From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2024 15:12:53 +0000 (+0200)
Subject: Lots of refactoring.

Lots of refactoring.

diff --git a/plomtask/ b/plomtask/
index 15dcb9d..e752e91 100644
--- a/plomtask/
+++ b/plomtask/
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ from plomtask.exceptions import HandledException
 class Condition(BaseModel[int]):
     """Non-Process dependency for ProcessSteps and Todos."""
     table_name = 'conditions'
-    to_save = ['is_active']
-    to_save_versioned = ['title', 'description']
+    to_save_simples = ['is_active']
+    versioned_defaults = {'title': 'UNNAMED', 'description': ''}
     to_search = ['title.newest', 'description.newest']
     can_create_by_id = True
     sorters = {'is_active': lambda c: c.is_active,
@@ -18,9 +18,10 @@ class Condition(BaseModel[int]):
     def __init__(self, id_: int | None, is_active: bool = False) -> None:
         self.is_active = is_active
-        self.title = VersionedAttribute(self, 'condition_titles', 'UNNAMED')
-        self.description = VersionedAttribute(self, 'condition_descriptions',
-                                              '')
+        for name in ['title', 'description']:
+            attr = VersionedAttribute(self, f'condition_{name}s',
+                                      self.versioned_defaults[name])
+            setattr(self, name, attr)
     def remove(self, db_conn: DatabaseConnection) -> None:
         """Remove from DB, with VersionedAttributes.
diff --git a/plomtask/ b/plomtask/
index 2320130..18c9769 100644
--- a/plomtask/
+++ b/plomtask/
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ from import (DATE_FORMAT, valid_date)
 class Day(BaseModel[str]):
     """Individual days defined by their dates."""
     table_name = 'days'
-    to_save = ['comment']
+    to_save_simples = ['comment']
     add_to_dict = ['todos']
     can_create_by_id = True
diff --git a/plomtask/ b/plomtask/
index 13cdaef..f1169c3 100644
--- a/plomtask/
+++ b/plomtask/
@@ -232,9 +232,9 @@ BaseModelInstance = TypeVar('BaseModelInstance', bound='BaseModel[Any]')
 class BaseModel(Generic[BaseModelId]):
     """Template for most of the models we use/derive from the DB."""
     table_name = ''
-    to_save: list[str] = []
-    to_save_versioned: list[str] = []
+    to_save_simples: list[str] = []
     to_save_relations: list[tuple[str, str, str, int]] = []
+    versioned_defaults: dict[str, str | float] = {}
     add_to_dict: list[str] = []
     id_: None | BaseModelId
     cache_: dict[BaseModelId, Self]
@@ -253,11 +253,12 @@ class BaseModel(Generic[BaseModelId]):
         self.id_ = id_
     def __hash__(self) -> int:
-        hashable = [self.id_] + [getattr(self, name) for name in self.to_save]
+        hashable = [self.id_] + [getattr(self, name)
+                                 for name in self.to_save_simples]
         for definition in self.to_save_relations:
             attr = getattr(self, definition[2])
             hashable += [tuple(rel.id_ for rel in attr)]
-        for name in self.to_save_versioned:
+        for name in self.to_save_versioned():
             hashable += [hash(getattr(self, name))]
         return hash(tuple(hashable))
@@ -274,20 +275,25 @@ class BaseModel(Generic[BaseModelId]):
         assert isinstance(other.id_, int)
         return self.id_ < other.id_
+    @classmethod
+    def to_save_versioned(cls) -> list[str]:
+        """Return keys of cls.versioned_defaults assuming we wanna save 'em."""
