From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Thu, 23 May 2013 10:04:49 +0000 (+0200)
Subject: Moved keybindings manipulation stuff into its own library.
X-Git-Tag: tce~1280

Moved keybindings manipulation stuff into its own library.

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 5b7f7d9..72e9113 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
 	cc -Wall -g -o windows.o -c windows.c
 	cc -Wall -g -o draw_wins.o -c draw_wins.c
+	cc -Wall -g -o keybindings.o -c keybindings.c
 	cc -Wall -g -o roguelike.o -c roguelike.c
-	cc -Wall -g -o roguelike windows.o draw_wins.o roguelike.o -lncurses
+	cc -Wall -g -o roguelike windows.o draw_wins.o keybindings.o roguelike.o -lncurses
 	rm *.o; rm roguelike
diff --git a/draw_wins.c b/draw_wins.c
index 3eaf491..9b09593 100644
--- a/draw_wins.c
+++ b/draw_wins.c
@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
 #include <string.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include "windows.h"
+#include "draw_wins.h"
 #include "roguelike.h"
+#include "keybindings.h"
 void draw_with_linebreaks (struct Win * win, char * text, int start_y) {
 // Write text into window content space. Start on row start_y. Fill unused rows with whitespace.
diff --git a/keybindings.c b/keybindings.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1906d1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keybindings.c
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+#include <ncurses.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "roguelike.h"
+#include "keybindings.h"
+void init_keybindings(struct World * world) {
+// Initialize keybindings from file "keybindings".
+  FILE * file = fopen("keybindings", "r");
+  int lines = 0;
+  int c = 0;
+  int linemax = 0;
+  int c_count = 0;
+  while (EOF != c) {
+    c_count++;
+    c = getc(file);
+    if ('\n' == c) {
+      if (c_count > linemax)
+        linemax = c_count + 1;
+      c_count = 0;
+      lines++; } }
+  struct KeyBinding * keybindings = malloc(lines * sizeof(struct KeyBinding));
+  fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET);
+  char * command = malloc(linemax);
+  int commcount = 0;
+  char * cmdptr;
+  while (fgets(command, linemax, file)) {
+    keybindings[commcount].key = atoi(command);
+    cmdptr = strchr(command, ' ') + 1;
+    keybindings[commcount].name = malloc(strlen(cmdptr));
+    memcpy(keybindings[commcount].name, cmdptr, strlen(cmdptr) - 1);
+    keybindings[commcount].name[strlen(cmdptr) - 1] = '\0';
+    commcount++; }
+  free(command);
+  fclose(file);
+  struct KeysWinData * keyswindata = malloc(sizeof(struct KeysWinData));
+  keyswindata->max = lines - 1;
+  keyswindata->select = 0;
+  keyswindata->edit = 0;
+  world->keybindings = keybindings;
+  world->keyswindata = keyswindata; }
+void save_keybindings(struct World * world) {
+// Write keybindings to keybindings file.
+  struct KeysWinData * keyswindata = (struct KeysWinData *) world->keyswindata;
+  struct KeyBinding * keybindings = world->keybindings;
+  FILE * file = fopen("keybindings", "w");
+  int linemax = 0;
+  int i;
+  for (i = 0; i <= keyswindata->max; i++)
+    if (strlen(keybindings[i].name) > linemax)
+      linemax = strlen(keybindings[i].name);
+  linemax = linemax + 6;                                // + 6 = + 3 digits + whitespace + newline + null byte
+  char * line = malloc(linemax);
+  for (i = 0; i <= keyswindata->max; i++) {
+    snprintf(line, linemax, "%d %s\n", keybindings[i].key, keybindings[i].name);
+    fwrite(line, sizeof(char), strlen(line), file); }
+  free(line);
+  fclose(file); }
+int get_action_key (struct KeyBinding * keybindings, char * name) {
+// Return key matching name in keybindings.
+  int i = 0;
+  while (strcmp(keybindings[i].name, name) )
+    i++;
+  return keybindings[i].key; }
+char * get_keyname(int keycode) {
+// Translate some keycodes to readable names of max 9 chars.
