if key != 'enter':
-                return super().keypress(size, key)
-            plom_socket_io.send(self.socket, self.edit_text)
-            self.edit_text = ''
-    class MapWidget(urwid.Widget):
-        _sizing = frozenset(['box'])
-        text = ['']
-        def render(self, size, focus=False):
-            maxcol, maxrow = size
-            content = []
-            for y in range(len(self.text)):
-                if y < maxrow:
-                    line = self.text[y]
-                    if len(line) < maxcol:
-                        line = line + '0' * (maxcol - len(line))
-                    else:
-                        line = line[:maxcol]
-                    content += [line.encode('utf-8')]
-            padding_y = maxrow - len(content)
-            if padding_y > 0:
-                for y in range(padding_y):
-                    content += ['0'.encode('utf-8') * maxcol]
-            return urwid.TextCanvas(content)
-class PlomRogueClient:
-    def __init__(self, game, socket):
-        """Build client urwid interface around socket communication.
-        Sets up all widgets for writing to the socket and representing data
-        from it. Sending via a WidgetManager.EditToSocket widget is
-        straightforward; polling the socket for input from the server in
-        parallel to the urwid main loop not so much:
-        The urwid developers warn against sharing urwid resources among
-        threads, so having a socket polling thread for writing to an urwid
-        widget while other widgets are handled in other threads would be
-        dangerous. Urwid developers recommend using urwid's watch_pipe
-        mechanism instead: using a pipe from non-urwid threads into a single
-        urwid thread. We use self.recv_loop_thread to poll the socket, therein
-        write socket.recv output to an object that is then linked to by
-        self.server_output (which is known to the urwid thread), then use the
-        pipe to urwid to trigger it pulling new data from self.server_output to
-        handle via self.handle_input. (We *could* pipe socket.recv output
-        directly, but then we get complicated buffering situations here as well
-        as in the urwid code that receives the pipe output. It's easier to just
-        tell the urwid code where it finds full new server messages to handle.)
-        """
- = game
-        self.parser = Parser(
-        self.socket = socket
-        self.widget_manager = WidgetManager(self.socket,
-        self.server_output = []
-        self.urwid_loop = urwid.MainLoop(,
-                                         self.widget_manager.palette)
-        self.urwid_pipe_write_fd = self.urwid_loop.watch_pipe(self.
-                                                              handle_input)
-        self.recv_loop_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.recv_loop)
-    def handle_input(self, trigger):
-        """On input from recv_loop thread, parse and enact commands.
-        Serves as a receiver to urwid's watch_pipe mechanism, with trigger the
-        data that a pipe defined by watch_pipe delivers. To avoid buffering
-        trouble, we don't care for that data beyond the fact that its receival
-        triggers this function: The sender is to write the data it wants to
-        deliver into the container referenced by self.server_output, and just
-        pipe the trigger to inform us about this.
-        If the message delivered is 'BYE', quits Urwid. Otherwise tries to
-        parse it as a command, and enact it. In all cases but the 'BYE', calls
-        self.widget_manager.update.
-        """
-        msg = self.server_output[0]
-        if msg == 'BYE':
-            raise urwid.ExitMainLoop()
-        try:
-            command = self.parser.parse(msg)
-            if command is None:
-      'UNHANDLED INPUT: ' + msg)
-            else:
-                command()
-        except ArgError as e:
-  'ARGUMENT ERROR: ' + msg + '\n' + str(e))
-        self.widget_manager.update()
-        del self.server_output[0]
-    def recv_loop(self):
-        """Loop to receive messages from socket, deliver them to urwid thread.
-        Waits for self.server_output to become empty (this signals that the
-        input handler is finished / ready to receive new input), then writes
-        finished message from socket to self.server_output, then sends a single
-        b' ' through self.urwid_pipe_write_fd to trigger the input handler.
-        """
-        import os
-        for msg in plom_socket_io.recv(self.socket):
-            while len(self.server_output) > 0:  # Wait until self.server_output
-                pass                            # is emptied by input handler.
-            self.server_output += [msg]
-            os.write(self.urwid_pipe_write_fd, b' ')
-    def run(self):
-        """Run in parallel urwid_loop and recv_loop threads."""
-        self.recv_loop_thread.start()
-        self.recv_loop_thread.join()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    game = Game()
-    s = socket.create_connection(('', 5000))
-    p = PlomRogueClient(game, s)
-    s.close()