+        return list(cls.versioned_defaults.keys())
     def as_dict(self) -> dict[str, object]:
         """Return self as (json.dumps-compatible) dict."""
         library: dict[str, dict[str | int, object]] = {}
         d: dict[str, object] = {'id': self.id_, '_library': library}
-        for to_save in self.to_save:
+        for to_save in self.to_save_simples:
             attr = getattr(self, to_save)
             if hasattr(attr, 'as_dict_into_reference'):
                 d[to_save] = attr.as_dict_into_reference(library)
                 d[to_save] = attr
-        if len(self.to_save_versioned) > 0:
+        if len(self.to_save_versioned()) > 0:
             d['_versioned'] = {}
-        for k in self.to_save_versioned:
+        for k in self.to_save_versioned():
             attr = getattr(self, k)
             assert isinstance(d['_versioned'], dict)
             d['_versioned'][k] = attr.history
@@ -438,7 +444,7 @@ class BaseModel(Generic[BaseModelId]):
         """Make from DB row (sans relations), update DB cache with it."""
         obj = cls(*row)
         assert obj.id_ is not None
-        for attr_name in cls.to_save_versioned:
+        for attr_name in cls.to_save_versioned():
             attr = getattr(obj, attr_name)
             table_name = attr.table_name
             for row_ in db_conn.row_where(table_name, 'parent', obj.id_):
@@ -549,7 +555,7 @@ class BaseModel(Generic[BaseModelId]):
         """Write self to DB and cache and ensure .id_.
         Write both to DB, and to cache. To DB, write .id_ and attributes
-        listed in cls.to_save[_versioned|_relations].
+        listed in cls.to_save_[simples|versioned|_relations].
         Ensure self.id_ by setting it to what the DB command returns as the
         last saved row's ID (cursor.lastrowid), EXCEPT if self.id_ already
@@ -557,14 +563,14 @@ class BaseModel(Generic[BaseModelId]):
         only the case with the Day class, where it's to be a date string.
         values = tuple([self.id_] + [getattr(self, key)
-                                     for key in self.to_save])
+                                     for key in self.to_save_simples])
         table_name = self.table_name
         cursor = db_conn.exec_on_vals(f'REPLACE INTO {table_name} VALUES',
         if not isinstance(self.id_, str):
             self.id_ = cursor.lastrowid  # type: ignore[assignment]
-        for attr_name in self.to_save_versioned:
+        for attr_name in self.to_save_versioned():
             getattr(self, attr_name).save(db_conn)
         for table, column, attr_name, key_index in self.to_save_relations:
             assert isinstance(self.id_, (int, str))
@@ -576,7 +582,7 @@ class BaseModel(Generic[BaseModelId]):
         """Remove from DB and cache, including dependencies."""
         if self.id_ is None or self._get_cached(self.id_) is None:
             raise HandledException('cannot remove unsaved item')
-        for attr_name in self.to_save_versioned:
+        for attr_name in self.to_save_versioned():
             getattr(self, attr_name).remove(db_conn)
         for table, column, attr_name, _ in self.to_save_relations:
             db_conn.delete_where(table, column, self.id_)
diff --git a/plomtask/ b/plomtask/
index bb1de3a..9870ab3 100644
--- a/plomtask/
+++ b/plomtask/
@@ -25,8 +25,7 @@ class Process(BaseModel[int], ConditionsRelations):
     """Template for, and metadata for, Todos, and their arrangements."""
     # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
     table_name = 'processes'
-    to_save = ['calendarize']
-    to_save_versioned = ['title', 'description', 'effort']
+    to_save_simples = ['calendarize']
     to_save_relations = [('process_conditions', 'process', 'conditions', 0),
                          ('process_blockers', 'process', 'blockers', 0),
                          ('process_enables', 'process', 'enables', 0),
@@ -34,6 +33,7 @@ class Process(BaseModel[int], ConditionsRelations):
                          ('process_step_suppressions', 'process',
                           'suppressed_steps', 0)]
     add_to_dict = ['explicit_steps']
+    versioned_defaults = {'title': 'UNNAMED', 'description': '', 'effort': 1.0}
     to_search = ['title.newest', 'description.newest']
     can_create_by_id = True
     sorters = {'steps': lambda p: len(p.explicit_steps),
@@ -44,9 +44,10 @@ class Process(BaseModel[int], ConditionsRelations):
     def __init__(self, id_: int | None, calendarize: bool = False) -> None:
         BaseModel.__init__(self, id_)
-        self.title = VersionedAttribute(self, 'process_titles', 'UNNAMED')
-        self.description = VersionedAttribute(self, 'process_descriptions', '')
-        self.effort = VersionedAttribute(self, 'process_efforts', 1.0)
+        for name in ['title', 'description', 'effort']:
+            attr = VersionedAttribute(self, f'process_{name}s',
+                                      self.versioned_defaults[name])
+            setattr(self, name, attr)
         self.explicit_steps: list[ProcessStep] = []
         self.suppressed_steps: list[ProcessStep] = []
         self.calendarize = calendarize
@@ -210,7 +211,7 @@ class Process(BaseModel[int], ConditionsRelations):
 class ProcessStep(BaseModel[int]):
     """Sub-unit of Processes."""