+  char * keyname;
+  keyname = malloc(15);
+  if (32 < keycode && keycode < 127)
+    sprintf(keyname, "%c", keycode);
+  else if (keycode == 9)
+    sprintf(keyname, "TAB");
+  else if (keycode == 10)
+    sprintf(keyname, "RETURN");
+  else if (keycode == 27)
+    sprintf(keyname, "ESCAPE");
+  else if (keycode == 32)
+    sprintf(keyname, "SPACE");
+  else if (keycode == KEY_UP)
+    sprintf(keyname, "UP");
+  else if (keycode == KEY_DOWN)
+    sprintf(keyname, "DOWN");
+  else if (keycode == KEY_LEFT)
+    sprintf(keyname, "LEFT");
+  else if (keycode == KEY_RIGHT)
+    sprintf(keyname, "RIGHT");
+  else if (keycode == KEY_HOME)
+    sprintf(keyname, "HOME");
+  else if (keycode == KEY_BACKSPACE)
+    sprintf(keyname, "BACKSPACE");
+  else if (keycode >= KEY_F0 && keycode <= KEY_F(63)) {
+    int f = keycode - KEY_F0;
+    sprintf(keyname, "F%d", f); }
+  else if (keycode == KEY_DC)
+    sprintf(keyname, "DELETE");
+  else if (keycode == KEY_IC)
+    sprintf(keyname, "INSERT");
+  else if (keycode == KEY_NPAGE)
+    sprintf(keyname, "NEXT PAGE");
+  else if (keycode == KEY_PPAGE)
+    sprintf(keyname, "PREV PAGE");
+  else if (keycode == KEY_END)
+    sprintf(keyname, "END");
+  else
+    sprintf(keyname, "(unknown)");
+  return keyname;  }
+void keyswin_mod_key (struct World * world, struct WinMeta * win_meta) {
+// In keybindings window, mark selection modifiable, modify key. Ensure max of three digits in key code field.
+  world->keyswindata->edit = 1;
+  draw_all_windows (win_meta);
+  int key = getch();
+  if (key < 1000)
+    world->keybindings[world->keyswindata->select].key = key;
+  world->keyswindata->edit = 0; }
+void keyswin_move_selection (struct World * world, char dir) {
+// In keybindings window, move selection upwards or downwards (if within limits of list length).
+  if ('u' == dir && world->keyswindata->select > 0)
+    world->keyswindata->select--;
+  else if ('d' == dir && world->keyswindata->select < world->keyswindata->max)
+    world->keyswindata->select++; }
diff --git a/keybindings.h b/keybindings.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3295f2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keybindings.h
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+struct KeyBinding {
+  char * name;
+  int key; };
+struct KeysWinData {
+  int max;
+  char edit;
+  int select; };
+void init_keybindings(struct World *);
+void save_keybindings(struct World *);
+int get_action_key (struct KeyBinding *, char *);
+char * get_keyname(int);
+void keyswin_mod_key (struct World *, struct WinMeta *);
+void keyswin_move_selection (struct World *, char);
diff --git a/roguelike.c b/roguelike.c
index 8235d7c..20181be 100644
--- a/roguelike.c
+++ b/roguelike.c
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 #include "windows.h"
 #include "draw_wins.h"
 #include "roguelike.h"
+#include "keybindings.h"
 void toggle_window (struct WinMeta * win_meta, struct Win * win) {
 // Toggle display of window win.
@@ -27,42 +28,6 @@ void growshrink_active_window (struct WinMeta * win_meta, char change) {
     resize_active_window (win_meta, height, width); } }
-void init_keybindings(struct World * world) {
-// Initialize keybindings from file "keybindings".
-  FILE * file = fopen("keybindings", "r");
-  int lines = 0;
-  int c = 0;
-  int linemax = 0;
-  int c_count = 0;
-  while (EOF != c) {
-    c_count++;
-    c = getc(file);
-    if ('\n' == c) {
-      if (c_count > linemax)
-        linemax = c_count + 1;
-      c_count = 0;
-      lines++; } }
-  struct KeyBinding * keybindings = malloc(lines * sizeof(struct KeyBinding));
-  fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET);
-  char * command = malloc(linemax);
-  int commcount = 0;
-  char * cmdptr;
-  while (fgets(command, linemax, file)) {
-    keybindings[commcount].key = atoi(command);
-    cmdptr = strchr(command, ' ') + 1;
-    keybindings[commcount].name = malloc(strlen(cmdptr));
-    memcpy(keybindings[commcount].name, cmdptr, strlen(cmdptr) - 1);
-    keybindings[commcount].name[strlen(cmdptr) - 1] = '\0';
-    commcount++; }
-  free(command);
-  fclose(file);
-  struct KeysWinData * keyswindata = malloc(sizeof(struct KeysWinData));
-  keyswindata->max = lines - 1;
-  keyswindata->select = 0;
-  keyswindata->edit = 0;
-  world->keybindings = keybindings;
-  world->keyswindata = keyswindata; }
 struct Map init_map () {
 // Initialize map with some experimental start values.
   struct Map map;
@@ -128,90 +93,6 @@ void update_log (struct World * world, char * text) {
   world->log = new_text; }
-void save_keybindings(struct World * world) {
-// Write keybindings to keybindings file.