     table_name = 'process_steps'
-    to_save = ['owner_id', 'step_process_id', 'parent_step_id']
+    to_save_simples = ['owner_id', 'step_process_id', 'parent_step_id']
     def __init__(self, id_: int | None, owner_id: int, step_process_id: int,
                  parent_step_id: int | None) -> None:
diff --git a/plomtask/ b/plomtask/
index f5388b5..1f55ae7 100644
--- a/plomtask/
+++ b/plomtask/
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ class Todo(BaseModel[int], ConditionsRelations):
     # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
     # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
     table_name = 'todos'
-    to_save = ['process_id', 'is_done', 'date', 'comment', 'effort',
-               'calendarize']
+    to_save_simples = ['process_id', 'is_done', 'date', 'comment', 'effort',
+                       'calendarize']
     to_save_relations = [('todo_conditions', 'todo', 'conditions', 0),
                          ('todo_blockers', 'todo', 'blockers', 0),
                          ('todo_enables', 'todo', 'enables', 0),
@@ -231,6 +231,7 @@ class Todo(BaseModel[int], ConditionsRelations):
     def title(self) -> VersionedAttribute:
         """Shortcut to .process.title."""
+        assert isinstance(self.process.title, VersionedAttribute)
         return self.process.title
diff --git a/plomtask/ b/plomtask/
index 8861c98..cfcbf87 100644
--- a/plomtask/
+++ b/plomtask/
@@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ class VersionedAttribute:
                  parent: Any, table_name: str, default: str | float) -> None:
         self.parent = parent
         self.table_name = table_name
-        self.default = default
+        self._default = default
         self.history: dict[str, str | float] = {}
     def __hash__(self) -> int:
         history_tuples = tuple((k, v) for k, v in self.history.items())
-        hashable = (self.parent.id_, self.table_name, self.default,
+        hashable = (self.parent.id_, self.table_name, self._default,
         return hash(hashable)
@@ -31,11 +31,16 @@ class VersionedAttribute:
         """Return most recent timestamp."""
         return sorted(self.history.keys())[-1]
+    @property
+    def value_type_name(self) -> str:
+        """Return string of name of attribute value type."""
+        return type(self._default).__name__
     def newest(self) -> str | float:
-        """Return most recent value, or self.default if self.history empty."""
+        """Return most recent value, or self._default if self.history empty."""
         if 0 == len(self.history):
-            return self.default
+            return self._default
         return self.history[self._newest_timestamp]
     def reset_timestamp(self, old_str: str, new_str: str) -> None:
@@ -89,7 +94,7 @@ class VersionedAttribute:
             queried_time += ' 23:59:59.999'
         sorted_timestamps = sorted(self.history.keys())
         if 0 == len(sorted_timestamps):
-            return self.default
+            return self._default
         selected_timestamp = sorted_timestamps[0]
         for timestamp in sorted_timestamps[1:]:
             if timestamp > queried_time:
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index f84533e..69dcc66 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -9,14 +9,12 @@ from plomtask.exceptions import HandledException
 class TestsSansDB(TestCaseSansDB):
     """Tests requiring no DB setup."""
     checked_class = Condition
-    versioned_defaults_to_test = {'title': 'UNNAMED', 'description': ''}
 class TestsWithDB(TestCaseWithDB):
     """Tests requiring DB, but not server setup."""
     checked_class = Condition
     default_init_kwargs = {'is_active': False}
-    test_versioneds = {'title': str, 'description': str}
     def test_remove(self) -> None:
         """Test .remove() effects on DB and cache."""
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 1b20e21..501a163 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -10,20 +10,18 @@ from plomtask.todos import Todo
 class TestsSansDB(TestCaseSansDB):
     """Module tests not requiring DB setup."""
     checked_class = Process
-    versioned_defaults_to_test = {'title': 'UNNAMED', 'description': '',
-                                  'effort': 1.0}
 class TestsSansDBProcessStep(TestCaseSansDB):
     """Module tests not requiring DB setup."""
     checked_class = ProcessStep
-    default_init_args = [2, 3, 4]
+    default_init_kwargs = {'owner_id': 2, 'step_process_id': 3,
+                           'parent_step_id': 4}
 class TestsWithDB(TestCaseWithDB):
     """Module tests requiring DB setup."""
     checked_class = Process
-    test_versioneds = {'title': str, 'description': str, 'effort': float}
     def three_processes(self) -> tuple[Process, Process, Process]:
         """Return three saved processes."""
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index dd57ee4..6b6276f 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -10,15 +10,12 @@ from plomtask.exceptions import (NotFoundException, BadFormatException,
 class TestsWithDB(TestCaseWithDB, TestCaseSansDB):
     """Tests requiring DB, but not server setup.
-    NB: We subclass TestCaseSansDB too, to pull in its .test_id_validation,
-    which for Todo wouldn't run without a DB being set up due to the need for
-    Processes with set IDs.
+    NB: We subclass TestCaseSansDB too, to run any tests there that due to any
+    Todo requiring a _saved_ Process wouldn't run without a DB.
     checked_class = Todo
     default_init_kwargs = {'process': None, 'is_done': False,
                            'date': '2024-01-01'}
-    # solely used for TestCaseSansDB.test_id_setting
-    default_init_args = [None, False, '2024-01-01']
     def setUp(self) -> None:
@@ -31,7 +28,6 @@ class TestsWithDB(TestCaseWithDB, TestCaseSansDB):
         self.cond2 = Condition(None)
         self.default_init_kwargs['process'] = self.proc
-        self.default_init_args[0] = self.proc
     def test_Todo_init(self) -> None:
         """Test creation of Todo and what they default to."""
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 52cc66e..a03de94 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -20,50 +20,65 @@ from plomtask.versioned_attributes import VersionedAttribute, TIMESTAMP_FMT
 from plomtask.exceptions import NotFoundException, HandledException
-def _within_checked_class(f: Callable[..., None]) -> Callable[..., None]:
-    def wrapper(self: TestCase) -> None:
-        if hasattr(self, 'checked_class'):
-            f(self)
-    return wrapper
+VERSIONED_VALS: dict[str,
+                     list[str] | list[float]] = {'str': ['A', 'B'],
+                                                 'float': [0.3, 1.1]}
-vals_str: list[Any] = ['A', 'B']
-vals_float: list[Any] = [0.3, 1.1]
-class TestCaseSansDB(TestCase):
-    """Tests requiring no DB setup."""
+class TestCaseAugmented(TestCase):
+    """Tester core providing helpful basic internal decorators and methods."""