-  struct KeysWinData * keyswindata = (struct KeysWinData *) world->keyswindata;
-  struct KeyBinding * keybindings = world->keybindings;
-  FILE * file = fopen("keybindings", "w");
-  int linemax = 0;
-  int i;
-  for (i = 0; i <= keyswindata->max; i++)
-    if (strlen(keybindings[i].name) > linemax)
-      linemax = strlen(keybindings[i].name);
-  linemax = linemax + 6;                                // + 6 = + 3 digits + whitespace + newline + null byte
-  char * line = malloc(linemax);
-  for (i = 0; i <= keyswindata->max; i++) {
-    snprintf(line, linemax, "%d %s\n", keybindings[i].key, keybindings[i].name);
-    fwrite(line, sizeof(char), strlen(line), file); }
-  free(line);
-  fclose(file); }
-int get_action_key (struct KeyBinding * keybindings, char * name) {
-// Return key matching name in keybindings.
-  int i = 0;
-  while (strcmp(keybindings[i].name, name) )
-    i++;
-  return keybindings[i].key; }
-char * get_keyname(int keycode) {
-// Translate some keycodes to readable names of max 9 chars.
-  char * keyname;
-  keyname = malloc(15);
-  if (32 < keycode && keycode < 127)
-    sprintf(keyname, "%c", keycode);
-  else if (keycode == 9)
-    sprintf(keyname, "TAB");
-  else if (keycode == 10)
-    sprintf(keyname, "RETURN");
-  else if (keycode == 27)
-    sprintf(keyname, "ESCAPE");
-  else if (keycode == 32)
-    sprintf(keyname, "SPACE");
-  else if (keycode == KEY_UP)
-    sprintf(keyname, "UP");
-  else if (keycode == KEY_DOWN)
-    sprintf(keyname, "DOWN");
-  else if (keycode == KEY_LEFT)
-    sprintf(keyname, "LEFT");
-  else if (keycode == KEY_RIGHT)
-    sprintf(keyname, "RIGHT");
-  else if (keycode == KEY_HOME)
-    sprintf(keyname, "HOME");
-  else if (keycode == KEY_BACKSPACE)
-    sprintf(keyname, "BACKSPACE");
-  else if (keycode >= KEY_F0 && keycode <= KEY_F(63)) {
-    int f = keycode - KEY_F0;
-    sprintf(keyname, "F%d", f); }
-  else if (keycode == KEY_DC)
-    sprintf(keyname, "DELETE");
-  else if (keycode == KEY_IC)
-    sprintf(keyname, "INSERT");
-  else if (keycode == KEY_NPAGE)
-    sprintf(keyname, "NEXT PAGE");
-  else if (keycode == KEY_PPAGE)
-    sprintf(keyname, "PREV PAGE");
-  else if (keycode == KEY_END)
-    sprintf(keyname, "END");
-  else
-    sprintf(keyname, "(unknown)");
-  return keyname;  }
-void keyswin_mod_key (struct World * world, struct WinMeta * win_meta) {
-// In keybindings window, mark selection modifiable, modify key. Ensure max of three digits in key code field.
-  world->keyswindata->edit = 1;
-  draw_all_windows (win_meta);
-  int key = getch();
-  if (key < 1000)
-    world->keybindings[world->keyswindata->select].key = key;
-  world->keyswindata->edit = 0; }
-void keyswin_move_selection (struct World * world, char dir) {
-// In keybindings window, move selection upwards or downwards (if within limits of list length).
-  if ('u' == dir && world->keyswindata->select > 0)
-    world->keyswindata->select--;
-  else if ('d' == dir && world->keyswindata->select < world->keyswindata->max)
-    world->keyswindata->select++; }
 char is_passable (struct World * world, int x, int y) {
 // Check if coordinate on (or beyond) map is accessible to movement.
   char passable = 0;
diff --git a/roguelike.h b/roguelike.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da80489
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roguelike.h
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+struct World {
+  struct KeyBinding * keybindings;
+  struct KeysWinData * keyswindata;
+  int turn;
+  char * log;
+  struct Map * map;
+  struct Monster * monster;
+  struct Player * player; };
+struct Map {
+  int width;
+  int height;
+  int offset_x;
+  int offset_y;
+  char * cells; };
+struct Player {
+  int y;
+  int x; };
+struct Monster {
+  int y;
+  int x; };
+void toggle_window (struct WinMeta *, struct Win *);
+void growshrink_active_window (struct WinMeta *, char);
+struct Map init_map ();
+void map_scroll (struct Map *, char);
+void next_turn (struct World *);
+void update_log (struct World *, char *);
+char is_passable (struct World *, int, int);
+void move_player (struct World *, char);
+void player_wait(struct World *);