     checked_class: Any
-    default_init_args: list[Any] = []
-    versioned_defaults_to_test: dict[str, str | float] = {}
-    legal_ids = [1, 5]
-    illegal_ids = [0]
+    default_init_kwargs: dict[str, Any] = {}
-    def _for_versioned_attr(f: Callable[..., None]) -> Callable[..., None]:
-        def wrapper(self: TestCaseSansDB) -> None:
-            owner = self.checked_class(self.legal_ids[0],
-                                       *self.default_init_args)
-            for attr_name, default in self.versioned_defaults_to_test.items():
-                to_set = vals_str if isinstance(default, str) else vals_float
+    def _within_checked_class(f: Callable[..., None]) -> Callable[..., None]:
+        def wrapper(self: TestCase) -> None:
+            if hasattr(self, 'checked_class'):
+                f(self)
+        return wrapper
+    @classmethod
+    def _on_versioned_attributes(cls,
+                                 f: Callable[..., None]
+                                 ) -> Callable[..., None]:
+        @cls._within_checked_class
+        def wrapper(self: TestCase) -> None:
+            assert isinstance(self, TestCaseAugmented)
+            for attr_name in self.checked_class.to_save_versioned():
+                default = self.checked_class.versioned_defaults[attr_name]
+                owner = self.checked_class(None, **self.default_init_kwargs)
                 attr = getattr(owner, attr_name)
-                f(self, attr, default, to_set)
+                to_set = VERSIONED_VALS[attr.value_type_name]
+                f(self, owner, attr_name, attr, default, to_set)
         return wrapper
-    @_within_checked_class
+    @classmethod
+    def _make_from_defaults(cls, id_: float | str | None) -> Any:
+        return cls.checked_class(id_, **cls.default_init_kwargs)
+class TestCaseSansDB(TestCaseAugmented):
+    """Tests requiring no DB setup."""
+    legal_ids = [1, 5]
+    illegal_ids = [0]
+    @TestCaseAugmented._within_checked_class
     def test_id_validation(self) -> None:
         """Test .id_ validation/setting."""
         for id_ in self.illegal_ids:
             with self.assertRaises(HandledException):
-                self.checked_class(id_, *self.default_init_args)
+                self._make_from_defaults(id_)
         for id_ in self.legal_ids:
-            obj = self.checked_class(id_, *self.default_init_args)
+            obj = self._make_from_defaults(id_)
             self.assertEqual(obj.id_, id_)
-    @_within_checked_class
-    @_for_versioned_attr
-    def test_versioned_set(self, attr: VersionedAttribute,
-                           default: str | float, to_set: list[str | float]
+    @TestCaseAugmented._on_versioned_attributes
+    def test_versioned_set(self,
+                           _: Any,
+                           __: str,
+                           attr: VersionedAttribute,
+                           default: str | float,
+                           to_set: list[str | float]
                            ) -> None:
         """Test VersionedAttribute.set() behaves as expected."""
@@ -76,27 +91,33 @@ class TestCaseSansDB(TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(list(attr.history.keys())[0], timestamp)
         # check that different value _will_ be set/added
-        timesorted_vals = [attr.history[t] for t in attr.history.keys()]
+        timesorted_vals = [attr.history[t] for
+                           t in sorted(attr.history.keys())]
         expected = [default, to_set[0]]
         self.assertEqual(timesorted_vals, expected)
         # check that a previously used value can be set if not most recent
-        timesorted_vals = [attr.history[t] for t in attr.history.keys()]
+        timesorted_vals = [attr.history[t] for
+                           t in sorted(attr.history.keys())]
         expected = [default, to_set[0], default]
         self.assertEqual(timesorted_vals, expected)
         # again check for same value not being set twice in a row, even for
         # later items
-        timesorted_vals = [attr.history[t] for t in attr.history.keys()]
+        timesorted_vals = [attr.history[t] for
+                           t in sorted(attr.history.keys())]
         expected = [default, to_set[0], default, to_set[1]]
         self.assertEqual(timesorted_vals, expected)
         self.assertEqual(timesorted_vals, expected)
-    @_within_checked_class
-    @_for_versioned_attr
-    def test_versioned_newest(self, attr: VersionedAttribute,
-                              default: str | float, to_set: list[str | float]
+    @TestCaseAugmented._on_versioned_attributes
+    def test_versioned_newest(self,
+                              _: Any,
+                              __: str,
+                              attr: VersionedAttribute,
+                              default: str | float,
+                              to_set: list[str | float]
                               ) -> None:
         """Test VersionedAttribute.newest."""
         # check .newest on empty history returns .default
@@ -109,10 +130,14 @@ class TestCaseSansDB(TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(attr.newest, default)
-    @_within_checked_class
-    @_for_versioned_attr
-    def test_versioned_at(self, attr: VersionedAttribute, default: str | float,
-                          to_set: list[str | float]) -> None:
+    @TestCaseAugmented._on_versioned_attributes
+    def test_versioned_at(self,
+                          _: Any,
+                          __: str,
+                          attr: VersionedAttribute,
+                          default: str | float,
+                          to_set: list[str | float]
+                          ) -> None:
         """Test .at() returns values nearest to queried time, or default."""
         # check .at() return default on empty history
         timestamp_a =
@@ -136,12 +161,9 @@ class TestCaseSansDB(TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(, to_set[1])
-class TestCaseWithDB(TestCase):
+class TestCaseWithDB(TestCaseAugmented):
     """Module tests not requiring DB setup."""
-    checked_class: Any
     default_ids: tuple[int | str, int | str, int | str] = (1, 2, 3)
-    default_init_kwargs: dict[str, Any] = {}
-    test_versioneds: dict[str, type] = {}
     def setUp(self) -> None:
@@ -156,18 +178,6 @@ class TestCaseWithDB(TestCase):
-    @staticmethod
-    def _for_versioned_attr(f: Callable[..., None]) -> Callable[..., None]:
-        def wrapper(self: TestCaseWithDB) -> None:
-            for attr_name, type_ in self.test_versioneds.items():
-                owner = self.checked_class(None, **self.default_init_kwargs)
-                to_set = vals_str if str == type_ else vals_float
-                attr = getattr(owner, attr_name)
-                attr.set(to_set[0])
-                attr.set(to_set[1])
-                f(self, owner, attr_name, attr, to_set)
-        return wrapper
     def _load_from_db(self, id_: int | str) -> list[object]:
         db_found: list[object] = []
         for row in self.db_conn.row_where(self.checked_class.table_name,
@@ -177,7 +187,7 @@ class TestCaseWithDB(TestCase):
         return db_found
     def _change_obj(self, obj: object) -> str:
-        attr_name: str = self.checked_class.to_save[-1]
+        attr_name: str = self.checked_class.to_save_simples[-1]
         attr = getattr(obj, attr_name)
         new_attr: str | int | float | bool
         if isinstance(attr, (int, float)):
@@ -203,11 +213,13 @@ class TestCaseWithDB(TestCase):
         hashes_db_found = [hash(x) for x in db_found]
         self.assertEqual(sorted(hashes_content), sorted(hashes_db_found))
-    @_within_checked_class
-    @_for_versioned_attr
-    def test_saving_versioned_attributes(self, owner: Any, attr_name: str,
+    @TestCaseAugmented._on_versioned_attributes
+    def test_saving_versioned_attributes(self,
+                                         owner: Any,
+                                         attr_name: str,
                                          attr: VersionedAttribute,
-                                         vals: list[str | float]
+                                         _: str | float,
+                                         to_set: list[str | float]
                                          ) -> None:
         """Test storage and initialization of versioned attributes."""
@@ -218,6 +230,7 @@ class TestCaseWithDB(TestCase):
                 attr_vals_saved += [row[2]]
             return attr_vals_saved
+        attr.set(to_set[0])
         # check that without no rows in DB
         rows = self.db_conn.row_where(attr.table_name, 'parent', owner.id_)
         self.assertEqual([], rows)
@@ -227,30 +240,31 @@ class TestCaseWithDB(TestCase):
         # check created entries as expected in attr table
         attr_vals_saved = retrieve_attr_vals(attr)
-        self.assertEqual(vals, attr_vals_saved)
+        self.assertEqual([to_set[0]], attr_vals_saved)
         # check changing attr val without save affects owner in memory …
-        attr.set(vals[0])
+        attr.set(to_set[1])
         cmp_attr = getattr(owner, attr_name)
+        self.assertEqual(to_set, list(cmp_attr.history.values()))
         self.assertEqual(cmp_attr.history, attr.history)
         # … but does not yet affect DB
         attr_vals_saved = retrieve_attr_vals(attr)
-        self.assertEqual(vals, attr_vals_saved)
+        self.assertEqual([to_set[0]], attr_vals_saved)
         # check individual also stores new val to DB
         attr_vals_saved = retrieve_attr_vals(attr)
-        self.assertEqual(vals + [vals[0]], attr_vals_saved)
+        self.assertEqual(to_set, attr_vals_saved)
-    @_within_checked_class
+    @TestCaseAugmented._within_checked_class
     def test_saving_and_caching(self) -> None:
         """Test effects of .cache() and .save()."""
         id1 = self.default_ids[0]
         # check failure to cache without ID (if None-ID input possible)
         if isinstance(id1, int):
-            obj0 = self.checked_class(None, **self.default_init_kwargs)
+            obj0 = self._make_from_defaults(None)
             with self.assertRaises(HandledException):
         # check mere object init itself doesn't even store in cache
-        obj1 = self.checked_class(id1, **self.default_init_kwargs)
+        obj1 = self._make_from_defaults(id1)
         self.assertEqual(self.checked_class.get_cache(), {})
         # check .cache() fills cache, but not DB
@@ -262,7 +276,7 @@ class TestCaseWithDB(TestCase):
         # it's generated by cursor.lastrowid on the DB table, and with obj1
         # not written there, obj2 should get it first!)
         id_input = None if isinstance(id1, int) else id1
-        obj2 = self.checked_class(id_input, **self.default_init_kwargs)
+        obj2 = self._make_from_defaults(id_input)
         self.assertEqual(self.checked_class.get_cache(), {id1: obj2})
         # NB: we'll only compare hashes because obj2 itself disappears on
@@ -275,23 +289,23 @@ class TestCaseWithDB(TestCase):
         with self.assertRaises(HandledException):
-    @_within_checked_class
+    @TestCaseAugmented._within_checked_class
     def test_by_id(self) -> None:
         """Test .by_id()."""
         id1, id2, _ = self.default_ids
         # check failure if not yet saved
-        obj1 = self.checked_class(id1, **self.default_init_kwargs)
+        obj1 = self._make_from_defaults(id1)
         with self.assertRaises(NotFoundException):
             self.checked_class.by_id(self.db_conn, id1)
         # check identity of cached and retrieved
         self.assertEqual(obj1, self.checked_class.by_id(self.db_conn, id1))
         # check identity of saved and retrieved
-        obj2 = self.checked_class(id2, **self.default_init_kwargs)
+        obj2 = self._make_from_defaults(id2)
         self.assertEqual(obj2, self.checked_class.by_id(self.db_conn, id2))
-    @_within_checked_class
+    @TestCaseAugmented._within_checked_class
     def test_by_id_or_create(self) -> None:
         """Test .by_id_or_create."""
         # check .by_id_or_create fails if wrong class
@@ -314,11 +328,11 @@ class TestCaseWithDB(TestCase):
             self.checked_class.by_id(self.db_conn, item.id_)
         self.assertEqual(self.checked_class(item.id_), item)
-    @_within_checked_class
+    @TestCaseAugmented._within_checked_class
     def test_from_table_row(self) -> None:
         """Test .from_table_row() properly reads in class directly from DB."""
         id_ = self.default_ids[0]
-        obj = self.checked_class(id_, **self.default_init_kwargs)
+        obj = self._make_from_defaults(id_)
         assert isinstance(obj.id_, type(id_))
         for row in self.db_conn.row_where(self.checked_class.table_name,
@@ -338,23 +352,21 @@ class TestCaseWithDB(TestCase):
             self.assertEqual({retrieved.id_: retrieved},
-    @_within_checked_class
-    @_for_versioned_attr
-    def test_versioned_history_from_row(self, owner: Any, _: str,
+    @TestCaseAugmented._on_versioned_attributes
+    def test_versioned_history_from_row(self,
+                                        owner: Any,
+                                        _: str,
                                         attr: VersionedAttribute,
-                                        vals: list[str | float]
+                                        default: str | float,
+                                        to_set: list[str | float]
                                         ) -> None:
         """"Test VersionedAttribute.history_from_row() knows its DB rows."""
-        vals += [vals[1] * 2]
-        attr.set(vals[2])
-        attr.set(vals[1])
-        attr.set(vals[2])
+        attr.set(to_set[0])
+        attr.set(to_set[1])
         # make empty VersionedAttribute, fill from rows, compare to owner's
-        for row in self.db_conn.row_where(owner.table_name, 'id',
-                                          owner.id_):
-            loaded_attr = VersionedAttribute(owner, attr.table_name,
-                                             attr.default)
+        for row in self.db_conn.row_where(owner.table_name, 'id', owner.id_):
+            loaded_attr = VersionedAttribute(owner, attr.table_name, default)
             for row in self.db_conn.row_where(attr.table_name, 'parent',
@@ -363,13 +375,13 @@ class TestCaseWithDB(TestCase):
             for timestamp, value in attr.history.items():
                 self.assertEqual(value, loaded_attr.history[timestamp])
-    @_within_checked_class
+    @TestCaseAugmented._within_checked_class
     def test_all(self) -> None:
         """Test .all() and its relation to cache and savings."""
-        id_1, id_2, id_3 = self.default_ids
-        item1 = self.checked_class(id_1, **self.default_init_kwargs)
-        item2 = self.checked_class(id_2, **self.default_init_kwargs)
-        item3 = self.checked_class(id_3, **self.default_init_kwargs)
+        id1, id2, id3 = self.default_ids
+        item1 = self._make_from_defaults(id1)
+        item2 = self._make_from_defaults(id2)
+        item3 = self._make_from_defaults(id3)
         # check .all() returns empty list on un-cached items
         self.assertEqual(self.checked_class.all(self.db_conn), [])
         # check that all() shows only cached/saved items
@@ -381,11 +393,11 @@ class TestCaseWithDB(TestCase):
                          sorted([item1, item2, item3]))
-    @_within_checked_class
+    @TestCaseAugmented._within_checked_class
     def test_singularity(self) -> None:
         """Test pointers made for single object keep pointing to it."""
         id1 = self.default_ids[0]
-        obj = self.checked_class(id1, **self.default_init_kwargs)
+        obj = self._make_from_defaults(id1)
         # change object, expect retrieved through .by_id to carry change
         attr_name = self._change_obj(obj)
@@ -393,25 +405,27 @@ class TestCaseWithDB(TestCase):
         retrieved = self.checked_class.by_id(self.db_conn, id1)
         self.assertEqual(new_attr, getattr(retrieved, attr_name))
-    @_within_checked_class
-    @_for_versioned_attr
-    def test_versioned_singularity(self, owner: Any, attr_name: str,
+    @TestCaseAugmented._on_versioned_attributes
+    def test_versioned_singularity(self,
+                                   owner: Any,
+                                   attr_name: str,
                                    attr: VersionedAttribute,
-                                   vals: list[str | float]
+                                   _: str | float,
+                                   to_set: list[str | float]
                                    ) -> None:
         """Test singularity of VersionedAttributes on saving."""
         # change obj, expect retrieved through .by_id to carry change
-        attr.set(vals[0])
+        attr.set(to_set[0])
         retrieved = self.checked_class.by_id(self.db_conn, owner.id_)
         attr_retrieved = getattr(retrieved, attr_name)
         self.assertEqual(attr.history, attr_retrieved.history)
-    @_within_checked_class
+    @TestCaseAugmented._within_checked_class
     def test_remove(self) -> None:
         """Test .remove() effects on DB and cache."""
         id_ = self.default_ids[0]
-        obj = self.checked_class(id_, **self.default_init_kwargs)
+        obj = self._make_from_defaults(id_)
         # check removal only works after saving
         with self.assertRaises(HandledException):